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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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I want macros!


I have so many skills and not enough slots to put them in! And even if I had I cant keybind all of them so that I can use them without clicking on some :S


Besides I feel that macroing (at least with Sage) is rather limited because most skills are channeling or have cast-times and have no CD or really long CD's. I loved macros in Rift BUT by sorting skills in order of CD's the game more or less became a one to two button smashing game.

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One of this reasons i like this game is that there is no Macros.



Macros just enable a lot of no or low skilled players to be decent at pvp. Honestly whats the fun in playing something redicoulusly easy? MMORPGs dont need much skill to begin with, add macros to pvp and it gets boring as hell.



To me this is basicly like playing with a humanized aimbot in a FPS. Yes it makes it easier, yes it makes you catch up to good players, but how can that be fun? This just cause people to stop trying to better to begin with.


Allowing macros is like allowing aimbots in a game to say it drasticly.

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Wrong, wrong, wrong.


Macros DO NOT avoid GCD. If I have a macro that is set to use Force Potency and then cast Project, it does not make it any faster than clicking the individual skills. I still have to wait 1.5secs for that Project to begin. SWTOR is set to queue skills anyway, so you're only worse off without macros if it takes you longer than 1.5 secs to move your cursor/finger from Force Potency to Project - and if that's the case then you're beyond any help.


Is this making any sense? I feel this thread is repeating the same explanations to anti-macro nuts. The only change it will bring is the OPTION to unclutter our HUD. That's it. GCDs ensure that gameplay remains balanced, especially with a GCD as long as SWTOR's.


You want to be able to do 4 or 5 different abilities by pressing one button. That's making the game easier and removing effort. I don't want to see people creating a micro to pop stealth hit all their attacks and just sit back making it easy.


Anything that combines manual effort, into ease is wrong. Just suck it up and learn to press your buttons in order, go into your settings and bind your bottom tray to your number pad or something and arrange them in the order you use them, use separate top trays for PVE and PVP. Don't make the game easier by changing 5 button presses to 1 so you get operatives hitting their alpha strike in one every time and other classes doing the same.

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Ok, I had more time to sit back to play the game as a scoundrel and guardian. Yes I can see that macros would be useful. But at the same time I still was able to fight without them and fight well. I just had to rely more on tactics. Besides at least as a scoundrel I don't see macros actually helping. Mostly since energy conservation plays such a big role in a smuggler/agent's gameplay. So even if you did have a macro, you would drain yourself and then be pretty much dead.


Yes they have their use, but having macros that make all the decisions for you removes skill as a player. Maybe just not as a programmer. Yes someone can have the fancy keyboard with built in macros, but so what? Just means I have to step up my game.


If they are going to macros in, then I ask bioware to limit the commands to 3 per macro or otherwise severely limit them. Because I want this game to be about who has the better grasp of tactics and skill, not the better knowledge of programming.

Edited by Tetrablade
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You want to be able to do 4 or 5 different abilities by pressing one button. That's making the game easier and removing effort. I don't want to see people creating a micro to pop stealth hit all their attacks and just sit back making it easy.

Macros like this are not what the majority of people are talking about. Most macros tie one or two abilities that are used right after the other.


If 4 or 5 abilities are being macro'd like this its a problem with the class. No class should be able to do this and excel. But to be honest, macros just make using the same sequence of buttons easier. They do the SAME THING with or without the macro. Without the macro you just have more buttons to push.


I see alot of people saying macros shouldnt exist with very lackluster reasons and support for and against. I wont quit this game for a lack of macros but its definitely something that should be considered.


Lastly if macros are not going to be allowed then can we please get a better default or customization for the UI?

Edited by RevenanceSLC
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Macros like this are not what the majority of people are talking about. Most macros tie one or two abilities that are used right after the other.


If 4 or 5 abilities are being macro'd like this its a problem with the class. No class should be able to do this and excel. But to be honest, macros just make using the same sequence of buttons easier. They do the SAME THING with or without the macro. Without the macro you just have more buttons to push.


I see alot of people saying macros shouldnt exist with very lackluster reasons and support for and against. I wont quit this game for a lack of macros but its definitely something that should be considered.


Lastly if macros are not going to be allowed then can we please get a better default or customization for the UI?


So press the 2 buttons one after the other.


Yes to be honest macros make thesame sequence of buttons easier. This is why they should not come. It should not be easy, it should be challenging, difficult, you should have to think on your feet and press the keys accordingly, you should not target someone and hit a button that does multiple things for you that you should really be doing yourself.

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Signed. Macros belong in pvp in this stage of the mmo genre.



Anyone who refutes this point either does not understand the precise nature of competitive pvp, or has witnessed a beast-of-a cast-sequence (which was likely broken, by *That one company who made that one popular game*, in the next hot-fix).


I played arena very competitively for a longer time than I'd care to admit, and in ToR the lack of macros to tie in with focus is disappointing to say the least. Not to mention the utility that mouse-over brings to this clunky game. (In its current, early form....)


Yes, some people abuse them (macros), no, that doesn't mean they (macros) should be excluded from our arsenal...


Pressing that off-GCD ability along with that cool down can define a win, and that is what sets the bar for competition. Everyone who has performed well knows that every GCD counts, as well as every keybind slot.


Port it straight-away from WoW, if possible, that macro system works (almost) flawlessly.


EDIT: http://www.skill-capped.com/watch/6981/neilyo-art-of-binding/

It's not easy to explain, but for a majority of us, (no scientific data to prove this) setting up a fluid set of keybinds/macros is nearly essential to squeeze every ounce of performance out of our character, most likely after we have already reached a high level of skill on said character.


Ok, that's all from me.



Please, oh mighty Bioware, grant us this privilege.

Edited by CraftyShafter
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Blizzard - and other developers - have stated numerous times that macros and modifications were a mistake to implement.



Bioware are unlikely to follow in their footsteps ;)


Good riddance, I say. Pitch a player against a player, not a player and his macros against a player.

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All I know is if I try to put every ability on my bars, (with consumables) I run out of space.


While not having macros isn't the end of the world, it would be nice to have some viable way to not become a mouth breathing clicker.


Also, why does the pet bar have to cover up an action bar?

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made 2300+ 2v2, 3v3 in wow playing a balance druid and shadow priest pretty much every pvp season. Tried macros a few times and prefer to play hardcore without them, a good player with a good gaming mouse can get by fine without them however I am not opposed to making them a feature
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I love the fact that casuals still come here and hate on macros.


Obviously never used them.


In lineage 2 it was impossible past certain levels not to have macros since most skills bounce into others and vice versa. Especially for buffers who would haveto cast 53 buffs in order to buff someone... and then again for the other 8 people in the group. tedious... long and very unnecessary.



The macro system makes life alot easier.. the longer the macros the harder it can fail however if you have a 1 macro attack string of all your attacks in sequence... 1 interrupt and you start all over again. So.


To sum up. Macro's can only help you. They cannot win for you. An interrupt, a stun, a cancel will break the flow anyway.


I shall support the adding of macro's and let all nay-sayers get their casual asses back to newbie forums!


EDIT: To be fair i've been using my mouse and keyboard macros to essentially already do all of that but a global system should only make it easier(alt+tabbing to change add and fix macros? yea i'll prefer to do without :D)


This isn't Lineage 2. This is SWTOR. If Macros weren't added, then Bioware would counter that by making PvE actually possible to solo in this PvE-glorified game.

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Well said OP.


I for one fully support this thread and agree whole-heartedly that a macro system should be implemented, not just for focus/target/mouseover casting but for cleaning up the rather large amount of binds in general.


It bothers me greatly that there is none. As for the trolls, worry not, the majority are clicker/keyboard turning pros who have no grasp of the concept.


The lack of a macro system is 100% the reason I play inquis-sorc. and the reason I play a 0/13/28 build. It's lack of binds @ minimal sacrifice of effeciency, And in general I think this may be why many play this class/spec and it's mirror.


Operative is my true love but in order to be truly effective one must utilize every tool availible and about 3 bars worth of binds xD. The lack of a stealth bar greatly saddens me as well.


SWTOR is not wow. But no macro system? get off the gas. BTW always open for duels on naddist rebels/sith if you think i need to "GET SUM SKRILLZ NOOB LOLOL GG"


/signed PLEASE implement a macro system the lack thereof greatly detracts from the enjoyment level of many. Or at the very least let us know if there are plans to do so?




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I completely agree with you OP. I was hoping to Heal in PvE and I don't mind having to click each target and cast a heal, however I feel mouse-over macro's are far more efficient. Also I don't think it would take much effort from bioware to implement this sytem.


Hopefully it will be coming soon, I seem to remember reading that they planned to include Macros and some form of API soon after launch.


Lets hope they do!

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i've seen more intellect in youtube comments lol.


After reading through much of what has been said... I think we need to dumb it down a bit for the slow and lacking.


Macros are good.

Macros are your friend.



Okay that being said....

/flamesuit on



Edited by Edarahk
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I support macros because I believe pvp should be about positioning and situation awareness and not about what part of the rotation I should be on.


The sentinel/marauder for example is a difficult class to play well because of difficult rotations and the addition of having to be in melee range to be effective. I would fully support them having a macro that allows them to put cooldown abilities before non-cooldown abilities.


I don't believe the range classes should get those type of macros. Instead they need the onmouseover macros. This is really important to play a healer well.

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I haven't read all the posts in this thread (there are 60 pages' worth), but one macro-related issue I have not yet seen discussed is that the number of abilities a character gains by level 10 far exceeds the number of slots on his Quickslot bar...


Some of these abilities could be discarded, left unused, but I continue to find myself in situations requiring the use of all of my abilities -- perhaps not at the same time, but at least often enough that switching quickslot bars in the middle of combat is clumsy if not downright dangerous.


One functionality I have seen implemented well in World of Warcraft is the use of alt-ctrl-shift "modifier" macros which allow the use of a key combination to serve as a kind of alternate-fire mode, allowing two different abilities to be bound to a single key, modified by alt, control or shift.


This would neither automate combat, nor would it create a tremendous advantage for one group of people. Instead, it would allow all (or at least a large number) of abilities to be accessed through key combinations.


tl;dr: I favor key modifier macros to allow the use of alternate keystrokes such as [alt]+[1] or [ctrl]+[2] to maximize access to special abilities.

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Essentially what you want is this:


One button that does all the work for you.


Get some skill and you won't need macros. GG



um.... what a complete jack***** comment. I play a Sith Jugg and I find there are way to many abilities on my bars. I have both bottom bars enabled and without support to place more bars at a convenient place, I find myself key binding and mousing clicking all over my screen trying to use my abilities. I dont want a one click button UI but I would like to macro similar abilities together for either CD sharing or shift clicking for alternate ability in one macro.

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Signed. Macros belong in pvp in this stage of the mmo genre.



Anyone who refutes this point either does not understand the precise nature of competitive pvp, or has witnessed a beast-of-a cast-sequence (which was likely broken, by *That one company who made that one popular game*, in the next hot-fix).


I played arena very competitively for a longer time than I'd care to admit, and in ToR the lack of macros to tie in with focus is disappointing to say the least. Not to mention the utility that mouse-over brings to this clunky game. (In its current, early form....)


Yes, some people abuse them (macros), no, that doesn't mean they (macros) should be excluded from our arsenal...


Pressing that off-GCD ability along with that cool down can define a win, and that is what sets the bar for competition. Everyone who has performed well knows that every GCD counts, as well as every keybind slot.


Port it straight-away from WoW, if possible, that macro system works (almost) flawlessly.


EDIT: http://www.skill-capped.com/watch/6981/neilyo-art-of-binding/

It's not easy to explain, but for a majority of us, (no scientific data to prove this) setting up a fluid set of keybinds/macros is nearly essential to squeeze every ounce of performance out of our character, most likely after we have already reached a high level of skill on said character.


Ok, that's all from me.



Please, oh mighty Bioware, grant us this privilege.



So what you just said is that there are a ton of things you'd like to do in combat but you cannot do them without having something help you do it better. Those of us who CAN do that without help shouldnt care that you need the help because we can already do it and you just want to be on our level. thats what macros are for, making things easier for those who cannot do it normally.


The only Macro that i used in WoW pvp was to swap to my s/b so that i could manually cast reflect. Sure i could have added cast reflect into that macro to make myself even more efficient, but where does skill come in if i can setup my 30+ abilities to fire off of 5 keys?


Macros are for those who are unable to perform at a high level without help. Those of us who can should be lauded for it instead of being grouped with people who need major assistance.


TL;DR - Macros are just like steroids, without them you're not as good as you are with them. Not a reason to add them.

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