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Guys playing girl characters.


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I've been leveling three characters, two males and a female. The female char I rolled just happened to be the class I like the most. :shrug:


Makes rolling same base class, different advanced class better since you can do so with a different voice actor/actress.

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Using that logic, playing Metroid and Phantasmagoria is creepy. Reading Chuck Pallahniuk's (spelling?) "Diary" is creepy. Watching Alien, Monster, and any other movie with a female protagonist is creepy.


If you can't separate between RL and a bunch of pixels... Sorry mate but you're the one with the problem.


The only exception to this is if the guy playing the girl avatar is actually trying to pass off as a girl... Then yes I agree that's creepy.


This right here. I don't know why this is and has continued to be a point of contention for some.


It's just a video game guys and gals, chill out.

Edited by Wyldsong
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The only exception to this is if the guy playing the girl avatar is actually trying to pass off as a girl... Then yes I agree that's creepy.


Lol I've done that. One of my friends talked in a pug, and this dude immediately went full on creep mode, so she pretended to be me and I pretended to be her to screw with him. It was hilarious

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I just find polygonal bodies about as sexy as I find polygonal food delicious.


It's not real, hence it's incapable of creating physical emotions in me.


So you'd be just as happy with a literal stick figure as your character. If everyone felt that way it would definitely save the developers a lot of effort lol.

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IDK... I used to be a prude and only create male toons... since I'm a man. Then again, as a hetrosexual male I'm checking out every female that crosses my path in the real world.


So- as I'm playing...what kind of 'behind' do you want to stare at...?

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So you'd be just as happy with a literal stick figure as your character. If everyone felt that way it would definitely save the developers a lot of effort lol.


No, I said they were incapable of creating physical emotions, such as hunger, sexual desire etc. Urges, if you will.


I can still get cerebral emotions based on how much of a bad *** my character looks like.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


In every MMO I play (WoW, GW, Rift) I always roll 2 characters. 1 male to RP as myself and a female to just play the game.


I like looking at hot girls run around kicking ***. Also the tough female works when rolling a bounty Hunter. I tried a female trooper and couldn't get over the manly female voice trying too hard to sound like a tough as nails jilted lesbian. So I deleted that character and went with the female Bounty Hunter...Which I love.


So basically, when I want to RP I play on my male character...When I want to just have fun with friends...I want to watch a hot chick.

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I had a vision of what my jedi shadow would look like. For some reason it was a waifish girl with a hooded robe. Frankly if I were to create a sith inquisitor I'd probably go the same route, create a mean looking skinny ratataki female with nasty tatoos and really poor skin :D


Whereas my smuggler is a Han Solo lookalike and my with warrior is a brutish bald man. I just go with whatever I'm feeling for a particular character, male or female.

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No, I said they were incapable of creating physical emotions, such as hunger, sexual desire etc. Urges, if you will.


I can still get cerebral emotions based on how much of a bad *** my character looks like.


Huh, it's just that it's an odd phenomenon all the same. Is it just like, pixels in a video game? What about photos? Do pixels in a photo also fail to create urges? Or art in general, like paintings, those don't create emotions for you? Movies, etc.. I could go on and on. Sorry I just find it interesting.

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Some people have this thing called imagination.


I'm a writer and I've been a dungeon master for 15 years, imagination is my trade.


All the imagination in the world can't make a collections of polygons sexually appealing to me.


I'm not saying guys playing girl characters are weird, go nuts, I'm just saying I do not understand the reasoning of a specific argument.


They may be capable of finding a collection of geometric shapes sexually appealing. I cannot.

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Huh, it's just that it's an odd phenomenon all the same. Is it just like, pixels in a video game? What about photos? Do pixels in a photo also fail to create urges? Or art in general, like paintings, those don't create emotions for you? Movies, etc.. I could go on and on. Sorry I just find it interesting.


They can create emotions, as I've already said.


They just can't create urges such as hunger or sexual desire.


A picture of video of an actual woman can, because that's an exact replication of an actual human being I could do nasty things with.


But a game character isn't a picture of video of an actual person, it is a collection of geometric shapes. That's what it is. It is a shape and nothing more than a shape.


When you see food in a game, do you become hungry?


If so, that would be a massive disconnect from reality.

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I just find polygonal bodies about as sexy as I find polygonal food delicious.


It's not real, hence it's incapable of creating physical emotions in me.


Me, I simply find female polygons prettier than male ones most of the time.


There are some roles where I prefer a male character (i.e. mad scientist archetype, though even that's a close call), but mostly I find playing female characters... refreshing. The film industry is pouring macho types down our throats, and I'm honestly sick of it. Games at least (most of the time) give us a choice to go away from that.


Speaking of roleplaying, I very much resent BioWare for not including droids as a playable race. Robots are my favourite. My favourite character from ME2? Legion, far far ahead of anyone else. They're just so awesome, with their zero emotion and other bull, all logic mindset. If I had the option of playing that, I totally would play it instead.


Edit: oh wow. I get hungry when I read about characters eating in a book. Why wouldn't seeing food in a game make me hungry then? I think you're lacking in imagination! :p

Edited by Truga
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I'm a writer and I've been a dungeon master for 15 years, imagination is my trade.


All the imagination in the world can't make a collections of polygons sexually appealing to me.


I'm not saying guys playing girl characters are weird, go nuts, I'm just saying I do not understand the reasoning of a specific argument.


They may be capable of finding a collection of geometric shapes sexually appealing. I cannot.


You say you're a creative person yet you're incapable of looking at "collections of polygons" arranged in a way to resemble an attractive woman and use your imagination to conjure up an image of what she might've looked like if she'd been a real, physical person?

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I am used to it, matter of fact every time I see a female character I know there is a guy behind the keyboard, I've got my share of surprises in pass MMO's when I find out that it was actually a girl behind the keyboard, but that haven't happened in SWTOR so far, it doesn't bother me anymore.


There are some that creep me out, but most of them make obvious that they are male IRL, but some don't and that's kinda creepy.


You haven't met my characters then. Nor several others I could name.


Personally, I prefer to play my own gender. Doesn't mean I think others who do play opposites are wrong. Nor does it mean I am limited in my scope and capacity to try new things or have some sort of fear of it or inability to relate as others here have stated. It simply means after trying different ways, and I found my preference.


I am quite capable of making strong, bad*** female characters without resorting to going overboard and masculinizing them. (I know that's not a word, but it is to me now). They can even sleep around without seeming like they are s****. It means taking a lot of time to create that character and to put a lot of thought into instead of using stereotypes.


But that should go for any character of any gender.

Edited by Katnap
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Let's just say that when I'm gonna have to stare at a toon for probably 1000+ hours, I want something nice to look at. Hence, a female toon :)


Oh, and if you're running a consular and plan on doing operations, there's just no way you can run a male: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=77752



So glad I made both my consulars female (didn't care for the male's voice) - that armor is... just... I think I damaged my retinas looking at the picture

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You say you're a creative person yet you're incapable of looking at "collections of polygons" arranged in a way to resemble an attractive woman and use your imagination to conjure up an image of what she might've looked like if she'd been a real, physical person?


I don't see any purpose to it. Again, I use the food analogy. Do you look at food in game and conjure up an image of what that food would look or taste like irl?


Forgive being crude, but if I can't eat it, I'm not going to imagine what it tastes like. Change the verb to fit a sexual act and you get the same idea.

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I'm a writer and I've been a dungeon master for 15 years, imagination is my trade.


All the imagination in the world can't make a collections of polygons sexually appealing to me.


I'm not saying guys playing girl characters are weird, go nuts, I'm just saying I do not understand the reasoning of a specific argument.


They may be capable of finding a collection of geometric shapes sexually appealing. I cannot.


I don't either since I make the separation myself... but in their defense, it's more what the geometric shapes imply rather than what they actually are. Case in point (but not from a video game): Jessica Rabbit. She's just a cartoon, but she is designed to be sexy. Add to that her very real, very human voice and you have a cartoon character who evokes images of a real, sexy woman in your mind.


It is very different from videogames, I agree. Generic game polygons are nowhere as expressive as the Jessica Rabbit character... However a well written character with a good voice actress and good design could still tickle the fancy in a healthy individual - but the person won't be literally aroused.


However, when the individual is actually aroused by those polygons... Well... :eek:

Edited by archifikoss
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They can create emotions, as I've already said.


They just can't create urges such as hunger or sexual desire.


A picture of video of an actual woman can, because that's an exact replication of an actual human being I could do nasty things with.


But a game character isn't a picture of video of an actual person, it is a collection of geometric shapes. That's what it is. It is a shape and nothing more than a shape.


When you see food in a game, do you become hungry?


If so, that would be a massive disconnect from reality.


Definitely I can. My mind recognizes and I think of food, and If I haven't eaten in a while I'm thinking of food at that point so I become hungry. Same with the female form. We are all a collection of geometric shapes, and depending on how well it's represented in a video game then that form should tell your mind that you're looking at a female and by doing so you should get some kind of desire out of it. It's no different than looking at a statue or painting of the female body, our mind creates associations to that with desire.


So yes a painting of fruit can make me desire an apple, or an in-game model of a banana may make me want one of those as well. Again, it's essentially putting the thought in my head.

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