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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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While Individual Operations might give more CP XP than say a warzone match, you have to bare two things in mind. Firstly if your doing, let's TOS HM, that's going to take a significantly longer amount of time to complete compared to the time warzones take to complete. Secondly, Operations have one week lock outs, WZs you can do all day and night, so in reality, it will be much faster to earn CP XP doing wzs [more than one] than doing operations. There are a finite amount of operations that can be done in a week, you could do 100s of warzones in the course of a week limited only by a persons free time to play the game [this applies equally to the amount of time a person has to do operations as well.].


Yeah and no, you forget that each day there is a new operation which players can do.. so there can be a situation like pve players during the weak will get full best gear in the game while pvp players will play warzones for month to get the best gear... I don't want to be dominated by pve noobs only because pve gives more points to get best gear. I think making pvp and pve gear the same stinks...

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I am kind of curious about one thing now. Since this is no longer a traditional theme park MMO, but a single thread story with some side games, and we've been endlessly told that 'choices matter'. Why are any choices we did have being taken away for gearing purposes? In PVP you would work for commendations, and use those to buy whatever gear you wanted in the order you wanted it. In PVE you would work for tokens or drops, and everyone doing that knew where which gear pieces could be found. This seemed to be working fine, so why are we changing it all to the first church of RNGesus?


The rest of what is coming either makes no difference to me or could be better, we'll have to see when it gets here. But removing choice while continuing to trumpet 'your choices matter' seems a bit hypocritical, even for EA.

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First of all, you sound like an elitist snob who has a certain picture about how others must play a game.


Oh really? Let's make some research shall we?


High-end top-tier gear should NEVER get into the hands of people, who doesn't even run Operations.


What I do criticize is that HIGHER raiding gear is available for not raiding.


So... Umm...

Im sound like an Elitist, who's against that top-tier gear get into the hands of people who doesn't run ops...

And you sound like a good guy who's against that top-tier gear get into the hands of people who doesn't run ops...


For real dude?


You are saying same things and calling ME and elitist? :D

Lol kiddo you should really learn to read :D

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And what does that have to do with it? You don't get any points for GC until you are 70 so what you do before that is completely irrelevant to GC. You can't use those 5 levels to get some sort of head start and if HM/NiM ops are indeed scaled to level 70 you can't do them until you level to 70 and then do all sorts of other things to get the gear required to do HM/NiM.


Except that gear is still going to drop pre 70. We have that in Yellow on these very forums?


As I stated, I am fine with anybody getting top gear. Are you still saying I'm one of these people railing about worst case scenarios, because then I'm going to have to seriously doubt your reading skills.



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Yeah and no, you forget that each day there is a new operation which players can do.. so there can be a situation like pve players during the weak will get full best gear in the game while pvp players will play warzones for month to get the best gear... I don't want to be dominated by pve noobs only because pve gives more points to get best gear. I think making pvp and pve gear the same stinks...


How many WZs are you limited to a day? What's the cap? Is there one? No? Then what are you going on about? Are there no dailies in PvP? That would be new, I seem to recall my guild leader doing his every day on several toons, maybe I was just imagining that, and all his cussing about it in TS?

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Except that gear is still going to drop pre 70. We have that in Yellow on these very forums?


Are you saying that endgame gear will drop pre 70? Do you have that in yellow as well?


Listen, if they don't scale it up and they still drop 216 gear that's cool but that won't help you do HM/NiM content or whatever it will be called then unless they're not even gonna scale HM and NiM operations. Is that what you're thinking?In the end you're still going to have to start gearing endgame gear from scratch at 70 and at the moment you can start with endgame gear at level 50.

Edited by Tsillah
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Are you saying that endgame gear will drop pre 70? Do you have that in yellow as well?


Listen, if they don't scale it up and they still drop 216 gear that's cool but that won't help you do HM/NiM content or whatever it will be called then unless they're not even gonna scale HM and NiM operations. Is that what you're thinking?In the end you're still going to have to start gearing endgame gear from scratch at 70 and at the moment you can start with endgame gear at level 50.


If you're not lvl 70, you don't need lvl 70 gear, it just takes up space in your cargo bays. It should be appropriate to the content, as it is now.

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If you're not lvl 70, you don't need lvl 70 gear, it just takes up space in your cargo bays. It should be appropriate to the content, as it is now.


That was not the point.


I said there was a difference in gearing between 4.0 and 5.0


In 4.0 you can start collecting endgame gear as of level 50. In 5.0 you have to wait till max level before you can start. It's not about what's better. You said there was no difference, I said there was and this is it. Good or bad, there's a clear difference, that's all.

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That was not the point.


I said there was a difference in gearing between 4.0 and 5.0


In 4.0 you can start collecting endgame gear as of level 50. In 5.0 you have to wait till max level before you can start. It's not about what's better. You said there was no difference, I said there was and this is it. Good or bad, there's a clear difference, that's all.


And that is an interesting design change, to be sure. That hasn't been the case since the level cap was 50, has it? Prior to 4.0, you could always do the "older" ops to start your PvE gearing, and there used to be multiple levels of PvP gear vendors, IIRC.

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Yeah and no, you forget that each day there is a new operation which players can do.. so there can be a situation like pve players during the weak will get full best gear in the game while pvp players will play warzones for month to get the best gear... I don't want to be dominated by pve noobs only because pve gives more points to get best gear. I think making pvp and pve gear the same stinks...


Actually, what I garnered from the stream was that the daily ops were going away and that there would be daily focus on a type of play be it PvP, FP's, Op's, Uprising's etc.

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And that is an interesting design change, to be sure. That hasn't been the case since the level cap was 50, has it? Prior to 4.0, you could always do the "older" ops to start your PvE gearing, and there used to be multiple levels of PvP gear vendors, IIRC.


Well, it is an interesting change as you say. I mean we are mostly theorizing here and we will see how it all pans out when it goes live but there are some clear changes in their approach.


It seems they are confident about the sub structure again by making endgame gearing for subs only. They have secretly removed warzone and ops passes from the CM as well. That is also interesting because indeed, what's the point of them if you can do the activities but not gain the points.


So either they are really focusing on subs again and making subs more interesting or they are going to bring out some items that are different instead, but that would seem tricky.


I know we haven't had ops for 2 years, not new ones anyway, but they now have actually said they are going back to making group content. We already see the uprisings and world bosses (light/dark) that are group content of a sort and apparently in January they will tell us what else they are going to do with that. So it really is a very different direction than they've had for the last couple of years.


I see a lot of advantages to this new direction. I have some concerns of course but that will have to prove itself when it comes out.

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And that is an interesting design change, to be sure. That hasn't been the case since the level cap was 50, has it? Prior to 4.0, you could always do the "older" ops to start your PvE gearing, and there used to be multiple levels of PvP gear vendors, IIRC.


No. The one exception i can think about was the old lethality sniper set bonus that reduced the cost of takedown. Everything else you had to farm from the current ops.

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No. The one exception i can think about was the old lethality sniper set bonus that reduced the cost of takedown. Everything else you had to farm from the current ops.


This is going to get into the relative value of each set bonus vs raw statistics, and here even harder to compare because you can triage the mod and enhancement with created/purchased items to up the stats. What a pointless but of complexity changing the set bonus was.

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This is going to get into the relative value of each set bonus vs raw statistics, and here even harder to compare because you can triage the mod and enhancement with created/purchased items to up the stats. What a pointless but of complexity changing the set bonus was.


Yes, the only loss of stats was from armorings only

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sorry if already asked/answered, but 127 pages are too many to read.


I wanted to know if there are any changes to the "Locked Supply Crates" ?


I still have a lot of each of the 4 types on storage for my toons once they are able to go to Odessen.


So I wanted to know if I should open them before 5.0 hits or will they be unchanged and still able to use them to get my toons to rank20 for the 4 alliance commanders?

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Will the tokens from the gree, rakghouls, and bounty events stay in game or will they be removed?


I would imagine those special event tokens would stay the same. The events wont really be changed and there is no way bw would let you get all that for credits now. BH event used to be that way and it got changed to tokens really fast.


I'd wager special event tokens remain.

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I would imagine those special event tokens would stay the same. The events wont really be changed and there is no way bw would let you get all that for credits now. BH event used to be that way and it got changed to tokens really fast.


I'd wager special event tokens remain.


Oh did you not read about events? They are organising them under the Galactic Event system. You can gain up to 100 levels and with each level you get a crate which drops 1-3 items randomly from any of the event rewards.

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Oh did you not read about events? They are organising them under the Galactic Event system. You can gain up to 100 levels and with each level you get a crate which drops 1-3 items randomly from any of the event rewards.


So the tokens seem to be going?

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