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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

On a Serious note, how many are staying.


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Depends on what real life has in store for me.

If things change for the better and free up my finances then my time will be better spent getting out and travelling and working out.

this game is really just filler for me while i hang in Limbo working 7 days a week between 2 jobs.

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I'm staying for a few months at least. I've already taken my break - unsubbed for a few months, came back in anticipation of new expansion. My plan is to have a go with it, see how bad it really is. That will determine how long I stay. I'm having fun right now, in spite of many things. I have to keep it pretty casual and not play too much, otherwise I'll just get burnt out and overly frustrated with the apathy coming from the game development team. I'll pay a sub, but I will never buy cartel coins - not gonna feed that beast.


I'll do regs and ranked and operations in 5.0. Ranked, if for no other reason than I'm one of those people who really enjoy arenas. The rewards, or lack thereof, are a massive turn-off.

Edited by teclado
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I have wanted to quit for 1-2 years, but I seems to be stuck here :(


I have tried a multitude of other games, but nothing really captivates me like Star Wars. As I am writing this I am sitting in beta queue for Revelations Online, but I doubt it will be my "new home".


That is also my predicament. I've wanted to walk away so many times, but I can't find anything to replace swtor and I'm a crazy SW fan, it's the only reason I even tried the game.

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Wait what game is everybody leaving for?


Thats the big question; isn't it?


My life right now is work, go home take dogs out, go for a walk, workout, get back home and eat something, then more often than not, do more work, go to bed, repeat. Every so often; I get the time and the interest to play and just PvP for the most part. The reason I have been even on and off with SWTOR over other games has been how accessible it is.


Now; if it goes how I suspect, it becomes like many other MMOs. Some, like ESO or BDO; I liked the mechanics and PvP settings along with about everything but the lore better than this game but chose this one because those others were more grindy. That may or may not be the case come 5.0.


Been debating trying GW2 again for that casual aspect. I just wasn't a fan of its auto attack combat.

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Already unsubscribed. ....... I'll keep an eye out on the forums as I do every day but I'm not paying for 5.0. RNG=fail for pvpers. They had a really great thing going. I just can't fathom why devs would go backwards in progression. I wish they would just do away with all gear for pvp wzs. I have no problems PVE grinding for open world pvp if I want to but no gear in wzs is better than freaking a RNG.
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Hoping it won't be as bad as it looks. Cautiously staying until my sub runs out in February, then I will assess. As things stand now, I suspect 5.0 will reduce my desire to play/playtime. Will leave for sure if all of the following happens...


1) Gearing is as bad as it seems on paper

2) WZ solo queueing sentinel stops being fun

3) No plans are announced for new pvp wzs/modes by Feb

4) Pops noticeably slow down during prime-time


Unless Bioware rolls back some of these changes, I suspect I will gear just one toon and play a few matches here and there when people I like to play with are online.

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I figure that once the crying little baddies get my Mercs completely castrated with nerfs --the way they got my Snipingers ruined once upon a time ago with their repellent puling-- is when I'll be hitting the /uninstall button for good. My favourite AC, and the last one left that hasn't been made a dog's dinner of so bads can feel special. Yet. (Mostly by dint of simply being ignored, but I'm digressing....)


Unless this RNG-based Cartel Market grooming (and make no mistake: They are trying to groom us, here) ends up being even worse than it looks, in which case that'll be it, that much earlier.


(We had RNG-based gearing for PvP, once. It sucked complete and utter balls, and was fairly quickly changed. But I've come to expect no better from these incompetents than to continue to plunge headlong into past mistakes, soooo....yeah.)

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I have wanted to quit for 1-2 years, but I seems to be stuck here :(


I have tried a multitude of other games, but nothing really captivates me like Star Wars. As I am writing this I am sitting in beta queue for Revelations Online, but I doubt it will be my "new home".


Have you tried Skyforge? Granted it used to be a lot better before they idiot-proofed it with the "Ascension" update but its a decent game...for now.

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I am staying. No other game really interests me. When I determine it is time to leave, whenever that may be, it will probably mean the end of my gaming career. I am not a console fan, those games do not appeal to me.


The thing that is the most discouraging about this whole mess is something that Trixxy touched on in the op.....the loss of so many players....friends, guildmates, and rivals. I have become a gaming "hermit"! I play but don't reach out to anymore to befriend anyone, dont attempt to help, dont much care to even try. I do my own thing, win or lose, in the wz's and mostly keep my mouth shut now. I try to attain personal goals....that about it now.

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I will quit if it's too difficult to max gear all my 12+ toons that I currently regularly play, within a reasonable amount of time. Bioware has made this an increasing altoholic-friendly game, and is now giving a huge middle finger to them. PvP is not about gear. Removing the separation between PvE and PvP is a huge blunder.
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I'll give it a try. But I'm not expecting anything good to come from 5.0. I rarely log in as is and just keep the sub up just because. I'm tired of playing the same warzones day in and day out. The PvE is boring as all get out. The game as a whole is just one big disappointment. But like everyone else, I hold on hope that it will finally come around, even though I know it won't. I feel like I'm back in my last marriage lol.
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I'll give it a go, but will leave if it's too annoying. I've subbed since launch with the exception of about four months this year. Left because I just wasn't having a good time due to class changes, grinding new gear on tired ops, and same ole PvP, and I'll go again if I stop having a good time. I was lured back by this DvL event, and now I'm exclusively PvPing with my 65s. Wait and see approach for me.
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I figure that once the crying little baddies get my Mercs completely castrated with nerfs --the way they got my Snipingers ruined once upon a time ago with their repellent puling-- is when I'll be hitting the /uninstall button for good. My favourite AC, and the last one left that hasn't been made a dog's dinner of so bads can feel special. Yet. (Mostly by dint of simply being ignored, but I'm digressing....)


Unless this RNG-based Cartel Market grooming (and make no mistake: They are trying to groom us, here) ends up being even worse than it looks, in which case that'll be it, that much earlier.


(We had RNG-based gearing for PvP, once. It sucked complete and utter balls, and was fairly quickly changed. But I've come to expect no better from these incompetents than to continue to plunge headlong into past mistakes, soooo....yeah.)


I'm thinking your merc will be safe. All the thoughts are that they will be the new sorc based on some birdie. I also noticed that Eric used a merc in the story play through and the typical thought is the devs buff the classes they play.

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my sub ends in January, sub renewed literally 2 days before the galacctic command system info came out. I will stick it out until then thats for sure. After that it will depend on a lots of things, how gear grinding is through the GC system, how tedious it is, and tbh whether i will still have any friends to play with. my raiding group said already that they are for now staying, bbut thats only once a week and the friends i pvp with sme are staying some are leaving, will see where it goes.
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I am staying. No other game really interests me. When I determine it is time to leave, whenever that may be, it will probably mean the end of my gaming career. I am not a console fan, those games do not appeal to me.


The thing that is the most discouraging about this whole mess is something that Trixxy touched on in the op.....the loss of so many players....friends, guildmates, and rivals. I have become a gaming "hermit"! I play but don't reach out to anymore to befriend anyone, dont attempt to help, dont much care to even try. I do my own thing, win or lose, in the wz's and mostly keep my mouth shut now. I try to attain personal goals....that about it now.


This sums up my experience as well. I'm going to wait and see how bad everything turns out when the x-pack releases but if gearing my toons takes more than, say, a couple weeks per, I'll be done and out of here until something changes. I am already sick and tired of grinding old content.

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I;m staying at-least for another 7 months want to see how the changes affect things over all and pvp is something I do for fun after pvering and such. So won't greatly effect me, save slow days when nothing left to pve , which happens to much sadly. :( Edited by Talosred
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I haven't logged into the client now since the last chapter and they announced the gear reset. It kinda kills the point of playing when you can't advance your characters. I don't know if I will stay subbed after with rng gearing either. Will prob play through the story then take a break still subbed. If I don't feel the desire to play after 3 months and havent logged in I will cancel then.


I just feel that bioware have decided that the pvpers and raiders take up far too much forum space whining for content and this is their way of taking us all out back and shooting us in the back of the head. How many times has Musco told us we are a very small minority? Without us they can focus on cartel packs and story content which is where the big paying customers are.

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