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Why Lord Scourge, Kira, and Revan must return for KOTET.


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This does discuss minor KOTET spoilers from the recent Producer Live Stream, so you have been warned. As everyone certainly knows by now, we are going to Nathema in KOTET. For those who don't know, Nathema is a planet with a lot of history. It's not just the birth place of Valkorion and training grounds for Vaylin, it's also where Revan and Scourge meet in the Revan book and the moment Scourge realizes Valkorion is a threat to all life in the galaxy.


We also know from Charles that we will finally learn Valkorion's true motivations by the time KOTET concludes, so it only makes sense to bring back the characters who understand him the most. Revan and Scourge both spent 300 years getting to know the emperor and what makes him tick. Kira was a Child of the Emperor and was a prepared vessel for Valkorion should he ever need a new body.


All three of these characters understand how sinister and irredeemable Valkorion is. We already know many companions that were planned to return in KOTET will not be returning due to negative feedback of companion chapters in KOTFE coming across as filler. That being said, it's of the utmost importance that those companions (Scourge and Kira) with the strongest ties and history to Valkorion return with Revan making an entrance as well to at least advise the Outlander.


If KOTET fails to have Lord Scourge, Kira, and Revan mentioned or involved in some way, it will be a massive missed opportunity on BioWare's part.

Edited by Aowin
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It's not Valkorian, it's Valkorion. If that's too difficult to distinguish, use Vitiate.

Oh and I want Kephess the Undying!


It was an oversight. Calm down. Really, can we not have an actual serious conversation about this here? These three characters have to be in KOTET for obvious reasons because it would not make sense if they don't have a role. No, the Kephess joke isn't funny and hasn't been funny for a very long time.

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It was an oversight. Calm down. Really, can we not have an actual serious conversation about this here? These three characters have to be in KOTET for obvious reasons because it would not make sense if they don't have a role. No, the Kephess joke isn't funny and hasn't been funny for a very long time.


It's a common oversight which annoys me lot, nothing personal. Kephess will be always funny.

To add smthg constructive: Revan is done. Let him rest already. Scourge MUST show up though. It was strange enough he didn't matter in SoR, but kinda understandable since he was JK exclusive then. But things changed. He is the only one the Emperor ever trusted enough to give him immortality and let him know his true body's location. As for Kira, she was just one of the Emperor's Children, far less important than the First Son. What makes her interesting is that she expelled Vitiate with a Wall of Light, something not even HoT could do. She's clearly the most powerful companion with strong ties to the real villain, so I expect her to show up.

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What do you want to discuss? Leave Revan finally alone. Don't return him. Ever.


Shadow of Revan was a mistake. It didn't make any sense and in many ways it ruined the Revan character. That being said, going to Nathema is intrinsically tied to Revan as he has a history with this planet. He has been to it more than once and Revan absolutely needs a role to tie up these loose ends. I'm not suggesting the entire story needs to be about Revan. What I am stating is he needs some involvement as does Scourge and Kira.

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Shadow of Revan was a mistake. It didn't make any sense and in many ways it ruined the Revan character. That being said, going to Nathema is intrinsically tied to Revan as he has a history with this planet. He has been to it more than once and Revan absolutely needs a role to tie up these loose ends. I'm not suggesting the entire story needs to be about Revan. What I am stating is he needs some involvement as does Scourge and Kira.

No, he doesn't. Bringing him back was one of the biggest mistakes in the story of SW:TOR. If SW>TOR cannot go without resurrecting then they should start thinking about hiring better writers.

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To add smthg constructive: Revan is done. Let him rest already. Scourge MUST show up though. It was strange enough he didn't matter in SoR, but kinda understandable since he was JK exclusive then. But things changed. He is the only one the Emperor ever trusted enough to give him immortality and let him know his true body's location. As for Kira, she was just one of the Emperor's Children, far less important than the First Son. What makes her interesting is that she expelled Vitiate with a Wall of Light, something not even HoT could do. She's clearly the most powerful companion with strong ties to the real villain, so I expect her to show up.


Based on his remarks at the end of Shadow of Revan, it was strongly suggested that Revan was not done (it's also worth mentioning Drew Karpyshyn is back at BioWare and helped write KOTET). Again, I don't want Revan to constantly return to TOR just so BioWare can capitalize off the character. I only want Revan to return because he's relevant to the story and it would only make sense based on the Revan book.


It was odd Scourge was not present in KOTFE. That being said, now that we are going to Nathema, Scourge absolutely must be involved in KOTET. If he is one of the companions not returning, BioWare really isn't keeping track of its various stories and characters very well that have relevancy.


Kira is arguably less important, but she has a deep tie to the emperor as well. Your remark about her being able to overcome Valkorion's domination is also an important point as it could be useful for helping the Outlander dispel Valkorion from his/her mind.


Depending on how BioWare ends up concluding this, I could see all three characters providing necessary insight to the Outlander in order to completely overcome and defeat Valkorion.

Edited by Aowin
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I believe Revan story was concluded. He found balance and become one with the Force. If he decides to show up again, it should be in the very end just to say "thanks".


But I believe Lord Scourge may be the "Old Ally". He is cunning, powerful, lived for hundred of years and knows the Emperor best than any other character (as much as someone can really know his motivations). He is important and I hope to see him back bringing some knowledge that will help us to finally defeat the Emperor.

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I'm one of those people who wants to eventually get ALL the vanilla companions back through the story and Scourge is a personal favourite



who has promised to raise my JK's spawn to be Sith



but I'd honestly rather they give Theron a larger/more visible role in the story than have them resurrect Revan again. After 300 years the man has earned his rest imo. Let his descendants carry that weight going forward.

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I am fully on board with Kira and Lord Scourge returning for the reasons you laid out and have often said the same myself.


Revan however I feel is finally done and needs to just be left wherever he is today. Yes he could provide insight and such but given the time Scourge and Revan spent together and the time Scourge spent serving Vitiate/Valkorion, the role of advisor can (and in the original JK story Arc) and has been filled by Lord Scourge. You wouldn't need both of them so in my eyes, Kira and Scourge are sufficient enough without digging Revan up once again.

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No, he doesn't. Bringing him back was one of the biggest mistakes in the story of SW:TOR. If SW>TOR cannot go without resurrecting then they should start thinking about hiring better writers.


I'm with this guy ! Revan should've stayed genderless in Kotor 1 .


What they did..suck !


And I don't wanna see his ugly mug and personality ever again . He is so boriing .


They took someone awesome and smashed him into a lame Pasta . and no , I do not care how much of a past he has with the Z'Empror . The Z'Empror lived for a long time , so what ? Let's do a Jerry Springer reunion and bring all those who may still be alive..cose they have a past with him ?


So my answer is No . Leave Revan to the dust .

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Depending on how BioWare ends up concluding this, I could see all three characters providing necessary insight to the Outlander in order to completely overcome and defeat Valkorion.


So you don't believe the Outlander is lame enough ? we need more hand holding ?


I don't care about Kira coming back . But Scourge has to come back..so I can kill him finally .

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I believe Revan story was concluded. He found balance and become one with the Force. If he decides to show up again, it should be in the very end just to say "thanks".


But I believe Lord Scourge may be the "Old Ally". He is cunning, powerful, lived for hundred of years and knows the Emperor best than any other character (as much as someone can really know his motivations). He is important and I hope to see him back bringing some knowledge that will help us to finally defeat the Emperor.


Well, everybody knows that there really is no death in Star Wars, particularly with Jedi. I'm not suggesting Revan needs a large role, but being somewhat involved would make sense and maintains the integrity and legitimacy of the story.


The chapters only give an indication of two companions, one new and another old. It's possible this suggested ally is Scourge, but there isn't enough detail to be sure. I do think it's incredibly likely that it could be either Scourge or Kira because the JK has only had two companions return (T7 and Rusk).

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I am fully on board with Kira and Lord Scourge returning for the reasons you laid out and have often said the same myself.


Revan however I feel is finally done and needs to just be left wherever he is today. Yes he could provide insight and such but given the time Scourge and Revan spent together and the time Scourge spent serving Vitiate/Valkorion, the role of advisor can (and in the original JK story Arc) and has been filled by Lord Scourge. You wouldn't need both of them so in my eyes, Kira and Scourge are sufficient enough without digging Revan up once again.


I just think Revan would provide an interesting foil to Scourge, as they both saw the emperor in a very different light. Both could agree that the emperor was a menace to all living things, but they have entirely different methods. Again, I think Revan's role could be very minor and I'm not suggesting he needs to defeat Valkorion or anything.


It just makes sense Revan would be involved considering Valkorion has essentially controlled Revan all of his life. This goes back even before the Revan book with the Mandalorian War and the Jedi Civil War. I just can't see Revan being entirely at peace until Valkorion is vanquished once and for all.

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At the very least, enough companions need to return to that there's balance in the classes. If one class has more returning classes than another, it's ridiculously unfair and unsatisfying from a story perspective.


I disagree with this sentiment. This is exactly what BioWare attempted to do with KOTFE, which is why we had chapters that didn't make a lot of sense and came across as filler. If companions are reintroduced, it's because they make sense for the story and move the plot forward.


All companions need to return eventually, but BioWare shouldn't jeopardize the integrity of the story just to make sure every class has an equal amount of companions returned. Based on the chapter descriptions, it looks like we'll only be receiving one old companion in KOTET. I suspect it will either be Scourge or Kira based on the fact the JK still doesn't have most of his/her companions returned and because those two are also very relevant to the story.

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This does discuss minor KOTET spoilers from the recent Producer Live Stream, so you have been warned. As everyone certainly knows by now, we are going to Nathema in KOTET. For those who don't know, Nathema is a planet with a lot of history. It's not just the birth place of Valkorion and training grounds for Vaylin, it's also where Revan and Scourge meet in the Revan book and the moment Scourge realizes Valkorion is a threat to all life in the galaxy.


We also know from Charles that we will finally learn Valkorion's true motivations by the time KOTET concludes, so it only makes sense to bring back the characters who understand him the most. Revan and Scourge both spent 300 years getting to know the emperor and what makes him tick. Kira was a Child of the Emperor and was a prepared vessel for Valkorion should he ever need a new body.


All three of these characters understand how sinister and irredeemable Valkorion is. We already know many companions that were planned to return in KOTET will not be returning due to negative feedback of companion chapters in KOTFE coming across as filler. That being said, it's of the utmost importance that those companions (Scourge and Kira) with the strongest ties and history to Valkorion return with Revan making an entrance as well to at least advise the Outlander.


If KOTET fails to have Lord Scourge, Kira, and Revan mentioned or involved in some way, it will be a massive missed opportunity on BioWare's part.


When Tenebrae (Vitiate/Valkorion) killed everyone on Mediaas (Nathema), the force was also stripped from the dead world. So how can a force apparition of Revan even exist on that world just for storyline sake? It is unlikely Tenebrae would allow it and without that there is no force connection on the planet. any force user going there is going to be cut off from the force until they leave the planet.


Scourge i can imagine will return, he knows more about the emperor than most, even more than revan may know and while Kira is a prepared vessel for the emperor, she doesn't really know much about the emperor anyway so on that i can't imagine her return is even a strong priority.

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I don't think the "Old ally" is in reference to Scourge or Kira. Judging by what Charles said, our old traditional companions (those who're yet to return) will not be coming back during KOTET CH1-CH9. More likely a blast from the past NPC who some or most of us have worked with but who was never an actual companion.
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What bugs me about him eating Ziost is that there was no indication whatsoever of how painful it should have been for Force Users to go back down there afterwards. It should have been like on Nathema where the dead planet's emptiness is trying to suck the Force out of you to try to regain some spark of life.

But there was nothing. No debuff, no suddenly doubling over in pain (like when the Rakghoul Plague makes you cough). Not even a line of dialogue about how awful post-apocalypse Ziost felt for Force Users.


If Nathema isn't excruciating painful for our characters when we get there, then there had better be an airtight explanation.

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What bugs me about him eating Ziost is that there was no indication whatsoever of how painful it should have been for Force Users to go back down there afterwards. It should have been like on Nathema where the dead planet's emptiness is trying to suck the Force out of you to try to regain some spark of life.

But there was nothing. No debuff, no suddenly doubling over in pain (like when the Rakghoul Plague makes you cough). Not even a line of dialogue about how awful post-apocalypse Ziost felt for Force Users.


If Nathema isn't excruciating painful for our characters when we get there, then there had better be an airtight explanation.


the chances are that Vitiate learned a few new tricks that taken the life from the planet but left the force on the planet intact? or the force being taken is an event that happens years after the event, sort of like a drink after the main course? and when you head to nathema during ET, it was stated by Charles that Valkorion's force power going through you will allow you have a sense of the force on the planet through him otherwise you would not be connected to the force on that dead world.


There would be a sense of an artificial disturbance that force users will find really unsettling.

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