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So, HOW MANY of you guys will continue playing after the first free month has passed?


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Are you playing BETA? Because I can have 2 screens open at once, and you don't even need both of the character and inventory screens open to equip an item.

I actually found this very useful, a HUGE difference from other MMO's.



And being only about 5 days in, 10 levels in, I've decided (for now) I'm going to renew if I don't get bored in the mean time. The only problem(s) I have with the game is the demanding rate of RAM it requires. And the in-game problem is the massive lag in indoor areas and specifically in rest zones.


He said more, M-O-R-E. He wants 3 windows open at the same time. And being able to equip items without your char window open is something you've been able to do in WoW since vanilla, I'm pretty darn sure all MMO's since have also had the feature.


However what you can't do, is equip MODS, M-O-D-S, without having your char window open.

Edited by Zironic
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Game will be free to play when Pandaland WoW releases..Swtor has no World PvP how many people are gonna keep playing DerpBall, and the other 2 crappy Instanced sandbox PvP games over and over and over. Where's the world PvP? illum is **** people just do there dailies and leave in 10 minutes...
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My girlfriend and I are going to be sticking around for sure.


I have another friend that's cancelling his sub for a number of reasons, sadly.


He's too PvP focused (which isn't very polished, balanced, or thought out for the most part at this moment), and isn't a fan of only having 4 (5 if you count a shield) healing abilities as a Jedi Sage.

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I sadly decided to cancel my subscription if they want to keep people playing they need more than kill quests and groups of mobs standing around i can already tell what my questing experience will be at lvl 30-50 the exact same as it was from 1 - 2 kill a bunch of mobs that are standing around just for the sake of being killed.


This is star wars and the best they can come up with is static trash mobs we could have been swooping into base camps in mech's or space craft capturing wild beasts for genetic experiments anything you could think of and this is what we get.


Also the fact your basically dead with out your companion is absurd do you think people playing a stealth class want a big lumbering freak "sneaking" around with them it does not compliment the classes in my opinion they should be optional.


So for the reason of very poor pve content i am out and no you cant have my stuff as il be back in a few months when hopefully they have had some type of creative outburst because right now i see zero imagination and zero fun in this game.

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If BW can fix the skill animations vs responses bug then I can see myself playing this game for a long time.


Atm it's the story thats gripping me and thats what im enjoying most about the game. I've completely forgot at times that im actually playing a character that has experience/llvls, cause the story has all my attention. I think thats one good sign that you are playing a good MMO. Overall i like the gameplay but its a bit lacking because of the animation bug.


I'll play past the first month for sure since i've already made 4 chars of each major class to see the story. If gameplay is sorted etc with patches over the next few months then I can see myself playing for a long long time. Seems to be already ton of content, more that any MMO at launch i'd dare say.


There is so much potential with the StarWars world, both lore wise and gameplay wise.


I have big faith that BW can sort out the bugs...I mean the launch is insanely successfull.

WoW launch was plagued with server resets every day and but few bugs. Rift was the same, many resets and even more dc's and bugs. Havent played any other MMO during launch though...

...but I've never DC'ed once or had a reset of my server in SW:TOR. Thats amazing really!

Cant really complain about a 10-15 min que.

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Unfortunately I cancelled my sub, and regret playing this game. The game was amazingly fun for the first 25 levels or so and instantly I was bored...and could not make myself play ever again.


I will outline what I liked and disliked about this game..




1. Story is Awesome, voice acting is really great (the first time around)


2. Different theme, it's sci-fi not your same ol medieval times theme.





1. Terrible combat response times. For example, if I cast a spell or an action with a 2.5 cast time, the spell or the action does not FIRE when the spell time is over. There is an animation (which looks dull) that must finish before the shot or the action is casted. This is game breaking for me in PVP and I can see it can be game breaking in high end PVE as well.


2. It just doesn't feel like a MMO. Now hear me out on this one. To me, the game feels like a single player with co-op online play. There are no worlds to explore, no hidden secrets to find. I enjoy exploring the maps finding villages of mobs that are off the map. I know this doesn't change the experience for many, but for ME this is a big deal. I like an OPEN WORLD. As it stands I feel boxed in and there are even numerous shards within a zone.


3. Dull looking Armor, and overall not aesthetically pleasing to the Eye I don't think there was a time I got a new piece of gear and was like "wow that is freaking awesome looking". Everything seems dull, not live like.


4. UI is TERRIBLE I'm sure BW will fix this asap, but as it stands everything is tiny and not customizable.


5. PVP is a complete joke There are no LEVEL BRACKETS!! why?? how could BW not have thought about this? Is it fun for a level 20 to go against a level 50 full specced, stimmed and geared? I'm sure this will be remedied soon.


6. I just cannot see past the storyline, how it will hold my attention.


Again folks, this is just MY OPINION of the game.

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Im probably going to keep playing for a few months, after that it depends on updates. Im not one of those people that needs constant new raids or anything, a new instance 2-3 times a year is fine, but as long as theres something.


Though another big thing is the UI for me(interface, addons, macros) because it really could be better.


Other than that this is definitely a game I would keep playing.

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Played Wow in Beta, Aion in Beta, Ultima online in Beta, Warhammer in Beta, Lineage in Beta, Lineage 2 in Beta, FFXI in Beta, FFXIV in Beta and so many others I can't name them all..... I have become jaded and bitter with not just MMO's but games in general. Nothing is new nothing is unique it's all been done before a thousand times over. Even things that seemed "Revolutionary" have been done before in smaller indie games.


SW:ToR is no different, except I refused multiple Beta invites and avoided learning anything about it ahead of time. I've become so sick of the Beta crawls that I wanted to leave the game alone until it was released and out of Beta. Now that I'm playing I find it to be pretty much a half baked WoW clone, which im pretty much sick of.


The saving grace is the story. I find the story very interesting, I played KOTOR and KOTOR 2 and loved their stories so it doesn't surprise me that I'm enjoying it. My concern is that when I finish that story, what will be left is buggy half baked WoW clone (in Spaaaaaaaaace).


Will that be enough to keep me here? I doubt it, but I don't want to write the game off until I've really given it and the developers a chance. I'll be sticking around for about 3 months, if it's fun I'll stay otherwise I'll bail.

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I played WoW since launch. I payed for the 1 year sub before getting to test SW.... I will be here for the long haul. I can see myself playing this game longer too.


Why? because SWTOR is already offering more diversity in content types than WoW.

It's taken 7 years for WoW to add anything new and what it is it? Pokemon? I'm not talking about dungeons, raids, zones. All that is; is building on the same structure.


It may be rough but the team is already showing interest in creating game experiences outside of the basic model. I'm referring to space combat. Yes right now it's Star Fox, but it's fun. There was an entire game based around this kind of combat. It was Star Fox. That's what I'm looking forward too. I'm enjoying what they have now and I know they are already on the right track for awesome.




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