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Guys playing girl characters.


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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I roll mostly female characters because I don't like 3 of the male body types which leaves me with the 1 or two skinny ones. or it leaves me with 1 body type. Either way, customization for the male body types is sorely needed in this game.

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(KotOR1 spoiler below, so if you wanna play it, don't look.)


You guys and gals are all aware that in the first KotOR and KotOR 2, Reven was a girl? According to the canon anyways. So if I go back and decide to "Stick to the canon" and play as a female that makes me "Femmy?"


The hell is wrong with you people. It is a character, it is not you. No matter how much you want to pretend to be a bad *** or a pretty lady, your choices in this game are not a valid outlet for that.



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there are certain roles i feel a female character looks/feels better in. for example a healer, or a rogue-type, females fit those better in my mind than a male


usually my tanks and melee dps will be male, and my healers/ranged/stealth characters are female


but to be honest, i just roll what i feel like rolling at that point, i honestly dont care that im male so i shouldnt roll a female, whats wrong with that? you never hear people starting discussions about why men play Tomb Raider, its only in MMOs.. what makes that different? besides the fact that youre forced in Tomb Raider, but still, if its weird to play females, then by that logic men should not pick up Tomb Raider at all

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(KotOR1 spoiler below, so if you wanna play it, don't look.)


You guys and gals are all aware that in the first KotOR and KotOR 2, Reven was a girl? According to the canon anyways. So if I go back and decide to "Stick to the canon" and play as a female that makes me "Femmy?"


The hell is wrong with you people. It is a character, it is not you. No matter how much you want to pretend to be a bad *** or a pretty lady, your choices in this game are not a valid outlet for that.




Wrong. Canon Revan is Male... Excile is Female.

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Wrong. Canon Revan is Male... Excile is Female.


While it's been FOREVER since i've played them (Playing KotoR1 again infact, just nabbed it on the Steam Sale! :D) the quests on Taris in TOR clearly call Revan "She" about 12 times. sooo~ someone is making a boo boo at Bioware.


Like I said though it's been.. uhh.. Seven years since I played em last?


Either way, point stands, playing a female means nothing about me RL :)

Edited by LilPika
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What are your thoughts on this...


My thoughts are 'oh look, another homophobic guy that hit on a female toon and found out she was actually a he is on the forums trying to feel less foolish'


Seriously, that's what I thought when I saw this thread

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Always this thread.....silly people.




Arbitrarily limiting yourself from playing any certain type of character is silly. Play whatever feels fun. I can also wholesomely assure you you can play an abso-freaking-lutely tough and awesome woman in this game and it's not something you should miss out on. :)



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Wrong. Canon Revan is Male... Excile is Female.


Yes, the exact opposite of my Revan and Exile.

Ugh, they never should have made those genders canon after the fact. Defeats the whole purpose of the games and never needed to be done.


I like the bit during the


quest on Dromund Kaas where a certain character there says something about

Revan's sex being unknown or disputed or whatever. I feel like BioWare threw us a bone, despite what may appear to happen (lol@ my denial) later in the TOR story line.



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I roll both male and female toons. Male is usually my first main. After that I tend to no longer be in the "this character is ME!" mindset and then gender really doesn't matter.


However, females tend to look better in MMOs. Not just physical/sexual attractiveness, but more attention seems to be paid to them to make them aesthetically appealing. In this game, for example, you don't have half the body types being absolutely ridiculous for females. In WoW was there anything goofier-looking than male humans...aside from perhaps those giant blue balloons known as male draenei?

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I decided to play a Jedi Guardian as a female, because I couldn't stand the male voice acting for the Jedi Knight. Found the male VO too wooden and lifeless. Couldn't imagine being stuck listening to it for 50 levels. In my opinion, the female voice actor handles the dialog much better then her male counterpart.


All the other characters I play are male.

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I roll chics in most RPGs I play. I played one in Skyrim, then got married to a chic. Was nice to see that the land of Skyrim smiles on gay marriage, lol.


I asked someone why they always rolled female toons long ago. His answer was that if you're going to be spending hundreds of hours staring at a character's butt, it might as well be a decent butt to look at.


His logic was sound.



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Personally I don’t use MMO’s as a dating site so I could care less what sex anyone want’s their character to be.


I made 8 characters at launch on my main server, some male some female. My main is a female Miriluka Consular, the idea of a physically unimposing character tanking seemed fun to play.


The only complaint I’ve ever seen folks make for people not rolling their own sex is that they found out a chick was really a dude.


Remember the basic rules of the internet

Women = Men

Men = Boys

Young Boys & Girls = FBI

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I decided to play a Jedi Guardian as a female, because I couldn't stand the male voice acting for the Jedi Knight. Found the male VO too wooden and lifeless. Couldn't imagine being stuck listening to it for 50 levels. In my opinion, the female voice actor handles the dialog much better then her male counterpart.


All the other characters I play are male.


You know the male Jedi Knight voice is David Hyter? As in Solid Snake. Just thought i'd put that out there!

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I don't see the issue playing a female character. I think in a game like this, where you have a limited choice for looks and voice then sometimes one sex is going to seem to appeal more than another for story purposes.


Personally, my choice of characters in this game has been down to both looks and the voice acting.


I chose a male for both my Sith Inquisitor characters, just because I thought that voice sounded pretty awesome whether you were good or bad.


I chose a male for my Warrior, because he's a tank and I thought a big hulking bastid with a lightsaber charging through the air looked pretty tankish to me. Voice is a bit... twerpy for my liking actually.


And for my Bounty Hunter I chose a female, because the male voice just didn't seem to fit for a bad-***, whereas the female voice was awesome. Plus, I did a chiss with an awesome punky mowhawk, definitely looks anti-authoritarian :D


I have to say on a side note I am kinda dissapointed with the social items difference between male and female characters. From all my crafting so far I've only come across one moddable helmet that I could make, and that looked pretty nasty. For all my male characters I just did the Black Talon flashpoint once and then went to Dromund Kaas to get the social I hat, so I could atleast have the stats bonus from it if not armour.


But that social I armour is for males only. So if you want social items for a female character you need to level your social up to rank 2, which I must say is an absolute grind to do before the 3rd and 4th planets. Not only that, but the social items you get are a slave outfit :( I don't really want to look like a perv running around with my companion in a slave outfit :(

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A picture, yes.


A polygonal representation, no.


A picture is a representation of exactly what I would see if my eyes were to see something.


A polygonal representation is a combination of geometric shapes meant to convey an image. Maybe when graphical technology improves, I may be able to find a collection of polygons sexually appealing, but at today's graphics levels it is impossible for me.


And erotica really doesn't do it for me.


Even as a writer I avoid sexual acts in writing. There's this unwritten saying in writing, "No one has ever written a good sex scene." Sex scenes in writing go from either cringe inducing to only slightly cringe inducing.


As a rule, written sex scenes are really silly and usually a waste of pages as they do little to nothing to advance the plot.


Generally, a sexual act in writing can be described with a single sentence and will advance the plot as much as a several page "love making" scene.


One of the first things a writer learns is to chop the unnecessary bits off their stories. If one sentence can do, don't write two.


You may write, but I highly doubt you are a writer.


On Topic: I enjoy the female form, I appreciate it in any form I can.

Edited by Valsdad
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Femshep would like to have a word with you.




And Ripley.


And Kerrigan.


And Morrigan.


And Sylvanas.




My BH is female. Why? Because I wanted a bad-[rear end] female character. Because bad-[rear-end] women are amazing!


(I am male. My screen name is a reference to a joke.)

Edited by Beemerchick
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In mmos I always stick to my gender on every character I plan on playing a lot. Other random characters I make for fun I will make female just to see the differences and all.


I guess I do this because I just want people to assume the gender my brain has is the gender my character has. It just makes things a bit less confusing to me. people get what they see. :shrug:

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I create both male and female characters. There are two genders and four body types, so I don't have to repeat body-type/gender/race combinations for any of my characters, which I appreciate. I don't have a particular rhyme or reason why I pick one over the other beyond the "character idea" I have when I sit down in front of my screen. My "cannon" Shepard, for example, is male but my "cannon" Hawke is female.


I do wish they would have allowed obese female body types as well as obese males, though.

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