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KOTET Story Sounds Awesome


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For those who missed the livestream: Recommendation was to do Voss Star Fortress.


Story looks great. Looks like we get to murder people who richly deserve it. Lots of em. :D But Theron... :eek: the trailer isn't looking good for Theron. please not Theron :eek:


Murder = cool

Dying while fighting for you = not cool. :p

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For those who missed the livestream: Recommendation was to do Voss Star Fortress.


Story looks great. Looks like we get to murder people who richly deserve it. Lots of em. :D But Theron... :eek: the trailer isn't looking good for Theron. please not Theron :eek:


Murder = cool

Dying while fighting for you = not cool. :p


I always thought the Voss Star Fortress had the most interesting companion back story. Would also be cool to investigate that Sith Underworld on Nar Shaadaa.


Yeah, the story looks amazing. Hopefully they can improve on the rest of it...

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from what i absorbed;


-Senya and Arcann's lives are in the hands of the outlander and the choices made.

-Those of you who want to hunt Koth for turning traitor and stealing the gravestone? you can take revenge, that implies you get the gravestone back at least.

- Heavily implied backstory elements for the emperor (at last!)

* Which will tie into Nathema and a less point on Iokath most probably

* What the emperor hopes to gain from torturing his children and sending Vaylin to Nathema.

* What the emperors current goal is about.

* What was his goals were, specifically around Ziost and Nathema.

* Finally a proper confirmation that he is Tenebrae and the one who murdered his own family.

* Hints on the eternal fleet and perhaps the Gravestone (specifically the dark shrine stuffed in the back on a lower level of the gravestone?).

- Eternal Fleet and Iokath

* (Scorpio has ties to Iokath?).

* How this influences the eternal fleet.

* (Perhaps some backstory to Scorpio?)

* Eternal Fleet background, plus sky troopers, heavy combat droids and the gravestone.

* How it all ties into the Eternal Empire.

* The motivations of Scorpio and the Gemini units.

-Return to the Sith empire and Republic, it will be key to the Outlander but not a critical part of the storyline

* (Perhaps dealing with Darth/Empress Acina?)

* (Finally confronting the manipulative warmonger Sarash?)

* Confirmed motivations on the Alliance Commander and what their goals are for these empires and how they react.

* Possible changes from within both empires.

* What the people think, if the alliance commander has popular support.

- Voss is attacked

* (How this ties into the Scions?)

* Vaylin's motivations

* What was the purpose for the attack on the voss.

* How the other empires choose to respond to the attack.


Plenty more to choose from.

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Despite all bad feelings towards the expected grinds and class changes and such, and all negativity towards KotFE (which I partly share since it definitely lacks replayability) I loved the KotFE atmosphere and expect the same from KotET. And if we really get to choose what will happen and more diverse stories to explore based on your choices it'd be great.


But somehow I am a bit careful, because once bitten...

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