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If not Raiding/PvP, then what?


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Khevar sorry i really dont understand you comment ... i'm sorry if my response misses your point . complaining about soloing in what is mainly story based rpg mmo (using the actual definition of a mmo that states that all you need to be an mmo is an environment that multiple people can interact with in real time ) and not a group based mmo seems illogical to me when compared to my suggestion that both parties be treated equally with 2 paths so that no one has to miss anything.

Well, I believe that an MMO should have many different options for many different styles of play.


And that EACH of them should have their own benefits and rewards, rather than all of them having the SAME benefits and rewards.


For example, the seeker missions that were introduced in RotHC afforded players the opportunity to obtain a unique mount of they uncovered all of the parts. I think this was a GOOD THING.


I also think it would be silly to say, "I should be able to get that mount by running flashpoints".

Edited by Khevar
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I was having a conversation with a friend tonight about group content in this game, and I think the substance of that conversation and Rydarus's post are somewhat accurate. Basically, we were comparing WoW to Swtor and the experiences within each. I have never played WoW so I don't know, but he does quite regularly. So I take his opinion as accurate. What he said was in WoW through the leveling process players are exposed to different areas of the game whether it's cosmetic, group, story, what have you. So players get to, in a sense, taste test the different areas the game covers. They do that through incentives (I think that's what he said those taste tests do). So players can experience things on the go and decide before end game whether or not they have a desire for something else within the game. Swtor doesn't do that. At least not anymore, or hasn't in a long time. It's solo all the way up to end game. That's a mistake. Which brings me over to Rydarus's post which touches on what I think we were getting at in our conversation tonight. In what might amount to weak evidence for this type of approach in game is my own experience. I started playing this game at launch as a strictly story only solo player. I had no desire for group based activities. I just wanted my Kotor 3 and that was that. Through the story though you could take the long road to level solo by doing what are now exploration missions augmented with space pve. Or, you could do things like group for heroics, flashpoints, world bosses, pvp...ect. Because I chose to do some of those things, I fell in love with group based activities. It started with heroic missions on each planet and the world boss from each planet. And then it grew to flashpoints, and then over time it grew to operations. For me PvP wasn't a love until I got into conquest, and tried it out and found out I can be a darn good pvp player and it was fun. GSF I've tried a few times over, and gave it another shot with DvL and it just isn't my bag.


Each of these activities, at the time, gave a different type of incentive for me to reach out for which stimulated the forays into said content. As the game stands now I don't feel like it adequately gives players the ability to taste test other sections of content. People who are so against grouping in this game who have never tried it just simply don't know if they'll end up liking something different (such as was the case with me). With the time frames between dropping content for groups getting larger and larger, it's just not a good model to support a game that needs to have balance across the board (if that makes any sense).


Maybe 5.0 will do a better job with providing adequate incentive to players to get out of their comfort zones a little bit and truly find out if they like something or not. I'm sure there are plenty who have tried it all out and have discovered what they like and don't. I'm also sure that there's plenty who are just a slave to comfort and aren't seeing the incentive in jumping into the pool to see how they like the waters. I've seen so many posts where people say "oh I've never tried it, but here's my opinion". That's a red flag for me when I see those types of things.

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Story Mode raids should be scaled down in difficulty to EV KP DF DP level with removing "puzzles" from all of them. Also raise the minimum level to whatever the current maximum level is at the time.


Too many wipes result over enrages, puzzles, masta blastas , and underlurkers. More time is spent looking for group members than raiding only to have the a wipe.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Hey folks,


Thanks for the replies here. It got me thinking about some of the things I skipped over, like reputation and how I wanted some of the legacy gear from dailies on some of the planets. I have a few months left on sub so I'll probably go check that out.


Thanks again everyone for taking time to answer the question. Much appreciated.

Edited by Ambramotte
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