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Arcann is back?


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Um, why do you only mention JK Lis? And yes i know that not everyone likes all classes or even played all of them, but there are still more LIs available for straight players since the launch. And if you're lesbian AND don't like Lana, you're screwed. No LI for you.



Not if you're prefer same gender romances.


Thats the root of the problem, like with the rest of this badly shoehorned one size doesnt really fit all joke of a story they gave us with KOtFE, the devs are pretty much trying to shoehorn us into only being able to "pick" Lana.


They could put more effort into Theron/Koth, or returning other missing LI, but they dont want to, they like Lana, and assume that Lana is what everyone should chose, and devote all their time and effort on her, ignoring/pushing aside further work on anyone else.


Bioware: Old LI? Nah, you dont need them, go off in a corner and play with Lana.


Bioware: Theron? Why do you want to talk to him, go off in the corner and play with Lana!


Bioware: Koth? Hes offended you dont love Valkorian as much as he does, we have Lana waiting for you in that corner with the lights low and 70s disco adult film music playing in the BG, go get her!


Bioware: What, your a straight woman not into other women? Pfffft we all know theres no such thing as girls on the internet, its all just men pretending to be women to act out their lesbian fetishes/fantasies!


Bioware: Your a man not into Lana? Your lying, Lanas perfect, look how much work we put into redesigning her for you to worship like we do!


Bioware: Your a lesbian not into Lana? Lies, every lesbian loves Lana! All the men pretending to be one say so!


Bioware: Your a man into other men? Are you sure? We have this wonderful (barf) girl named Lana that you might just change your mind for...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Thats the root of the problem, like with the rest of this badly shoehorned one size doesnt really fit all joke of a story they gave us with KOtFE, the devs are pretty much trying to shoehorn us into only being able to "pick" Lana.


They could put more effort into Theron/Koth, or returning other missing LI, but they dont want to, they like Lana, and assume that Lana is what everyone should chose, and devote all their time and effort on her, ignoring/pushing aside further work on anyone else.


Bioware: Old LI? Nah, you dont need them, go off in a corner and play with Lana.


Bioware: Theron? Why do you want to talk to him, go off in the corner and play with Lana!


Bioware: Koth? Hes offended you dont love Valkorian as much as he does, we have Lana waiting for you in that corner with the lights low and 70s disco adult film music playing in the BG, go get her!


Bioware: What, your a straight woman not into other women? Pfffft we all know theres no such thing as girls on the internet, its all just men pretending to be women to act out their lesbian fetishes/fantasies!"


Bioware: Your not a man into Lana? Your lying, Lanas perfect, look how much work we put into redesigning her for you to worship like we do!


Bioware: Your a lesbian not into Lana? Lies, every lesbian loves Lana! All the men pretending to be one say so!


Bioware: Your a man into other men? Are you sure? We have this wonderful (barf) girl named Lana that you might just change your mind for...


I don't think they gave it as much thought as you wrote it, but it seems pretty spot on.

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They could put more effort into Theron/Koth, or returning other missing LI, but they dont want to, they like Lana, and assume that Lana is what everyone should chose, and devote all their time and effort on her, ignoring/pushing aside further work on anyone else.

I kinda agree on Theron/Koth, but old LIs? No. SWTOR didn't start with KOTFE, you know. Or Forged Alliances. I mean, don't get me wrong i would love to have our old LIs back but they had enough (if not more than Lana) content in vanilla game. And that's what i'm actually trying to say. Like, you guys had your LIs from the start while the rest of us had to wait. And even after that we didn't get much. So welcome to the club, i guess.

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perhaps, or they could willingly sacrifice themselves to save yourself and your allies from imminent danger. have no way to know for sure, however again if it is their fate they have to play it out regardless of of the consequences.


That would be such a waste !!!! I rather they didn't throw themself to save me (feel like hands holding) or my allies (they will save koth OMG!) .


Would be nice to have actual cool ****** Scion on your side to fight...those Nathema weirdo!

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Not by much. You assume people like all the classes (that never seems to really be the case, even if players rolled them all up).


Straight Female Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Doc, Theron and Koth.


Straight Male Knight Player (who can't play outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Kira and Lana.


Gay Female Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Lana.


Gay Male Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Theron and Koth.


I wouldn't consider 3 (Straight Female) to 1 (Gay Female) to be FAR OUTNUMBERING. :p


Now, the Bi Male & Female Knight Player, however, have LOTS of options! 5 to 1. A little more outnumbering there.


You are missing the point . Even if you don't like all the class , the options are still there .


And that's the difference .

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I didnt really care for any of the republic characters so are meh on their romances, but those who do enjoy them should be able to be re-united with them.


My inquisitor wasnt overly impressed with Andronikos (it didnt help that all his customizations were all just flat out ugly) so my Sins all happily swirched to Team Theron. And were dissapointed on how much face time Lana got compared to him.


My warriors? All love their Quinn, who is MIA, and want him back yesterday.


My agents? Feel the same way about Vector, who is also MIA.


Torian always felt...too young for the BH, so wasnt really a romance that drew me in overmuch, so of course that was the imperial male LI Bioware decided to grace us with...


Im a woman, who enjoys men, and have zero interest in playing male characters so no input on male to female romances aside from feeling sorry for male inquisitors saddled with that twit Ashara.


Thats what bothers me though, with the few options there are available in kotfe, they should at least make them equal. Lana, Theron, and Koth should all have -equal- time/resources/interaction/whatever invested into them.


But they dont.


If they want to just ignore all the old in favor of the new, if they absolutely have to "Just focus on the 3 new LI", they -need- to give them equal focus/attention/time.


But they dont, instead of it being Lana 33%, Theron 33%, Koth 33%, its more like Lana 90%, Theron 5%, Koth 5%.


Amd thats just biased / massive favoratism on Biowares part.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I didnt really care for any of the republic characters so are meh on their romances, but those who do enjoy them should be able to be re-united with them.


My inquisitor wasnt overly impressed with Andronikos (it didnt help that all his customizations were all just flat out ugly) so my Sins all happily swirched to Team Theron. And were dissapointed on how much face time Lana got compared to him.


My warriors? All love their Quinn, who is MIA, and want him back yesterday.


My agents? Feel the same way about Vector, who is also MIA.


Torian always felt...too young for the BH, so wasnt really a romance that drew me in overmuch, so of course that was the imperial male LI Bioware decided to grace us with...


Im a woman, who enjoys men, and have zero interest in playing male characters so no input on male to female romances aside from feeling sorry for male inquisitors saddled with that twit Ashara.


Thats what bothers me though, with the few options there are available in kotfe, they should at least make them equal. Lana, Theron, and Koth should all have -equal- time/resources/interaction/whatever invested into them.


But they dont.


If they want to just ignore all the old in favor of the new, if they absolutely have to "Just focus on the 3 new LI", they -need- to give them equal focus/attention/time.


But they dont, instead of it being Lana 33%, Theron 33%, Koth 33%, its more like Lana 90%, Theron 5%, Koth 5%.


Amd thats just biased / massive favoratism on Biowares part.


They couldn't even give Theron a model equal to Koth and Lana, he just has the basic body, with a different face, but still basic.:rak_03:


They don't care about us women!!!! When they give me Arcann, I'll never complain again:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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They couldn't even give Theron a model equal to Koth and Lana, he just has the basic body, with a different face, but still basic.:rak_03:


They don't care about us women!!!! When they give me Arcann, I'll never complain again:rak_03:


Lol I will never understand the appeal in Arcann. I like my share of bad boys and in many situations I'd sooner run off with the villain than with the hero but Arcann just.. no. He's not an attractive villain in my eyes but more so a little boy stomping his feet, whining and throwing tantrums of "Daddy never loved!" until someone hits back and now he's hiding behind his mother's skirt.

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Still funny that when such a thread appears you get all these people with pink/purple colors in their signature :D


Well, aside from the bit about Theron getting to live, the rest are links to my stories, and I wanted them to stand out. Maybe one day you'll give them a read.

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I like Lana the most, but since I'm a straight male, I'm probably the target audience. (And I have a thing for women with British accents. :p) The funny thing is, I rarely play male characters. My main is a female sentinel, and she romanced Theron simply because it felt natural for that character to do.


But I'm honestly not big on romances, and if they killed off Lana, I wouldn't be upset. Heck, I'm still not upset that my male jugg never got Jaesa back. Romance is not why I play this game.


However, I can see why some people would be upset over potentially losing them.

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Um, why do you only mention JK Lis? And yes i know that not everyone likes all classes or even played all of them, but there are still more LIs available for straight players since the launch. And if you're lesbian AND don't like Lana, you're screwed. No LI for you.



Not if you're prefer same gender romances.


Because each class is seperate. You pick a class and play that class. You can roll up all the classes of course, but you're only playing once class at a time. So, the amount of LIs one has options for, is based on which class you play, not all of them added together.


Adding all classes together doesn't make sense, because you're not playing one class as you play the other.


Now going with some of the other classes, that will give some added numbers to Smuggler (Males - bi/straight)), Agent (Males - bi/straight), and Warrior (Males - bi/straight). Female Consular/Warrior (bi/straight) get a one night stand style moment with a companion, which I don't believe anyone else gets the option of.

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Lol I will never understand the appeal in Arcann. I like my share of bad boys and in many situations I'd sooner run off with the villain than with the hero but Arcann just.. no. He's not an attractive villain in my eyes but more so a little boy stomping his feet, whining and throwing tantrums of "Daddy never loved!" until someone hits back and now he's hiding behind his mother's skirt.


I have to say I agree, I don't get the appeal in him either. As you say that whole whiny, foot stomping bit is annoying. It's also hard to get excited about a passive character who spent 98% of his time sitting on a throne kvetching with his sister. If they had made him interact more, show up more, maybe....and that's a big maybe, he's just not for me. But I suppose for folks like Eshvara who enjoy him, sure, why not let them have the choice to romance him. Maybe our decision wheel will look a bit like a 'Kiss, Marry, Kill' game where we all get to do as we like and I'd be the sort to choose the 'kill' option for him. He'd be dead now, if my choices mattered.


But yeah, I want Quinn, Vector, Scourge back and I want Theron to liiiiiiiiiive. :p

Edited by Lunafox
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You are missing the point . Even if you don't like all the class , the options are still there .


And that's the difference .


I didn't miss any point. When playing a Knight, you don't have the option of Kaliyo, Mako, Quinn, or any of the other classes LIs, so there's no reason to count them as an option.

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I didn't miss any point. When playing a Knight, you don't have the option of Kaliyo, Mako, Quinn, or any of the other classes LIs, so there's no reason to count them as an option.


I agree, you only get to romance the options that come for that class. It would have been nice, if say, as a male bounty hunter you could romance Kaliyo, or as a female Jedi you'd be able to romance Vector or Quinn when they return, but they didn't allow us those options, which is too bad, I think that would have been really cool. Some classes/sexes get more choice...like male agent can be with Kaliyo, Raina, or Lana. Or male warrior can be with Vette, Jaesa or Lana.


But the girls don't get so much choice. Female warrior comes close, because you can romance Quinn, Theron and get a one nighter with the implication of more with Pierce. As a female Jedi, you get Doc or Theron, so there are definitely bias' for each class.


Edit: Oh yeah, there is Koth, but it's like he doesn't exist to me.

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By the way, how the hell did this thread turn into a discussion about sexual orientation and romances???


I think once people started to see dead Theron in the teaser, it just switched...because it's all about the same footage that we saw, just a different segment.

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I think once people started to see dead Theron in the teaser, it just switched...because it's all about the same footage that we saw, just a different segment.
Ok, then, it needs to switch back to the topic, because I can see this headed for a lock.
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But they dont, instead of it being Lana 33%, Theron 33%, Koth 33%, its more like Lana 90%, Theron 5%, Koth 5%.


Amd thats just biased / massive favoratism on Biowares part.


Is it? Or is it them being lazy on the writing? We went from individual class stories that was the plan to continue with from the beginning, to one story for all. The chose Lana as the one to break you out, which puts her into the role she's in.


Come the next story line (which after KotET is likely WAY WAY WAY off) they could just put another companion in her place.


Figure, it can't be Koth, because some players ran him off. That's just extra voice work.


Which is likely why they didn't make it so Theron could be in Lana's place, because that would be extra voice work (so extra money).


The basically put themselves into a corner with LIs now, because they're going to screw over everyone who doesn't have the face time compared to another. Those who didn't choose Lana, aren't getting their Quinn or Kira face time in. Those who chose Kaliyo or Jorgan, didn't really get that much extra time with them compared to Lana's roll in KotFE. Koth & Theron got more screen time than Kaliyo or Jorgan.

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Don't raise your pitch forks until it's actually been played by you not just a teaser and "omg panic", wait until it's out and we have the truth to it before spreading any false panic rumours over a two second teaser trailer clip.

Good point - it would be a step too far if they killed off Theron for real (unless they follow up with some kind of bring-him-back-to-life-using-the-force save). The pitch forks and torches would be visible from space if that happened. Plus subs would drop down to nothing.

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I agree, you only get to romance the options that come for that class. It would have been nice, if say, as a male bounty hunter you could romance Kaliyo, or as a female Jedi you'd be able to romance Vector or Quinn when they return, but they didn't allow us those options, which is too bad, I think that would have been really cool. Some classes/sexes get more choice...like male agent can be with Kaliyo, Raina, or Lana. Or male warrior can be with Vette, Jaesa or Lana.


But the girls don't get so much choice. Female warrior comes close, because you can romance Quinn, Theron and get a one nighter with the implication of more with Pierce. As a female Jedi, you get Doc or Theron, so there are definitely bias' for each class.


Edit: Oh yeah, there is Koth, but it's like he doesn't exist to me.


Agreed. Before we got any companions back in KotFE, I was hoping they'd open up the class companions to everyone. If they're going one story for all, I don't see why they wouldn't.

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Good point - it would be a step too far if they killed off Theron for real (unless they follow up with some kind of bring-him-back-to-life-using-the-force save). The pitch forks and torches would be visible from space if that happened. Plus subs would drop down to nothing.


oh just what we need some of that khan super blood to bring back kirk. haven't we seen enough plot fails like that already? how far will you go to reach the throne? will you betray everyone to get it?;)

Edited by Celise
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Lol I will never understand the appeal in Arcann. I like my share of bad boys and in many situations I'd sooner run off with the villain than with the hero but Arcann just.. no. He's not an attractive villain in my eyes but more so a little boy stomping his feet, whining and throwing tantrums of "Daddy never loved!" until someone hits back and now he's hiding behind his mother's skirt.

I have e that with pretty much all male companions. While they arent like Arcann, it's really one more boring than the other and none are force users.

On my SI, which ks my main, I could never see her with Andronikos. Random space pirate? No.


Arcann is hot! The actor that modeled him is, bit the 3d version is much better.:rak_03: He also has the best voice, is actually powerful, unlike any female LI, unless you're lesbian for Lana who is decent in strength.


But I do agree that there should be a choice to kill or romance or at least companion option.


By the way, how the hell did this thread turn into a discussion about sexual orientation and romances???

Sexual orientation doesn't seem to get a lock, the thread about gender swap derailed into all sorts of things and didn't get a lock either.


It's weird to forbid this topic in a game that includes different orientations and what not. Its like not being able to pray in a church.

Edited by Eshvara
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