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BW: Are you really not going to address your sub's concerns about comm xfer caps?


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I am not going to waste my time or the time of anyone who cares enough to read this post by going into exhaustive detail about what went down last week: you gave the people paying you a monthly fee to play this game less than 24 hours of warning about our warzone commendations binding to their respective characters in a singular forum post (really?). And then you announce later in the week that the number of commendations that can be converted in 5.0 will have a cap.


In that thread there have been hundreds of posts from players coming to the rather obvious conclusion, based on the aforementioned sequence of events, that you have deliberately made these announcements backwards in order to bait your users into consolidating their commendations so they could be wiped out en masse. And can you blame them? This behavior is so utterly bizarre -- what else should they conclude? The argument for this fact is simple: if you didn't want our comms to be wiped out you would have told us there would be a cap on commendations that can be converted per toon ahead of time and given us far more warning about them binding so that we could spread them around and at least get to convert them all*. But you didn't do that.


This is a serious accusation. It would be truly egregious on the part of the dev team to do something like this. As such, you would expect a response from your community manager in the thread where this was announced and the resulting conspiracy theories were flying. It's been a week now and still haven't received a word on that topic. All we got was a single sentence from Musco answering the softest of softball questions about fleet comms. This is simultaneously hilarious and infuriating.


It seems abundantly clear to me that, until we get some sort of response about this situation, your subscribers have EVERY RIGHT to assume the worst here. And let's reiterate what the worst is just to be clear: that you deliberately kept the fact that each character would have a cap on commendation transfers a secret until it was too late to react to properly, knowing full well that it would result in erasing massive amounts of time and effort on the part of your players. The fact they're converting to credits is bad enough as it is in the first place. But the fact that many of them will simply disappear is a slap in the face.


*Before I finish ranting, I have a eulogy for the unlucky players who have large numbers of season 6 ranked comms. You were told they would convert to normal warzone comms after season 7 was over. And I suppose that's true. But you weren't told that the contribution of wz comms would be capped and, as such, they would become truly, literally worthless. Rest in peace my friends, you can't even spend them on thousands of medpacs you'll never need, crappy deco, ugly PVP weapons, or crystals at a laughably bad exchange rate to buy companion gifts to crash that market even harder than it already has like the rest of us. You will be sorely missed.


And with that I would like to say, on behalf of everyone who has voiced concerns on this topic, that we'd love some sort of response from Bioware here. Even if it's just to tell us "sorry lads, you're SOL." Because even that would be better than being ignored.


P.S. Here are the relevant past threads mentioned in my post: WZ comm grants will be BoP + Conversion rates and conversion cap announced

Edited by yellow_
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I will be very surprised if they ever acknowledge this again.


I don't have a personal stake as I didn't bother to consolidate comms but people are absolutely right to be upset about it.


Whether it was done deliberately or is the product of poor communication between departments - it's not out of the realm of possibilities that the community team found out when they went to write the patch notes because nobody gave them a proper heads up either - it was really a bad way to handle such a drastic change. And it would merit some kind of response up to getting rid of the cap entirely.


A one time infuse of credits for a small subset of players won't hurt the economy and the idea they are putting more effort to avoid this than they did with some of the credits exploits, well...

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No one made you consolidate all your comms. You did that of your own free will. You now have to deal with the consequences of that decision. You may not like it but no matter how much people complain is not gonna change the fact that they are now bound and will convert to creds.
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I read the samething announcement you did, and in it, no where did I read and assume I should send to all one character. I did send some to a character and used them to get a full 208 before 5.0, but the rest stayed with my other toons. What would make you think you would have to consolidate them? Not understanding your logic here.
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Years of wz comms = less than 2 hr of heroics

Why? I mean seriously... PvP players probably care the least about credit on average...


And yet you convert a years worth of banked invaluable currencies, into what could easily be accomplished by a companion carrying us through some heroics in a few hours.


Adding insult to injury, you then cap that at 2 million... A cap that is quite easy to hit. Because 3 million would certainly break the economy... As would letting us legacy transfer comms to spread out the wealth.


If there is something logical about this decision and the sequence in which it was relayed... We'd love to change our angst into comprehension.


Until then, it seems quite purposely to be a credit nerf that's overwhelmingly targeting PvP players.


Tl;dr if you trust your decision was correct.. Do us a solid and let us appreciate your foresight.

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Years of wz comms = less than 2 hr of heroics

Why? I mean seriously... PvP players probably care the least about credit on average...


And yet you convert a years worth of banked invaluable currencies, into what could easily be accomplished by a companion carrying us through some heroics in a few hours.


Adding insult to injury, you then cap that at 2 million... A cap that is quite easy to hit. Because 3 million would certainly break the economy... As would letting us legacy transfer comms to spread out the wealth.


If there is something logical about this decision and the sequence in which it was relayed... We'd love to change our angst into comprehension.


Until then, it seems quite purposely to be a credit nerf that's overwhelmingly targeting PvP players.


Tl;dr if you trust your decision was correct.. Do us a solid and let us appreciate your foresight.


Lol at anyone who PvPed just for comms.

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Read: WAAAH I DEMAND billions of credits for my hoarded comms. I think they encourage gathering on a specific character in case you wanted to SPEND them on armor yet still.


With this logic we can place a credit cap because that's the same case with a different currency. Stop trolling.

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Either way, the way they conducted this was utterly intransparent, and happened not by accident at all. They had a plan to do it the way they did, firstly encouraging people to act_now_or_else™ rather than keeping them in the loop, and afterwards introducing the credit cap which greatly limits the usefulness of left over comms on Nov 29th. They deliberately created uncertainty and a lack of time (24hrs in advance of the BoL-BoP change), which usually causes stress and hampers people's ability to calmly contemplate what this might be about.


As I pointed out in another thread, transparency would've been to just include the words "A conversion cap is intended, but rates and the cap are to be determined/announced yet" in Eric's first post. And, of course, giving people a chance, 1 day is not enough, a week to react to the information would have been much more fair towards the players.

Edited by force_fortytwo
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Either way, the way they conducted this was utterly intransparent, and happened not by accident at all. They had a plan to do it the way they did, firstly encouraging people to act_now_or_else™ rather than keeping them in the loop, and afterwards introducing the credit cap which greatly limits the usefulness of left over comms on Nov 29th. They deliberately created uncertainty and a lack of time (24hrs in advance of the BoL-BoP change), which usually causes stress and hampers people's ability to calmly contemplate what this might be about.


As I pointed out in another thread, transparency would've been to just include the words "A conversion cap is intended, but rates and the cap are to be determined/announced yet" in Eric's first post. And, of course, giving people a chance, 1 day is not enough, a week to react to the information would have been much more fair towards the players.


They're just credits. Get over it.

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Read: WAAAH I DEMAND billions of credits for my hoarded comms. I think they encourage gathering on a specific character in case you wanted to SPEND them on armor yet still.
Why are you deliberately trying to put legitimate concerns down like that? Nobody has demanded billions of credits, but in general the handling of the conversion is definitely poor.

  1. Point out the change to "BoP" for the BoL-Comms only 24 hours in advance
  2. Forget to issue the same information in the other language's subforums
  3. Encourage players to move the comms to the characters they want to see them on
  4. Do not indicate anywhere that there might be a cap in the later conversion, making the option to collect the comms on one central char perfectly valid

Add to that that for example your "get armor" advice is not working for sub Lvl 65 chars (they can't buy them!) is actually promoting the moving of comms to one central char to dispatch all "earnings" later on and you can perhaps understand why people are upset. Because now you actually have to waste comms on stuff you never intended to buy to avoid losing them completely (nullify the effort getting them totally).


For example I now have to speed level some chars that have enough comms on them to buy fully ranked gear just to avoid having them converted to a pitiful number of credits, so at least I get the set-bonuses. Not the end of the world, but still annoying.

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It honestly doesn't bother me. I actually noticed that I do have comms on some characters. I've never hoarded them. If you never intended to use them, what's the big deal? Ah but you did, didn't you? You intended to use them to buy a whole set upon reaching 70. They've stopped you from doing that and that's why people are upset. They've lost a secret advantage. I don't hoard...I am not pleased about crystals aND companion gifts but I was prepared. I've been lvling companions in preparation. I will continue to do that. But let's be real...people thought they could get an edge and now they aren't happy that they can't. It's nothung to do with a 2M limit.
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I'd advise anyone responding to the trolls to just move on. They aren't worth your time. They are good for bumping the thread though.

A one time infuse of credits for a small subset of players won't hurt the economy and the idea they are putting more effort to avoid this than they did with some of the credits exploits, well...

Hah, I hadn't even thought about this but you're absolutely right.

I read the samething announcement you did, and in it, no where did I read and assume I should send to all one character. I did send some to a character and used them to get a full 208 before 5.0, but the rest stayed with my other toons. What would make you think you would have to consolidate them? Not understanding your logic here.

I think you are missing the point. Bioware should not be making such vague announcements that you are forced to read between the lines in order to decide how you should react to the information. They have no reason not to be clear with us (e.g. there is going to be a cap on the number of comms that can be converted you should spread them out!). But they weren't. And it's not too late for them to change their mind.


P.S. I was not among the people who stacked comms as a result of their post. But I had absolutely no idea just how much I would need to spread them out because there was no mention of a cap so I still got hosed.


P.P.S. What about the people with extra tens or hundreds of thousands of season 6 ranked comms? How are they supposed to spread those around (read: they can't)? Those comms are being DELETED by bioware.

Either way, the way they conducted this was utterly intransparent, and happened not by accident at all. They had a plan to do it the way they did, firstly encouraging people to act_now_or_else™ rather than keeping them in the loop, and afterwards introducing the credit cap which greatly limits the usefulness of left over comms on Nov 29th.

Yep. And if this isn't true they can easily fix that by saying something.

Edited by yellow_
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Years of wz comms = less than 2 hr of heroics

Why? I mean seriously... PvP players probably care the least about credit on average...


And yet you convert a years worth of banked invaluable currencies, into what could easily be accomplished by a companion carrying us through some heroics in a few hours.


Adding insult to injury, you then cap that at 2 million... A cap that is quite easy to hit. Because 3 million would certainly break the economy... As would letting us legacy transfer comms to spread out the wealth.


This is Bioware telling you that PVP is no longer wanted, PVP players are no longer wanted, please go away and stop giving us money.


Will you listen?

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At this point they won't get any kudos for reversing the credit cap since many have already adjusted by way of buying and selling Companions gifts etc.....



If they lift it now then those people will go nuclear.....It's a no win for BW, damage is done.

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You sure you can afford a doll?


more than likely. I've been hoarding crystals and credits for quite some time, along with various items that I think will have increased value in 5.0 compared to current value. So pretty sure i'll be able to get a head start.

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At this point they won't get any kudos for reversing the credit cap since many have already adjusted by way of buying and selling Companions gifts etc.....



If they lift it now then those people will go nuclear.....It's a no win for BW, damage is done.


No loss for Bioware either.

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For me it was a hit i was not ready for cause the fact I have toons who could have sent some war zone comms to others. But with the DVL going on and trying to get not only all class to 50 and out of 8 two to 65 one pub and one imp. I ready this and just like the last few dev streams the core part of the news fall off the stream to show up here some time after. Then by time some find out they end up like me pissed off cause there are toon I have then been playing solo at the end of this x pack in war zones and could have taken close to my cap and sent some to my dvl toons who i plan to keep to have the right amount to buy there set gear. Once again feel they failed to inform the largest part of there players base the import news. And they wounder why so many tune out the twitch chat cause the rage at times gets to much and throw out 5 free stuff to 5 random players but feels like they just pick user names that make them lol or there rigged. Hell even throwing out the You lost that love and feeling got lol and that was it. This song say more truth about there actions then they know.
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They won't lose credibility in the eyes of anyone that matters. And to anyone who unsubs over this, good riddance.


I see you have a strong business acumen. their monthly sub fee is worth the exactly the same as yours. Keep thinking you're more important than anyone else if you want, but you're sorely misguided if you do.

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I see you have a strong business acumen. their monthly sub fee is worth the exactly the same as yours. Keep thinking you're more important than anyone else if you want, but you're sorely misguided if you do.


It's not just me who's more important than the people whinging over this. It's everyone who appreciates this game for what it is. Everyone who doesn't ***** as soon as the game gets a tiny bit harder for them. Everyone who appreciates what Bioware has created and still creates.


Anyone who can't appreciate what Bioware does, well again, good riddance.

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