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Anyone seen this before?


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Novare Coast. 30 seconds prior to the match starting, one player (a scoundrel) on the opposing team was able to get out and cap east and west. We started the match behind. Mid-match, I'm holding mid with another player, and I'm getting bombed with shrap bombs with no player in sight. I finally look up above the node. The dude is hovering in the air so high, I can't target him, but he can target me. I finally did take him out with lightning storm in his general location, and he seemed to go legit after that. WTH? I've PvPed nearly daily since launch, and I've not seen this one before. We three-capped and won the match, so it was moot. Edited by Lotsanerv
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yes theres a popular cheat engine that works in swtor. It offers among other things flying teleportation and untargetable status. Its unusual to see it used so blatently as it normally gets its user banned when mass reported, so most users try to be aleast a little subtle with it. Your best recourse to this is to take screenshots and to upload those screen shots to something like imgur, then link those when you write a customer report ticket reporting the cheater.
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yeah. there's an op who names himself for the idea of farming harbinger (figure it out) who likes to do the op exploit of getting onto the map before the initial gate drop. I saw him cap mid and west before the first gate drop. you can't actually "see" him do it, because he's too far away, but you can see him on your ops frame and he's not in range.


it's something ops can do in AHG too, but I think the pylons are only active a few seconds after the gates drop, so it might be less effective. anyway, that much is an exploit. the hovering hack sounds like something else. iunno.


just report it. screenshot if you can and move on. I've seen it like 4 times in the past 8 months, so it's not a big deal. then again, when I do see it, it seems to be on Harbinger. so maybe just...don't play on server full of trolls?

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yeah. there's an op who names himself for the idea of farming harbinger (figure it out) who likes to do the op exploit of getting onto the map before the initial gate drop. I saw him cap mid and west before the first gate drop. you can't actually "see" him do it, because he's too far away, but you can see him on your ops frame and he's not in range.


it's something ops can do in AHG too, but I think the pylons are only active a few seconds after the gates drop, so it might be less effective. anyway, that much is an exploit. the hovering hack sounds like something else. iunno.


just report it. screenshot if you can and move on. I've seen it like 4 times in the past 8 months, so it's not a big deal. then again, when I do see it, it seems to be on Harbinger. so maybe just...don't play on server full of trolls?


It's a holotraverse bug actually but yes, using it is exploit.

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Novare Coast. 30 seconds prior to the match starting, one player (a scoundrel) on the opposing team was able to get out and cap east and west. We started the match behind. Mid-match, I'm holding mid with another player, and I'm getting bombed with shrap bombs with no player in sight. I finally look up above the node. The dude is hovering in the air so high, I can't target him, but he can target me. I finally did take him out with lightning storm in his general location, and he seemed to go legit after that. WTH? I've PvPed nearly daily since launch, and I've not seen this one before. We three-capped and won the match, so it was moot.


I'd ask what the name was because I'm pretty sure I know who it is. But we aren't allowed to name and shame. But let's just say it's more than likely the games resident cheat who loves to troll.


FYI, it's a hack. Not cheat engine.

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That happened to me yesterday. I saw who did it and recorded it. This was on the harbinger.


Great 😢, he's back on harbinger to troll. Wish he would just stay on TRE so people can report him easier. But it seems he feels the need to visit every server to troll.

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Saw this yesterday on The Red Eclipse in Novare Coast. Player was named after a certain Operative who posts videos in this section beginning with S, but with an accent above á letter. Nodes capped before the match started and floating in the air above the mid point gloating the whole match. Same person was doing non stop over the line trolling on fleet too so probably trying to get the person they are named after banned. Edited by Kabaal
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Saw this yesterday on The Red Eclipse in Novare Coast. Player was named after a certain Operative who posts videos in this section beginning with S, but with an accent above á letter. Nodes capped before the match started and floating in the air above the mid point gloating the whole match. Same person was doing non stop over the line trolling on fleet too so probably trying to get the person they are named after banned.


I think I know who you mean and I can say I've never heard of him doing such a thing because he is a stand up guy and even does interviews with Eric.

The other person people are referring to, actually has a major grudge against S... So it is entirely possible that he has created a character with a name that looks the same and is trying to smear his name.

If you aren't sure, I suggest you take a screen shot and then contact S.. Show him the shot and get him to confirm if it is him or not.

Edited by Icykill_
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Harb is getting kinda bad there were a few people doing that in voidstar as well. Capping the node before the match started. I've seeing ledge exploits as well with ranged players dpsing from areas nobody can reach.


Some of those "unreachable" areas are accessible if players get blown or pushed. I've ended up in some of the weirdest places before.

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Well, the guy(s) are even challenging people to come to this thread.


Enough for me to stop playing.


Yep. They won.


Of course they are. They are hack trolls. They get off on people discussing it. They are also trolling Bioware Devs. It's been a game to them since launch. It's the same ring leader every time and he gets a few troll worshippers to follower him.

Bioware just don't seem to care or they would take care of this once and for all.

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Most of us feel that Bioware don't read the pvp section and we also feel they don't address this issue.


So I've posted a new thread in the gen section addressed to Eric. Maybe he will see it and communicate on this topic that has festered with lots of us over the years.

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