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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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As a consummate rules lawyer, I have to point out that he could be using an F2P account that used a referral link to gain posting privileges in order to avoid being unable to post from his main account due to not being a sub as opposed to being banned....not that that would make him any less of a troll.


He wasn't using a f2p account for his last account as he was posting for months on end, but ill give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he was asking people for a new name and personally admitted to me he subs just to troll :rak_01:. His seven day trial period would end today in theory, but he will probably still be able to post until the 29th, so we will see...

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Does anyone here know what a ‘tracer’ round is? Realizing I am showing my age and my experience level with this question as well as outing myself as an ‘oldtimer’ who needs to leave the game; as someone who eloquently put earlier in this thread, I will explain it to those non-military types.


A tracer round is a special projectile that emits a bright red, green, blue (or some other color) flare from its tail end when fired. It is the same as a regular bullet or projectile. It can still hit and do damage, it’s just a signal projectile we as Soldiers or Soldier Leaders use to denote certain actions that need to take place in the heat of battle. For me, I used to carry a magazine full of tracers that; during an engagement, I would use to light a target up to denote a primary shift in 'The Violence of Action' when I couldn’t use communications.


For most gunners or users of weaponry, tracers denote the need to change magazines or ammunition belts. In film clips you will see brilliant 'laser like' beams of light streak toward targets. Each tracer is either followed by 3 to 5 normal rounds and at the very end of the belt you get 3 to 5 pure tracers to denote a belt change.


What’s the point you say? For every One person saying they like or dislike the upcoming CXP, you will have 3 to 5 in the silent majority or minority. You can draw your own conclusions as to what the community feeling is based on that math.


So, Hi…since this is my final post and feel free to look at my profile to see how much I have posted in the past or my longevity; I am here to state my piece. No math, no citations, just the ramblings of someone who invested an enormous amount of time and money into this game and prepares to leave. If you don’t want to read, pass it on by. It’s a free country, at least in MY country.


So yea, I’m old. I’ve been around a while. I started with MMOs when they weren’t called MMOs and were played on BBS servers in the early 80’s over a 2400 baud modem. A little game called ‘Trade Wars’ that ran 24/7. I have played a bunch of MMOs in between, Invested heavily in Sony in the early days of SWG and was on Alpha and Beta for that game, leaving like the rest when Pre-CU, CU and the NGE struck. It was a huge blow to us veterans who were supporting the game as ‘Fanboi’s’ through thick and thin. Sure the game went on, but it was never the same after that, in both content and population. Regardless of what you think of us ‘oldtimers’ or veterans, we all need one another to keep the game alive. Once you reach a certain point where you are shutting out complete sections of your player base by killing one, two or even three facets of the game; you have just crossed a point of no return.


MMOs all use RNG as some portion of the game. The ‘Random Number Generator’ is factored into every game, every engagement. All computer programs are a collection of numbers, with some sort of randomness thrown in. Your job as a player is to minimize the chance that ‘randomness’ plays a factor in your engagement. It’s what PvEers do with progression to get the gear in order to decrease the effect of RNG on engagements. “My numbers are higher than yours, I win”. PvP is the same thing “I hit you harder than you can defend for, I win”. For those of you who are insulted by this very basic diatribe I apologize. Like I said, this is my fifteen minutes.


In every single game I have played where RNG plays a factor in gearing and affects the ability for you as a player or consumer to minimize the effect of RNG on your engagements; it has failed miserably. No one likes it and it is meant to string you along in hopes that ‘someday’ you will be able to minimize those numbers and kill the target you have been after; in hopes of some bigger and better reward.


The road has been long in not just SWTOR but games in general. Having been Hardcore in other games to Casual as an RPer in this game. I have done the whole gambit. SWTOR was the first game I invested everything in with a guild that literally DID everything. I wanted that experience to be able to play various characters and if I wanted, gear them to run Ops, HMs, PvP…whatever. To be able to assist my guild with whatever they needed. A healer, a Tank…maybe a DPS here or there; and DO IT casually. Some people I talk to don’t really understand when I say Hardcore or Progression. Even in SWTOR I laugh to myself at some of the guilds that have Revan first achievements and then ask them how they got to it. It is a far cry from Molten Core 64 mans, the piss bottle by the side of your computer, locked in for six hours only to make it halfway through and continue the next day.


I am not laughing at them or their investment to achieve that goal, I am laughing at how far MMOs have come in general in allowing teams to achieve those goals. No one is downplaying their achievements more than they are in some cases, a lot of those guys have run with me in WoW or other games and they laugh right along side of me at how much easier SWTOR has been to them. It took nearly a year in one case to get to one goal in WoW. It took nearly two years in EQ2. It wasn’t just the player skill, it was a lot of factors that all add up to your investment. It’s why the term ‘Hardcore’ was pinned to them. They literally dropped their lives to do what the team needed to do and some people prefer that style of play. SWTOR was well rounded enough that you could have your cake and eat it too, Progression, PvP, HM FPs…anything. I will miss that.


Another point I am making is, everyone has their own investment in the game. An MMO has to have something for everyone to keep people playing. Old content or not, it’s Star Wars, we have PvP if we didn’t want to do that. HMs if the trolls in PvP were on. RP if I wanted to advance my story with some guildmates. Like someone else said and I am paraphrasing here because I am hearing it in my own words. “C’mon guys…this is M***** F****** Star Wars!!! We deserve better.”


The cutting point for me came when I learned that they are going to offer boosts in the cartel market to make the new grind, less ‘grindy’. Ok, so let me get this straight? You are going to make me sub to get the benefit of gearing up my characters in order to play with my guild in…well, anything. Then you are going to make me BUY boosts to quickly gear my ONE toon for progression for PvP or HM FPs for…anything, in order to make it less ‘grindy’.


Not even RP can keep anyone here for that.


I totally expect to get flamed. I totally expect to get things like, “Leave” or “Stop Playing” or “Your Old, go away” And that’s cool. Keep it coming. I am speaking from the heart when I say I appreciate everything SWTOR has given me. It gave me a brilliant vibrant world to write and do fan art in. It gave me a set of friends I have had some really good times with in-game. It gave me a much needed distraction from the ugliness that was the REAL world from time to time. I have no regrets for the literal thousands of dollars I have spent over the course of five years. I am going to keep on doing my thing with writing and fan art, I am taking all of that with me.


Like the divisive political campaign we just went through, the time has come to vote. And the only way you can vote in this case, when you are pushed against the wall is with your wallet. 5.0 is the kind of radical change that reminds me of Smedley and Sony Inc. concerning SWG. We left then and we are going to leave now. And if that was the objective, then well met.


Everything dies. I remember seeing that in a post earlier in this thread and while that’s true we can all scream and throw tantrums that something we so care about is being ripped away from us. They are banking on investment, but it’s not even well rounded enough to allow for going from one part of the game to another anymore. But, money talks, the casuals (like me) have spoken apparently.


Another good quote I saw earlier was, “Why is it necessary to express ‘volatile rage’…?” I will tell you why, because of that said ‘investment’. Some of us are more invested than others and the ones not as invested have won the game. MMOs are about people, playing with people, running things or just sitting in Discord and laughing about stuff. Those advocating for this CXP are the ones with NO investment and you will play this as well as your fifteen different games downloaded on your smart phone, three or four more MMOs on the side, maybe a couple of RPGs on console or on Steam. Those with no investment don’t last. And those of you advocating for us ‘oldtimers’, Raiders, PvPers, PvE FP aces and Heroic Runners to leave; you are ripping the floor right out from under yourselves. You need us, all of us. To alienate any part of your gamer base is death to an MMO. But what am I saying, you HAVE NO investment so you don't care if the game dies or not?!?!


CXP alienates all of the above...


RNG, after being allowed to experience so many parts of the game unfettered is the death nail of SWTOR. I, for one am sad to see it go this route.

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My first account.


I pay for forum access to defend this game against people like you. People like you who ruined this game for me in the first place. It's a damn shame that this game has been made unplayable by people like you because it's such an awesome game.


Whoa a true forum warrior with two (?) accounts. A genuine defender. :p

Maybe you should make friends with Andriah or whatever his (her?) name is. :p

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Patch 1.2


Tracer Missile and Fusion Missile's animations have been exchanged by popular demand from the community.


Do your homework.


Now if only we can get them to change the RNG gearing for command ranks we can get back on a positive note.


There isn't anything good for the gamer coming with RNG gearing.

Edited by Quraswren
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Now if only we can get them to chance the RNG gearing for command ranks we can get back on a positive note.


There isn't anything good for the gamer coming with RNg gearing.


I see two different paths to correct this.


1. Make a reasonable number of levels (100 at most); legacy wide; and tokens not random drops.


2. Put regular ops tokens back in for OPS and have a dual system.

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