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SWTOR $1 million decrease in subscription


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Most forums have setting where older topics can be auto-locked after a certain time.


And on most support forums, it's turned off because the admins realize that 1) discussion of that topic is still valid, 2) people actually sometimes look first to see if their topic is already being discussed, or 3) google for it, and 4) it's best to keep similar topics together instead of spreading them around multiple threads. The recent Pets mess is a perfect example of #4 since Eric posted to a single thread and folks were still asking in the other threads about the problem.


Perfect example. Someone in another thread asked about the game's profitability. They were pointed to this thread. That's how a support forums works.


edit: Turned off of threads was first created for bloggers who couldn't be bothered to deal with past posts and would rather deal with more current topics. A very lengthy and heated discussion on the wordpress forums exists about this. I;d go find it but I:m at lunch and they;ve got a 30 minutes limit on wifi here.


reedit: Just checked. the 6 year old software we run here doesn;t support it anyway. It's an addon and they won;t install addons.

Edited by dr_mike
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Which document and paragraph did you get that from? I ask because when I looked through their Earnings Release, Prepared Statements, Slide Presentation, and Earnings Call Transcript, I did not see that quote anywhere.


The 10-k report




Bah: necromancers got me.

Edited by Darkside
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But RNG is exciting!!!!


I hate ''exciting" word becouse of swtor team...


Exciting that companion will return in next patch.

Exciting that players will get droid pet reward.

Exciting OPS with one boss.

Exciting RNG!

Exciting new CC pack!

And more!


If i would be as excited as they are about these "small things" I would like look like this guy https://www.pelusciamo.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/270x270/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/img_8547.jpg. :rak_03:

Edited by tummiswtor
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/shrug. I love the game and don't want it to die, but I assume they will keep it running on maintenance mode as long as it turns a profit. The only real concern I have is that the playerbase has reduced to the point they can't fund healthy development, because I'm assuming EA is not going to go negative to invest in the game - whatever future content we get, I think it is solely funded by whatever revenue stream the game currently has.


Which is what I hate about modern corporate policies. What happened to taking a risk on the future? Now it's "How can I make money RIGHT NOW?!" instead of "How can I keep increasing my profits over the next year/five years/ten years". It'd take just a little bit of investment (in the grander scheme of things) to make this game insanely profitable (instead of just decently profitable) again but they just won't do it...

Edited by Korenus
adding context
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/shrug. I love the game and don't want it to die, but I assume they will keep it running on maintenance mode as long as it turns a profit. The only real concern I have is that the playerbase has reduced to the point they can't fund healthy development, because I'm assuming EA is not going to go negative to invest in the game - whatever future content we get, I think it is solely funded by whatever revenue stream the game currently has.


Part of that problem is expectations. The production triangle, good, fast, cheap...pick two:

  • good and cheap ain't gonna be fast
  • cheap and fast ain't gonna be good
  • good and fast ain't gonna be cheap


The point being that if we as a population calmed down a little and did not "demand" such a fast content schedule, things might be better. Granted BW did state (years ago) they would release "new content" every 6 to 10 weeks (or something like that), but we as a populace do not need to hold them to that. BW could produce good quality content of sufficient "mass" on a budget, if we gave them time to do so. But that's not gonna happen...so /shrug.

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Which is what I hate about modern corporate policies. What happened to taking a risk on the future? Now it's "How can I make money RIGHT NOW?!" instead of "How can I keep increasing my profits over the next year/five years/ten years". It'd take just a little bit of investment (in the grander scheme of things) to make this game insanely profitable (instead of just decently profitable) again but they just won't do it...


Korenus, you actually just cheered me up. Am I right that they are saying that SWTOR, along with FIFA Ultimate Team, is primarily responsible for their revenue of nearly $1.9b for 2016?

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Which is what I hate about modern corporate policies. What happened to taking a risk on the future? Now it's "How can I make money RIGHT NOW?!" instead of "How can I keep increasing my profits over the next year/five years/ten years". It'd take just a little bit of investment (in the grander scheme of things) to make this game insanely profitable (instead of just decently profitable) again but they just won't do it...


MMOs, by definition, are the antithesis of what you are claiming.


They are not FAST to produce. They take years.. lots of years, and lots of capital. Which is why they are mostly in the realm of large company investments with very large risks in terms of effort and resources and hence capital investment.


A few small boutiques are trying hard to do MMOs from crowd funding... but even these take years before they see the light of day (IF they see the light of day). And it remains to be seen if smaller companies can actually stand up a working and acceptable MMO from crowd funding.


Don't expect to see many new MMOs from the few large studios for the above reasons. Instead, they are investing in non-MMOs games, particularly those that work well in the fast growing mobile market segment.

Edited by Andryah
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The point being that if we as a population calmed down a little and did not "demand" such a fast content schedule, things might be better.


Fast content schedule? What on Earth is fast about swtor's content schedule XD

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Wow totally not surprised. We've been communicating our needs to the dev team since the game has gone downhill. Only to be ignored, And the direction they take seems to be spiteful, or out of touch at best. I generally like the devs and feel for any constraints they have had. But at the same time i think they should be working else where one way or the other. The objective has always been to make an MMO. The last 3 years this game has not been that. Story chapters would have been a decent addition to an MMO. It's not an MMO tho. These guys completely ignored endgame content and sacrificed it based on some theory that people like to binge everything. They binged it alright. Binged a million dollars in revenue. And I laugh. Oh do I laugh. Cause we warned them. And they pissed on our leg and told us it was raining. Much to our frustration. While the remaining players remain loyal to our guilds, our toons, or w/e the reason. They spouted off nonsense about how subs were up.


That's why Tait quit

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One can only wonder how even worse off SWTOR is due to all the crap that Ben "The Thrill of the Hunt!!!!!" Irving spewed. Half a year in and we still have RNG gearing. It's sort of gone back to 4.0 for PvE but PvP is still shafted of course.


Wow totally not surprised. We've been communicating our needs to the dev team since the game has gone downhill. Only to be ignored, And the direction they take seems to be spiteful, or out of touch at best. I generally like the devs and feel for any constraints they have had. But at the same time i think they should be working else where one way or the other. The objective has always been to make an MMO. The last 3 years this game has not been that. Story chapters would have been a decent addition to an MMO. It's not an MMO tho. These guys completely ignored endgame content and sacrificed it based on some theory that people like to binge everything. They binged it alright. Binged a million dollars in revenue. And I laugh. Oh do I laugh. Cause we warned them. And they pissed on our leg and told us it was raining. Much to our frustration. While the remaining players remain loyal to our guilds, our toons, or w/e the reason. They spouted off nonsense about how subs were up.


That's why Tait quit

Idk why you'd bring Tait into this LOL, but if you're looking for anyone to blame and who was out of touch look no further than Ben "RNG is exciting!!!!!!" Irving. That is the man to blame, and thankfully he was moved to other projects. Unfortunately we still have the issues of RNG gearing, it not being alt-friendly, new tiers of gear being introduced too quickly, etc and those haven't been properly addressed.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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Gotta be Very clear about what is the Reality of this situation.


First EA is first and foremost always going to put Sports and the Battlefiels first, as at least Sports is how EA got started, along with a few action games in the early and latter part of the 80's.


Secondly, now in this unfortunate digital age, their is a big drwback to PC games like ours, and this is in part to this game not being Mobile. EA made a gamble on SW: Galaxy of Heroes and they made good with it. Because EA/Bioware is really EA, and EA does not like the gambling of putting money in an MMO like this where everyone wants everything. For this game to be what most people want. It could wind up being a Billion dollar project, so that won't happen.


Third: EA has announced unofficially but officially in these reports that they have a New IP license for Bioware. Bioware is already working on, i believe 2 other games for EA..


So, EA dictates where Bioware's Money, Resources and and other Support goes, and EA really doesn't like all the gambles it has to take with this MMO, though EA is not good with Star Wars games and LucasFilm knows that well.

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From EA's Quarterly Report: "$1 million or 1 percent decrease in subscription net revenue primarily due to Star Wars: The Old Republic."


Though I appreciate the input, but are people's schooling so freaking BAD that they don't know that when presenting information as facts, there should be a source attached!!??? Or is it just plain laziness . . .

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Though I appreciate the input, but are people's schooling so freaking BAD that they don't know that when presenting information as facts, there should be a source attached!!??? Or is it just plain laziness . . .




This is it, though some of it went back to last September, which really doesn't count right now, because of changes within' the game that are being applied.


Also, it is very clear, that EA does not seem to want to help much with Swtor imo. This link was on the first page on the bottom.

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I think it is realistic not to await any big changes in this game but continuation of already written single player story. Some small attempts to balance classes maybe, but no massive reworks. Same for problem with all that wishes to make story more meanigfull and more options due to our classes. Never happen.


It will not be maintenance mode, but it will be something very close to.


And with all respect to new lead producer, he looks more like some guy who would maintain status quo than someone who was put in charge to give a new breath into this game.


It is quite sad to see all that Star Wars boom all around but STWOR is not any priority for EA anymore.

Edited by wistarie
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Though I appreciate the input, but are people's schooling so freaking BAD that they don't know that when presenting information as facts, there should be a source attached!!??? Or is it just plain laziness . . .


There was a link provided in the original post. It appears to have been removed.

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