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Please Don't Convert Our WZ Comms to Credits!


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Real money that you spend gets you cartel coins...


So, spending cartelcoins for cool stuff then selling it on the GTN gets you credits.


So thete is the nutshell version of why they are makibg everything credit based.

Its all about makibg more teal money.


With current system meh maybe not so bad. You can make enough credits to get some non exclusive items with credits but can also get things with crystals.


So...unless they increase the amount of credits one can earn by completing the same tasks relative to the average cost (now in credits vs crystals) of items which could previously be purchased with crystals feom that task reward, then they are putting a major invisible hand into the in game economy in that credits now have a higher value, but you may be earning the same amoubt of credits for that same task. But But now your oppoopunity cost is more time on more of same task for a devalued reward in exchange for your increase in time spent obtaining said reward.

So hopefully if everything costs more credits then everything will award more credits.

However, consider that tasks which previously ONLY rewarded crystals will now only reward credits.

Making the assumption that the above will bethe case, the change to the in game economy will be that credits are received as rewards across the board and are the standard currency for all in game transactions.


An effect which i personally see as negative, is that if all tasks give the same monetary reward (that reward being credits) obviously, not the same amount of credits (the reward) for a variety of tasks etc. Is that if looking at it from strictly an incentive of the player for the same mobetary gain of doing activity X vs activity Y is that activity Y orX would likely see a decrease in participation, which ultimately is what any MMORPG depends on. Take starfighter for example....if starfighter matches only rewarded credits.. No one will play them.


Nutshell version: unique monetary rewards and what can be obtained with them are incentive for participation in a variety of offered in game activities.

For example i can only obtain exclusive gear or decorations etc by exchanging pvp oe starfighter coms for relative exclusive reward X.

This devalues the activity itself from a monetary perspective and a reward/incentive perspective.


All of this considered, what worries me is the impact of vendor and pricing etc that the invisible hand (devs) will have on the market.


Unless reward/incentive is relative to the current "give to get" average cost/gain then it could cause whole aspects of the game to die, which ultimately has a spreading negative outcome.

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This may not be the popular thing to say, but I suspect that one of the reasons they won't convert WZ comms to the new CXP is that not everyone who plays the game is a subscriber with access to CXP.


F2P players will have WZ comms and "shouldn't" they get something for those when they go kaput?


The options then become either everyone gets the same thing...credits (so far) or they make one set of rules for subscribers and one set for F2P.


Then there's the F2P credit cap to consider (do F2P players have a cap on WZ that's different than what the cap is for Subscribers?).


A completely different option, beyond credits (which is seems no one else wants) and not CXP (which may or may not be fair depending on if you sub or not) should probably be found.

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This may not be the popular thing to say, but I suspect that one of the reasons they won't convert WZ comms to the new CXP is that not everyone who plays the game is a subscriber with access to CXP.


F2P players will have WZ comms and "shouldn't" they get something for those when they go kaput?


The options then become either everyone gets the same thing...credits (so far) or they make one set of rules for subscribers and one set for F2P.


Then there's the F2P credit cap to consider (do F2P players have a cap on WZ that's different than what the cap is for Subscribers?).


A completely different option, beyond credits (which is seems no one else wants) and not CXP (which may or may not be fair depending on if you sub or not) should probably be found.


I don't think they should be CXP. That would be nice but ain't happening. But just making them credits basically makes comms/crystals that were gained as special currency, suddenly nothing special. I imagine that many of ppl with tons of comms have very little use for more credits. This is why I'm not even bothering doing anything until 5.0 drops because reasons. So just give us a vendor that let's us get some special vanity items (don't even need to be unique) and I could stomach this a lot more.

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