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Imperial Agent gender choices?


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My very first character was a LS sniper male. I am finally going to replay IA and would normally do the opposite gender and DS. I am definitely doing DS Chiss, but how does female vs male story compare? Is one noticeably better than the other? Sometimes I feel the voices or character interactions don't fit well as one gender or another . Edited by BlitzJG
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I only play female . My recommandation is for female then lol cose Female Agent is FemHawke voice ! Or Ciri from the Witcher 3 .


And if you are going DS , then I suggest Operative . Because they laugh when they heal you.......which is weird . hence why it would be perfect....''you are bleeding! Muahahahah'' . :p


Can't speak for romance with Vector . Didn't do it . My LS Agent romanced Lana . And got married on Voss . And my DS hate everyone....lol

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I did female agent and it was fun. I didn't romance Vector but that is because I not into romancing my companions anyways. I enjoyed for the most part but had a problem withe one part in Corellia



where the agent lets herself get captured. That part of the story is very difficult especially if you are a lady but it is understandable but just not something easy to watch, at least for me.


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I'm going to say male Agent.


Jo Wyatt's posh imperial voice just sounds fake. The extended vowels don't sound natural. They're like the mocking tones of a girl I knew down the pub that would complain about her clueless narcissistic rich boss at the end of the day over a pint of beer.


"Oooh did you heaaar? My driiivaer called in saying his faaather died so I had to get a taaxi insteeaad. No thooughts for the feelings of ooothers."

Edited by FixerFortyKay
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The story in itself is the same for both genders. The basic difference resides on the flirting options and romance choices. In this case, the male agent have two (better) romance options (females get only one), the males can have a one-night stand with Watcher Two and have more flirt dialogue options with other female NPCs, fitting a more James Bond-ish playstyle.


But since the OP plans to play a Chiss, (s)he can stick with a female agent, since there's a nice romance subplot with another Chiss on Hoth. And, of course, Jo Wyatt's voice acting is pretty good.

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I know this will be different for everyone but here are my 2 cents. I really like both the male and female VA, if I had to choose I would say I prefer the male but the female is also good. The two male romances did nothing for me but the female romance is one of my favourites in the game, if you're playing DS he doesn't particular like a lot of DS choices but just butter him up with gifts and that sorts out that problem. Also (as some others have also brought up) if you're a female chiss you do get some nice dialogue and some flirts with a certain someone on Hoth which I adored (seriously bring him back in a future expansion please!). Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Both voices are great in a vacuum, though I prefer the male voice a bit, since I'm so used to Jo Wyatt as Hawke, plus she's all over the place in this game as well (moreso than Dude!Agent's voice, it seems to me). I'm pretty sure she is every female non-story NPC on Korriban, for example. Kinda brings me out of it.


In terms of story, both genders work just fine as well in my experience; romance, similarly, but that's because I'm not fond of any of the Agent's romance options, really.

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I've played both. Both voices are great for the most part -- have their ups and downs with certain scenes. Bertie Carvel has really improved over time, I really really like his delivery in KOTFE moreso than Jo Wyatt's. He is a bit more consistent with pronunciations and deliveries.


As far as romances go, Kaliyo's romance is probably the better of the two male Agent romances in the vanilla game simply because it's more involved, but I enjoyed Vector's romance more as a whole. For SOR and KOTFE, though... my favorite romance in the game has been Spy vs Spy, Theron Shan/Imperial Agent. But I'm a sucker for cross-faction romance stories...

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Female agent gets to bed more people than the male one in the story quests.



You even get an option to flirt with this fat guy on narshaada and when he goes all "I should have known you would't want to hang out with a guy like me" so you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


Same on Voss when you finish that fake mariage your spouse tells you that the ritual should end with bed time but you can go, you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


fun fact. I was already married to Vector and when I told the Voss spouse that I will rock his bed Vector gave me an approval. Cuz Vector is the number one diplomat. Hell he even gave himself to the nest for the sake of diplomacy, bet he was proud that his wife follows in his footsteps hehe


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It seems tuned for a male Human, but playing as Hawke is fun. Only thing is, the female doesn't quite get as much off-screen action as the male does (AFAIK)


Really? I would have thought Chiss male myself, maybe Chiss Female. Depending on if they wanted to go 2 male 2 female classes or not.

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Female agent gets to bed more people than the male one in the story quests.

Female agent also gets the earliest opportunity to casually bed someone of all the class/sex combinations.


The dude on Hutta who threatens to blow the agent's cover as the Red Blade. The female agent can use sex to buy his silence. On my first agent, created before 3.0, I was able to do that conversation at level 3. (It's a bit harder to be as low as 3 for that one now, but it's still the earliest one in the game.)


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Female agent gets to bed more people than the male one in the story quests.



You even get an option to flirt with this fat guy on narshaada and when he goes all "I should have known you would't want to hang out with a guy like me" so you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


Same on Voss when you finish that fake mariage your spouse tells you that the ritual should end with bed time but you can go, you can bed him to cheer him up LOL


fun fact. I was already married to Vector and when I told the Voss spouse that I will rock his bed Vector gave me an approval. Cuz Vector is the number one diplomat. Hell he even gave himself to the nest for the sake of diplomacy, bet he was proud that his wife follows in his footsteps hehe


I never saw that choice on Nar Shaadda on my Sniper. Wonder what I did wrong.


However, regarding Voss...



The male agent can also bed his Voss wife, despite being married to Raina Temple. Can't remember if she approved or disapproved though.



I have to admit that I went for every [Flirt] option I was given on my Operative because of Bertie Carvel's voice. He is cheating on Raina with Lana because of Bertie Carvel's voice. #noregrets

Edited by gaelicvixen
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I never saw that choice on Nar Shaadda on my Sniper. Wonder what I did wrong.

That'll be because it happens on Hutta. :eek:;);)


EDIT: Follow the [Flirt] that the F!Agent gets in that conversation. It isn't *hard* to get there. But it happens on Hutta.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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That'll be because it happens on Hutta. :eek:;);)


EDIT: Follow the [Flirt] that the F!Agent gets in that conversation. It isn't *hard* to get there. But it happens on Hutta.


The M!agent who marries Kaliyo can do the same.


Ah, so there aren't two [Flirt] options for the female IA that I somehow managed to miss but just one. I loathe Hutta so I tend to pick the choices that will shave even a few seconds off my time there, which means I probably had my sniper jump to ending the encounter as fast as possible.


And I figured Kaliyo would not care given her own proclivities, but was a bit more surprised that clingy little Ensign Temple was okay with it.

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