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Will KOTET be the Final Expansion?


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I am not implying anything like "SWTOR is dead.". However, I fear and get the feeling that KOTET will conclude the SWTOR saga. Because, even from what we know so far about the expansion, it can be easily interpreted that the Zakuul arc will end and we will become the eternal emperor/empress. So, I don't see a way for the story to continue after this point. So, what do you think? Edited by fatsi
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I am not implying anything like "SWTOR is dead.". However, I fear and get the feeling that KOTET will conclude the SWTOR saga. Because, even from what we know so far about the expansion, it can be easily interpreted that the Zakuul arc will end and we will become the eternal emperor/empress. So, I don't see a way for the story to continue after this point. So, what do you think?


I dont know either what will happen once the Revan and Emperor story stuff is totally exhausted, those two characters have given a lot of fuel to the story. They used up Revan, the used up the Hutt Cartel, and it seems soon the figure of the Emperor will be also used up. However, i do think they will come up with something.


Dont really know what, but something. I'd bet on the war erupting again between Empire and Republic, as that is something that has been asked for by a portion of the community. Probably one main story for Republic characters and another one for Empire characters, free for subs or maybe one of them free, the other purchasable, who knows.

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I'm not exactly sure why you think it's going to end after this. I also don't see us becoming emperor.


But in case we will and others know more than I do, no unofficial information spoiler tags please!


^ The Zakuul story should come to an end, but it doesn't make sense to have our characters become emperor/ress because video games never to my knowledge have a character at the top power ranking unless it's to set up for a serious fall early in the game, unless we're talking games like Sid Meier's Civilization series where you're building up an Empire to conquer the world or other culture building simulations.


And not all players would want their characters to become Empress/Emperor of Zakuul anyway (seriously, my BH would like to go back to bounty hunting. Emperors tend to have prices on their heads, and the BH wouldn't be able to cash in on that price easily).


No, I suspect we'll wind up doing something to "change destiny" and not "take your place" on the throne because PLOT REASONS. Or it's all Valky's plan to get us on that throne so he can Revan us or something just as bad.

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^ The Zakuul story should come to an end, but it doesn't make sense to have our characters become emperor/ress because video games never to my knowledge have a character at the top power ranking unless it's to set up for a serious fall early in the game, unless we're talking games like Sid Meier's Civilization series where you're building up an Empire to conquer the world or other culture building simulations.


And not all players would want their characters to become Empress/Emperor of Zakuul anyway (seriously, my BH would like to go back to bounty hunting. Emperors tend to have prices on their heads, and the BH wouldn't be able to cash in on that price easily).


No, I suspect we'll wind up doing something to "change destiny" and not "take your place" on the throne because PLOT REASONS. Or it's all Valky's plan to get us on that throne so he can Revan us or something just as bad.


There could be another reason (lame as it may be) to become the Emperor: War with the Republic and Sith.


I admit, it's lame, and becoming Emperor of Zakuul isn't necessary for this (they could just target the Alliance after all), and it'd be merely swapping you with Arcann and Vaylin, but it is a possibility.

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I'm not exactly sure why you think it's going to end after this. I also don't see us becoming emperor.


But in case we will and others know more than I do, no unofficial information spoiler tags please!

Description of the final chapter in the eternal empire home page says that we will fight for the control of the eternal throne. So, it is not an unofficial information. And since the Eternal Empire home page is where I got this idea, I didn't tag it as a spoiler.

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Well , while I'm hoping we do get at least ONE choice for becoming Emprore . And ONE choice for saying No Thanx .


I'm pretty sure , as you are about to say No or Yes , Scorpio will initiated some self destruct on Zaakul .


The End .


Boooring . :D

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Naw. There are always ways to keep a story going on. Especially in a world full of magic and superpowers.


Of course the story could keep on going and as you said in a world full of force technic and superpowers , it's endless . You just have to find that good writer that can make it Happen .


But BW seem to have fired the writer so they can add to the Graphic designer guy salary lol


Take Shadow of Revan for exemple , I did love it and was dreading it be all about Revaaaaaaan (Oh I hate him so much) . So was glad I only get to see his mug face at the end .


My point is , look how they seem to be out of ideas milking old contents (and game ! shame on you BW) . For exemple , instead of bringing Revan again and make him even more lame then he already was coming out of the Forge Flashpoint . I would've put there that Leader of Revanite instead .


Sure she doesn't have the force powers of Revan , but she was cunning and devious and certainly , it be a nice refreshing combat about a clash of belief then again..some overpowered Goone screaming ''It is my destiny'' over and over .

Edited by SerraShar
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Of course the story could keep on going and as you said in a world full of force technic and superpowers , it's endless . You just have to find that good writer that can make it Happen .


But BW seem to have fired the writer so they can add to the Graphic designer guy salary lol


Take Shadow of Revan for exemple , I did love it and was dreading it be all about Revaaaaaaan (Oh I hate him so much) . So was glad I only get to see his mug face at the end .


My point is , look how they seem to be out of ideas milking old contents (and game ! shame on you BW) . For exemple , instead of bringing Revan again and make him even more lame then he already was coming out of the Forge Flashpoint . I would've put there that Leader of Revanite instead .


Sure she doesn't have the force powers of Revan , but she was cunning and devious and certainly , it be a nice refreshing combat about a clash of belief then again..some overpowered Goone screaming ''It is my destiny'' over and over .

Well... I didn't say it'll be good story. :p But there are ways to keep it going.


I mean, I didn't like the focus on Revan at all, cause I would have rather he remained a legend. But so far, the story arc is still on the overarching theme the game started with... the Sith Emperor and how he's affecting the state of the galaxy.

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Well... I didn't say it'll be good story. :p But there are ways to keep it going.


I mean, I didn't like the focus on Revan at all, cause I would have rather he remained a legend. But so far, the story arc is still on the overarching theme the game started with... the Sith Emperor and how he's affecting the state of the galaxy.


I liked Vitiate .


Yeah sure , voice actor for Valk is good and all of that .


But I was so looking forward to a Lunatic Muahahahaha I'm gonna eat the Galaxy kinda of Vilain then Valk who have been doing nothing but preaaaach at me like a Perv !


Lol Oh he sound like one . Listen closely in Vision in the Dark..lol He is litteraly drooling !

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^ The Zakuul story should come to an end, but it doesn't make sense to have our characters become emperor/ress because video games never to my knowledge have a character at the top power ranking unless it's to set up for a serious fall early in the game, unless we're talking games like Sid Meier's Civilization series where you're building up an Empire to conquer the world or other culture building simulations.


And not all players would want their characters to become Empress/Emperor of Zakuul anyway (seriously, my BH would like to go back to bounty hunting. Emperors tend to have prices on their heads, and the BH wouldn't be able to cash in on that price easily).


No, I suspect we'll wind up doing something to "change destiny" and not "take your place" on the throne because PLOT REASONS. Or it's all Valky's plan to get us on that throne so he can Revan us or something just as bad.


BioWare games have a tendency to have that option available, Dragon Age: Origins you could become King/Queen. Dragon Age 2, you could become the ruler of Kirkwall, Dragon Age 3 you become the Inquisitor and are a Kingmaker. Etc. I could see our characters being able to assume the throne in the story, but either something will remove us from it forcefully (leading into the next expansion plot line) and/or we just move on in the story and leave Zakuul behind altogether for the remainder of SWTOR until any potential sequel to the game revisits that plot. All in all there are ways to allow becoming Emperor/Empress to happen and not be a weird or invasive fact of your characters story in the future.

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BioWare games have a tendency to have that option available, Dragon Age: Origins you could become King/Queen. Dragon Age 2, you could become the ruler of Kirkwall, Dragon Age 3 you become the Inquisitor and are a Kingmaker. Etc. I could see our characters being able to assume the throne in the story, but either something will remove us from it forcefully (leading into the next expansion plot line) and/or we just move on in the story and leave Zakuul behind altogether for the remainder of SWTOR until any potential sequel to the game revisits that plot. All in all there are ways to allow becoming Emperor/Empress to happen and not be a weird or invasive fact of your characters story in the future.


But the Ferelden Grey Warden is never played again after The End. Hawke is also not a player character after The End. The Inquisitor is not playable in any later games, because there aren't any yet.


And the Warden Queen doesn't seem to spend much time ruling and more time wandering Thedas. And then Ruling Hawke still winds up wandering Thedas....

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I think there are a fair few people who really like the whole KotFE story and it clearly stopped midway the story so KotET is naturally the continuation of that story.


At the same time, I think there are also a fair few people who don't like KotFE and in particular the whole Zakuul direction that pulled us out of the known SW theme.


It's a funny thing because recently I was watching the KotET trailer about Vaylin and my wife passed by (she's a big SW fan). She looked with me for a bit and said: well, I know it's SWTOR but it still looks more like Mass Effect to me. Now, I'm a big ME fan, so by itself that doesn't bother me as such but it also makes me less objective about it.


So maybe, just maybe, some people did lose the SW vibe with Zakuul and BWA are planning to return back to our own part of the galaxy.

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Description of the final chapter in the eternal empire home page says that we will fight for the control of the eternal throne. So, it is not an unofficial information. And since the Eternal Empire home page is where I got this idea, I didn't tag it as a spoiler.


I'm.not actually talking about you, but other possible people. Somebody earlier already made a thread of unofficial info. Hidden under spoiler tags.

I didn't click on it but yeah, it doesn't belong here.


That's all.

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I would like to see something they did with WOW with WOD, going back in time alteering the mandorian wars. It would be awesome to visit that era officially.




WoD was the worst expansion ever. ESPECIALLY the time travel crap and how they unraveled it.


Not to mention that it was all for nothing, because it changed nothing. (Okay, there are almost 0 MMOs where player action actually changes things permanently in any way).

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WoD was the worst expansion ever. ESPECIALLY the time travel crap and how they unraveled it.


Not to mention that it was all for nothing, because it changed nothing. (Okay, there are almost 0 MMOs where player action actually changes things permanently in any way).


I loved WoD's story, I didn't raid or whatever, but the levelling experience was amazing.

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