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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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Well, when i play any AC that has a tank/dps capability, i ALWAYS get tank gear from places like Black Talon....i might have gotten a single piece of dps gear for my juggernaut....once.....out of 100s of times doing it in tactical mode, on my own.....if only it was tradeable, i could give you the tank stuff i get, you can give the dps stuff you get. :-) lol


I looks like overall, i will be going to Marauder or Sorcferer...i personally HATE dual-wielding, but i guess their system doesn't really care.


Sadly the crates and gear are not tradeable IIRC. There will be no trading like it used to be with end game gear as far as I can tell.


Yes, there will be a weekly cap. However this cap is not being put in place to halt or slow progression in anyway. The purpose of the cap is a safeguard should some exploit or bug crop up which allows people to gain CXP in an unintended way. I can assure that cap will be really, really high!




I wonder if that assurance is the same assurance that we got when you said we would never go that long again without OPS?

Edited by Quraswren
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There is nothing wrong with the current gearing system. Why does it really need to be so drastically overhauled?


If you are a casual player, why do you need the top tier gear? The only reason why you would need 216/220/224 gear is for HM/NiM Operations and maybe the first boss in Blood Hunt since it is a Dps check. Aside from that, if you and your companion cannot handle Heroics, Dailies, Solo Flashpoints, or Story Planets, then I do not know what to tell you except go to Dulfy.net and read a guide on your class. For the Planets you get bolstered down and are way above level for the mobs. For the Flashpoints you get bolstered up/down. Even for story mode ops you get bolstered up. The only things in game that you do not bolstered up or down for is Hardmode or Nightmare mode ops, but for those even if you have the gear for those you still need to know the mechanics and how to play your class, which is why you have progression raiding.


Since I started playing this game in March 2013, the game has gone from being challenging to being a joke. During this double xp period I experimented with leveling a new commando. I have the legacy xp gear from the DvL event. I used the gear, bought into the character perks for the five levels of class/exploration missions boost, and I used a major xp boost. I did all the missions on Ord Mantell and left the planet level 30. I can do it without all the boosts and leave the planets level 20. The best xp came from mobs in the heroic areas.


I stopped doing ops just shortly after the release of 4.0 because they had totally dummified the story mode ops and took whatever remaining challenge away from them. To be fair, the challenge with most of the SM OPS were taken away with 3.0, and were promised to be back on scale with 4.0, but like I said were dummified instead. I call Story Mode operations Carpal Tunnel Operations because you took the few mechanics out of them and just bumped up the HP on the boss.


When I first started playing the game I died a lot on the planets. Now I need to do something really dumb (like pulling multiple mobs) to die.


Bioware, stop dummifying the game. Keep the best gear in ops because the raiders are the ones that need it, not the casuals. Create new content. Put challenge back into the game. Also, start adopting EA's original motto, "It's in the Game" not "It's in the Cartel Market". I question whether your employees even play the game they are dedicated to creating, outside of the publicity stunts.


Disclaimer: This is my opinion alone that some might agree with.

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Yes, there will be a weekly cap. However this cap is not being put in place to halt or slow progression in anyway. The purpose of the cap is a safeguard should some exploit or bug crop up which allows people to gain CXP in an unintended way. I can assure that cap will be really, really high!




This is good design, assuming that the cap is high enough that dedicated legitimate play cannot hit it. Make sure you do your math right and the cap is actually that high.

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Right?! I was thinking the same thing lol...if the only way to reach cap is to exploit, we're screwed...


Depends on what the cap is; I suppose. That's a problem with caps, it often gets read as "this is the expected max value to get in the time period." In the past, it's been worse than that, you can hit cap on Rep without even working very hard.

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Right?! I was thinking the same thing lol...if the only way to reach cap is to exploit, we're screwed...


Actually I was asking to make sure that some designer didn't think that 3 hours a day was a great way to cap the weekly since really really means something different to so many.

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A weekly cap is not the world's best idea; there's not enough granularity there to stop exploiting.


Better idea is a daily cap, calibrated to a hair above the max possible CXP gain at the fastest possible rate with no downtime in 8 hours of play, assuming "fresh" weekly quests.

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In one of your last posts you said to keep the questions coming and that feedback is being passed on to the development team. This is of course what we like to hear as a player base. Amy chance we can get specific confirmation that the concerns of random gear drops has been passed on to the team? And as long as shot as it is, if alternatives (even if not possible for 5.0 implementation) are at least being considered?


As the forums show this is a hot topic and some confirmation would go a long ways to quelling the flames.


Thank you.

Edited by azudelphi
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Yes, there will be a weekly cap. However this cap is not being put in place to halt or slow progression in anyway. The purpose of the cap is a safeguard should some exploit or bug crop up which allows people to gain CXP in an unintended way. I can assure that cap will be really, really high!




I would think a reasonable cap would be a sum of:

Player a doing every daily operation plus it's associated trash

All heroics

Weekly warzone/gsf mission

Dailies every day.

Doing each chapter of kotfe/kotet once a week.


Edit: And in theory each version (level of difficulty) of said ops/fp/chapters


It will also be helpful if the entire staff at Bioware doesn't take a 6 week holiday break the day after official launch... :rak_04::rak_02:

Edited by DarthBatemanJ
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Since you ask for feedback I might as well add yet another suggestion for how to change the command crates so they work better and eliminate some of the RNG. How about every time you disintegrate an item you get command points but you also get some sort of commendation or currency which you could then accumulate enough of to buy whatever item you wanted off of a gear vendor. It won't take all the RNG out, but it seems like a solution where if you get duplicates or gear with stats you don't want you can scrap it and after scrapping 2-3 pieces of gear you can then have enough to buy the gear you need. The disintegrate feature in and of itself seems lacking and if you are going to put in the time and effort to rank up and then get nothing in return but a head start on the next level it doesn't seem worth it. If you had any alternate path to getting gear as well as expanding on the current system I think many more people would be accepting of this idea.


I personally like the entire concept but like many others the RNG basis of gear with no choice is always going to be against what players feel is fair or acceptable especially if you are trying to encourage more engagement.

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Since you ask for feedback I might as well add yet another suggestion for how to change the command crates so they work better and eliminate some of the RNG. How about every time you disintegrate an item you get command points but you also get some sort of commendation or currency which you could then accumulate enough of to buy whatever item you wanted off of a gear vendor. It won't take all the RNG out, but it seems like a solution where if you get duplicates or gear with stats you don't want you can scrap it and after scrapping 2-3 pieces of gear you can then have enough to buy the gear you need. The disintegrate feature in and of itself seems lacking and if you are going to put in the time and effort to rank up and then get nothing in return but a head start on the next level it doesn't seem worth it. If you had any alternate path to getting gear as well as expanding on the current system I think many more people would be accepting of this idea.


I personally like the entire concept but like many others the RNG basis of gear with no choice is always going to be against what players feel is fair or acceptable especially if you are trying to encourage more engagement.

I second this suggestion. Very similar to what a guild mate and I were thinking when discussing the changes yesterday.

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When I'm opening one GC lockbox, the implants, earpieces and relics that will drop will each have a different version (either with crit, alacrity or acc for dps) making it in fact 1/23 (for a pure dps class, in this case) chances in getting something you want?


Thats only if all possible items in the list are divided equally in drop rates.


You know that will not be the case for Relics, implants and ears. I would wager those will be harder to get than say, armor items.


MH/OH probably being rather hard to get as well.


Then you add in a discipline that you don't play then the chances of getting something you want drop tremendously not only because of the number of items in the list but their rarity.


AND as we all know. BW loves to make the things you really want (and in this case need) - really rare.


There is no good to come from RNG loot crates for end game gearing.

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There is nothing wrong with the current gearing system. Why does it really need to be so drastically overhauled?


If you are a casual player, why do you need the top tier gear? The only reason why you would need 216/220/224 gear is for HM/NiM Operations and maybe the first boss in Blood Hunt since it is a Dps check. Aside from that, if you and your companion cannot handle Heroics, Dailies, Solo Flashpoints, or Story Planets, then I do not know what to tell you except go to Dulfy.net and read a guide on your class. For the Planets you get bolstered down and are way above level for the mobs. For the Flashpoints you get bolstered up/down. Even for story mode ops you get bolstered up. The only things in game that you do not bolstered up or down for is Hardmode or Nightmare mode ops, but for those even if you have the gear for those you still need to know the mechanics and how to play your class, which is why you have progression raiding.


When I first started playing the game I died a lot on the planets. Now I need to do something really dumb (like pulling multiple mobs) to die.


Bioware, stop dummifying the game. Keep the best gear in ops because the raiders are the ones that need it, not the casuals. Create new content. Put challenge back into the game. Also, start adopting EA's original motto, "It's in the Game" not "It's in the Cartel Market". I question whether your employees even play the game they are dedicated to creating, outside of the publicity stunts.



THIS. I shortened the post because it was so long, but I agree with every word.

Granted, it IS a tiny bit more challenging for new players. I experienced it myself when I rolled on a new server a while back, without transferring a high-level toon with money and gear. And the game IS slower without all the boosts a high-level Legacy and such bring. But it's not like it's in any way difficult.


I don't think new players are stupid. They will learn if they plan on sticking around. Hell, just the other day I watched a friend of mine play for the first time, and he's never played anything other than Civ 4 before. He had no problems whatsoever starting to get the hang of the basics. He's very eager to start playing properly, and I'm absolutely certain he will learn the system without further dumbing down.


I mean, we were ALL new once. And we learned. Why should anyone think today's new players are so much more stupid?

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Eric, THANK YOU for answering alot of these questions, its very reassuring to see the dev tracker updated every day.:D This new feature has the potential to be great, new ways to gear up etc (although why ppl need gear outside of operations is beyond me, lvl sync eliminates any need for high end gear for dailies/heroics, and flashpoints and SM Operations bolster you anyway).


However, as many have said, RNG as a means to get your gear is a terrible idea. If you had some sort of control on how to get your ideal piece, then we'd have something to be excited about. Maybe the command ranks have a cycle, dropping a specific piece of gear every rank. For example, rank 2 would drop feet, rank 3 implant etc and when you get to rank 16 the cycle starts over again with the next tier (assuming rank 16 would grant the next tier ofc).


Also, multiple role advanced classes have the potential to grind twice as long as marauders/snipers. If the new system granted you gear dependent on what role you selected at the top of the interface, again, that would be another step in the right direction.


Something that I'm a little concerned with is the future though. Specifically, the expansion that comes after KOTET. Whats going to happen to our command ranks when the next expansion comes out? Complete reset? Or will you divide them by 10 to give the higher ranking players a bit of a head start?


Overall, thanks for the updates Eric, and fingers crossed for our feedback to have some sort of impact!


...Hopefully? :rak_03:

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I have a question for Eric.


Is this new gearing system intended to be a grind backed by RNG to artificially give people "something to do" in place of real content?

I don't think anyone needs Eric to answer that one ;)

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I really wanna know what the DEV's plan for the random gear loot through the galactic command system.

As a DPS Guardian I have no use for healing gear, do I have to grind to the next level to 'maybe' get a chance at my class gear? Or what if you want to complete your armor set, you miss for example just the earpiece, do you need to keep your fingers crossed for another chance at a new loot box?


Commendations where good to complete armor and 'customize' the set we want.

How do you plan to solve that (question for Eric Musco) now that the commendations are being abolished.


Kind regards, a worried (loyal) player

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