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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OMG Something nearly everyone agrees with


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*That's* the kick in the arse. Its not just that its a return to the RNG fail from launch.


Its an RNG box from doing all the *same* content.


4.0 used earlier content as filler for Alliance.


The 4.0 interim used earlier content disguised as a contest for a companion with DvL.


5.0 is, apparently, the same earlier content just now with a 'Galactic Commander' wrapper.


Before someone says, 'but uprisings!' We'll see how worthwhile those turn out to be.


I don't expect to be more than SFs v 2.0/ maybe 2 weeks worth just to get the achievs, for those interested in that?

And then what?


I've said it before. BW/EA want to milk the fly. They are just trying to rehash old content without having to do more than the bare minimum, which caters to SOLO play. And that's why raiders have almost all left. In my imp guild we had 3-4 teams going at the same time, from easiest ops, to NiM content. Now, of all the raiders, there are 3 left, and one has gone preferred because of no new content. The other person won't renew sub when it's over, going preferred, and I am thinking doing the same later on. My rep guild is not really a prog guild, they do some raids mostly for fun, so raiding there, just to keep the boredom away, and I like those people there. I have played with some of those people for years, and I like to raid with them. I don't want to just try and find a new raid team because BW/EA has ****ed up, and what raid team? Most guilds, the few that are left standing, have problems with turnover in their teams, as people are constantly leaving.


They say population is high. Well, not my opinion, from what I've seen. I login into fleet and see: 4 groups for heroics, 2 spammers, and can't even find one group for ops, it's sad. People used to try and get a group for ops together to get their alts geared quicker, and now most people are gone, at least those you could play and have fun with.


Most people that remain are either the SOLO players or the spam heroics for money players.


This is the saddest part.

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Your solution is to 'craft the highest rating gear available?' We'll need schematics for that, yeah?


That's a random drop in a GC crate, buddy.


Even if you are not lucky to obtain the relevant schematic, someone else will and they can either craft it for you, or you can buy it from the gtn.


Problem solved, rng begone!

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Even if you are not lucky to obtain the relevant schematic, someone else will and they can either craft it for you, or you can buy it from the gtn.


Problem solved, rng begone!


And the GTN price will be something like 10-15mil... Oh crap, I'll have to spam heroics again for the millionth time just to get the money to buy that enhancement. Oh JOY! Heroics!

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Problem is you need set bonus to kick the hardest content. You need minmaxing to squeeze every last dps point you can. And so my raid team will be as follows:


"We need a tank instead of 5 dps."

"Sorry, I only got dps set bonus in my boxes."

"Anyone else?"

"I only got 1 set piece of tanking gear, need more GCX to get the rest."

"Okay what is today's highlighted activities for GCX. Heroics. Let's bang heroics then to get more command points. Let's make 2 teams of 4 people and get more points on whichever toon we need geared."


So you are telling me currently that everyone doing nim raiding is completely kitted out in bis gear? How on earth did they get the bis gear to begin with? If you must have nim gear to do nim operations, how does anyone get started???

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And the GTN price will be something like 10-15mil... Oh crap, I'll have to spam heroics again for the millionth time just to get the money to buy that enhancement. Oh JOY! Heroics!


Possibly, who knows? Schematics might drop like rain for all we know and gear could be cheap. Either way, you have negated the dreaded rng.

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So you are telling me currently that everyone doing nim raiding is completely kitted out in bis gear? How on earth did they get the bis gear to begin with? If you must have nim gear to do nim operations, how does anyone get started???


Being full 224 certainly helps but is by no means required. And gearing a new member in half 220 half 224 is more or less a couple of hours work. Just run the highlighted op and fill the missing parts with 220 from any other hm and he's set.

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So you are telling me currently that everyone doing nim raiding is completely kitted out in bis gear? How on earth did they get the bis gear to begin with? If you must have nim gear to do nim operations, how does anyone get started???


Well, we have those priority KP/EV so basically anyone could have BIS gear. But with the exception of few bosses here and there where the DPS check is fierce, many bosses can be done in 220 gear if you know what you're doing.


The point is, that right now the groups of NIM raiders CANNOT DO THAT BECAUSE OF RNG BOXES!

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Being full 224 certainly helps but is by no means required. And gearing a new member in half 220 half 224 is more or less a couple of hours work. Just run the highlighted op and fill the missing parts with 220 from any other hm and he's set.


So I'm going to bet that most raiders will be able to complete most if not all content with mostly crafted gear and maybe a couple of set pieces.


C'mon people, all this shrillness over gear and rng and I predict it will never become that big a deal.

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Even if you are not lucky to obtain the relevant schematic, someone else will and they can either craft it for you, or you can buy it from the gtn.


Problem solved, rng begone!




Oh, you are half-right. Assuming they don't BoP the schematics, they'll be on the GTN. Even if so, *someone* will get the schematic, true, and the product will be on the GTN.


But if you think it'll be priced so that every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to fill out the crappy RNG can afford it - you are nuts.


Or, you know, they could leave what isn't broken alone and people can continue to reliably get gear.

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Well, we have those priority KP/EV so basically anyone could have BIS gear. But with the exception of few bosses here and there where the DPS check is fierce, many bosses can be done in 220 gear if you know what you're doing.


The point is, that right now the groups of NIM raiders CANNOT DO THAT BECAUSE OF RNG BOXES!


So your saying the issue is NIM raiders cannot gear up whole guilds of players in a few weeks? It might actually take a few months?


Oh the horror!

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So I'm going to bet that most raiders will be able to complete most if not all content with mostly crafted gear and maybe a couple of set pieces.


C'mon people, all this shrillness over gear and rng and I predict it will never become that big a deal.


It was here before. Read the threads. In 1.0 there was RNG in both operations and WZ. They had to change it to the current state and now they are reverting it back because WHAT changed? Crafting? I mean sure, there are plenty of rich people with hundreds of millions, but many more people are broke and instead of H2 they will jsut go away because RNG wasn't good and gear is expensive. And believe me it will be expensive, look at prices of the current "ops" gear.

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Being full 224 certainly helps but is by no means required. And gearing a new member in half 220 half 224 is more or less a couple of hours work. Just run the highlighted op and fill the missing parts with 220 from any other hm and he's set.


So raiding isn't actually as elite as raiders make it out to be, it's just whacking a few loot pinatas for a couple of hours. Now they're mad that it might take longer to gear up this time?

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So I'm going to bet that most raiders will be able to complete most if not all content with mostly crafted gear and maybe a couple of set pieces.


C'mon people, all this shrillness over gear and rng and I predict it will never become that big a deal.


That's silly. The fact that 7 BiS geared players could carry one person through HM to get him wiping on NiMs doesn't in any way support your bet. It only shows that in the current system replacing a member who left the game as far as gear is concerned is easy. Not so with the new system.

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You miss the obvious: the present system isn't broken.


Why eff it up?


In your opinion, A lot of us disagree on that. It's far to early to say if this is better or worse. I am glad BW have looked at it and made changes. If in a few months this new GC does not work as BW thought it would BW can always look at it again and make changes.


So you are missing the point, like so many you think only your opinion counts. Clearly BW as a company did not share your opinion otherwise they would not have changed it.


I have not always liked BW changes in the past such as 4.0 level sync or crafting. Many other did. In this case you are going to have to except it or move on just as many of us did before on whatever changes were made. In the end I just excepted it which is why I am still here.


Excepting and agreeing with are not the same. The alternative is to walk away. That a decision only you can make for yourself.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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So raiding isn't actually as elite as raiders make it out to be, it's just whacking a few loot pinatas for a couple of hours. Now they're mad that it might take longer to gear up this time?




No, they aren't. No raider gives two craps what gear you wear and how you got it. Seriously.


But presently, if a progression group loses a member, the rest can easily re-gear a replacement. In one night they can run stuff on farm to fill their rank.


Come 5.0, that isn't an option. That person has to farm CXP to get gear on their own. And how long might that take? More than a night.


So, yeah, its a kick in the nuts to raiders.


PVPers have it worse, though. Now people who prefer to only PVP - and have been able to gear for their content in their own content - can no longer do so. That's a kick in the groin.


You can ignore it or laugh it off or dismiss it as you are trying to do - but it is an issue.

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No, apparently there are people somehow confused that 'gear which gives me a bonus for skills I use' is preferred over the one 'which does not give me a bonus to skills I use.'


I genuinely never knew people were that flummoxed by how to gear in this game.


that bonus is paramount to get bosses down. Read the descriptions on the current set bonus gear. http://ootinicast.com/2016/02/pve-and-pvp-set-bonuses-4-0/

and then tell me if my crits can't give me extra dps on a boss, which makes the difference between enrage and killing it. And tell me that the tank doesn't need a quicker taunt... [War leader set bonus]

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So raiding isn't actually as elite as raiders make it out to be, it's just whacking a few loot pinatas for a couple of hours. Now they're mad that it might take longer to gear up this time?


I've never said that it is "ellite". And yes, i'm mad that we'll have to grind our asses for months just to be able to the the exact thing we're doing now. That's a deal breaker.

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that bonus is paramount to get bosses down. Read the descriptions on the current set bonus gear. http://ootinicast.com/2016/02/pve-and-pvp-set-bonuses-4-0/

and then tell me if my crits can't give me extra dps on a boss, which makes the difference between enrage and killing it. And tell me that the tank doesn't need a quicker taunt... [War leader set bonus]


Um, you missed my point.


One of the reasons given for the change was people couldn't figure out how to gear themselves.


I pointed out how easy it is to know which gear to take.

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Um, you missed my point.


One of the reasons given for the change was people couldn't figure out how to gear themselves.


I pointed out how easy it is to know which gear to take.


Come on... Is that so difficult? Are people so stupid they can't figure it out? I got into a guild, and people there helped me a lot when I was a total n00b and went to my first ops without having a clue what I was doing. They told me about set bonus, what I need for my class, and how to get it. Helped me with rotation, what to do on each boss and tactics, and pointed me to dulfy to get all the advanced info I needed. Every guild I have been or am in, people have been a lot of help, and I have helped in turn a lot of people who came as new players.


Most of us have been new players without a clue at one point, and we learned. We got help from other players, we got help from guildies, and we learned. Are new players so stupid now they can't ask about what they need?

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That comment is somewhere in the Reddit Sea.


I remember it 'cause I choked on my coffee.


If it really is hard, then it is the min-maxing that is hard. Not figuring out that Supercommando isn't appropriate for a marauder.


Lol, I've seen a marauder geared fully with a PT tank pvp gear(yes, including the shield)

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Um, you missed my point.


One of the reasons given for the change was people couldn't figure out how to gear themselves.


I pointed out how easy it is to know which gear to take.


Uh, yes? We gear every new person twice, because "i am not an idiot and I know what class I am playing" and they buy 220/224 gear, disassemble it and then we ask them why a commando needs vanguards set? They are simply not knowing the names of their skills... sad times, really.


And don't let me start on DPS/Healers with tanking gear. I can understand why DPS/Healer has the opposite set, or some random 224 set with enough power. But defense/shield/absorb gear? Really?


You are not doing enough pugs with such optimism :D

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