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Guys playing girl characters.


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female sith warrior voice actress is simply awesome, i love the tone of her voice


The Inquisitress (just cooked up the term) has an awesome voice too, if you go the nasty, sarcastic route... TBH I found that Jennifer Hale, whilst an awesome voice actress, doesn't seem to fit my Trooper that much, mainly because her dialog is too curt. I find she sounds better when delivering longer lines of dialog. Wraith on the other hand has an awesome voice for curt, cut-to-the-chase dialog...

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People only have problems with guys playing as female characters when they are trying to hook up with them. I play one because:


A. Fem Shep voice

B. More appealing for me to stare at

C. More fun to dress up (I buy my GF a lot of clothes!)


I don't always play female characters, but when I do I prefer the voice of Fem Shep


I don't roleplay so I don't care about that aspect

Edited by Scrump
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It boils down to this:


Would I rather spend hours following around a picture who looks and walks like Herman Munster;




Would I rather spend hours following around a sweet, nice, hour glass figure, complete with full wiggle.




There you have it. Wiggles.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


You need to date more.



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People only have problems with guys playing as female characters when they are trying to hook up with them. I play one because:



That's really the primary reason people complain about it.


Listen people, girls play video games. A lot of them do in fact and there's probably a rather good chance that the female character in your group is some guy's wife or girlfriend. Should you try and flirt and hook up with her? God no. It's like picking up a prostitute in Thailand.

Edited by alkanterah
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i dont think star wars is about looking at ladies backsides personally.


Just enjoy the actual game rather than chatting up twi'leks


Woah, can't blame Bioware for knowing and catering to their market of h0rny nerds, flirting at every opputunity and making every female character in the game having a huge chest isn't my fault, and I'm gonna stare right at that chest, I'd do 99% of the females in SWTOR.

Edited by Boundd
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I'm comfortable with my sexuality, so what other people play is none of my business they pay to play to.


The people with the problems are the ones that think MMOs are a dating service and fall in love with every single female character that groups with them even when that person doesn't even talk in the group or show any interest.


THIS should have ended the discussion.


What is with insecure people that won't even go to eHarmony much less go out to a club but look to a MMO to look for their next date?

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That's really the primary reason people complain about it.


Listen people, girls play video games. A lot of them do in fact and there's probably a rather good chance that the female character in your group is some guy's wife or girlfriend. Should you try and flirt and hook up with her? God no. It's like picking up a prostitute in Thailand.



Lol, good times. I picked up my Guild masters gf. Totally not worth it, I got gkicked ;(

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Don't know 'bout you but if I am going to spend hours on end staring at the backside of a rendered biped...you damn sure it's gonna look good. :p


Edit: To add to the silliness can I ask why you prefer to look at a male backside your entire gaming session? Maybe there are bigger questions afoot here? :eek:

Edited by Mephik
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Why do these threads almost always inquire into guys playing girls and not girls playing guys?


OP: My answer is easy, in atomic or digital form, women look better. I tried rolling a guy in this game and for the life of me I cannot look at some dude's face through all the dialogue.


Still, wanna know something ULTRA lame/creepy. I can make a toon look EXACTLY like my wife... it's wild:


Human, Female (of course), Bounty Hunter. Create the Char with these numbers:

3, 10, 1, 22, 6, 1, 4, 6, 15 Name it Christina and BAM there you have it!


Dr. Zimbardo it up for me now!


Going to the character creator just to see what this is. I probably won't roll it though because my BH has to be male so he can bump ewoks with Mako. ;)

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I find it a pretty disturbing idea to begin with that the immediate association to encountering a woman on the internet is either flirting or just flat-out sex. Gods, we're just people trying to enjoy a game, I'd like to have at least one getaway place where my gender isn't immediately associated with my sexuality.

It's such a hurtful phenomenon. All this 'many men online roleplaying girls' stuff is ridiculous and only helps perpetuate the line of thought that a woman who *does* play online games is somehow rare and exceptional and should be flooded with creepy approaches.


It shouldn't matter at all who's behind the avatar, but it also shouldn't be the default assumption that it's a guy, that minimizes and trivializes the presence of women on games and makes it even more scary to talk about your real identity with guildies and friends.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I, personally, find those males in skirts and bathing robes very not bad ***. And people are telling me I'm the one crossdressing... Trololo

Edited by Truga
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I used to get grief for having a female main character though I'm a male. "omg that's so ****"


My reply was "Wait a minute, you made a beefed up, muscly tough guy to look at for the next however many years for how many hours a day and I'd rather be looking at a female toon and I'M ****?" lol


Sorry, but my toon is easier on the eyes and makes me feel less weird. lol


And no, I don't for a second pretend I'm female IRL. I simply prefer having a female toon over a male one.

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I like creating both. One that looks like my persona and another that would be my heroine.


Also if anyone played Dragon Age 2 and didn't even think of rolling a female Hawke (default look even) is either lying or gay. The male default Hawke had me yelling during every fight "This is Spartaaaaaaaa!" Makers of 300 should have sued Bioware for trademark infringement. lol

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Please ... no hate... my first MMO was WoW and I have scratched it off for SWTOR. I used to play a male Tauren druid as I am a male in RL. Back then in vanilla WoW, taurens took up a lot of screen and as a druid a lot bear butt was to be seen. I got annoyed at pvp trying to click tiny toons on the opposing faction.


So... now I generally roll a female of the smallest toon I can find ... I just like the less bulkiness of the female toons when looking around on my screen, but don't want to give up the 3rd person pt of view.

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I find it a pretty disturbing idea to begin with that the immediate association to encountering a woman on the internet is either flirting or just flat-out sex. Gods, we're just people trying to enjoy a game, I'd like to have at least one getaway place where my gender isn't immediately associated with my sexuality.

It's such a hurtful phenomenon. All this 'many men online roleplaying girls' stuff is ridiculous and only helps perpetuate the line of thought that a woman who *does* play online games is somehow rare and exceptional and should be flooded with creepy approaches.


It shouldn't matter at all who's behind the avatar, but it also shouldn't be the default assumption that it's a guy, that minimizes and trivializes the presence of women on games and makes it even more scary to talk about your real identity with guildies and friends.


Uhh...welcome to the world? Us here men be a ***** bunch. If you were a woman anywhere else it would be no different.


Form an ignore list, don't go public, or get over it, because guys will be guys.

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