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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which Side Are You Going to Fight For?


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I know for me personally I am going dark side. I am always on my dark side characters.


I keep my rp pretty simple if I am a Republic character I do light side choices if I am Imperial I make dark sided choices and my characters are going to stay on those sides when the UI pops and asks which side that particular character is fighting for but when it all comes down to it I know that I will be fighting for the dark side to win on my server, which side are you going to pick?

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The darkside has cookies. And bacon. The darkside is the way to go. :cool:


People always forget that we have bacon.


I'm gonna have to see how this works out in-game. As it stands now, I am a darksider4lyfe, so I can't see anything changing that*.


*Although I did roll a knight to experience Kotfe with and I might be enjoying it just a little bit. :o

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I know for me personally I am going dark side. I am always on my dark side characters.


I keep my rp pretty simple if I am a Republic character I do light side choices if I am Imperial I make dark sided choices and my characters are going to stay on those sides when the UI pops and asks which side that particular character is fighting for but when it all comes down to it I know that I will be fighting for the dark side to win on my server, which side are you going to pick?


I do a mix. Depends on the character. Sith, generally DS. Jedi, generally LS. Everyone else is pretty much down the middle. Except for my DS trooper. That's actually kind of fun.


Of course, KotFE kind of ruins LS/DS decisions. I think. Why is almost every decision that is aimed at improving Alliance a LS decision?


Most of my charaters would fight for DS for GC, though.

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But those cookies have raisins in them :p


Whereas the lightside has organic grass fed cheesburgers w/non-gmo smoked gouda cheese on a whole oat bun.

LOL, if only. Part of why most of mine are LS is that the bulk of the DS choices, at least for the Imperial planetary missions, have been Stupid Evil. Evil for the sake of Evil. Kylo Ren level of Darth Emo.


The sheer irony is that the DS Sith Inquisitor story is actually Intelligent Evil but that was hard to see until I replayed it very recently and could ignore the planetary missions with their terribad DS choices.

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But those cookies have raisins in them :p


Whereas the lightside has organic grass fed cheesburgers w/non-gmo smoked gouda cheese on a whole oat bun.


Which you can't eat anyway cause you're on a je-diet. No cheese and burgers for you padawannabe!

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Dark initially I guess. I used to hover between Light 2/3 until I grinded it up to 5 for that LS mount. Which I don't even use. Be nice to get alignment back where it was. Ticking a checkbox and doing completely unrelated things seem weird though. Don't imagine I'll bother much with the whole thing after that.

Which you can't eat anyway cause you're on a je-diet. No cheese and burgers for you padawannabe!


Edited by Pscyon
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I know for me personally I am going dark side. I am always on my dark side characters.


I keep my rp pretty simple if I am a Republic character I do light side choices if I am Imperial I make dark sided choices and my characters are going to stay on those sides when the UI pops and asks which side that particular character is fighting for but when it all comes down to it I know that I will be fighting for the dark side to win on my server, which side are you going to pick?


I'm not, I don't care due to a lack of new things to do...

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Well, the Shadow I plan to play almost all the time is DS, but all my other characters save for my Sorc have been LS, so, I don't know. I will probably go with whichever side is winning lol. Just run the Esseles over and over, you can get your companion to 50 that way as well.
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My toons are ether mostly light side or mostly dark side and it's not based on weather their Imp or Pub. :p even have a dark Jedi and a Light sith


But I am wondering if their will be an option for my Merc Debbi NOT to choose a side. I spent a lot of effort to get her to 10k dark and 10k light. (was a ***** getting that exactly right, yay for Diplomacy!) and don't want to mess it up :cool:

Edited by QuadeThirtyEight
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