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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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I read a lot of people claiming that the now infamous hardcore raiders are going to be so significantly faster than other to earn those crates.

I'm not convinced.


1 crate every hour and half, 3 crates for a NiM operation. That's not what I think it's what they said.


How much time to kill the drouks NiM on Denova ? Brontes NiM anyone ? Sure that can be done. But I could earn at least twice the amount of crates just doing heroics.


Second point : I'm really happy to know I'll be able to earn CXP and crates doing what I like, like gsf ... or rather, I was, until I remember that last time I tried (yesterday), I waited for 4 hours without finding a match because the server is empty.

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I don't know how about you, but we run operations because we like some of them, not because of the tokens which are used on the 23rd alt :) (guildmate has 14 different 224 sets with 7 different offhands and now even he's bored with tokens)


You are missing the point.


The majority of players will not run nightmares because the new target for EA are casuals.

And with the new crate concept these players have an easier way to obtain endgame gear.

We all know that players can get crates in story , hard modes way easier while they need ages in nightmare

due to wipes. So please don't even try to find reasons for casuals running nightmare modes this is silly.


The reality is that nightmare content is not old content it's dead content with 5.0 ...

Edited by KnightOfTython
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:) :) :)


I am a casual player. I think most people playing this game are casual players. I don't have the time to commit to raiding due to work, children, etc.

The server I play on is also not very busy so I hardly get into operations.


If you read carefully then you will notice that the new armour drop system will give casuals and hardcore players the opportunity to get the best gear. As a hardcore you will get there significantly faster and you can work on several alts while for casuals it will take long and we should probably stick to 1 or 2 alts.


We will now get the best gear by doing whatever we love to do in SWTOR. Questing, solo, pve, pvp, etc. We are not forced to play or do what we do not like.


So overall I prever this new system and I believe this will make casuals stay, and casuals are the financial backbone of this game as the hardcore players are the minority. It is a win win plan, the hardcore will get there MUCH faster and will get there on many alts, and the casuals will eventually get there on 1 or maybe 2 alts.


Thanks for reading.


No, we will not, and neither will you. Because you have to grind on every and each alt. Your dead server is a consequence of people leaving due to no new content, and you will see even more people leaving as a consequence of the RNG. talk to me when you get your 15th set of belt when you want/need an armor or head.


RNG works great if it is a F2P MMO. Because the people behind those, base it on the RNG to earn money. You didn't get that armor drop? Buy it from our market. OR buy X from our market that will increase your chance of getting it from 1% to 50%.


In an MMO which is sub based, it adds nothing of value. You as a solo player, don't need that gear, and you can fill the spot with crystal gear, or gear from SM ops which are very easy. But SM ops require players, and lately almost NOBODY wants to run ops, just heroics. BW wants to give casuals the gear? Fine, put it in those crates, but keep the current system as it is.


PvP Expertise did not need to be removed. A casual/solo player who does not PvP, does not need expertise. It is only needed for PvP and ranked PvP and it does nothing outside of PvP areas. And frankly, even with an L65 toon, just starting to PvP you can get the 204 gear 1-2 weeks, and work towards the 208 gear easily. Plus if you are leveling via PvP, you will have enough comms to get the 208 gear immediately, and left over comms for minmaxing the gear.


This whole new system is just BW/EA being lazy, and not wanting to do some actual content. When was the last time they added a new daily/weekly area? SoR. When was the last time they added a new proper FP? SoR. When was the last time they added ops? SoR. When was the last time they added GSF content? (ugh... even before SoR I believe?). When was the last time they added a new proper event without rehashing old content? even before SoR. All we got was 2 WZs. 2 WZs in 2 years, and a story which has no repeat value and a 3-year old can write a better one. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff.


And now they have found a new way to rehash the old content (new DvL and GCX crates) instead of creating new content. For 2+ years, we are playing the same stuff.


The players have asked for content, not change everything again. We have asked for ops, FPs, WZs, GSF, events, and the like. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff


We have not asked for more crappy chapters, nor for SFs v 2.0. We have asked for something new and interesting and fun. We have asked for the same individuality, that was the classes before the whole "Outlander" thing. Heck even SoR had a sidequest unique to each class. We have asked for Sith vs. Jedi, for Republic vs. Empire, and not this Outlander thing. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff.


SWTOR is dying, if not dead already, and it is the fault of BW and EA. If they want to pull the plug, then do it now, but don't mock the player base.

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You are missing the point.


The majority of players will not run nightmares because the new target for EA are casuals.

And with the new crate concept these players have an easier way to obtain endgame gear.

We all know that players can get crates in story , hard modes way easier while they need ages in nightmare

due to wipes. So please don't even try to find reasons for casuals running nightmare modes this is silly.


The reality is that nightmare content is not old content it's dead content with 5.0 ...


Sure, I am not saying otherwise, but even NOW finding a new NIM player is a problem. But to be fair, the shifts in difficulty is out of proportions sometimes. Let's review some funny 1st bosses, HM and NIM - Da(sh')roode. What the hell? From lazy DPSing you have hard DPS check. And groups having difficulties with Dash'Roode burn Titan 6 so fast they have to slow down(e.g. our group).


Writhing horror - again, insane DPS check on a dummy. Compared to HM version it's out of proportions.


Bestia is just funny, since our guide says "ignore some adds otherwise we won't have the DPS needed".


C'mon, this is not logical. If we want more NIM players we need a 4th difficulty right between current HM and NIM. I am not saying it's impossible. But the shift is so damn huge it discourages many players. It's the same as comparing SM DP Council vs. HM. There's maybe twice more things in HM compared to SM. WHY?! This SM version is so easy that people on HM are shocked. Why on Earth SM Brontes has all mechanics with the exception of few and then SM Dread Council has none?


Out of 5 operations 3 first bosses are the stopping place. We have problems to kill Dash'Rood right now(3 crystals needed), yet we have no problem to get to those 4 mercenaries WITHOUT CRYSTALS!!! Sure, we have some newbies who have low DPS, but why the highest DPS check is on the 1st boss in 3 out of 5 OPS?


But that's OT for this thread :) Sooooooo.... uhm.... I hope there will be more people willing to try the NIM because they will have the gear for it and Wings of the Architect are still a thing for those who were not here when the ops was downscaled :)


Sorry for ranting :D


Edit> OK, we have problems in Oasis City too, but after several wipes we managed to get through without crystals even with our pitiful DPS :D


Edit2> I think it was around 50 wipes ^_^ But still less than the damn Dash'Rood lizard thing!

Edited by Deaconik
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No, by this logic, people complaining about an extra x "because it's going to be a grind" need to wake up. IF they had made it so only one person per raid group got a drop, and IF there were no controls on what can drop from a crate, people might be closer to the truth. Nothing in the provided information has indicated that either of these will be the case, in fact, exactly the opposite of both. That's the problem with drinking the Kool-Aid though, once you've started being a sheep, and following the herd, it's hard to break away from it.


As I said though, let me know if it takes you any where near 4 months, or 4 years, to complete your gear set, assuming you don't just quit for either amount of time and do it in a week, anyway. That would be the next logical step, yes?


So, essentially what you are saying, because you and your uber-dorklord fellow players of whatever stupid *** game you were playing that had a system in place that made it possible that a player might have to wait 4 years to get a stupid *** companion type thing, that players in this game should be thankful that they are changing a gearing system that works well and people are comfortable with to a system that might take a player only 6 months to one year potentially to get BIS geared out? That is your logic?


Just because you were willing to put yourself thru such a disgusting and unrewarding grind like that, that couldn't possibly been an enjoyable experience doesn't mean other people should be stupid enough to be okay with such unwanted changes in a game that is essentially working fine as is for gearing to a system that is inherently poorly designed. What's more, consider the simple fact that Bioware is PERFECTLY aware at this point that this new system they want to introduce its hated and utterly despised by a majority of its player base, and yet they couldn't care less.


I think it's terrible that you allowed yourself to be subjected to such an asinine gaming system that made it possible for a player to have to invest 4 friggen years in pursuit of acquiring any thing what so ever that exists and can be obtained by a player in said game.


I wouldn't invest four years in pursuit of getting to nail Britney Spears while having her call me Master [maybe two years, three max].


As far as the four months to get that special uber bow? That doesn't sound unreasonable to me at all. Took me longer to get the 224 offhand.


The issue here is not that it might take a while to get all the gear you want, the issue here is that you might NEVER be able to get all the gear period. RNG is RNG and I don't care what anyone says. RNG always means essentially, maybe, but than, maybe not. - - - How many friggen people opened packs to get the Kylo Ren saber, whatever the hell it's called? How many people never ever got it? How many people will never ever get it? I don't care so much about RNG when it comes to aesthetics, it doesn't effect mechanical game play, but for progression raiders and PVPers not being able to get the full 6 piece set bonus very much effects mechanical game play, and for those unfortunate people who it might takes a ridiculous amount of time, even perhaps never get it, the longer the time passes, the more of a liability they become to their raid teams and their PVP team mates. When people in ranked start watching their ratings drop and they see there are people on their teams who don't have the proper gear, guess who they're not gonna want on their team? Given toxic nature of PVP, those poor souls without the proper gear are gonna get blacklisted once the ratings start dropping so fast it will whip your bow off your shoulder.


No one cares that it took you four years to get that companion .You didn't need your uber companion, you just wanted it. You put yourself through that. Bioware is putting it's players thru this and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.


You're not putting anything to bed.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Sure, I am not saying otherwise, but even NOW finding a new NIM player is a problem.


There we go, EA/BW had the chance to get Raiders back to the game among all casuals but instead they totally ignored them. This makes Nightmare content a dead content with 5.0 because casuals know very well that they can get their rewards a safer and easier way without wiping in nightmares.


So the breaking change in 5.0 didn't improve anything to keep all player types happy and it's common sense that this means less revenue in MMO market for 2017. On top of it it's a gamble because they don't know if casuals will really pay for a sub like Vets and Progress Players would on a long run.


Don't get me wrong, it's great to support casual gamers in MMOs but excluding Raiders and PvPers at the same time is a huge mistake for being a global player in MMO market.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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Blame EA for that. If players want arenas/deathmatches, why does EA keep forcing them into objective maps by not letting them choose their preferred style?


I love the objective matches... On areans, I usually just leave, or stuck it if I need the match towards the daily. I hate them with an ever loving passion.


Anyone who complains when I just stuck-it, I direct them to Bioware for not giving me the option to not queue for them.

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RNG in the loot crates was a huge disappointment to hear. Huge. And then on Reddit I saw remarks that items are BOP. Please don't do that if you're going to make this crap RNG. At least make it legacy so a dupe item can be passed to another character.


How would your legacy alts use it if they aren't of the same command rank? The gear gets better and better as you rank up.

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So why would I run OPs in nightmare mode with highest command level if the best crate gear drops per hour in any difficulty mode anyway? What am i missing?


You wouldn't... They are trying to tell you to go away, did you not hear that a year ago?


I heard it and stopped raiding... as did my entire guild... I haven't been in a raid in months...


Can you hear Bioware now? What will it take for people to give up the scraps of hope and understand that group content is dead?

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:) :) :)


I am a casual player. I think most people playing this game are casual players. I don't have the time to commit to raiding due to work, children, etc.


If you read carefully then you will notice that the new armour drop system will give casuals and hardcore players the opportunity to get the best gear.


And what exactly will you do with this "best gear"? What are you doing today that requires 224 gear?

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there we go, ea/bw had the chance to get raiders back to the game among all casuals but instead they totally ignored them. This makes nightmare content a dead content with 5.0 because casuals know very well that they can get their rewards a safer and easier way without wiping in nightmares.


So the breaking change in 5.0 didn't improve anything to keep all player types happy and it's common sense that this means less revenue in mmo market for 2017. On top of it it's a gamble because they don't know if casuals will really pay for a sub like vets and progress players would on a long run.


Don't get me wrong, it's great to support casual gamers in mmos but excluding raiders and pvpers at the same time is a huge mistake for being a global player in mmo market.


this !

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I keep getting stuck on how exactly Command crates for equipment is simpler than the current system.


PVE specifically:

Do Op, roll for token. Trade token for equipment item with vendor on Fleet.


Galactic Command:

Do Ops, FPs, Heroics for CXP, and earn enough CXP to get a Command crate. The crate contents are RNG, so you won't know what you're getting and might not get what you're needing. Didn't get what you need? Don't want that earpiece you've been granted for the sixth time by the RNG gods? Destroy it for CXP! Rinse, repeat until you get what you want or your head explodes, lul idk.


Seriously, how is that simpler?


You wanted to change endgame gearing for whatever reason. Just please stop saying it's to simplify gearing.

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I keep getting stuck on how exactly Command crates for equipment is simpler than the current system.


PVE specifically:

Do Op, roll for token. Trade token for equipment item with vendor on Fleet.


Galactic Command:

Do Ops, FPs, Heroics for CXP, and earn enough CXP to get a Command crate. The crate contents are RNG, so you won't know what you're getting and might not get what you're needing. Didn't get what you need? Don't want that earpiece you've been granted for the sixth time by the RNG gods? Destroy it for CXP! Rinse, repeat until you get what you want or your head explodes, lul idk.


Seriously, how is that simpler?


You wanted to change endgame gearing for whatever reason. Just please stop saying it's to simplify gearing.


What they did say on the live stream is that they plan the gear is going to be bound to your current advance class (healer, tank or dps stance). If you have all the gear you desire for your current form (healer/dps/tank) just switch to another class stance and open the crates.

Edited by Tharandil
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I keep getting stuck on how exactly Command crates for equipment is simpler than the current system.


PVE specifically:

Do Op, roll for token. Trade token for equipment item with vendor on Fleet.


Galactic Command:

Do Ops, FPs, Heroics for CXP, and earn enough CXP to get a Command crate. The crate contents are RNG, so you won't know what you're getting and might not get what you're needing. Didn't get what you need? Don't want that earpiece you've been granted for the sixth time by the RNG gods? Destroy it for CXP! Rinse, repeat until you get what you want or your head explodes, lul idk.


Seriously, how is that simpler?


You wanted to change endgame gearing for whatever reason. Just please stop saying it's to simplify gearing.


You can add PVP too i.e:

Do Warzones, get commendations from multiplye sources. Buy the thing you wanted.


And your completely right, the whole GC gearing thing is much more complicated than anything we have now, especially when we look at PVP. You dont like your mods/enh on your gear you purchased? Buy and replace it with a single mod/enh from the mod/enh vendor. With the GC you have to ''HOPE'' that the right piece of gear will drop from the crates.


That beeing aside, how does Bioware handle the whole stat distribution thing on the dropped gear from GC? Do we always get fully optimized gear or is it possible to get gear with i.e high endurance mods? If we can get different distributions out...yeah the RNG is much worse to get what I want for my char...

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No, we will not, and neither will you. Because you have to grind on every and each alt. Your dead server is a consequence of people leaving due to no new content, and you will see even more people leaving as a consequence of the RNG. talk to me when you get your 15th set of belt when you want/need an armor or head.


RNG works great if it is a F2P MMO. Because the people behind those, base it on the RNG to earn money. You didn't get that armor drop? Buy it from our market. OR buy X from our market that will increase your chance of getting it from 1% to 50%.


In an MMO which is sub based, it adds nothing of value. You as a solo player, don't need that gear, and you can fill the spot with crystal gear, or gear from SM ops which are very easy. But SM ops require players, and lately almost NOBODY wants to run ops, just heroics. BW wants to give casuals the gear? Fine, put it in those crates, but keep the current system as it is.


PvP Expertise did not need to be removed. A casual/solo player who does not PvP, does not need expertise. It is only needed for PvP and ranked PvP and it does nothing outside of PvP areas. And frankly, even with an L65 toon, just starting to PvP you can get the 204 gear 1-2 weeks, and work towards the 208 gear easily. Plus if you are leveling via PvP, you will have enough comms to get the 208 gear immediately, and left over comms for minmaxing the gear.


This whole new system is just BW/EA being lazy, and not wanting to do some actual content. When was the last time they added a new daily/weekly area? SoR. When was the last time they added a new proper FP? SoR. When was the last time they added ops? SoR. When was the last time they added GSF content? (ugh... even before SoR I believe?). When was the last time they added a new proper event without rehashing old content? even before SoR. All we got was 2 WZs. 2 WZs in 2 years, and a story which has no repeat value and a 3-year old can write a better one. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff.


And now they have found a new way to rehash the old content (new DvL and GCX crates) instead of creating new content. For 2+ years, we are playing the same stuff.


The players have asked for content, not change everything again. We have asked for ops, FPs, WZs, GSF, events, and the like. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff


We have not asked for more crappy chapters, nor for SFs v 2.0. We have asked for something new and interesting and fun. We have asked for the same individuality, that was the classes before the whole "Outlander" thing. Heck even SoR had a sidequest unique to each class. We have asked for Sith vs. Jedi, for Republic vs. Empire, and not this Outlander thing. For 2+ years we are playing the same stuff.


SWTOR is dying, if not dead already, and it is the fault of BW and EA. If they want to pull the plug, then do it now, but don't mock the player base.


Could not agree more. So glad I cancelled my recurring sub as soon as kotet was announced as no way I can justify grinding this stuff just to do the same old ops and pvp maps.


So many players I know are off play legion in WOW or FFXIV now as they have had enough, essentially Kofte almost killed the guild I am in pretty confident Kotet has even before is launched

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but they will be greyed out until your alt gets enough cxp to b able to use them.

simple eh..so alt friendly..GG


No. Gear won't require GC level to equip, only to acquire. If you farm the NiM gear on your sent, you can send it to your brand new level 70 mara. GC level is only needed to get the best gear.

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Only thing is the lvl, your alts need to be 70 just to use them

So I don't really get your question

lets say u get tier 1 set pieces from GC rank1-25 ...yr 2nd tier pieces will start dropping at GC rank 26-40 and 3rd tier from GC rank 41-50...now as a pvper u r aiming for tier 3 to get it as fast as possible , so u can enjoy what u like doing most. now lets say the grinding to get GC rank 41 + took you xx week/months to gear (example) yr shadow dps gear . then u put all armoring/mods in legacy gear to send to yr assassin . if your assassin GC rank is tier 1 gap....u cant use tier 3 gear yet. same story like that cosmetic pvp armor some crafters can craft ,but u need valor 60 to actually put it on .

hope its clear.

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I'm a little bit confused right now ...

No. Gear won't require GC level to equip, only to acquire. If you farm the NiM gear on your sent, you can send it to your brand new level 70 mara. GC level is only needed to get the best gear.

but they will be greyed out until your alt gets enough cxp to b able to use them. simple eh ...

Only thing is the lvl, your alts need to be 70 just to use them So I don't really get your question

... if your assassin GC rank is tier 1 gap....u cant use tier 3 gear yet. same story like that cosmetic pvp armor some crafters can craft ,but u need valor 60 to actually put it on . hope its clear.

So where are all these informations from? I thought about that earlier if there would or could be some GC Requirements to wear some stuff. But all the quotes above are just looks in the crystal ball and no official statements, right?

Edited by Han_Salo
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lets say u get tier 1 set pieces from GC rank1-25 ...yr 2nd tier pieces will start dropping at GC rank 26-40 and 3rd tier from GC rank 41-50...now as a pvper u r aiming for tier 3 to get it as fast as possible , so u can enjoy what u like doing most. now lets say the grinding to get GC rank 41 + took you xx week/months to gear (example) yr shadow dps gear . then u put all armoring/mods in legacy gear to send to yr assassin . if your assassin GC rank is tier 1 gap....u cant use tier 3 gear yet. same story like that cosmetic pvp armor some crafters can craft ,but u need valor 60 to actually put it on .

hope its clear.


And how does this help my current level 65 toons that are in 208 augmented PvP gear?


I already did all that, why do I want to do it again? This will just make me stop playing PvP.

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