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Guys playing girl characters.


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Clearly people will never truly state why they cannot relate why people play the opposite gender: Because their mind is stuck with an archaic attitude, and one which cannot fathom the idea of a roleplayed character in a videogame. There seems to be that thinking that there is a universal obligation to create carbon copy of your gender and race in a game. Like anyone who is not playing a human male...is clearly perverted.
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I don't know about you people but I usually look at what's actually happening on the screen and around my character, not at his or her posterior.


If you feel some unbearable compulsion to stare at your avatar's rear I think there's bigger issues at hand than just their gender.

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I made a fem Scorc. She is amazing. She does exactly what I would do, picks the conversation options I would pick and shes hot. I think I'm in love with her. Now I have to go and get a Swtor Scorc. outfit for my rl gf complete with two of those lightning balls for her to hold in her hands. She says at least it will be better than the Nightsister outfit. She warned me if I call her my toons name in the heat of passion its over. My fem Scorc's name is tunetta. A play on tuna. :p
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I most of the times only got female characters, just because in most mmo's i think the male's walk rather oddly and i prefer the rest of the animations of the female's overall!

Also the customization somehow feels like there's more options with humans!

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Because there's this utterly stupid underlying idea that for a man to take the role of a woman is a step down, somehow degrading his masculine identity. That he's somehow less of a person if he isn't constantly reinforcing his masculinity through everything he does, which comes hand-in-hand with the very ugly idea that women are lesser people.

This also ties with how being a gay male is viewed as being more like a woman than a man, thus not a human of equal value.


Welcome to sexism, it damages everyone.


This. Bravo. Thank you!

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I'm the same, I aim for a ****** character. Difference is I don't prefer one gender over another for it. I didn't like the male models, not one looked right to me. Plus for my bounty hunter I had a mind to create Molly Millions from Neuromancer.

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I've never found it odd until this game. Most of the time, in MMOs, the sex of the character is irrelevant. However, in this game, where you get choices to flirt with the opposite sex, choosing to play as the opposite sex kind of makes it odd. If that's your thing, awesome, or if you are straight and it still doesn't bother you, awesome still, but if not, you're kind of limiting your dialog choices.
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I don't know about you people but I usually look at what's actually happening on the screen and around my character, not at his or her posterior.


If you feel some unbearable compulsion to stare at your avatar's rear I think there's bigger issues at hand than just their gender.


Thats the whole point of customizing your char and your companion. But yeah I know what you mean, who gives a **** what their car looks like... right? I mean you cant stare at it while driving.


Give me a break.

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She warned me if I call her my toons name in the heat of passion its over.


This made me chuckle :p


Malefik: "Oh tunetta..."

Malefik's GF: "Right! It's over"

Malefik: "F9, F9... Damn it it's an MMO, I can't quickload!"

Malefik's GF: "..."


No offense BTW mate, just a (hopefully) harmless joke :o

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I've never found it odd until this game. Most of the time, in MMOs, the sex of the character is irrelevant. However, in this game, where you get choices to flirt with the opposite sex, choosing to play as the opposite sex kind of makes it odd. If that's your thing, awesome, or if you are straight and it still doesn't bother you, awesome still, but if not, you're kind of limiting your dialog choices.


Depends on how much you identify yourself with your character. I don't really at all which is why I've never really felt odd flirting it up with Torian with my female bounty hunter. No different than flirting with Mako as a male character. Both times I'm seeing two people act really awkward and laughing at it.

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Thats the whole point of customizing your char and your companion. But yeah I know what you mean, who gives a **** what their car looks like... right? I mean you cant stare at it while driving.


Give me a break.


Learn to read.


I'm talking about this one specific body part, not the entire appearance.

Of course you're going to want to play an appealing character regardless of gender, but why the total obsession over having to stare at their arse?

Edited by Mirura
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I hear some say they do it for the eye candy.

And others say it offers a level of mercy or advantage from the male players on their server.


I could care less, I kill each sex with the same gusto, showing no mercy or compassion for either in PVP.


And I treat all my peers on the server the same.


I am married, and not in an MMO for a mate.


So let them play whatever they wish. I will treat them as if they were a DUDE anyway. ;)



ADDENDUM: My wife plays as well. And when people assumes she is a male, she is quite happy with that. It cuts down on the harassment from sex-starved players.

So when I see female toons vehemently protesting to being a male playing that female toon, and working hard to convince me otherwise, to be a male playing a female toon. :D

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Depends on how much you identify yourself with your character. I don't really at all which is why I've never really felt odd flirting it up with Torian with my female bounty hunter. No different than flirting with Mako as a male character. Both times I'm seeing two people act really awkward and laughing at it.




Well, since this is a role playing game, I try to take on the persona. I guess it's just hard for me to get into my character if I can't relate. Being a male, I obviously relate to males for than females and again, I like being able to choose the flirt option. I'm not a homophobe or anything like that, I would just rather relate to my characters choices as if I were that character.

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Guys playing female toons is fine but It creeps me out when they try to make you believe they are girls especially when you find out they aren't. That said I am a male and only play male toons, just my preference.
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I'm talking about this one specific body part, not the entire appearance.

Of course you're going to want to play an appealing character regardless of gender, but why the total obsession over having to stare at their arse?


I know I meant in general, I'd rather look at something relatively similar to what appeals to me in real life, and I'd assume thats what everyone else meant. Its just easier to say butt. I havnt been able to see the butt of my chars since a few levels in due to armor/robes :) (secretly :( )

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I'm talking about this one specific body part, not the entire appearance.

Of course you're going to want to play an appealing character regardless of gender, but why the total obsession over having to stare at their arse?


I don't think anyone really is concerned with staring at a butt while they play. That was a defense used when people were being accused of being gay or girly or whatever for playing a female character.. Saying they don't like staring at a male characters butt all day is probably just a nifty comeback to forum mouth breathers.

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This made me chuckle :p


Malefik: "Oh tunetta..."

Malefik's GF: "Right! It's over"

Malefik: "F9, F9... Damn it it's an MMO, I can't quickload!"

Malefik's GF: "..."


No offense BTW mate, just a (hopefully) harmless joke :o


That made me chuckle :D

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I don't usually roll a female character but then again, I have two daughters and they love to "Create a girl" so i have a female jedi on my account atm, maybe i will level that one up after i finish up my main.


I suppose if i had to roll another sith inquisitor i would maybe roll a female due to the different voice acting. It would be better than hearing the same voice over again for the 4th time.

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Learn to read.


I'm talking about this one specific body part, not the entire appearance.

Of course you're going to want to play an appealing character regardless of gender, but why the total obsession over having to stare at their arse?


Some guys find it uncomfortable looking at a cartoonish male butt. Whether it's because they're embarrassed or worried this makes them gay, I have no idea.

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I'm female in real life, and I usually play female characters when given the choice, but I do have one male character in this game, and I have played male characters in other games.

I just like playing many types of stories. I don't have more of an explanation because I guess I have never before felt that I needed to explain it. I can't understand why some people think it's weird. Is it also weird if a character I play is a different race or age or profession or some other thing?

Edited by lornalove
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