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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop the new gearing change petition


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Hey guys!


90% of people are complaining about this already before it is even released so I'm sure they'll actually listen to us. Please sign the petition I have created regarding it. Hopefully if it gets enough signatures they might listen!




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Shouldn't be necessary. Barely anyone seems happy about this and nobody from BW has even responded. As if a petition is going to make it happen.


They already know how we feel. This change will happen, but it'll probably be reversed later with some cheesy post like, "We listen to you players"

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RNG gearing is one of the worst ideas every... especially as they've already tried it at launch... Devs, go back and look at your games history before implementing something you've tried before and which failed miserably...

FYI, there was nothing wrong with the current gearing system, especially the pvp system... why change it if it isn't broken and nobody asked for it... change for the sake of change is nonsensical.


Edit : can someone start a petition to reverse the changes that will essentially make lvling alts stupid by essentially making us focus on 1 or 2 toons.

I'd do it myself.. but I've got too many threads I've already started this week that I'm trying to keep track of.




Edited by Icykill_
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They have a live stream scheduled for this Thursday on the remaining information to be disclosed about Galactic Command. It will be interesting to see if any mention is made about this uproar against RNG rewards.


Expect deafening silence.. so much so it will probably suck in all sound like a black hole sucks in light... "if" they get around to acknowledging the issue, it won't be till they have a solution or maybe after launch... even then they have to acknowledge that they even care enough about it to change it... or what's the point.

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Expect deafening silence.. so much so it will probably suck in all sound like a black hole sucks in light... "if" they get around to acknowledging the issue, it won't be till they have a solution or maybe after launch... even then they have to acknowledge that they even care enough about it to change it... or what's the point.


It's a tough call.

Previous experience suggests that they'll go silent when they have the forum erupt over an aspect the players do not have all the information on. The most recent example of this was the DvL event. Again a general Hue and Cry and yet I suspect many were out there beavering away to get their Legendary status.


However, with the monthly stream they did occasionally make the effort to address community concerns.


The worry is, as with some previous fixes when the devs do listen to the forum's concerns they tend to take a sledgehammer to the problem and smash it too far the other way. Cartel Slot Machines any one?


It's not as if RNG rewards haven't been an mmo industry standard at one point and many aspects of the game still rely on random drops from loot tables and gambling packs. In part I suspect it's the prevalence of RNG rewards from gambling packs across physical games such as Magic to virtual ones such as Fallout Shelter and many others (in fact the more free to play games I pick up the more I see randomness for rewards used) that has spurred the devs back into this frame of thinking.


The impact really has to be based on how much effort is required to get a crate and what the drop rates are like. The focus is all about end gear stats but I wonder what the devs could put in as possible rewards that would get players falling over themselves to get them, maybe a Rodian disguise kit?

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I have already stopped grinding for crystals and commendations. (I have been obsessively modding my legacy reputation and store gear + weapons with pvp mods)


Which means I have the free time to take a break from the game, start and finish level up unplayed classes, etc. However for me I prefer not to log in under my Marauder and Assassin given the hilt and holster visual bugs.

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Can someone take a moment to explain what's bad about the gear? Or point me to the article or something? Please? I've played other games but never got into technical stuff or terms like rng


rng = random number generation, effectively the roll of a virtual die.


Old tabletop Role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons made extensive use of random loot generation this found its way by natural means into computer games.

In old school MMOs loot tables were used for boss drops, you may get a really cool item drop and then you would have to fight in the raid group to see who got it. This could lead to a lot of in-guild issues and player animosities for painfully obvious reasons.

Changes filtered through that put a fixed token as a reward that could be traded in for an item of use to your character (my memory is a little fuzzy on this one but I think I encountered this first in World of Warcraft's first expansion The Burning Crusade), guess what, a lot of the old school raiders complained that having a guaranteed item token drop cheapened the raid experience and trivialised their achievements (but then there were other issues with BCs itemisation but that's another issue completely).

Having a token drop for a known location (ie feet, wrist, helm) and then being able to trade it in at a vendor for your desired role gives the player a more obvious route of gear progression rather than leaving it almost entirely to chance.


In short, for many this is a step backwards, and not in a good way.

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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!

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Hey guys!


90% of people are complaining about this already before it is even released so I'm sure they'll actually listen to us. Please sign the petition I have created regarding it. Hopefully if it gets enough signatures they might listen!





You have 5 supporters, and i will not be adding to the list. The developers do not work with this community in the sense of content we want, and that is just the way it has always been. girls are funny get over it...

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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!

Because watching a vid on mechanics via youtube is hard lol :D

Edited by Skummy
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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!


Lmao. We aren't complaining about that, we're complaining about the RNG. No one cares about being able to get top-tier gear as a noob; they aren't going to have to deal with your inexperience in a raid anyways.

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Ah so you must be one of those Special Snowflakes since you know everything about everything in every possible way and nobody but you know anything...


Hmm... Ok


When I try new mmos i don't demand I get the best gear in the game. If I cant do the dungeons or don't know the mechanics I learn that's part of the fun. What kind of crazy person are you demanding the best gear for doing nothing. I mean come on.

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Because watching a vid on mechanics via youtube is hard lol :D


No. Because playing a game like a second job to gain end-tier rewards is just a stupid mechanic overall. It always has been. We just never noticed because we were able to dedicate a lot of time to it without thinking about whether our time has to be spent elsewhere.


I started raiding as a secondary job level back in Burning Crusade. I was 15 back then, and I was able to dedicate a lot of my free time to raiding. Looking back at it, I would not do it again.


What I find most hilarious is that so many people seem to care about this gear in one way or another. I kind of get why people would want that gear without playing SWTOR like a secondary job. And even as someone who raided in the past, was part of a "server first tier" back in WoW: WotLK, and someone who still holds the notion "whatever floats your boat": I'm more than happy that those people get their chance. What I do not get is the resistance against it. As if holding on to the concept to get the purple shinies, play obsessively. If you don't, I do not want you to have them!


I couldn't care less whether said poster has BiS gear sooner than me, or whether he has it at all. Whenever I run a harder difficulty mode in any MMORPG (FFXIV,WOW,SWTOR), it's not for the better shinies. It's because I am personally bored with the previous mode, and I'm looking for a new challenge. You could outright remove the purple drops from any operations (as is attempted right now), and I would still not be in any way disturbed by it.


Them equipping BiS gear for running hard mode flashpoints and master level story has no impact on my enjoyment of running a NiM operation. Period.


We aren't complaining about that, we're complaining about the RNG.


That's not entirely correct. You are not complaining about that. The past few hours on this forum have seen many minor complaints from different groups. The removal of Expertise gear is bad for PvP because of noobs, using BiS PvE gear as BiS PvP gear devaluates PvP. Getting a duplicate of something is crap, and this entire system is basically useless because it's old content.


There is no singular concern on this forum. At least not the way you're making it out to be.

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I couldn't care less whether said poster has BiS gear sooner than me, or whether he has it at all. Whenever I run a harder difficulty mode in any MMORPG (FFXIV,WOW,SWTOR), it's not for the better shinies. It's because I am personally bored with the previous mode, and I'm looking for a new challenge. You could outright remove the purple drops from any operations (as is attempted right now), and I would still not be in any way disturbed by it.


Them equipping BiS gear for running hard mode flashpoints and master level story has no impact on my enjoyment of running a NiM operation. Period.


Whenever I run a harder difficulty mode in any MMORPG (FFXIV,WOW,SWTOR), it's not for the better shinies.


Umm... I have a news for you (not for me or anyone esle who actualy DONE HM content).

Hard mode and Nightmare content are actually exist for REWARDS.

Its calling PROGRESSION.


The HIGHER the difficulty - HIGHER REWARDS.

Its a CORE of the game by itself.


Currently you sound like a noob who wants everything but with minimum effort. :rolleyes:

Of course i can see why you are up for those changes :D

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When I try new mmos i don't demand I get the best gear in the game. If I cant do the dungeons or don't know the mechanics I learn that's part of the fun. What kind of crazy person are you demanding the best gear for doing nothing. I mean come on.


I've been playing this game for 4 years. I'm not new I have worked hard to level my 15 characters and equip them with the best gear that is available to me but I will never be able to get end game gear the way it is now. I have tried to get into Ops but because I do not have the necessary gear I can not get in thus I can not get the necessary gear to do the Ops. I am NOT demanding ANYTHING. I though would like to also have the chance to outfit my toons with end game gear and this system will finally allow me to do that.

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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!


The best way to learn the Operation fights is to get a guild group to take you through them. If your trying them out as a pug, some players don't like teaching. (I don't mind giving Descriptions to new raiders personally).

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