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Guys playing girl characters.


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well i spend around 3-4hours at least per day watching my avatar...


i want to see something nice at that time.


Man is relying much in sighting that's why you see men playing female characters


This isn't a **** show...seriously your looking at a drawing. This thread is so 20 years ago.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


To turn it around: (as a woman) I NEVER play a male character. Ever. If a game doesn't let me choose gender, I generally won't play it.

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Anyone ever see the movie "Gamer"? When i think of guys playing female toons i remember that guy playing the 300 dudes wife in simville.


Lol not a pleasant thought.


But seriously whatever floats your boat, play what makes you keep coming back to this awesome game because were gonna need all of you to keep this game afloat.

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For me it really doesn't matter, i played yesterday and ended up in a group where all four of us were females even though we were all males.


So yeah i have no problem whatsoever with playing either sex, i just go with what i think would fit the most with what i have in mind, like my female sith inq, or my blueberry bounty hunter.

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I first rolled a female in my early days in WoW just to see what it was like to play as a female character. I enjoyed it more. It was quite a laugh having morons flirting with me thinking I was a girl in real life, although this got boring. The added bonus was when I got to the city a level 60 came running up to me and traded a load of gold and level 60 items with me before saying "there you go babe" and running off. I was undead too :p


These days I tend to pick what fits. My Bounty hunter is female and it works really well. I made a female Sith Warrior but didn't like it and made a male to replace her and he fits the roll perfect.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


Clearly you've never crossed a woman


Playing a different gender just adds an extra dimension of change to a character you might normally play.

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I play both, I really don't care.


I just want to add...the Female Smuggler is the best...funny comments...cool voice...lotta fun.


Agreed 100%! One of the better voices in the game (Except Female Trooper of course. Jennifer Hale for the win!!)


As for the type of characters I play, I play both. I have a Main male Jedi Sentinel, an Alt Female Smuggler. As I plan to eventually make all of the classes on both sides, I will probably switch off and on. My next plan is to make a male Imperial Agent.


I have never seen the problem with men playing females and vice versa (Females playing males). Some games I make a female first, some I make a guy first.


I will say this, I play a male in real life so sometimes it is fun to make an avatar you don't mind looking at. :) Not to mention that it offers up a little bit of something different, which is always good!

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Guys who play female char's always secretly wish they was born a girl, is what i think xD




my first char is a super fat sith pureblood. its secretly what i've always wanted to be irl.


you is good with psychology yo

Edited by stuw
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Some people do not use their game characters to represent them selves.


Alot of people like to create a character as a actor.


In my case, a female character is the actor I want for that role I'm playing.



People who give the arse reasoning have a valid point too, it's like saying don't you feel g*y sitting there and equipping things on a dude?



It all comes down to the purpose of your character.


Is the character you're creating an image of your self?




Is the character you're creating an actor for your entertainment?



I personally enjoy seeing chicks kick arse, to me, they cooler in armor. They kick arse and look good while doing so.


But, if you're the action man type and imagine your self as the character, than playing the opposite gender at that point is a weird. Is like you're trying to role play a girl, which at that point you as a person are questioned.

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Being a male I personally only play male character. I always thought it was weird for a guy to play a girl, so I asked a a guy one day why he plays a female character and he told me " I would rather look at a girls *** all day then a guys" makes sense!
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