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Arcann is back?


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Seems like another story made for lightside male jedi knight and non force users are out of place again. A smuggler to fight the most powerful beings in the galaxy ? You gotta be kidding me.


The fact that PVP and any multiplayer content is not even mentioned is very SAD because this is an MMO first of all.

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I don't see how easily you guys believe Theron is dead, even if he can die, in kotet whoever does has always been a choice. Except for Arcann:rak_03:


They did say there would be a large body count. And I know you girls like your Theron, but saying he's a really interesting character isn't really correct, imo anyway. Aside from being satele's non force using son, what is exactly special about him? Like what did he do that makes him so interesting?


But about Arcann, like someone said, in the last few seconds or whatever, I do think you see him with Senya behind you alongside Valkorion fighting Vaylin. While I do think you'll get a chance to kill him, I won't be surprised if you don't at all. Same goes for Senya.


from the clip of the ET on fire, theron is laying on the floor between bodies. but i believe at this point it is a "choices matter" situation :p. it's about the right time to rile up those who thought such choice don't actually matter :D.

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Seems like another story made for lightside male jedi knight and non force users are out of place again. A smuggler to fight the most powerful beings in the galaxy ? You gotta be kidding me.


The fact that PVP and any multiplayer content is not even mentioned is very SAD because this is an MMO first of all.


What were they supposed to do to a story that is a sequel to the previous one? You can't just go 180 and make non force users matter.

If anything non force users would get something in the next expansion that isn't kotfe related.



from the clip of the ET on fire, theron is laying on the floor between bodies. but i believe at this point it is a "choices matter" situation :p. it's about the right time to rile up those who thought such choice don't actually matter :D.


Assuming it isn't a vision, I do too.

Even in this thread people want choices to matter, unless it's their LI of favorite companion, then suddenly it's too much.:rak_03: The consistency...


What I'd like to see is, Save Theron or Lana, or Arcann or Senya/Vaylin. Nlt that I think you can save Vaylin at this point, but if you could, it's nice to see someone die at that expense!


I didn't mention Koth because I think he's dead for most people, he's been annoying af:rak_01:

Edited by Eshvara
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And I know you girls like your Theron, but saying he's a really interesting character isn't really correct, imo anyway. Aside from being satele's non force using son, what is exactly special about him? Like what did he do that makes him so interesting?



Hes not Lana :p


Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted.


Koth doesnt count, hes to busy stroking one out to his Valkorian pinup magazine to care about anyone else :p


So, that leaves no one if your not a female BH who romanced Bieber Boy pre-Kotfe aside from Theron.


Who gets little time or interactions since the devs are all about Lana.


Lana Lana Lana! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Hes not Lana :p


Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted.


Koth doesnt count, hes to busy stroking one out to his Valkorian pinup magazine to care about anyone else :p


So, that leaves no one if your not a female BH who romanced Bieber Boy pre-Kotfe aside from Theron.


Who gets little time or interactions since the devs are all about Lana.


Lana Lana Lana! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I've never liked Lana, she can't just piss off:rak_03: But yes females haven't really gotten much love, even in vanilla there were some classes who got the choice for 2 LI's, none of those were women.

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Hes not Lana :p


Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted.


Koth doesnt count, hes to busy stroking one out to his Valkorian pinup magazine to care about anyone else :p


So, that leaves no one if your not a female BH who romanced Bieber Boy pre-Kotfe aside from Theron.


Who gets little time or interactions since the devs are all about Lana.


Lana Lana Lana! :mad: :mad: :mad:


That hurt so much! Hear my Owie!


No seriously , get off mah women!!! :D


Let switch! You can keep your Theron..but I get to have all them ladies from 1-50 . And you get None ! Deal ? :p

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If it's a choices thing for Theron, I can deal with that, and Arcann coming back is basically another redemption story, so that's fair, well unless you tried to shoot him and his mommy down, then who knows?


Like someone else mentioned, where the heck are the Scions? They were such a big deal, and then poof, nothing else heard about them after Heskel died.


I will just wait until Kotet launches and see what shakes out, maybe our questions will be answered maybe not, with BW, who can even make a conjecture?

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If it's a choices thing for Theron, I can deal with that, and Arcann coming back is basically another redemption story, so that's fair, well unless you tried to shoot him and his mommy down, then who knows?


Like someone else mentioned, where the heck are the Scions? They were such a big deal, and then poof, nothing else heard about them after Heskel died.


I will just wait until Kotet launches and see what shakes out, maybe our questions will be answered maybe not, with BW, who can even make a conjecture?


remember that the scions are in hiding until the time is right for them to serve their purpose. they see the future and know what it holds for them. they will show up, it depends at what point in ET.

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remember that the scions are in hiding until the time is right for them to serve their purpose. they see the future and know what it holds for them. they will show up, it depends at what point in ET.


I see the futur too! I see them stealing a kill from us ! You just wait! Heskel was a Big jerk whining and spilling spoilers the whole time we were fighting him ''Choices are an Illusion'' ----> get it ? :D


So one can assume , they gonna pop from somewhere and steal a kill from us .

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I see the futur too! I see them stealing a kill from us ! You just wait! Heskel was a Big jerk whining and spilling spoilers the whole time we were fighting him ''Choices are an Illusion'' ----> get it ? :D


So one can assume , they gonna pop from somewhere and steal a kill from us .


perhaps, or they could willingly sacrifice themselves to save yourself and your allies from imminent danger. have no way to know for sure, however again if it is their fate they have to play it out regardless of of the consequences.

Edited by Celise
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Hes not Lana :p


Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted.


Koth doesnt count, hes to busy stroking one out to his Valkorian pinup magazine to care about anyone else :p


So, that leaves no one if your not a female BH who romanced Bieber Boy pre-Kotfe aside from Theron.


Who gets little time or interactions since the devs are all about Lana.


Lana Lana Lana! :mad: :mad: :mad:


I'm with Xia on this one.. except, my BH (once I finally drag her through KOTFE) will be glad to have her Bieber (lol) back but that's beside the point. :p


Where's our Vector? Where's Malavai McYummypants Quinn? Hell at this point, where the frik is Doc! Yeah, Doc since BW is all like "blah blah blah Lord Scourge immortal can't love can't boink blah blah too much effort to cure him cos blah blah blah". I want my men back and I don't wish to lose the one likable guy I do have right now. And while we're somewhat wildly off topic and ranting, my Trooper would like to get her hands on Jonas tyvm! You've teased us with him plenty now bring him to Odessen already.


And no, Koth is not likable. I don't care to share a bed with a man who's only in there because his idol is stuck in my head.


Anyways... *deep breath* back on point; I do not believe they would truly kill Theron. They're capable of it but if that were the case they wouldn't have shown him in the video. I do believe it's a possible dream sequence/vision type ordeal except it was missing that 'glow' that usually frames such a scene. Who knows. Right now my best bet is that the trailer standard Jedi Knight guy has been lancing Lana in his free time so he made a choice that kept her safe and got our Theron killed instead which is why Theron's in the video and not Lana and hopefully once it comes down to it, we'll have our own choice to make between the two of them. Or three if you haven't ditched Koth yet.


So uhm yeah, nice video otherwise. :o

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It was obvious that Arcann will show his ugly face again. My chars can't wait to kill him. Sorry Senya.

Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted.

I like Theron and don't want him end up dead but... you do realize that straight women (and straight men for that matter) had far more LIs to choose from??? Yeah most of them are not back yet but lesbians/bi women literally only have Lana and not all of us even like her.

Edited by Jennica
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so here we have all the RP romance people in one thread :D


Well, I don't RP, but I do like to write stories. :)


I stand with Misha, Jenny, Xia and everyone else who loves Theron. I really feel like we've only scratched the surface with him, there is so much more we can do with him, as a character, and as a love interest. It would be a terrible waste story wise to off him. And as Jenny says, I too, would enjoy Jonas Balkar made available to us and not just for trooper, for all classes. It would be great to run Theron and Jonas for missions. Like in Star Fortresses etc, I could run Jonas and Theron could guide the mission.


I also miss the regular love interest characters. I for one, don't care about Bieber Fett, I don't play my BH much...so I feel like I've had no love interests returned at all. I want Quinn and Vector and Scourge even if he's not a LI. I want him back and I want them to write him a proper story because they have underused the potential that is Scourge. They could do so much...it could be amazing and yet they persist with characters that few care about and dream sequences and crap that doesn't amount to much.

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It was obvious that Arcann will show his ugly face again. My chars can't wait to kill him. Sorry Senya.


I like Theron and don't want him end up dead but... you do realize that straight women (and straight men for that matter) had far more LIs to choose from??? Yeah most of them are not back yet but lesbians/bi women literally only have Lana and not all of us even like her.


Not by much. You assume people like all the classes (that never seems to really be the case, even if players rolled them all up).


Straight Female Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Doc, Theron and Koth.


Straight Male Knight Player (who can't play outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Kira and Lana.


Gay Female Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Lana.


Gay Male Knight Player (who can't play a character outside of their real life status for whatever reason) is limited to Theron and Koth.


I wouldn't consider 3 (Straight Female) to 1 (Gay Female) to be FAR OUTNUMBERING. :p


Now, the Bi Male & Female Knight Player, however, have LOTS of options! 5 to 1. A little more outnumbering there.

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Well, I don't RP, but I do like to write stories. :)


I stand with Misha, Jenny, Xia and everyone else who loves Theron. I really feel like we've only scratched the surface with him, there is so much more we can do with him, as a character, and as a love interest. It would be a terrible waste story wise to off him. And as Jenny says, I too, would enjoy Jonas Balkar made available to us and not just for trooper, for all classes. It would be great to run Theron and Jonas for missions. Like in Star Fortresses etc, I could run Jonas and Theron could guide the mission.


I often wonder why they didn't make Theron and Lana interchangeable for the story. Outside of Theron unable to perform the force feats, they could have had him do it other ways and scenes of just Senya lifting the Gravestone :p

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Um, why do you only mention JK Lis? And yes i know that not everyone likes all classes or even played all of them, but there are still more LIs available for straight players since the launch. And if you're lesbian AND don't like Lana, you're screwed. No LI for you.


Now, the Bi Male & Female Knight Player, however, have LOTS of options! 5 to 1. A little more outnumbering there.

Not if you're prefer same gender romances.

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