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I guess a dev got solo'd by a sin the one game they played in 4.0


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There have been some really ignorant statements by EA employees, which have put a big question mark to how much they even know the game, let alone play it. Think about "Heal to full" and "make them pay". Now we have the 2016 winner of the dumbest, most ignorant statement about their own game:




After giving every class some additional mobility in Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt that Assassins were left a bit too mobile.


I can see what happened...back in 4.0 release a dev decided to queue up for a wz, (99% sure he played a sorc) went to defend a node and got spiked by a sin. He immediately broke the stun and started backpeddling away to get some space, only to realize the sin was able to keep up with him. As he clicked on overload to knock back the sin he thought "Now you're mine!" only to get low slashed.


Unable to break he sat there as the sin hard cast crushing darkness. "Hmmm" the dev thought, "that's not quite fair to be able to use an ability if you're not within 4 meters of me, I'll have to remove that next patch". The low slash wore off on damage and as the dev started to hard cast his demolish the sin stunned him. "***???" the dev thought, as the the sin continued to attack him. "I guess I'll barrier then finish him off".


As the barrier ended he force sped away to get some space, and the sin simply force sped after him. Desperate by now to get some breathing room the dev clicked his stun button, and was surprised to see the sin resisted it. "Why is that sin glowing like that?" he thought to himself..."is he hacking?".


Nearly dead, the dev resorted to his last trick, a phase walk, to try and get away. Horrified, the sin just teleported to him and finished him off. After he died, in disbelief the dev typed into ops chat "1 inc west"


As he mulled over the events of the fight, he concluded that the sin's mobility was just overpowered, and therefore led to the changes we see in 5.0

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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LOL!! The truth.


I don't really play Sin anymore, and for good reason. They are not really that good in pvp. And yet, the devs somehow think they are too...mobile? Huh??? :confused:


I mean, Hatred was insanely good early on in 4.x. But they got nerfed. Ever since then, the devs have felt it necessary to drive them deeper and deeper into the ground.

Edited by teclado
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There have been some really ignorant statements by EA employees, which have put a big question mark to how much they even know the game, let alone play it. Think about "Heal to full" and "make them pay". Now we have the 2016 winner of the dumbest, most ignorant statement about their own game:




I can see what happened...back in 4.0 release a dev decided to queue up for a wz, (99% sure he played a sorc) went to defend a node and got spiked by a sin. He immediately broke the stun and started backpeddling away to get some space, only to realize the sin was able to keep up with him. As he clicked on overload to knock back the sin he thought "Now you're mine!" only to get low slashed.


Unable to break he sat there as the sin hard cast crushing darkness. "Hmmm" the dev thought, "that's not quite fair to be able to use an ability if you're not within 4 meters of me, I'll have to remove that next patch". The low slash wore off on damage and as the dev started to hard cast his demolish the sin stunned him. "***???" the dev though, as the the sin continued to attack him. "I guess I'll barrier then finish him off".


As the barrier ended he force sped away to get some space, and the sin simply force sped after him. Desperate by now to get some breathing room the dev clicked his stun button, and was surprised to see the sin resisted it. "Why is that sin glowing like that?" he thought to himself..."is he hacking?".


Nearly dead, the dev resorted to his last trick, a phase walk, to try and get away. Horrified, the sin just teleported to him and finished him off. After he died, in disbelief the dev typed into ops chat "1 inc west"


As he mulled over the events of the fight, he concluded that the sin's mobility was just overpowered, and therefore led to the changes we see in 5.0


You sir, have encapsulated every dev experience when they actually play their game, lol lol lol. They are like new fawns trying to figure out wth is going on, and is the main reason why they don't play the game. And is also why we get the most asinine class nerfs and changes at random intervals.

Edited by Darkside
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Nah, I don't think your story adds up. You were onto it yourself:

let alone play it.

Doing a warzone means actually playing the game. And with the game having the QA it has, I just can't accept that they themselves play it. Unless they're on an entirely different build on their own server cluster.

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Funny story.


Here's another variation :p


Team lead: Alright guys, listen up. We need to do some class changes.


Dev 1: I thought the classes were in a pretty good place.


Team lead: Look, I don't know if that's true or not, but management is on my *** about this. They want to solidify the class roles and, let's be honest, we need to look like we're doing something with 5.0.


Dev 2: Alright, are there any proposals so far from management?


Team lead: They're saying anything that makes a melee class too effective at range, or too mobile, and anything that makes a ranged class capable at melee... all of it has to go.


Dev 3: *raises hand*


Team lead: Yes?


Dev 3: Does that mean we're taking away the gun from operatives and scoundrels and giving them knives?


Team lead: I'm going to remember that comment next time you ask for a raise. Anyone with serious questions?


Dev 1, 2, and 3: No.


Team lead: Alright, let's get to work on this. I want results. Keep me up to date on your progress.


*4 months later*


Team lead: What have you got for me, team?


Dev 3: Can we give assassins and shadows a gun, since operatives and scoundrels have one?


Team lead: Dev 3, you're fired. Get your things and go. Anyone else?


Dev 1: I figured phase walk is too much of a ranged ability, so Dev 2 and I are thinking we take it away from assassins and shadows, but let sorcerers and sages keep it.


Dev 3: Really guys?


Team lead: Dev 3, I thought I told you you're fired. Do I need to call security?


Dev 3: I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Sheesh. Just gathering my things.


*Dev 3 leaves*


Team lead: So phase walk. Brilliant idea. I'm giving both of you a raise.


Dev 1 and 2: Yes! *hi5*


Team lead: Let me see the rest of your sheet of changes.


*looks at sheet*


Team lead: Wow, that's pretty much all spot on. Alright, let's brainstorm for 6.0 since we have a little free time.


Dev 1: How about we take away the healing specializations from commando and scoundrel, and just leave sages as the only healer?


Team lead: Son... you may just be the head of a game studio one day.

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Funny story.


Here's another variation :p


Team lead: Alright guys, listen up. We need to do some class changes.


Dev 1: I thought the classes were in a pretty good place.


Team lead: Look, I don't know if that's true or not, but management is on my *** about this. They want to solidify the class roles and, let's be honest, we need to look like we're doing something with 5.0.


Dev 2: Alright, are there any proposals so far from management?


Team lead: They're saying anything that makes a melee class too effective at range, or too mobile, and anything that makes a ranged class capable at melee... all of it has to go.


Dev 3: *raises hand*


Team lead: Yes?


Dev 3: Does that mean we're taking away the gun from operatives and scoundrels and giving them knives?


Team lead: I'm going to remember that comment next time you ask for a raise. Anyone with serious questions?


Dev 1, 2, and 3: No.


Team lead: Alright, let's get to work on this. I want results. Keep me up to date on your progress.


*4 months later*


Team lead: What have you got for me, team?


Dev 3: Can we give assassins and shadows a gun, since operatives and scoundrels have one?


Team lead: Dev 3, you're fired. Get your things and go. Anyone else?


Dev 1: I figured phase walk is too much of a ranged ability, so Dev 2 and I are thinking we take it away from assassins and shadows, but let sorcerers and sages keep it.


Dev 3: Really guys?


Team lead: Dev 3, I thought I told you you're fired. Do I need to call security?


Dev 3: I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Sheesh. Just gathering my things.


*Dev 3 leaves*


Team lead: So phase walk. Brilliant idea. I'm giving both of you a raise.


Dev 1 and 2: Yes! *hi5*


Team lead: Let me see the rest of your sheet of changes.


*looks at sheet*


Team lead: Wow, that's pretty much all spot on. Alright, let's brainstorm for 6.0 since we have a little free time.


Dev 1: How about we take away the healing specializations from commando and scoundrel, and just leave sages as the only healer?


Team lead: Son... you may just be the head of a game studio one day.


This is the SWTOR version of 'The Apprentice.'

All you need is a "You're Fired!" at the end and then the lowly team member groveling that they're grateful for the opportunity to work with you Mister Trump / SurAlan

cut to shot in the taxi home. "I had all the best ideas. I was sidelined. No one took me seriously. They're all losers.....( sob) I coulda been someone....A contender! Goshdarnit I'm gonna play a sin and make them pay!"

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Does anyone remember the time past, when a dev had commented that Sins were meant to be a hit and run class? Like they said that you'd do your rotation, and whether or not your target was dead, you stealth out and leave that fight...


This reminds me of now, except there won't be any 'run' to the 'hit and run'...

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Does anyone remember the time past, when a dev had commented that Sins were meant to be a hit and run class? Like they said that you'd do your rotation, and whether or not your target was dead, you stealth out and leave that fight...


This reminds me of now, except there won't be any 'run' to the 'hit and run'...


Proof positive they don't even know what to do with the class. It was originally supposed to be a class that hybrid between melee and range, also known as a mid-range class, that was meant to be able to fight at every range but long range. It mad the shadow/sin tanks monsters in PvP because you just could never get away from them. While infiltrators were very much hit and run and serenity were the dps version of the tanks...squishier but with healing from the force in balance to offset it. Was a lot of fun before they started taking away the ranged options one by one.

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