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Swap Character sex 5.0


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...and if Quinn isn't into Males...?


I don't agree with making all comps open to any form of romance, as much like real life, not everyone is bisexual, and not everyone is straight, people have different likes or interests and I can only see very few vanilla companions being bisexual, IE Kaliyo. Story> a selective amount of player interests, I would much rather have the story fit the user than it bend to the person.


It's not about being Bi. It only effects the person doing the story, it doesn't make them anything to anyone else. If you choose to go down the same sex route, then you would consider them gay, not Bi. If you chose the straight option, then you would consider them straight. No where does this effect any other player. It only makes the option to choose the path unisex, not bisexual.

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Actually they wouldn't. But I'm happy to be proven wrong. Can you provide a cut scene that would require a rework for gender pronouns as I have never come across one.


Sure! Quesh. Woman SI walks into the first planetary quest mission, the imperial agent says "women can't help in a war" or some such non-sense, to which you get the option to shock him.

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I have to admit that it does kinda suck that there wasn't a male or female companion in the original class storylines that was bi, although I have always wondered if Talos was gay. Lol!


Taking step back from the whole unisex discussion and just about what we think of the current characters


Talos, lol, definetely gay ;)

Kaliyo, could have gone Bi as actually part of the story, but the Devs defined her as straight (can't change that now as she actually defined it in the cutscene)

Jaesa, yeah I could have seen her being gay

And Khem, definitely gay, lol, sorry that ones a joke 🙃

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Sure! Quesh. Woman SI walks into the first planetary quest mission, the imperial agent says "women can't help in a war" or some such non-sense, to which you get the option to shock him.


sorry, can you explain that in a bit more detail. It's probably just me, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean or the circumstances

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Taking step back from the whole unisex discussion and just about what we think of the current characters


Talos, lol, definetely gay ;)

Kaliyo, could have gone Bi as actually part of the story, but the Devs defined her as straight (can't change that now as she actually defined it in the cutscene)

Jaesa, yeah I could have seen her being gay

And Khem, definitely gay, lol, sorry that ones a joke 🙃


Yeah Talos just something about him huh? Lol!

Kaliyo, I always got the impression she's definitely straight based on conversations and storyline stuff.

Jaesa I believe would be bi, especially after you make her embrace the dark side, she's just has that personality when she's dark sided.

Khem :eek: lol!

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Taking step back from the whole unisex discussion and just about what we think of the current characters


Talos, lol, definetely gay ;)

Kaliyo, could have gone Bi as actually part of the story, but the Devs defined her as straight (can't change that now as she actually defined it in the cutscene)

Jaesa, yeah I could have seen her being gay

And Khem, definitely gay, lol, sorry that ones a joke 🙃


Jaesa gay? I would have thought bi more than gay.


Talos could be gay, but now I just wonder if he's just an extremely nerdy guy, who because of his accent/sound of his voice, people think he may be gay. His voice is just so (I'll go with) prissy sounding.

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It's not about being Bi. It only effects the person doing the story, it doesn't make them anything to anyone else. If you choose to go down the same sex route, then you would consider them gay, not Bi. If you chose the straight option, then you would consider them straight. No where does this effect any other player. It only makes the option to choose the path unisex, not bisexual.


How would they not be Bi if there open to romancing a male or female :rak_02:

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sorry, can you explain that in a bit more detail. It's probably just me, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean or the circumstances


You said no one called you out on your gender in the story. I just pointed out one scene in which the NPC mentions you being a woman.


I believe the female Hunter gets called a woman on Alderaan. Also, female smuggler if I recall correctly, gets called a woman when flirting with the guy who betrays you (forgot his name), as he turns out to be an Imperial.

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You said no one called you out on your gender in the story. I just pointed out one scene in which the NPC mentions you being a woman.


I believe the female Hunter gets called a woman on Alderaan. Also, female smuggler if I recall correctly, gets called a woman when flirting with the guy who betrays you (forgot his name), as he turns out to be an Imperial.


LOL, what the hell does an NPC have to do with a companion?

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It actually had me wondering what he would have said if it was a male. No option to shock him as he doesn't say anything bad?


Um, if I remember correctly I don't think so but then again it's been awhile since I've done the planetary mission but I think and I may be thinking of another planet, you shock him for just being plain rude to you but I take any shock or dark side choice I can get as a SI mostly cause I get joy out of it, I'm so dark. :D

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Jaesa gay? I would have thought bi more than gay.


Talos could be gay, but now I just wonder if he's just an extremely nerdy guy, who because of his accent/sound of his voice, people think he may be gay. His voice is just so (I'll go with) prissy sounding.


True enough, I've met many people like Talos who aren't gay. I was just stereotyping him.

Jaesa, yeah, she is a bit of a loose canon who wants to try everything since going dark side. I bet she'd be into some weird stuff ;)

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You actually made my point for me and I don't think you even realise it


That doesn't make the point for you. What was said was, gender pronouns where used. We have no idea how they're tied to the conversations.


For example. In the MMO City of Heroes, they, at one point, made it so players could have their characters male or female. However, it always kept you at what you had first, when it came to gender pronouns that where used.

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That doesn't make the point for you. What was said was, gender pronouns where used. We have no idea how they're tied to the conversations.


For example. In the MMO City of Heroes, they, at one point, made it so players could have their characters male or female. However, it always kept you at what you had first, when it came to gender pronouns that where used.


Go back and start again. Read what was said early. The conversation was about companions and not NPCs. They have zero to do with the conversation and I'm not even sure why you are using that as an example. No one is disputing NPCs referring to gender and no one is asking for any changes there. A players gender interactions with NPCs doesn't define your interactions with your companions.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Go back and start again. Read what was said early. The conversation was about companions and not NPCs. They have zero to do with the conversation and I'm not even sure why you are using that as an example. No one is disputing NPCs referring to gender and no one is asking for any changes there. A players gender interactions with NPCs doesn't define your interactions with you companions.


For companion conversations, when they talk about having children would be one of the first ones where gender would play a part in the conversaion. "You can have our kids" doesn't work when a player switches from a female to male character.

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People in this space wizard fantasy world function similar to in real life, and with the exception of most of star wars lore VERY few people have been stated to be something other than straight.


And uh.. yeah.. I meant for it to NOT fit the user ... :(/


It's definitely more egalitarian than real life. Women are more equal in Star Wars because they also have the might of the force - you see a lot more women in positions of power than in real life. More female power and acceptance = less of a stigma of being considered effeminate/gay. And more people would play a LBGTQ character than they would be irl, so it isn't about mirroring the real world.


But really, at this point, it doesn't matter. We're not even going to get most of our original LI"s back , gay or straight, anytime soon. I see about a .00004% chance of them going back to modify the original content, unless it is to remove things for "streamlining".

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For companion conversations, when they talk about having children would be one of the first ones where gender would play a part in the conversaion. "You can have our kids" doesn't work when a player switches from a female to male character.


I never flirted with any of my companions, but the children thing does get mentioned (or your descendants) gets mentioned and I'm thinking well that's going to be a bit hard as I am in a relationship with Theron Shan and we have yet to talk about options for having children/descendants.


It's definitely more egalitarian than real life. Women are more equal in Star Wars because they also have the might of the force - you see a lot more women in positions of power than in real life. More female power and acceptance = less of a stigma of being considered effeminate/gay. And more people would play a LBGTQ character than they would be irl, so it isn't about mirroring the real world.

So much gay bashing in the world you gotta hide who you are and your sex life, go out with your lover holding hands and get told off by a security guard saying you're making people feel uncomfortable... sorry... what were we talking about again?

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I never flirted with any of my companions, but the children thing does get mentioned (or your descendants) gets mentioned and I'm thinking well that's going to be a bit hard as I am in a relationship with Theron Shan and we have yet to talk about options for having children/descendants.


Well, that was more in line with the original LIs. I don't even think the newer LIs talk about such things, do they?

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Mad much?


What makes you think I am mad? The color? I always use red as it is my favorite color. If that is all you can say about my comment then it means you have nothing to dispute them with. You made a choice when you made the character, live with it. It really is that simple.

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