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Congratulations your companion now uses a rifle.


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I didn't care nor notice till I was trying to find a use for my electro/techstaves and assault cannons I had gotten from cartel and the like. And the retconning doesn't even try to hide it so it's jarring even for new players.


this isn't even about the loss of flexibility on force using companions weapon selection but basic jarring changes that make no sense.


Jorgan got retroactively changed to more match his lore which is okay because new players meet him with a rifle now.

Torian remained a techstaff user but story wise had a sniper so I guess it's forgivable that he's strictly a rifle user when you meet back up with him.

New Imperial Agents meet scorpio with a techstaff and after getting accustomed to it will be forced to reunite with a rifle wielding Scorpio.

Yuun also goes techstaff -> 1handed sword for no explained reason.

New Knights meet rusk with an assault cannon and get him back with a bunch of assault cannons in their inventory with no way of putting it back on him because he's also now a rifle user with no explaination.


Is this what the new standard is?

Are akavi and vector going to randomly become rifle users as well?

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Since all companion can now fulfill all roles the only logical remaining step is to make what weapon a companion uses entirely cosmetic.


LotRO has a sytem for Wardens where a skill does one thing in the melee stance and another thing (with more or less the same effect) when in the ranged stance.


Build three such skill sets, one for each role, then give them slightly different names depending on the companion's base class, and then give them different animations depending on whether they are used melee or ranged.


And then everyone can give their companion whatever weapon they want.


This will a) make more players more happy, and b) drive Cartel market sales as players rush to get exactly the gear they want for all of their companions.


All The Best

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Since all companion can now fulfill all roles the only logical remaining step is to make what weapon a companion uses entirely cosmetic.


LotRO has a sytem for Wardens where a skill does one thing in the melee stance and another thing (with more or less the same effect) when in the ranged stance.


Build three such skill sets, one for each role, then give them slightly different names depending on the companion's base class, and then give them different animations depending on whether they are used melee or ranged.


And then everyone can give their companion whatever weapon they want.


This will a) make more players more happy, and b) drive Cartel market sales as players rush to get exactly the gear they want for all of their companions.


All The Best


I said the same a little while back. I mean Vette uses an Assault Cannon in the story chapter, right?

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I'm still pretty peeved that Torian apparently forgot how to use a staff. I see no problem with allowing companions a bit of weapon flexibility that fits their character -- why not let Aric use either his assault cannon or his rifle? -- but having them just completely unlearn a weapon skill is ridiculous, especially for a Mandalorian.


I'm gonna have to learn a new weapon skill myself (pitchfork) if Akaavi or Vector come back having forgotten how to use their staves. :mad: I like ranged companions too, but on ranged characters with less interesting animations, I really appreciate the visual interest that the cool looking melee companions add. And no, I don't want a force user for everyone.


Though to those of you wanting an assault cannon for Vette, what kind of monsters are you?? Have you not seen what happens to their head tails when a Twi'lek carries such a large weapon on their back? :eek::p

Edited by Gwena
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I'm gonna have to learn a new weapon skill myself (pitchfork) if Akaavi or Vector come back having forgotten how to use their staves. :mad: I like ranged companions too, but on ranged characters with less interesting animations, I really appreciate the visual interest that the cool looking melee companions add. And no, I don't want a force user for everyone.

Is it wrong that I'm actually kinda hoping when I get Akaavi back she'll lose the staff for dual pistols. That way when she tells me her guns itch it'll be more apt

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Is it wrong that I'm actually kinda hoping when I get Akaavi back she'll lose the staff for dual pistols. That way when she tells me her guns itch it'll be more apt


LOL! So true. I always figured she was talking about her biceps, seein' how they're way bigger than mine!:D

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After that update for companion weapon changes, I was surprised that Corso forgot how to use that cool-looking blaster rifle I crafted. He could only use a blaster pistol afterward, which was so bizarre.

Yeah, that's because people complained (reasonably) about the mission to recover his special blaster, which the rifle-only post-4.0 Corso was unable to use. So they changed him to pistol-only, which wasn't quite so reasonable. (In effect, aside from sniper-rifle users who are able to use simple rifles, all companions are single-type.)

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Huh, I always thought that "guns" was slang referring to her arm muscles. You know, guns and weaponry are often referred to as "arms", so calling your arms guns is sort of a play on that? -shrug-


More on topic, it'd be awesome if companions could use more than one weapon type, in keeping with their character of course. So let Akaavi have the staff, but also let her equip pistols and switch to Vette's animations. And as another example, let Force users have staves again too. It seems kinda silly that Vector -- a non-Force user (but that used to have Willpower as his main stat) -- gets to use the staves that Assassins and Shadows can use*, but Jaesa can't.


*this is emphatically not a request or suggestion to remove Vector's ability to use these staves, so don't get any ideas Bioware! xD

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Huh, I always thought that "guns" was slang referring to her arm muscles. You know, guns and weaponry are often referred to as "arms", so calling your arms guns is sort of a play on that? -shrug-


More on topic, it'd be awesome if companions could use more than one weapon type, in keeping with their character of course. So let Akaavi have the staff, but also let her equip pistols and switch to Vette's animations. And as another example, let Force users have staves again too. It seems kinda silly that Vector -- a non-Force user (but that used to have Willpower as his main stat) -- gets to use the staves that Assassins and Shadows can use*, but Jaesa can't.


*this is emphatically not a request or suggestion to remove Vector's ability to use these staves, so don't get any ideas Bioware! xD


They are called 'arms' because of the word armament. Just some info for your hat.

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I've got no issue with melee companions using firearms post-KOTFE.


Truth be told anyone who isn't force user using a melee weapon as their primary should be dead within seconds of encountering enemies armed with blasters. Melee weapons are objectively stupid unless wielded by someone protected by the power of Space Magic.

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It's nice to have a non-force using melee companion when the encounter hurts to be ranged. There are a few fights like that. Not many, but there are some. Like some that reflect damage if you use ranged attacks and the next thing you know your companion, healer or dps, is dead and not healing or dpsing.


I think the original point for switching the weapons on some companions, like Aric or Torian, in the beginning was because we all had a specific set of companions: Ranged DPS, Melee DPS, Healer, Melee Tank and a Ranged Tank. That way you could use the one you needed for the situation. Now, with making all the companions the same, they haven't put much thought into have much of a diversity in melee or ranged differences. There seems to only be a couple non-force using melee which goes back to restricting us on which ones we can use at specific times. Which is what I think they were trying to get away from. It would have been much easier to change the lore of the companions in the beginning when they did those changes in the first place than jerry-rig it again in the opposite direction.


Just saying because if lore is the thing to keep referring to, I don't think many of those force-users would join my bounty hunting crew or my anti-force sympathetic agent or pander around the galaxy smuggling stuff or run ahead of my trooper waiting for order 33...

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So Jaesa commented on wanting a blade staff instead of a lightsaber, to enjoy the blood splatter.


Being the nice gentle compassionate being I am I went and bought one for her off the GTN, but to my horror she couldn't use it.


It really broke something inside me.


I also want an assault cannon wielding companion.

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