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  1. Honestly? That´s quite entitled thinking. Why should a gaming company that has hundreds of employees working on content (talking wow) give an expansion out for free? It´s nice that you get it in SWTOR, true. It would be totally fine for BW to charge for expansions, IF they come close to the content the average WoW expansion provides, which they don´t. Also once you paid for for the expansion you get regular content upgrades until the next expansion for free. Or to put it even more simply: Things cost money, money needs to be paid so that other things can be made. F2P doesn´t pay anything.
  2. Well F2P is nothing but a ruse. Still you can play for free. F2P never defined as "you can play for free without restrictions". I oppose the F2P idea in general, because it´s a lie, there is only subscription, subscription pays development, development brings content, through content my dull free time will be broken. Still - i think F2P should allow a sustainable gameplay, with a longer duration to reach rewards. And i am totally fine with a company ripping off the F2P crowd through micro-transactions, as long as there are no downsides for players who actually pay for the game. Yes F2P that spent money for a game pay in a way too. But they could sub to get rid of the disadvantages.
  3. HELL NO! WoD was the worst expansion ever. ESPECIALLY the time travel crap and how they unraveled it. Not to mention that it was all for nothing, because it changed nothing. (Okay, there are almost 0 MMOs where player action actually changes things permanently in any way).
  4. Please. Play Archeage a bit. Aim for Epic grade gear. Then tell us RNG is any good. I know it´s not SWTOR. But RNG Boxes from the Cash Shop, i am okay with as long as they don´t give game relevant stuff. RNG Boxes for gear? (or any improvement on that) Not so much. I am aware that boss drops are RNG as well, but that´s normally a different story. Devs only use RNG when they want to artificially prolong the life of a game or content because there isn´t really much elso to it than shattering on the #RNGGate.
  5. I disagree, because Archeage Veteran. Changes nothing about the fact that F2P is a gaming cancer that has spread slowly, but steadily into almost every major release and is corrupting the whole concept that a developer actually has to create content continously that ppl deem worthy to sub for. The most serious problem with F2P is that ppl think that could actually work. A high quality MMO like SWTOR for zilch. Just free. Never to spend a dime. Nobody ever has to. And then feel entitled to even more "content" or features because the game is advertised as F2P so they have the right to get it all. Agreed. But F2P isn´t the solution to that. I doubt that they couldn´t get that data, but it wasn´t the best suggestion, i agree. Agreed, that´s a good one - even 25% would work. Problem with preferred is - you can get it for 5 bucks. Once! And never spend more on it. Maybe the truth is totally different and most preferred players pay at least the same as the usual subscription gamer does - on average, but then... why not sub upfront.
  6. You obviously never played Archeage - if you want an a..f... experience with RNG try it.
  7. It´s just that - any dev that thinks a gamer want´s to be f... by RNG needs his head checked. And yes - i am aware of the fact that RNG, to a point, has been always an issue. I have been a long term raider in WoW and long before that also. Sometimes your piece wouldn´t drop from a boss for a long time. You still had the satisfaction of working your progress. RNG Boxes on the other hand... what sane person with a trifle of common sense would even think that up?
  8. Dreadnought is also quite cool atm - if they are not carried away by some RNG boxes in the future. Okay it´s more like a short term thing like Overwatch, but i am looking towards RO too. Sadly rumor is it´s becoming F2P, which is always a bad sign for any game. Problem is devs are getting lazy, content stretched out by impossible RNG odds. Sad this has arrived at western devs too.
  9. Agreed - RNG is a piece of sh.... i even boasted aroudn the Archeage forums how SWTOR was better than it because of almost no RNG (that matters). It´s quite amazing how stupid game designers can become, when attached to EA.
  10. hmmmmmm.... i should not have fast forwarded through the live stream recording.... Is this becoming the infamous rip-off archage cash shop box thriving crap all over again with GalCom? Guess it´s time to cancel sub again.... damn it was so nice to return after 2012. Edit: Btw. Bioware. I love DA and ME - but if you do stuff like this in SWTOR i won´t even bother buying a single player game from you anymore. You should really do the Walking Dead Season 6 Finale on some EA CEO.
  11. I agree to your baseline. Though i have never been an F2P type because i play mmos from the beginning - literally. When there was no F2P. And while F2P may have done SWTOR something good in terms of numbers, F2P is a gaming cancer that sadly grows with every release. I wonder if it´s just happened because there weren´t enough subscribers around anymore (even WoW offers some kind of F2P meanwhile). Or if it just was companies realizing how to get even more money from their customers. To be fair - the subscription in SWTOR is one of the best and most generous around. In some F2P based titles you won´t even get extended char slots for subbing and have to cash shop in on every "convenience labeled" stuff extra. Bioware/EA is quite decent here. Now how to get the preferred players in? Maybe a consecutive or additive sum of 3-6 month of subscription will give the benefits of GalCom. But ppl also really need to learn that F2P can´t work - on it´s own. Somebody has to pay for the staff, servers, new content development. A game cannot be F2P! There are bills to be paid and investments to be made. At least (and that´s the worst case scenario) those guys with big wallets have to pay for all the F2P gamers and get called P2W by the F2P crowd in return. It´s total BS, really.
  12. That requires you to land a hit, something that kinetic energy can provide if the defense stroke/hold is too weak. So while force users may be able to hit harder, applying the missing kinetic energy by utilizing the force it´s still totally viable for non-force users to win a duel or use those weapons effectively, especially if you know that you can´t beat a force user by sheer brunt attacks. ( a shot in the back of the head will also do ^^)
  13. That´s also said about modern warfare. Since often combat is a push of a button (drones, missiles) it´s a surreal situation where you never reach that kind of personal experience. Conscience might do it´s trick, but still not the same. Take GoT´s Battle of the Bastards for example, that pictures quite well how gory and messy medival times warfare was. There little personal about the kills there and little time to hestitate or contemplate. In a duel the Jedi awareness may justify this (as well as a Sith´s intend to inflict fear and agony), in a fully fledged large scale war like spear-heading an clone trooper assault, even Jedi should have a hard time to account for every kill they make in the fray. Maybe some "meditation" afterwards will bring that personal caring back, but right in the fray, it just has to be done.
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