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Sith Warrior/ Marauder - Oasis - "Reflection" Boss - How the #$%@& do you beat it?


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  • 1 month later...
Problems? With that fight? Wow. I did that quest at lvl26, AND the two jedi elites. Facerolled them both.



I've beaten God of WarIII on Titan mode, that might have something to do with it.

(plus 5+ years of MMO's)


I sincerely hate people like this.

Edited by Yambags
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>Problems? With that fight? Wow. I did that quest at lvl26, AND the two jedi elites. Facerolled them both.



I've beaten God of WarIII on Titan mode, that might have something to do with it.

(plus 5+ years of MMO's)


I sincerely hate people like this.


Wow man your ***** is so big, whats it like fighting all those echicks away?

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>Problems? With that fight? Wow. I did that quest at lvl26, AND the two jedi elites. Facerolled them both.



I've beaten God of WarIII on Titan mode, that might have something to do with it.

(plus 5+ years of MMO's)


I sincerely hate people like this.


Someone give this guy a medal. You know, might keep him busy a while, sjnce he is going to admire his reflection in it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

there are some helpful posts here... some not so much. ie people that just say it easy/ boast about how good they are... but I could really use some help and I don't want to absorb the lightside.


also can someone clarify what DPS & kite is... im a serious MMO & SWTOR noob :cool:


ok, like many of the 90% of the ppl that have trouble with this boss, I am a lvl 28 marauder with annihilate spec. I have tried tanking with both companions and try my best to replicate some of the attack sequencing reported here. it just seems that by the time i get the boss to less than half his health he does some insane melee (don't know what it is) and I end up getting murked out of nowhere (going from 90% -0% within 10-15 secs)...

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Wow man your ***** is so big, whats it like fighting all those echicks away?


Someone give this guy a medal. You know, might keep him busy a while, sjnce he is going to admire his reflection in it.


Woah woah woah... Not that it matters, but it wasn't me bragging about anything. I was quoting an earlier poster (CoolJaz) who trumpeted his own accomplishments on this quest, God Of War III (whatever that has to do with anything), and years of MMO experience. All I added was the "I sincerely hate people like this" part.


Me? I admit my ineptitude with this one. I came to this post looking for help with the quest, and couldn't find any. So I eventually just abandoned the quest, went back, and accepted the option to merge with my reflection. :)

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You use all your cool downs and use Quinn. I died twice I think but that's because I wasn't using everything to my advantage. As soon as you are using cloak of pain and obfuscate and so on, the fight becomes much easier.

This. I barely beat the stupid thing with Vette after dying a couple times. This was back in December so I can't give you a play by play, but I just sicked her on it first and jumped in after a few seconds. Popped all my goodies and went to work. Had to use a healing pot and almost died a third time. Stupid space crabs.


Looking back it would have been way easier with Quinn, but I hated him then as much as I do now.

Edited by mrHaterade
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If he has all of your gear couldn't you just do it naked with two lightsabres? I would think this would make your opponents health pretty low, as yours would be low, and that should make the companion healing and medpacks a lot more useful.
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  • 3 months later...
Since this is a fight that scales with your level and gear it's a purely spec/rotation test to see if you know your class. If it's really taking 30 seconds, or 20 GCDs that seems like it is too long. We are a high DPS, low survivabilty class. It is kill or be killed. Most quest bosses should be dead in 10-15 GCDs and we have enough CDs to survive that long. Always use cloak of pain during the charge. Then use Saber ward when the battle begins. This gives you the first 8 GCDs where you will take very little dmg. Once this wears off pop obfuscate for another 4 GCDs of near immunity. Once that wears off the boss should either be dead or dying for pretty much anything in your class quests. At around lvl 40 you'll get another tool called Undying Rage which you can use when you are low on health for another 5 seconds of immunity. If you can't kill something in your class quest using all of these tools, then you're doing it wrong.


This is the best post on this fight that I've read so far. I barely lost to him as a 27 Mara the first time (with Vette) and got killed when I tried to use Quinn. I came back at 29, thought about the fight first, then attacked with Vette. Charged in, then immediately hit Cloak of Pain (so he's hitting himself while Vette and I whale on him), then go into Battering Assault and Ravage. After this I hit Obfuscate so he couldn't hit me again and continued to whale (Force Scream, Vicious Slash, etc). Then I hit Force Choke and checked our health bars. He was almost dead and I'd lost about a tenth of my health. Meant to use Saber Ward and Call on the Force too, but there was no need. I still had 75% health after the fight. Good learning fight!

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also can someone clarify what DPS & kite is... im a serious MMO & SWTOR noob :cool:


DPS means you are a Damage Dealer. You can't "Tank" (take a lot of punishment) you have to tear down your opponent quickly. Kite means you hit and run, this gives your healer companion more time to heal you (or Vette to hit the bad guy). As for his big move that is killing you quickly, I didn't see that, but as a DPS guy you are very easily killed by those type moves, so always be looking above your opponents health bar for an action bar. If you see one hit an "interrupt". At your level you should have Disruption and Force Choke. The latter is much cooler, but it takes longer to cycle back into use, so for Boss fights use Disruption first so you can use it twice in the same fight. Helpful?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think I just got lucky with the cool downs/interrupts/kiting to be honest. Think I lost the fight about 4 times before I found a decent combination of those things. Also make sure you have some stims and medpacks to go along with Quinn. Edited by Rockerfox
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