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Shae Vizla Blasters???


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Good morning,

I recently bought the Commander Vizla armor set from GTN and I want to complete the look with blasters like Shae Vizla uses. I cannot seem to find them in collections. Do they exist in the game?


Any help will be appreciated!


Closest to the image advertising Shae as a companion? Probably something like this - http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/haywire-hunters-blaster/.


Was available from the fleet PvP weapons vendor, there was a non-pvp version that got removed in 4.0 along with all the other vendors, as well as a drop for running a mission.

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Never understood why the designers made it so all Bounty Hunters use pistols only. Every BH seen in the movies with the exception of Jango used a rifle. Remember the Executor?


Because Blaster Pistols outrange Blaster Rifles; clearly. Compare Gunslinger to Vanguard, or Mercenary to Operative :)

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Never understood why the designers made it so all Bounty Hunters use pistols only. Every BH seen in the movies with the exception of Jango used a rifle. Remember the Executor?


Actually, you are wrong. Remember the weapon used by Boba? Take a GOOD look at it sometime. It is a hand gun with a stock attached to it and an extended barrel attachment that isn't very long. Most of his weapon is actually just the stock! So yes, he was actually just using a pistol all this time camoflauged to look like a rifle. His disintigrater was a rifle, but we only ever see him hold that thing in the famous bridge shot (in which they used the Boba clip instead of one of the others, that whole scene on every take he pointed to a different bounty hunter).

Thematically the BH story line is all about Mandalorians which means it had to be all about Jango and Boba styles, Jango is the Merc, Boba is the PT. For the purpose of how they were modeled and thematically chosen, the BH style only cares about the Fetts, all other bounty hunters get ignored.


Just how the Trooper is based entirely after the clone troopers who are seen in the movies wielding rifles and assault cannons. Smugler is Han and Lando. Agent is more something new, but it also lets you see what being a mid ranking officer is like (the agent is midway up the chain of command, you aren't a 'grunt').


Now, of course there is also the 'feel' of the classes and how they want classes to be identifiable for PvP purposes. See a blaster imp? It is a BH, always. Originally you could also use armor to tell them a part but that has since been tossed out but we still have the weapons for identification.


Personally, I wish I could use a simple techblade/techstaff on my PT tank. Not like you actually USE the gun so lemme at least hold a melee weapon anyway.

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Actually, you are wrong. Remember the weapon used by Boba? Take a GOOD look at it sometime. It is a hand gun with a stock attached to it and an extended barrel attachment that isn't very long. Most of his weapon is actually just the stock! So yes, he was actually just using a pistol all this time camoflauged to look like a rifle. His disintigrater was a rifle, but we only ever see him hold that thing in the famous bridge shot (in which they used the Boba clip instead of one of the others, that whole scene on every take he pointed to a different bounty hunter).


Take a pistol, attach a stock and have a longer barrel and you no longer have a pistol but rather a rifle. This was done with the Broom Handled Muaser and various other pistols through history. On an aside, the Mauser is what they designed Hans gun after. They just added a scope. Look in game, the VL-10 ST Rifle is nothing more than a pistol with a stock and a long barrel with a heat shroud on it.

Edited by Sareeph
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Gunslinger - pistols 30m > Vanguard - rifles 10m


Sniper's rifle 35m > Mercenary pistols 30m. But yes, aside from Bioware's need to reduce ranges on attacks to force a class to be melee.

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He was comparing *operatives* (Blaster Rifles @ 10m), not Snipers, against Mercs (Pistols at 30m).


He was comparing the range of blaster rifle using classes in game vs. pistol using classes in game to support an earlier post. The fact that the ranges are distorted so they could make a melee range class is why I commented on another rifle using class that isn't melee.

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He was comparing the range of blaster rifle using classes in game vs. pistol using classes in game to support an earlier post. The fact that the ranges are distorted so they could make a melee range class is why I commented on another rifle using class that isn't melee.


Gunslingers, being a mirror class of snipers, get 35 m range with their paired blaster pistols. Mercs get 30 meters out of their paired blaster pistols. Clearly it's the second pistol that gives them the extra range, since Scoundrels and Powertechs only get 5-10 meters out of their single pistols (most of the time).


Yes, I'm being a little less than serious. But they did give blaster rifles to two melee classes, and pistols to two long-range classes; which means that a blaster pistol user can reach out as far as someone with a sniper rifle, and that's farther than and blaster rifle.

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Gunslingers, being a mirror class of snipers, get 35 m range with their paired blaster pistols. Mercs get 30 meters out of their paired blaster pistols. Clearly it's the second pistol that gives them the extra range, since Scoundrels and Powertechs only get 5-10 meters out of their single pistols (most of the time).


Yes, I'm being a little less than serious. But they did give blaster rifles to two melee classes, and pistols to two long-range classes; which means that a blaster pistol user can reach out as far as someone with a sniper rifle, and that's farther than and blaster rifle.


Meh. This did start by me asking why only pistols for Bounty Hunters. Still can't understand why Powertechs weren't given blaster rifles especially since the whole "blaster rifles are for melee ranged toons" brought up here.

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Meh. This did start by me asking why only pistols for Bounty Hunters. Still can't understand why Powertechs weren't given blaster rifles especially since the whole "blaster rifles are for melee ranged toons" brought up here.


To differentiate them from Vanguards, of course.


The problem is that tanks need an "invisible" off-hand, or they could have given paired blaster pistols to one of the tech tanks; and that they didn't want to give rifles to either Smuggler archetype. I would have given paired pistols to one of the tech tanks(Vanguard/PT), and a single pistol to the other; the blaster rifle to the merc and ranged smuggler, paired pistols to the melee smuggler (and adjusted naming schemes of the ACs for smuggler appropriately), and a single pistol to the Operative. (Of course, this would play havoc with the gear paradigm, because of the Proud Nail of having one discipline that needs Tank/Aim pistols, and everyone else needs DPS/Aim or DPS/Cunning. Less of a problem today with Mastery, but that's what 4 Main Stats was such a bad idea...)

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Ok, but what about THESE blasters she uses during Shadow of Revan/Blood Hunt???




I was really hoping to find these some where since they look so unique and awesome!


Well, I'd love to hear *that* story, because these are Hylo Visz's Sidearms. :p


(They can be crafted by Armstechs who picked up the schematic pre-4.0)

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Well, I'd love to hear *that* story, because these are Hylo Visz's Sidearms. :p


(They can be crafted by Armstechs who picked up the schematic pre-4.0)


"Similar Visuals" suggests at least one look-alike is available via TFP drops, and anothe rone as a world drop on Belsavis. Different color schemes, of course.


If you're on JC, drop me a line and I'll see if my Armsmech has the schematic (I don't know if he does or not, I rarely look at my archives these days).

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He was comparing the range of blaster rifle using classes in game vs. pistol using classes in game to support an earlier post. The fact that the ranges are distorted so they could make a melee range class is why I commented on another rifle using class that isn't melee.


No, he was comparing pistol using *Advanced Classes" to rifle using "Advanced Classes*. He specifically called out "Gunslinger", "Operative", "Mercenary", and "Vanguard". "Sniper" (which doesn't use either Blaster Rifle or Pistol) was not mentioned because it wasn't relevant.

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To differentiate them from Vanguards, of course.


The problem is that tanks need an "invisible" off-hand, or they could have given paired blaster pistols to one of the tech tanks; and that they didn't want to give rifles to either Smuggler archetype. I would have given paired pistols to one of the tech tanks(Vanguard/PT), and a single pistol to the other; the blaster rifle to the merc and ranged smuggler, paired pistols to the melee smuggler (and adjusted naming schemes of the ACs for smuggler appropriately), and a single pistol to the Operative. (Of course, this would play havoc with the gear paradigm, because of the Proud Nail of having one discipline that needs Tank/Aim pistols, and everyone else needs DPS/Aim or DPS/Cunning. Less of a problem today with Mastery, but that's what 4 Main Stats was such a bad idea...)


Keep in mind that Vanguards were initially the ones that would get the assault cannon and Commandos would get blaster rifles and Commando knives.

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Actually, you are wrong. Remember the weapon used by Boba? Take a GOOD look at it sometime. It is a hand gun with a stock attached to it and an extended barrel attachment that isn't very long. Most of his weapon is actually just the stock! So yes, he was actually just using a pistol all this time camoflauged to look like a rifle. His disintigrater was a rifle, but we only ever see him hold that thing in the famous bridge shot (in which they used the Boba clip instead of one of the others, that whole scene on every take he pointed to a different bounty hunter).

Thematically the BH story line is all about Mandalorians which means it had to be all about Jango and Boba styles, Jango is the Merc, Boba is the PT. For the purpose of how they were modeled and thematically chosen, the BH style only cares about the Fetts, all other bounty hunters get ignored.


Just how the Trooper is based entirely after the clone troopers who are seen in the movies wielding rifles and assault cannons. Smugler is Han and Lando. Agent is more something new, but it also lets you see what being a mid ranking officer is like (the agent is midway up the chain of command, you aren't a 'grunt').


Now, of course there is also the 'feel' of the classes and how they want classes to be identifiable for PvP purposes. See a blaster imp? It is a BH, always. Originally you could also use armor to tell them a part but that has since been tossed out but we still have the weapons for identification.


Personally, I wish I could use a simple techblade/techstaff on my PT tank. Not like you actually USE the gun so lemme at least hold a melee weapon anyway.


Yes, the thing that Boba uses is not a Rifle, but can become one when gunstock is added. This trick is often used on anti heroes and such(so they look more menacing than a good guy just with a normal pistol, but it also makes the good guy seem more skilled because he is not using various tools). If you want to see it in a Western, just watch "For a few Dollars more" for some 20 minutes or so and notice Lee van Cleef's character(Col.Mortimer) doing just this. A shame that swtor's stories are actually so compressed that you never do anything of a particularly cool things. Ok, the Consular has a habit of crushing Blast Doors and Inquisitor is, well...yeah. But we never see a Bounty Hunter do cool things such as these.


Edit: I, for one, would like if Vang / PT and Sage / Sorc could just dual wield their Generator / Focus items and hence go unarmed into combat. Yes, the PvP identification would be fubar'd, but let's face it: SWTOR's PvP has always been an afterthought. No way around it. It's also not like they are using those weapons anyway. Vanguard is more like an Iron Man anyhow(using his armor, not his weapons to defeat enemies).


Edit edit: About the range of Pistols vs the range of Rifles, do keep in mind that Vanguards and Operatives are supposed to actually use Carbines or Shotguns not your typical Rifle, so it's only natural that they would have a shorter range.

Edited by Cuiwe
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"Similar Visuals" suggests at least one look-alike is available via TFP drops, and anothe rone as a world drop on Belsavis. Different color schemes, of course.


If you're on JC, drop me a line and I'll see if my Armsmech has the schematic (I don't know if he does or not, I rarely look at my archives these days).


Hylo's is mainhand only, so one of the others might be required for dual-wielding, anyway. Guardmaster is the crafted offhand.


They really need to bring back the old weapon models and schematics. :(

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