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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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The OP is presenting a fake strawman argument... saying its either SWTOR method of launch OR it is a crappy unplanned, underresourced launch.


That would be a false dichotomy, not a strawman.


A much better launch is one which is properly resourced, and provides certainty and guarantee to its customers. SWTOR is instanced, so JUST ADD SOME MORE DAMN SERVERS TO THE FARM, hire them for the initial launch, and return them a few months after once things settle down.


That means mass transfer of data from the retired servers to the remaining ones, which will most likely involve splitting up groups of players who want to stay together. Not acceptable.

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


I dont want to live on this planet anymore

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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like

Anyone remember Anarchy Online? That's what a truly bad launch looks like. We were joking that AO stood for Anarchy Offline because you couldn't even log in for most of the first month. Basically, take every launch stereotype and multiply it by 1000 and that's how its launch was. We have it easy at SWTOR.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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Aww, look at how well the marketing lingo has worked on him!


This isn't early access. This is launch, by BioWare's own admission. Retail stores get the boxes on the 20th, but the game is out. You can download the client, but you can't play because BioWare is exercising a staggered launch under the guise of "early access". Anyone can qualify for this early access. Go to GameStop or online to Origin and get a pre-release code. BAM! You're part of the club.


Welcome to the queue. You are ??? in line and you have approximately ??? hours until you can play the product you paid for.


Yes, I'm entitled to things I pay for. Social security, medicare, and this game. Origin has taken out $80 from my account. I demand access to the servers.


Oh my dear lord, do you really not understand what the EGA was? Do you not understand the launch date is the 20th and today-the 19th is just a bonus that no one was entitled to?


Please...PLEASE read what the EGA actually is, comprehend it, and THEN make a logical and educated post. Thank you.

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Actually they took $80 from your account then credited back $75 of it. How do you manage to take care of yourself when you clearly can't read a bank statement?


Nope, there are two separate charges. One for $5, one for $75. How can you see my bank statement!? HACKER!


You have brown on your nose, fanboy. I wouldn't breathe through it if I were you.

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Aww, look at how well the marketing lingo has worked on him!


This isn't early access. This is launch, by BioWare's own admission. Retail stores get the boxes on the 20th, but the game is out. You can download the client, but you can't play because BioWare is exercising a staggered launch under the guise of "early access". Anyone can qualify for this early access. Go to GameStop or online to Origin and get a pre-release code. BAM! You're part of the club.


Welcome to the queue. You are ??? in line and you have approximately ??? hours until you can play the product you paid for.


Yes, I'm entitled to things I pay for. Social security, medicare, and this game. Origin has taken out $80 from my account. I demand access to the servers.


Back when you bought the game you were outlined (unless you were too busy to read) how the EGA is going to proceed. It's going exactly as planned, it even started two days earlier.


It's not BW's fault you can't comprehend what you're reading.


You bought a game with the chance to play during the EGA for up to 5 days before the official launch. You got exactly what you paid for, no hidden meaning here.

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Would you prefer the scenario of the original poster? Bioware did this for a REASON. Many MMOs had a launch similar or even worse to that described by the OP. Bioware has done an awesome job in my opinion (Also not in game yet).


I agree entirely. I think you misread my post.

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I don't feel like reading that wall of text. It's their first mmorpg, I'm not going to hate on them if they have a few technical difficulties in "early access" before the official launch of the game.


Your response shows you should have read the post. He is talking about Wow not Swtor.

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That would be a false dichotomy, not a strawman.




That means mass transfer of data from the retired servers to the remaining ones, which will most likely involve splitting up groups of players who want to stay together. Not acceptable.


Ha quite correct on the term, but the point is it is presenting an false EITHER/OR


NO, I am not speaking about adding additional servers, If you read I said it was 'instanced' so they could add more servers to the farm.. i.e more instances on current servers, not additional new game servers.

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So, question for those who are complaining that people getting in before them have an unfair advantage. Do you also think it's unfair that those who preordered get the advantage of several days head start over those who didn't?


no it´s not since you can preorder almost until official launch, but making it about who preordered first is very unfair because not all hang on these forums everyday, and then there are vacation´s and stuff maybe when the announcement came out, preordering is all about getting in first hand to reserve names. if i wont get my names on the server my guild was assigned to then i´m not sure about putting my retail key in, will probably not do it, my names are very important to me, my char is very important to me, this is a game where i would spend alot of time,

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So now we're arguing about "equality" and "fairness." And waiting in a 3 hour queue vs. a "24-48 hour" queue.


Let's think:


Is it "fair" or "equal" that some people who play MMO's have no outside responsibilities and are able to do nothing but sit in front of their computer and play video games for 12+ hours at a time? Is it "fair" or "equal" that some of us work 12 hour days and only get a couple hours of play time in, maybe less if we have kids?


3 hour queues are my guess at an average for the Burning Crusade. Some evenings you just had to give up because they were too long. And I'd rather be told HONESTLY that I would be getting into a game a little later than other players within a certain timeframe BEFORE THE ACTUAL LAUNCH DATE to a game that I could actually PLAY.


Not be told that I could definitely play on a certain day, only to find that I had a 3 hour queue before the servers were shut down because they had a stroke and couldn't play until the next morning, at which point an hour of questing that should have taken 5 minutes becomes erased because of server rollbacks.

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No they have created a horrible situation that is going to given them (BioWare) a black eye. The warzones being underpopulated is causing "exploit" hysteria from players that don't know what a true exploit is. The xp gains causing some players to accelerate their levels to possibly 50 by tomorrow is causing players to question BioWare.


BioWare has failed and they don't have the nerves to tell us the truth that they FAILED their own launch.


First of all I am assuming you know the exact number of players, and level they gained by exploiting to logically conclude they have are going to have a negative impact on the game. If so, please post a link so that i too am enlightened. Otherwise it really does not matter. And if for some reason a bunch of players make it to max level, that's awesome, they can then run operations and other end game content to make sure it does not suck like 4.3 does for WoW.

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no it´s not since you can preorder almost until official launch, but making it about who preordered first is very unfair because not all hang on these forums everyday, and then there are vacation´s and stuff maybe when the announcement came out, preordering is all about getting in first hand to reserve names. if i wont get my names on the server my guild was assigned to then i´m not sure about putting my retail key in, will probably not do it, my names are very important to me, my char is very important to me, this is a game where i would spend alot of time,

You'd seriously quit a game over something so trivial?

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it is not the same thing. If you buy an established MMO you know what you are getting into. And obviously you are right, latecomers to an established MMO are at an even more severe disadvantage. Your point being?


My point is - what disadvantage?


So you lose two days, hardcore gamers will start endgame two days earlier. By the time you get there, they will have some sets, better loot, etc... and in two or three days you're be up to par because there's no more content.


That's some bad permanent disadvantage there.

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


Oh god. You got trolled bad.

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.






Did you even read the post?

How do you breath and remain upright at the same time?

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Oh my dear lord, do you really not understand what the EGA was? Do you not understand the launch date is the 20th and today-the 19th is just a bonus that no one was entitled to?


Please...PLEASE read what the EGA actually is, comprehend it, and THEN make a logical and educated post. Thank you.


Another victim of marketing.


Early game access is exclusive with a definite cut-off date and no throttling of customers. See Rift and many other games. This is not early game access. The game has launched by their own words. Read it. Let it sink in.

This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game. We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game. Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be With You!


Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Co-Founders, BioWare


The "early game access" is a marketing ploy to cover for a staggered release in order to attempt to prevent negative press/customer reaction from the inevitable queues and lag that will ensue when the rest of us get access. There is no reason for it other than delaying the inevitable. Pushing a problem away won't fix it.


They have created a massive queue for everyone who didn't hear about this game on July. Your position is ???, and you have ??? until you can play.

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