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To all you fools throwing out the played out "Can I Have Your Stuff" Line...


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You complete and utter fools. This game has lost a HUGE amount of people since theyve implemented the Zakuul Story and heres a FACT, no matter if you think it is or not.... You'll be playing a 15 dollar a month game ALONE because with 5.0 the game will be a ghost town after about a month. What doesnt Bio-fail and these clueless players understand? They are so quick to say to others, "If you dont like it get out." Its all of us who make this game tick. Who wants to play a MMO where you have to pay every month by themselves? Anyone who doesnt pay the 15 has almost no say in this matter because Bio-fail has completely eliminated your guys chance at getting the gear anyway. Which to me, even though ive never once been f2p since the game began, I feel is really messed up as well. You guys probally have the ops passes that you've bought threw the cartel market and now ops has been reduced to a points grind. I'd want my money back for those passes.
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that's just hype about a new Expansion coming out. More players always show up close to Expansions.


With that being said once end of Jan, or Feb hit, will those same players stay? hard to say. I'm not a fan of the Gear RNG, but depending on how they do it, it may not be quite so bad as we think it is. Is it possible they reduce the % you can get a certain piece if you've gotten it already? do they make it like the heroics where you choose which spec crate you get? Hard to say without more details, but if it is 100% RNG between all specs in your AC many of us are not going to like it.

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that's just hype about a new Expansion coming out. More players always show up close to Expansions.


With that being said once end of Jan, or Feb hit, will those same players stay? hard to say. I'm not a fan of the Gear RNG, but depending on how they do it, it may not be quite so bad as we think it is. Is it possible they reduce the % you can get a certain piece if you've gotten it already? do they make it like the heroics where you choose which spec crate you get? Hard to say without more details, but if it is 100% RNG between all specs in your AC many of us are not going to like it.


No disagreement. :)


I was simply responding to the hyperbole. :D

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I play on Shadowlands which is one of the few remaining well populated servers. Check it out on a Friday or Saturday night when its peak time. You used to see 2 instances of fleet with 200 on each maybe even a 3rd instance. Now, we are seeing 75 - 100 people on fleet period at peak times. This game is failing because you cannot alienate your core player base and thats what has happened, and continues to happen.
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Since the October announcement of KoTET details... server populations are actually trending up according to torstatus.


But don't take my word for it.. check yourself.


It's since the double XP is on that it increased. It always increase a bit when double and 12X are on. Doesn't mean that more people are playing, it could also be that the people that are still playing, play a bit more.


I'm in 3 different guilds pub side and 2 imp side (3PvE, 1 Casual and 1 PvP) and the number of active acount didn't change, the number of member is still the same, but I see a few more players on. If the guilds that I'm in are representative, it show that people play more instead of more people playing.

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You complete and utter fools. This game has lost a HUGE amount of people since theyve implemented the Zakuul Story and heres a FACT, no matter if you think it is or not.... You'll be playing a 15 dollar a month game ALONE because with 5.0 the game will be a ghost town after about a month. What doesnt Bio-fail and these clueless players understand? They are so quick to say to others, "If you dont like it get out." Its all of us who make this game tick. Who wants to play a MMO where you have to pay every month by themselves? Anyone who doesnt pay the 15 has almost no say in this matter because Bio-fail has completely eliminated your guys chance at getting the gear anyway. Which to me, even though ive never once been f2p since the game began, I feel is really messed up as well. You guys probally have the ops passes that you've bought threw the cartel market and now ops has been reduced to a points grind. I'd want my money back for those passes.


So... can I haz ur stuff?

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I play on Shadowlands which is one of the few remaining well populated servers. Check it out on a Friday or Saturday night when its peak time. You used to see 2 instances of fleet with 200 on each maybe even a 3rd instance. Now, we are seeing 75 - 100 people on fleet period at peak times. This game is failing because you cannot alienate your core player base and thats what has happened, and continues to happen.


Ever since strongholds and guildships came out, Fleet's been depopulated. Using fleet population to determine if the game is alive or not isn't an accurate method to use anymore.


Then there are the players who do not post on the forums for whatever their reason are, who are running DvL or running new/old alts through leveling segments and just not giving the forums one whit of care and maybe at most following the Dev Tracker, so using the forums as a population counting method is also not a very good one, and not an alternative I recommend.


Although stringing the group-content people along for a long time with the promise of a carrot eventually isn't a very good method either. I'm glad a soloist or a very-small group person can eventually get "top gear", but I'm also glad that "top gear" is faster to earn for those larger/harder group content stuff. And there needs to be a serious increase of group content stuff - and sure evidence that Uprisings won't be another series of Star Fortresses.

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You complete and utter fools. This game has lost a HUGE amount of people since theyve implemented the Zakuul Story and heres a FACT, no matter if you think it is or not.... You'll be playing a 15 dollar a month game ALONE because with 5.0 the game will be a ghost town after about a month. What doesnt Bio-fail and these clueless players understand? They are so quick to say to others, "If you dont like it get out." Its all of us who make this game tick. Who wants to play a MMO where you have to pay every month by themselves? Anyone who doesnt pay the 15 has almost no say in this matter because Bio-fail has completely eliminated your guys chance at getting the gear anyway. Which to me, even though ive never once been f2p since the game began, I feel is really messed up as well. You guys probally have the ops passes that you've bought threw the cartel market and now ops has been reduced to a points grind. I'd want my money back for those passes.


If you're going to move on, move on. There's no need to come in and deride others that may not want to, or won't be "slapped in the face" by something new. I get it, there's this need to be the top of the food chain, but this is the internet, there is no food chain. IF this system kills the game, then they'll figure out that it was really a bad idea. All I see right now is "but there's new progression, and I don't want new progression, and I sure don't want new progression with RNG". That's the argument in a nutshell, along with "but casuals can get my gear too".


It's ironic to me, coming from true Korean Grinders, that people are up in arms over this, which isn't even close to some of the grinds I've observed in Aion or Rappelz. I ran end game content in Aion for 6 months, 2 or 3 times a week depending on lockout cooldowns, and never got the bow I was after. I'm not seeing gearing taking any where near that long, or being any where near "last nail in the coffin" as the doom and gloom would lead us to believe. I should note here that the aforementioned bow only dropped in one place. Here, at least, you'll have access to a wide range of content that can potentially give you what you're looking for, as opposed to saying "Your chest piece only drops in DP from the end boss, and the end boss will only drop one piece of gear per attempt, good luck gearing up". That's how it was in Aion, one gear drop, and if nobody could use it, too bad, there was no way to trade if for what you want, or to potentially skip some of the grind to go after it. I'll be nice, I'll leave off the 4 years of solid grinding that it took me to finally tame a single pet in Rappelz.


So yeah, as I said in the other thread, if you're leaving on account of this, and you're on Shadowlands, send your Pub side mats to Asmaya, and your Imp side mats to Alanthis. Thanks in advance.

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I just came back to the game a few months ago. Is it becoming a ghost town? Well people on the imperial fleet on harbinger said there has been a massive uptick. The republic side hasn't seen it though. Pubs need more love :D So, I think you're full of crap, OP. But when you leave, can I haz your stuff?
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Ever since strongholds and guildships came out, Fleet's been depopulated. Using fleet population to determine if the game is alive or not isn't an accurate method to use anymore.




THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this all along on the merger posts. People whinging that no one is on the fleet and I'm all like...why are you doing nothing on the fleet. There's 160 on Tython, 30 on the Defender, probably many on guild ships, near 200 on the imp fleet, but people see that there's barely 60 on the republic fleet and think the world is ending.

On the bastion, the pvpers left so everyone is off doing stuff. People see 30 on the fleets and think the server is totally dead. I'm not saying the Bastion = the Harbinger. It definitely doesn't, but the people on the Bastion are off doing stuff, lots of conquest and even some ops stuff in guilds, and everyone is 100% nice.

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THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this all along on the merger posts. People whinging that no one is on the fleet and I'm all like...why are you doing nothing on the fleet. There's 160 on Tython, 30 on the Defender, probably many on guild ships, near 200 on the imp fleet, but people see that there's barely 60 on the republic fleet and think the world is ending.

On the bastion, the pvpers left so everyone is off doing stuff. People see 30 on the fleets and think the server is totally dead. I'm not saying the Bastion = the Harbinger. It definitely doesn't, but the people on the Bastion are off doing stuff, lots of conquest and even some ops stuff in guilds, and everyone is 100% nice.


You're welcome, it's what I've personally thought, if not actually said on the forums.


I've seen people complain about dead fleet since DvL was announced and started, it was summer in the NH when daylight is more plentiful and personal lives get busier than before for multiple reasons. And people not on the forums or reddit were doing their RL stuff, or DvL, or other things. And Strongholds/Guildships were just the start of this whole "FLEEET ISSSSS DEEEEEEAAAAAAAAD!" thing.

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Since the October announcement of KoTET details... server populations are actually trending up according to torstatus.


But don't take my word for it.. check yourself.


It's after 5.0 hits that we'll probably see the decrease.. I'm guessing within about 6 weeks after launch there will be less than now... especially with the preferred status changes

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Butthurt much?


After the cinematic trailer and announcement of Kotet 2 of my friends started playing who never touched or even had the idea to touch this game before and they are having a lot of fun. On reddit I see much more "I'm new", or "I'm a returning player" threads than before. The server I am at (TRE) is alive and well, there are many players playing.


PS: I don't even want your stuff.

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Most players don't frequent the forums, reddit, or any other social media for the game. We're the more hardcore players here. Bioware's interested in catering to the casuals.


Then why force those casuals into playing the lottery after years of letting them have the gear they want in the order they want it?

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You really want all the obsolete stuff? Can we find your main under the name "garbage can"?

Unbound cartel market items, credits and mats? Uh yeah I'll take them gladly. Sure, think of me as your garbage can. I have toons on various servers to accommodate your disposal needs, just PM me your server and name and I'll reply with mine so I can haz ur stuff.

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Don't see a problem in any of the issues you have posted about OP. Sure there are issues just not any you posted here in this what the 20th thread on this subject?


The more threads I see on this the less I care about it. Getting to the stage now that I am looking forward to GC just to end this.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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