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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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what is empty scenarios?


Since there are so few people online, none of the PvP scenarios (Or battlegrounds if you played WoW) have enough people, so they automatically end right away. When each match ends, people get a ton of XP and since each fight ends right when you enter, you are able to queue in constantly and get loads of free XP for doing nothing.

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Since there are so few people online, none of the PvP scenarios (Or battlegrounds if you played WoW) have enough people, so they automatically end right away. When each match ends, people get a ton of XP and since each fight ends right when you enter, you are able to queue in constantly and get loads of free XP for doing nothing.


Ahh so thats the exploit everyone was talking about lol. yeah i played wow before /cringe

im certain tho once more waves are admitted that will stop. i do think tho those that are doing that are doing an incredible diservice to themselves. why wait for a game to come out only to spam lvl to 50. the best part of this game is the questing / story :)

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There will be queue times.


There will be server stress.


There will be crashes.


All they are doing is alienating a great majority of players and giving blatant advantage to others. The above is inevitable for an MMO launch. There will be thousands upon thousands of people online at ONE time, regardless.


Stop being so ignorant.


I'm not saying there won't be, especially on the 20th. But hopefully there won't be too much of it during early access as people gradually get on and spread out into other areas, and more servers are added. The key word here is hopefully. Yes, I retain hope. It has only been one day, we have no idea how the next six days will run.


Besides that, in my post I wasn't saying one way is better or worse. I was saying all the posts crying for everyone to be equal reminds me of a story where everyone was given a handicap to make them "equal".

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The bottom line is they are staggering it to spread out the intial rush of people playing. I have played MMO's since EQ1 and Ultima Online. This is a good idea. I didn't get picked to play yet, and yes I am bummed. I won't let it ruin my day or make me cry and whine like a 3 yr old that didn't get his way. I knew when I preordered there was no guarantee when my EGA will start. I have to love when people cry about some gettign advantages. If your that worried about what another player is doing, you take video games too seriously. If your living by your email trying to get in every second of the day, you take video games too seriously. They haven't broke any promises to anyone. If you didn't realize how this goes (staggering people in), then you didn't read the fullt ext prior to your purchase. It was spelled out clearly. It would be nice to know when your going to get in, but we don't We just know at somepoint you will be given EGA. There will be problems with lag and server stability come the 20th, it happens AT ALL LAUNCHES. For those who say this is a horrible launch, the launch has barely even happened. They weren't even supposed to start EGA until the 15th. The bulk ok players won't even be in game until the 20th (nonpreorder). So you have absolutely no idea if this is a smooth or ugly launch. That will be told on the 20,21, and 23 for the most part. The exp thing with pvp...yeah that sucked, but if I sat down and made a list of problems with WoW, AoC, Vanguard, etc. at launch, I would have to have a seperate forum dedicated to it due to the list being so long. Everquest 1 I remember getting rolled back several times after the game had been out a few years. So please people, to the whiners, shaddap....wait your turn and quit being spoiled little children. No one promised you would get in immediately, especially before the game was even supposed to go live. You remind me of Gamestop of the tools hat bought Modern Warfare after camping in line for 10 hours to get their game and literally run to their cars trying to get home immediately....seriously.....lol. Put your bigboy pants on and quit crying the end of the earth is coming. You know why....it really isn't that big of a deal.
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Existing in the real world, wherein a staggered release is practiced for the purposes of evaluating what the overall server needs will likely be upon the official opening date for the game is practical and efficacious in its approach.


To the one who commented that there will be lag and other items on the official launch date, this is likely to be true, however it is also possible that such server congestion will not likely be that severe as a proper roll-out procedure is being followed. The piece of logic you are missing is that with a progressive release, the company hosting the game can purchase more servers and have them installed to counteract the effect of player glut.


Secondly, and with no less important, Life is not fair.


It is a lesson that the youth of the current age tend not to grasp or embrace. While all the way back to Plato writing about how the youth is brash and short sighted has occurred, I think uniquely in the young gamers following up those of us who've been around for a time have a certain lack of patience and equitable manners.


Reducing back to the second point, though, Life is Not Fair. Some people will be ahead of you in line. If a high class, reservations only restauranteur offers someone you know a slot that came available due to a cancellation, you don't get the right to complain that he's getting access to the restaurant first... when the gesture was entirely gratis as pertaining to the owner of the restaurant.


The analogy carries over to a video game producer who decided that they would provide reward to people who invested early in the game with a clear, up front and plainly stated stagger of access for all people who pre-ordered. You may cancel your pre-order if you like, but complaining that you weren't given access at the same time Steve was is nothing more than juvenile, pedant whining. Trying to justify your whining is even more pedantic. It is the type of behavior endemic of such people, you can give them free icecream and they'll complain it isn't chocolate and why did Karen get chocolate but you couldn't have it?


It is likely popular to slam and bash and complain, the noisy oil gets the grease as some might proffer. What I personally am bemused about is the rather impressive stability inherent in the beta testing weekends I participated in.


This combined with the fact that they are proceeding forward with a progressive roll-out indicates to me that the game will be eminently playable upon date of release, even should I arrive early to the party.


And ultimately, that is all that really matters.


Good day.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.




Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.


very well said and obviously you have seen the normal bad launch most MMO's have had

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


lol um she was referign to the typical MMO launch and how this launch does not have those issues. ie we were able to Download last week. The servers are stable there are no long ques peopel can actually do theri quests

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Staggered release is a great idea on paper, but so is communism. BioWare failed horribly at implementing it or even letting us know anything about anything that was going on behind the scenes. Just some information and a hell of a lot better use of time on BW's part, and everything would be golden.


OMG you win the internet!


That is the single funniest thing I've seen all day.


If they were smart they would have never stopped staggering and they would be sendin out emails right now as I type this.


Instead they will leave servers empty all night while I wait along with thousands of more.

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The Last MMO Rift had a Perfect HeadStart Pre Launch they had at least 10k people all doing the same lowbie quests on deepstrike pvp server and the game didn't even crash once they reset it for like 2 minutes but that was about it...They dont even have half the money SWTOR had and it ran fine. If all you can let in is 2 weeks of preorders then your servers must be ****.


um you do know there were issues with hacking durign rifts headstart, soem servers did crash and there was more than 1 2 minute restart. Add to that Although rift has turend otu to be a a popular game it did not launch with anywhere near the projected numbers of this game.

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This is the modern definition of a bad launch and not for anything technical meaning human error, bad decisions by executives who think they know. Well look at the forums. Nobody discussing gameplay, just flames. Is this what Bioware envisioned? I think Bioware needs to reevaluate it's PR division.
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Preach on!!


What I find interesting is unless those whining pre-ordered last week, they had no expectation of getting any time until this coming Thursday. Now instead of being excited that EA/BW seem to be setting the stage where nearly all pre-orders will get 5 days, they whine about not getting 7.


now now do not let logic get in the way of a good Whine

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The bottom line is they are staggering it to spread out the intial rush of people playing. I have played MMO's since EQ1 and Ultima Online. This is a good idea. I didn't get picked to play yet, and yes I am bummed. I won't let it ruin my day or make me cry and whine like a 3 yr old that didn't get his way. I knew when I preordered there was no guarantee when my EGA will start. I have to love when people cry about some gettign advantages. If your that worried about what another player is doing, you take video games too seriously. If your living by your email trying to get in every second of the day, you take video games too seriously. They haven't broke any promises to anyone. If you didn't realize how this goes (staggering people in), then you didn't read the fullt ext prior to your purchase. It was spelled out clearly. It would be nice to know when your going to get in, but we don't We just know at somepoint you will be given EGA. There will be problems with lag and server stability come the 20th, it happens AT ALL LAUNCHES. For those who say this is a horrible launch, the launch has barely even happened. They weren't even supposed to start EGA until the 15th. The bulk ok players won't even be in game until the 20th (nonpreorder). So you have absolutely no idea if this is a smooth or ugly launch. That will be told on the 20,21, and 23 for the most part. The exp thing with pvp...yeah that sucked, but if I sat down and made a list of problems with WoW, AoC, Vanguard, etc. at launch, I would have to have a seperate forum dedicated to it due to the list being so long. Everquest 1 I remember getting rolled back several times after the game had been out a few years. So please people, to the whiners, shaddap....wait your turn and quit being spoiled little children. No one promised you would get in immediately, especially before the game was even supposed to go live. You remind me of Gamestop of the tools hat bought Modern Warfare after camping in line for 10 hours to get their game and literally run to their cars trying to get home immediately....seriously.....lol. Put your bigboy pants on and quit crying the end of the earth is coming. You know why....it really isn't that big of a deal.


Like I said earlier: Communism is a good idea on paper too, but if the people in charge fail to implement it, EVERYONE suffers.

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I didn't get in today, but it seems it is for the better. The sooner they get this all fixed, the better. I would rather wait till the 20th and get this last bit of stuff fixed before the launch and play a smooth game than to play a game that is half finished. I know BioWare will be good on their word.
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I didn't get in today, but it seems it is for the better. The sooner they get this all fixed, the better. I would rather wait till the 20th and get this last bit of stuff fixed before the launch and play a smooth game than to play a game that is half finished. I know BioWare will be good on their word.


So you prefer, roughly, 4M people logging in at the same time instead of BioWare actually bothering to do some research and implement the staggered invite system properly?

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Senatsu; As I previously stated.... you are drawing a fallacious conclusion about the server status as it will exist on launch day. A staggered launch gives indication as to how much additional server space will be required to accomadate the public. Yes, there may be 4 million people on Launch day... but staggering the launch will insure that, if there are server lags and crashes, it will be minimized.


It is good logistical planning.

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