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KOTET Livestream - 11/3


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Why make a schedule if you can't follow it? Why not give a better explanation for why you are changing things? It only gives a bad impression as if you don't actually know what the class changes will be 1 month before the launch.


Knowing the class changes is something everyone wants to know I would rather learn about the story and difficulty as I play.


Totally fair questions! In short, we are looking at adding a new stream to our schedule with some special guests (so you can see some new faces beyond Charles, Ben, and I). Adding that into the schedule shook things up a bit so we needed to make some changes. The outcome is the following:

  • Repeatable Chapters are a good follow-on topic from Uprisings since it relates to content difficulties, so we shifted that up to this week's stream.
  • We know Class changes are a topic you guys want to learn about ASAP. That information will now happen outside of a livestream. Our plan is to have those posts up Monday, possibly Tuesday.
  • We will likely host our stream with special guests next week, more info soon.

Hope that explains the changes.



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Well, I thought of it because Eric has admitted on the livestreams that he's not that great with dates and days, as there was a thing with him almost having something on Thanksgiving. So I figured it's possible that he put together the schedule not thinking about it being on a Thursday and as they got to today, they realized the 3rd is a Thursday and decided class changes were something better suited for beginning of the week.


They have not changed much, but Eric has been pretty good with the expansion info about being in there in the announcement threads and responding to questions.


1) I am hilariously bad with dates and times. 2) Although we try to not drop information late on Fridays, so we can answer questions. Timing in this case was more about the stream schedule getting shifted around. 3) There is still an 80% chance I forget to move the Thanksgiving stream date on the presentation...I really should go do it right now.



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1) I am hilariously bad with dates and times. 2) Although we try to not drop information late on Fridays, so we can answer questions. Timing in this case was more about the stream schedule getting shifted around. 3) There is still an 80% chance I forget to move the Thanksgiving stream date on the presentation...I really should go do it right now.



Hehe, thanks for the explanation. :)

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The last thing we need is more drama. We've got 4 weeks for the combat / class changes to be posted up in blogs format. To be perfectly honest, considering the questions relating to what information we have been given are being left unanswered, I fail to see the point in even providing the information? I'm certainly not being excited by what I've seen so far. :(


Combat changes are FAR more important than repeating KOTFE chapters as this affects literally everyone. Combat should of taken priority, tbh there prob still sorting out last minute changes.

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While I would prefer to learn more about class changes than replayable chapters, it sounds better that you'll be releasing the class info on a Monday so that we can debate over the week rather than telling us the details on a Thursday and not answering any questions until after the weekend.


So what will the difficulties be? Easy will be 3 sky troopers, medium will be six, and hard will be 30? :p


Don't really care about repeatable chapters much, but at least hopefully there won't be any bad news tomorrow.

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Eric, one question for the stream -- will the Veteran difficulty for the story chapters require completion of the story on Standard difficulty first?


Bringing alternate characters through KotFE and KotET would be more enjoyable if I had the option to run them on the harder difficulty at the outset.



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Eric, one question for the stream -- will the Veteran difficulty for the story chapters require completion of the story on Standard difficulty first?


Bringing alternate characters through KotFE and KotET would be more enjoyable if I had the option to run them on the harder difficulty at the outset.




Totally agree. An epic story in a game only feels epic if you can actually fail. It would be torture having to run every alt through story mode first imo :(


I am hoping for some actual mechanic changes on these harder difficulties as well, to make the story bosses actually feel like a big deal. Arcann just feels like a damage sponge when you can ignore the feedback mechanic.

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Totally fair questions! In short, we are looking at adding a new stream to our schedule with some special guests (so you can see some new faces beyond Charles, Ben, and I). Adding that into the schedule shook things up a bit so we needed to make some changes. The outcome is the following:

  • Repeatable Chapters are a good follow-on topic from Uprisings since it relates to content difficulties, so we shifted that up to this week's stream.
  • We know Class changes are a topic you guys want to learn about ASAP. That information will now happen outside of a livestream. Our plan is to have those posts up Monday, possibly Tuesday.
  • We will likely host our stream with special guests next week, more info soon.

Hope that explains the changes.




I wasn't expecting an actual reasonable and positive response. I guess Bioware gets some kudos for that. Especially if the special guests include getting some of the voice actors on stream that would be amazing. If you included this great info in the original post I wouldn't have gotten worried. :rak_03:

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I'm not trying to be mean but why would I care about special guests? Your delaying information we all want for special guest? Why would we care who disseminates the information? Also somehow the guest are so important they cancelled a stream on a vital aspect of the game? You were scared weren't you? Come on you can admit it. A live stream on combat changes would have potentially turned into some kind of riot. Ironically it's cancelled the day before. Faceless vague posts dropped onto the forums are much more painless than live streams.


It's OK. I know you guys were just avoiding another "heal to full" fiasco.

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What I see here are a bunch of self entitled complainers. What I suggest for BW to do. Is stop all live streams. Just make posts. After the initial posts. Don't make anymore posts. It will then get rid of the type of people you don't want here and keep the people that you do want here.
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2) Although we try to not drop information late on Fridays, so we can answer questions. Timing in this case was more about the stream schedule getting shifted around.




Except when it comes to things like http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9098843#edit9098843 which you have yet to answer any of the concerns posted in that thread...

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What I see here are a bunch of self entitled complainers. What I suggest for BW to do. Is stop all live streams. Just make posts. After the initial posts. Don't make anymore posts. It will then get rid of the type of people you don't want here and keep the people that you do want here.

That sort of thin-skinned response just amounts to leaving money on the table. For the most part, "the people that they do want" are the people who pay them money - if that entails having some of those people say not-very-nice-things on the internet about them, then nine times out of ten the response is to say 'oh well' and cash the check.


They shouldn't put up with legitimately abusive comments or toxic behavior (both because they are still human beings at the end of the day and because that behavior can poison the well and run off more money than they'd be saving) but adopting a 'take your ball and go home' response at the first sign of criticism would just be a really poor business strategy.

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What I see here are a bunch of self entitled complainers. What I suggest for BW to do. Is stop all live streams. Just make posts. After the initial posts. Don't make anymore posts. It will then get rid of the type of people you don't want here and keep the people that you do want here.


Bioware isn't a baby or young child, they should be able to handle complaints and some of these have merit. I'm not saying they should have to put up with death threats, insults, or anything like that, but they should be able to reason with there customers as were all human beings.

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What I see here are a bunch of self entitled complainers. What I suggest for BW to do. Is stop all live streams. Just make posts. After the initial posts. Don't make anymore posts. It will then get rid of the type of people you don't want here and keep the people that you do want here.


I remember when 4.0 dropped and they said they would answer all the top questions on the forum on a stream. There must have been 15 threads about if we could or why we couldn't gear new companions. They ignored the question and never until this day addressed it. I just want them to do what they say they will do. I never asked for a live stream but I was excited about the one on class changes. That was the only one I personally cared about...and they brushed it aside at the last min.

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Hey folks,


We are making a slight change in the schedule for weekly livestreams. Originally tomorrow's stream was going to cover combat changes. We are going to move that stream out and we are replacing it with repeatable Chapters. We are going to showcase a KOTFE Chapter and show the difference between story and veteran difficulty along with answering any gameplay questions you may have about Chapters. Also, Charles will be answering story questions about KOTFE and how they tie into KOTET!


Here are the stream details:

When: Thursday, November 3rd

When: 4PM Central, 2PM Pacific

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


We know that everyone is anxious to hear more about the Class/combat changes coming with KOTET. We will be making posts throughout the week, next week, with a highlight of some of the changes we are making.







Oh! Are we going to talk about story? Let me feign surprise. Let me guess. Choices matter. Cause Koth! Look all your choices mattered cause koth! Choices matter Koth! Koth! Koth! Koth!


Why don't you guys just post the dates you aren't going to talk about story. January right. Thats the date for the next string along for ops with out actually mentioning ops right? Lets call it the anouncement for the almost an anouncement stream.

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I wasn't expecting an actual reasonable and positive response. I guess Bioware gets some kudos for that. Especially if the special guests include getting some of the voice actors on stream that would be amazing. If you included this great info in the original post I wouldn't have gotten worried. :rak_03:


Voice Actors are on Strike atm so not likely.

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Totally fair questions! In short, we are looking at adding a new stream to our schedule with some special guests (so you can see some new faces beyond Charles, Ben, and I). Adding that into the schedule shook things up a bit so we needed to make some changes. The outcome is the following:

  • Repeatable Chapters are a good follow-on topic from Uprisings since it relates to content difficulties, so we shifted that up to this week's stream.
  • We know Class changes are a topic you guys want to learn about ASAP. That information will now happen outside of a livestream. Our plan is to have those posts up Monday, possibly Tuesday.
  • We will likely host our stream with special guests next week, more info soon.

Hope that explains the changes.





The real reason is prolly to give these guys a break. Obviously you can't trust anything they say since they don't stick to anything. And if you bring it up it will just be ignored. You can blame it on anything you want but it doesn't change the deceitful lying from anyone they put on the stream.


They're only going to talk about story cause half that community is not upset. The raiders and pvp'ers already know we're getting screwed. Half the people that only care about story still won't admit its sub par especially the crap we got after Ziost. So if you can't tell by now the only thing they care to talk about is story or some direvitive of the story. Cause its all they got.


Either that or finally heads are rolling after the management shake up. Which wouldn't bother me at all since i despise liars.

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  • We know Class changes are a topic you guys want to learn about ASAP. That information will now happen outside of a livestream. Our plan is to have those posts up Monday, possibly Tuesday.




No, Eric. Class Changes are a topic we already KNOW about. We want your official information on it so we can start giving you feedback to it without it being ignored/deleted due to forum rules.

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No. You want the info so you can complain more as you are running out of stuff to complain about.


Hah, nope. There's so many things we can get angry about, starting from using more Sabaton in their videos(e.g.

) and ending with GIVE US MORE MMO CONTENT!!!! Pf, they did so little we can randomly pick a part of the game and complain about it. Even story - e.g. only 9 chapters? :D
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No. You want the info so you can complain more as you are running out of stuff to complain about.


Constructive critiscm =/= complaining.


But a yes sayer like yourself wouldn't understand, I get that:rolleyes:

Edited by Torvai
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sry but Story and how hard is it... who cares?

so i have every Class and i will know how to play on 5.0 .

The hole System is Crap.

Its making money with the Casuals because u need Abo to play.

The Gamers who will play the Endcontent will play the first 2 Month for leveling and gearing.

And then all the good players will stop it.

The hole Bunch of them will only play because of new Group Content next Year.

So Bioware earn ur Money and make some for the Players who want to play the Endcontent.

This r the Peoples who writing the Class guides and testing the hole classes to bring it to the max.

And by the way i hear a Voice that have said "u dont must wait so long for new Group Content"

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