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Side missions in KoTFE and KoTET.


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I know that this may be wishful thinking but I really liked the new planets. It would not hurt if it was added at some point (soon I hope) side quests like we see when we level alts in other planets. It wouldnt even need to be cut scenes. just the usual "bring me 10 metal boars arses" or "kill 10 wompa rats" kind of quest would be nice. It would be awesome if I was able to go back to those planets and there were places to explore and secrets to discover and things to do. Thank you. :jawa_smile: Edited by TheMadProphet
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I know that this may be wishful thinking but I really liked the new planets. It would not hurt if it was added at some point (soon I hope) side quests like we see when we level alts in other planets. I wouldnt even need to be cut scenes. just the usual "bring me 10 metal boars arses" or "kill 10 wompa rats" kind of quest would be nice. It would be awesome if I was able to go back to those planets and there where places to explore and secrets to discover. Thank you. :jawa_smile:


One of the things I was most disappointed in was that Zakuul is not an actual planet. It's just a swamp with hallways built on top of it. It is one of many reasons Kotfe has little replay value for me. I guess that building an entire planet takes more resources than they have these days.

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I can see it now:

"There was one sidequest in KotFE... Uh... Assembling the speeder thing. Yeah. And uh... Star Fortress, and TEC, and Alerts are all sidequests. Yup. KotFE has sidequests, but they're all streamlined so that you're level 65 before you get to the first sidequest. That's what sidequests in game are usually for, for leveling up help. Yupyup."


I miss the sidequests too. Gimme a reason to come back to Zakuul and want to explore it, please. Or Denova (whatever the desert planet we were on for Mandalore's), which had a nice open zone that wasn't all phased for one person. I could see hitting the planet making more skytroopers for more weapons and stuff while "preparing" for the next stage of the story. Or that planet for Gault and Vette's chapter, which had potential too. Gangs to fight and stuff.

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I know that this may be wishful thinking but I really liked the new planets. It would not hurt if it was added at some point (soon I hope) side quests like we see when we level alts in other planets. It wouldnt even need to be cut scenes. just the usual "bring me 10 metal boars arses" or "kill 10 wompa rats" kind of quest would be nice. It would be awesome if I was able to go back to those planets and there were places to explore and secrets to discover and things to do. Thank you. :jawa_smile:


You're right that it's probably wishful thinking. - It'll be:


Cutscene from last chapter ---> Cutscene for new chapter ----> Lana or Theron berating you for what happened ---> one of three choices of response ----> cutscene outlining their plan for what to do next ---> travel to new place ---> kill several dozen skytroopers ---> cutscene ---> engage end-of-level boss ---> spam basic attack with companion on heals ----> Cutscene of demise of end-of-level-boss ----> return to base and hear what Theron and Lana think of it ----> wait 5 weeks for the next gripping instalment, while wondering where all your guild went after the day of release, and why there are fewer than 40 people on fleet or 25 people on any other planet.....




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Perhaps SWTOR could borrow a page from LOTRO's playbook. When LOTRO released Minas Tirith, they engorged the White City with side quests. Hours of running up and down and across and over seven tiers of the city, running errands for the Minas Tirithians (yeah, yeah, Gondorians ... I know :rolleyes:). This was not the first time LOTRO coopted heroes from their chosen professions of doing daring-dos and thrust brooms and wash rags into our hands.


I've delivered mail in the Shire, fetched and delivered all manner of innocuous items to and fro among NPCs, collected crops and repaired wagons in preparation for the Rohirrim evacuation of Edoras, cleaned filth in the dungeons of Orthanc, carried broken tools to the smithies for repair, transported pies among the Shirelings, braved the frozen North to ensure that two locals properly performed the betrothal ritual, and countless other menial tasks. Oh, yeah, I also battled against evil ... when I found time away from getting that one guy's horseshoe straightened.


So, yeah, we need side quests in SWTOR. And maybe a mop and bucket we can equip ... purchased with CC, of course.:D


Seriously, side quests would be cool. Just be careful what we wish for.


Edited by Thoronmir
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You're right that it's probably wishful thinking. - It'll be:


Cutscene from last chapter ---> Cutscene for new chapter ----> Lana or Theron berating you for what happened ---> one of three choices of response ----> cutscene outlining their plan for what to do next ---> travel to new place ---> kill several dozen skytroopers ---> cutscene ---> engage end-of-level boss ---> spam basic attack with companion on heals ----> Cutscene of demise of end-of-level-boss ----> return to base and hear what Theron and Lana think of it ----> wait 5 weeks for the next gripping instalment, while wondering where all your guild went after the day of release, and why there are fewer than 40 people on fleet or 25 people on any other planet.....





Ouch. Harsh. Vaguely familiar, but ouch.


Some side quests or [dailies / weeklies / reputation grinds] would not go amiss to breath some life into these, for wont of a better word, worlds. There isn't really much to explore sadly, which is why KotFE probably felt even more railroaded than it should have done.

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There isn't really much to explore sadly, which is why KotFE probably felt even more railroaded than it should have done.
You have touched on my primary complaint about KOTFE ... my only real complaint, in fact. Never before in this game did the action feel so cloistered. I felt like, regardless of the situation, I was following the red line down a metaphorical (and, often, literal) corridor, replete with Zakuul Knights popping up like some band of wild, erratic, popping Knights, what with all the popping and Knights.



Oh, give me missions, lots of missions under starry skies above

Don't fence me in

Let me ride on my speeder on the planets that I love

Don't fence me in


Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze

All this railroading just makes me say, “Jeez!”

Make me grind forever but I ask you please

Don't fence me in


Just turn me loose, let me caper with my saber

Or a blaster in my hand

On my speeder, let me wander over yonder

Till I maybe meet a Gand


I want to rid KOTFE of its pretenses

And gaze at the moons till I lose my senses

And I won’t be railroaded and I can't stand fences

Don't fence me in


Oh, give me missions, lots of missions under starry skies above

Don't fence me in

Let me ride on my speeder on the planets that I love

Don't fence me in



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I don't normally join in threads here - but thought I would this once. I agree with this totally - planets like Zakuul and Darvannis should have more replayable options - heck even a GSI-esque mission would be fine.


I do wonder if something is going to happen on Zakuul. Look at the planetary map, there are loads of unexplored (and unexplorable) hexes, so the place is much bigger than we've currently seen.


This isn't about creating new planets, but expanding current ones with existing models and just adding repeatable exploration, or even H2+ missions. So it's a valid comment. It would be nice to see reasons to revisit some of KotFE's new locations.

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