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Stealth WZ comm transfer removal = cancel


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Removing the ability to transfer WZ comms without any LONG LONG notice in advance of 5.0 is frankly intolerable. I have likely 80k comms on disposable alts for transfer to permanent characters -- planned for eventual transfer pre-5.0 launch. I've not been happy with the gearing changes announce with 5.0 -- assiduously avoided any MMO with random gearing or gear-advantaged PVP in the past 10 years. Figured I'd give 5.0 a try until this.


You just convinced me you have no interest in running an MMO or understanding of how to do it. Cancelling my subscription after posting this. Had a lot of fun with pre-4.0 content, but stealing rewards like this again removes any trust that it won't happen again and again -- why bother playing a game with long term rewards when the effort will be canceled without notice?

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Its only a month until the xpac, while i think that the change should have been notified more in advance, all coms are being converted into most likely credits. Were you really going to gear up other toons this close to the xpac just to have the gear be worthless in the patch?
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Its only a month until the xpac, while i think that the change should have been notified more in advance, all coms are being converted into most likely credits. Were you really going to gear up other toons this close to the xpac just to have the gear be worthless in the patch?


You're just defending the indefensible...


Why? Are you on the payroll? There is no excuse for this, the OP is correct...

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What I really dont get is...Whats the point of making them BoP in the first place?


Coz, well in 1 month it will be converded into money which you can send back to your main.


Maybe they weren't really honest when saying they'll convert them into credits, and instead they're going to convert them into cxp.

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You're just defending the indefensible...


Why? Are you on the payroll? There is no excuse for this, the OP is correct...


IMO it was more looking on the bright side of things... I mean... there's plenty of white knights that will vigorously defend Bioware on anything... but that post didn't quite seem like it.


Although the incredibly short notice was totally inexcusable and shows poor planning once again on Bioware. They could of used the front launcher to advertise something other than story content and CM packs perhaps, or something more than a day notice on the forums.

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Maybe they weren't really honest when saying they'll convert them into credits, and instead they're going to convert them into cxp.


Hmm. Interesting thought. That would be pretty blatant; though. Maybe when WZ stims and adrenals cost creds; they'll be bind on pickup now as well and the cost conversion will put them at a higher price than what the equivalent coms would have been.

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Maybe they weren't really honest when saying they'll convert them into credits, and instead they're going to convert them into cxp.


Wait, so you think they read the feedback in response to this thread;


Hey folks,


As we talked about a bit on the stream, there are some gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. For starters, I recommend you read this thread where I have provided more detail on the changes. The purpose of this thread is to go over how these changes will impact PvE and PvP gearing. Here are some more of those details:

  • Expertise is being removed from the game.
  • Any color crystals which have Expertise on them will be converted to a new type of color crystal – Mastery.
  • There is no longer an Expertise requirement to get into Ranked Warzones, this will be replaced with a Valor requirement.
  • PvE and PvP will share the same gear in Eternal Throne.
  • Crystals and Warzone Commendations will also be phased out in Eternal Throne, we will have more details on our conversion plans in the coming weeks.

That covers an overview of how the changes will impact PvP and PvE gear in Eternal Throne. Please let me know of any questions you may have and I will work with the team to get you answers.




......and a week later they decide to do this.....


Hey folks,


I wanted to give you a heads up on a change included with Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday. As we discussed last week, we are making changes to how gearing works in our upcoming expansion, Knights of the Eternal Throne. In support of our new Galactic Command system, we will be removing Warzone Commendations from the game on November 29th when Knights of the Eternal Throne Early Access opens. As a result, any new Warzone Commendation Grants will become bound and will Bind on Pickup starting on Tuesday, with Game Update 4.7.3.


If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.


Thanks everyone!




...... and that means they're going to give us a CXP conversion on our Warzone Commendations? Wouldn't that be nice.


Perhaps it's why they are dragging their heels on letting players know what is converting to what. I mean it's not like they haven't already decided this in advance, but maybe they wanted to get feedback from the players first? Wouldn't that also be nice.


I don't see it happening.

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Wait, so you think they read the feedback in response to this thread;




......and a week later they decide to do this.....




...... and that means they're going to give us a CXP conversion on our Warzone Commendations? Wouldn't that be nice.


Perhaps it's why they are dragging their heels on letting players know what is converting to what. I mean it's not like they haven't already decided this in advance, but maybe they wanted to get feedback from the players first? Wouldn't that also be nice.


I don't see it happening.


Well, all i'm saying is that if they are converting them to credits there was no reason to make them bop in the last patch.

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I don't think they can since you have to be 70 to earn cxp, but you can have low level characters with coms.


I was thinking about something like a consumable. You use it and you gain the cxp it contains. And of course you can't use it before lvl 70.

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I can think of one (not very good, IMO) reason to do this.. If they're going to "upgrade" the current PvP armor's stats as part of the Expertise removal; this would prevent people from pre-emptively gearing out all their alts to whatever the upgraded armor will be.


It's not a good idea, but it's an idea. It's not even that though, if they dont' upgrade the stats of PvP armor. Even as a big old white knight of Bioware's, I got nothing.

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It'll be converted to credits, what's the problem? Were you going to buy WZ gear on another character for it to become redundant in a month? That's silly.

Maybe for the armor or items itself. We all know, when its gone, its gone and there will be no vendor selling the old shells.


Anyway that change stinks and the xchange rate will even more.

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The amount of notice given on the change to WZ Comm Grants was a bit short.


That said if you want to gear a character it is still partially possible with Legacy gear and weapons...leaving the need to grind up Comms for implants etc....So if you PvP regularly and right after the reset so you have a weekly to complete....Probably take you a day to get the implants/Ear pieces and trinkets. Time may vary depending on faction and if you PvP solo but worst case scenario a couple days....


So its not perfect but there you go.


I'm starting to become pretty jaded about people throwing fits about cancelling their subscriptions....Throwing your sucker in the dirt and leaving has less impact then giving constructive feedback.


People will say that is pointless but if you look back its pretty clear they listen to feedback quite often...they just don't respond back directly when taking it.


I will say they should have made the announcement and waited until next Tuesday to BoP the comms, notice was short and some folks don't log in daily.....


A couple things are happening on the forums these days...MOB mentality and tantrums.....People who follow the herd and those who think their Sub is going to make a huge impact....Fact is your "voice" on the forums and in social media would be much more likely to yield results......


Ironically the one thing you can do that will likely have the least impact on the games future.....is leave.

Edited by Soljin
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Maybe for the armor or items itself. We all know, when its gone, its gone and there will be no vendor selling the old shells.


Anyway that change stinks and the xchange rate will even more.


The empty chell vendor by the terminal will remain. The equipment vendors will probably go. What that means for being able to buy those models Probably gone; but maybe they'll move the shells elsewhere. {i]I[/i] wouldnt' count on it. But I wouldn't have made it impossible to trade WZ comms between alts, either, this early.

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You're just defending the indefensible...


Why? Are you on the payroll? There is no excuse for this, the OP is correct...


Cripes, you get more belligerent by the day. He wasn't defending anything, just making a point that you're gonna have to re-gear with the expansion anyway.

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You're just defending the indefensible...


Why? Are you on the payroll? There is no excuse for this, the OP is correct...


Cripes, you get more belligerent by the day. He wasn't defending anything, just making a point that you're gonna have to re-gear with the expansion anyway.



TX you need to calm down some. This was not one of the inexcusable things that BW has done. (And yes I have a ton of coms too. So I am affected by this as I am a PvPer.)

There was NO point in what BW did. BUT there is no point in quitting or throwing a fit over as in a month they will be converted to credits!

This isn't like months later they will do this. It's just a precursor.



Coms are worthless. They will be credits. It does NOT matter if it's all on one toon, all over toons, or in a legacy bank. They're being taken out of game.

So unless you & the OP can give me a good legitimate reason as to why this was a reason to quit, I'll say the same thing I have been saying about this matter. It's stupid, but it's also stupid to throw a fit over it.

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So unless you & the OP can give me a good legitimate reason as to why this was a reason to quit, I'll say the same thing I have been saying about this matter. It's stupid, but it's also stupid to throw a fit over it.


Last of many straws? I'm looking forward to the new changes, but I'm not unaware of the legitimate complaints of people who aren't like me. TX_Angel is a little more strident and abrasive than some others, but there are good points offered.

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Last of many straws? I'm looking forward to the new changes, but I'm not unaware of the legitimate complaints of people who aren't like me. TX_Angel is a little more strident and abrasive than some others, but there are good points offered.


I guess if the changes don't have any negative side effects on you, you could look forward to them. Wish I could say the same.

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Last of many straws? I'm looking forward to the new changes, but I'm not unaware of the legitimate complaints of people who aren't like me. TX_Angel is a little more strident and abrasive than some others, but there are good points offered.


I think the issue with being regularly negative or angry on the forums is your posts become noise....


People get that overwhelming impression from several of these types of post from the same person and that persons point becomes lost behind their frustration and anger.


Honestly people that stay composed and articulate their points well have a much greater impact than the bitter kind.


That said I have been there....I have more than a few angry posts....

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