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Sell Arma Rasa/HK-55 recovery mission for 2- 5$ on web as digital extension of Kotfe.


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I paid $84 in sub fees for mine. You want to pay that, I am fine with it.


Even at the 6 month rate, I think it was more than $84. That bonus chapter required 8 months of continuous subscription. At the single month rate, that was just under $120.


$84 would be a bargain, IMO.

Edited by Ratajack
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if you feel that they shouldn't be able to get the content you have because they were not sub at the time then every single piece of content we have now shouldn't be sold. We get it for free because we subscribe but by your reasoning the free to play and new players shouldn't get it cause they weren't sub when all this content was released. And to answer your question I had to take off for 3 yrs due to the fact I was in and out of the hospital at the time and I wasn't able to keep a sub. So yeah sometimes people have to stop for a reason and if they are lucky to get to come back and they realize there is some content they would like to have I say let them buy it that way they can enjoy it just like those who was able to get it. And I'm not saying give it to us I'm saying let us buy it if we want to


There's a big difference between offering something as a limited-time-only item (or reward) and offering something that can be obtained at any time throughout the duration of the game. So logic isn't supporting your argument.


I have mentioned it in the past and I'll say it again here: If real life is more important than the game (i.e. circumstances dictate whether you sub / play for any length of time), then you should know that these few rewards are really not "that important" in the scheme of things. By choosing real life over the game, you made the right decision. It is possible to keep a subscription going without any extra effort by using one of several methods. So unless a person simply couldn't afford to subscribe while they were "busy" with "real life," they could have ensured they'd receive all the promotional content by having a recurring subscription. We all have to live with choices we make. If people are living on a tight budget and can't always afford to subscribe, then surely they understand they can't have everything they might want.


An appeal to pity argument is not a logical argument either. People have discovered that it's a good tool to use to get what they want, but it has no logical merit.

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I know it's a years old argument but for the people who claim we should pay 84$ for it, it would only be a fair price if that price contains everything you "paid" for:

-8 months of sub

-All the HK bonus

-The Chapter

-HK-55 back as a companion.


Otherwise, it's not "a fair price" as some of you claim.

The chapter alone is not worth 84$ or whatever.

But if there's a 84$ pack with the above mentionned content put for sale, I might actually buy it.

Otherwise, asking for a more reasonable price for just HK and the Chapter is not "being entitled" because the sub represents a massive part of the 84$ (Or whatever price you set on your own) and pretending that "It didn't matter because I only subbed for the chapter so you should pay full price for just the chapter" is dishonest.

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Otherwise, it's not "a fair price" as some of you claim.


Damn right, it's not a fair price. We paid to keep the company alive when others bragged about not giving money and getting the same content. To give them it at a discount to what we paid would destroy Bioware's last bit of reputation, and actually encourage people to unsubscribe, only to come back to cry on the forums that "it's not fair" and get not just the same content, but at a discounted price.


Like a vintage car, the price should only go up. Maybe it will encourage you to get it when you are supposed to in future, instead of demanding Bioware devote some of it's very limited resources to pander to the fickle players, who will just leave again once they've got what they want.

Edited by CrazyCT
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There's a big difference between offering something as a limited-time-only item (or reward) and offering something that can be obtained at any time throughout the duration of the game. So logic isn't supporting your argument.


I have mentioned it in the past and I'll say it again here: If real life is more important than the game (i.e. circumstances dictate whether you sub / play for any length of time), then you should know that these few rewards are really not "that important" in the scheme of things. By choosing real life over the game, you made the right decision. It is possible to keep a subscription going without any extra effort by using one of several methods. So unless a person simply couldn't afford to subscribe while they were "busy" with "real life," they could have ensured they'd receive all the promotional content by having a recurring subscription. We all have to live with choices we make. If people are living on a tight budget and can't always afford to subscribe, then surely they understand they can't have everything they might want.


An appeal to pity argument is not a logical argument either. People have discovered that it's a good tool to use to get what they want, but it has no logical merit.

it's not a pitty appeal and frankly I don't want it. its about those of us that might have had no choice and want the opportunity to get something we may have missed. Now that I'm back I've seen there is content that I'd like and would pay for. And it's definitely not about choosing real life over a game. and your still missing my point yes we pay a sub that gave us access to all the content but some don't and they can buy the content that we have as subs and not have to pay for a sub. So if we want to buy it let us it's not hurting anyone but those who get butt hurt over a suggestion to sell the content to those that want it. It's a freaking bonus story that people would like to play cause it's more story which is why we bought this game. To have fun see the story and kill a bunch of stuff with lightsabers.
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it's not a pitty appeal and frankly I don't want it. its about those of us that might have had no choice and want the opportunity to get something we may have missed. Now that I'm back I've seen there is content that I'd like and would pay for. And it's definitely not about choosing real life over a game. and your still missing my point yes we pay a sub that gave us access to all the content but some don't and they can buy the content that we have as subs and not have to pay for a sub. So if we want to buy it let us it's not hurting anyone but those who get butt hurt over a suggestion to sell the content to those that want it. It's a freaking bonus story that people would like to play cause it's more story which is why we bought this game. To have fun see the story and kill a bunch of stuff with lightsabers.


It's exactly an "appeal to pity" argument. Appeal to pity is a thing. Feel free to research it. The idea is that one's argument becomes more persuasive if the listener has pity for the arguer. It does nothing to strengthen the actual argument, but tries to manipulate the listeners.


You say I (and others) are missing the point. The highlighted "point" is that you claim "it's not hurting anyone." You are consistently ignoring the counter claim that reneging on one's word hurts one's reputation. A company's reputation has direct influence on its customers. The customers that already have the items promoted as limited time only are likely to be long-time, loyal subscribers (hence "loyalty rewards"). If a business hurts it's reputation with the customers that have stayed around through thick and thin, how is that a good thing?

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It's exactly an "appeal to pity" argument. Appeal to pity is a thing. Feel free to research it. The idea is that one's argument becomes more persuasive if the listener has pity for the arguer. It does nothing to strengthen the actual argument, but tries to manipulate the listeners.


You say I (and others) are missing the point. The highlighted "point" is that you claim "it's not hurting anyone." You are consistently ignoring the counter claim that reneging on one's word hurts one's reputation. A company's reputation has direct influence on its customers. The customers that already have the items promoted as limited time only are likely to be long-time, loyal subscribers (hence "loyalty rewards"). If a business hurts it's reputation with the customers that have stayed around through thick and thin, how is that a good thing?

how the hell is it reneging if they sell it. You already have it and won't have to buy it. That's what u are not understanding. It's not going to break your game if someone buys it if they do sell it. Yes yes I know they said do this and get this but it doesn't mean they won't decide to sell it at a later time. No where does it say hey we are not going to sell this at a later date. Yeah they gave it to those that were subs at the time but that doesn't mean that they won't SELL it. Look at it this way if they sell it you won't have to spend money to buy it cause the gave it to you for free as a reward for being a sub. Which I think would be a good idea this way people can still have the content even if they don't sub they could buy it and if your a sub you get it for free like with the other content we already have as a reward. And yes I understand the other side of this debate. You like the fact that u have something others don't and it makes you feel all special and stuff but apparently you don't get the other side of it cause a few people on here are having their feelings hurt cause we want to BUY more story that u got for free by being a sub. Some people are new to the game and some are coming back. You pay a sub fee so you feel like they owe you something special which is just a nice gesture from BW to keep u subbed but when others say they are willing to buy it y'all go nuts. Seems to me that people are willing to pay either way for all the content that's been released. So let them. They make a little more money we get story. You ain't paying extra for it cause y'all got it for being a sub. There I took care of the reward system as well. Not a sub pay $15 or $20 for more content and if you are a sub they give it to you as a reward. win win. Now that doesn't mean I think that every reward should be sold but I do think that story content like the hk-55 story should be. Edited by darthjody
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how the hell is it reneging if they sell it. You already have it and won't have to buy it. That's what u are not understanding. It's not going to break your game if someone buys it if they do sell it. Yes yes I know they said do this and get this but it doesn't mean they won't decide to sell it at a later time. No where does it say hey we are not going to sell this at a later date. Yeah they gave it to those that were subs at the time but that doesn't mean that they won't SELL it. Look at it this way if they sell it you won't have to spend money to buy it cause the gave it to you for free as a reward for being a sub. Which I think would be a good idea this way people can still have the content even if they don't sub they could buy it and if your a sub you get it for free like with the other content we already have as a reward. And yes I understand the other side of this debate. You like the fact that u have something others don't and it makes you feel all special and stuff but apparently you don't get the other side of it cause a few people on here are having their feelings hurt cause we want to BUY more story that u got for free by being a sub. Some people are new to the game and some are coming back. You pay a sub fee so you feel like they owe you something special which is just a nice gesture from BW to keep u subbed but when others say they are willing to buy it y'all go nuts. Seems to me that people are willing to pay either way for all the content that's been released. So let them. They make a little more money we get story. You ain't paying extra for it cause y'all got it for being a sub. There I took care of the reward system as well. Not a sub pay $15 or $20 for more content and if you are a sub they give it to you as a reward. win win. Now that doesn't mean I think that every reward should be sold but I do think that story content like the hk-55 story should be.


The Terms and Conditions for that bonus chaper have been linked numerous times, but here they are again:






*Terms and Conditions


* To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PST//7:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward. Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail or mission and are redeemable as of the launch of the monthly chapter(s). Players must have an active Subscription status to unlock 2 Days of Early Access for each Chapter.

*Players must have completed Chapters 1-9 to access their HK-55 Companion. After completing Chapter 9, players will receive an Alliance Alert that will take them on a mission to recruit HK-55.

** To qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, the account must continuously be in active Subscription status between January 11 - August 1, 2016. Once you qualify and the Bonus Chapter is released, you may enter and play the Bonus Chapter after you complete Chapters 1-16.



Notice that for the bonus chapter, the terms and conditions sepcifically state " ** To qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, the account must continuously be in active Subscription status between January 11 - August 1, 2016." Notice what you do not see? There is nothing that says anything about "to get the bonus chaopter for free", "to get the bonus chapter at this time", "unless you have real life issues that 'force' you to not subscribe" or "unless we decide to sell it again if enough people beg us to do so."


BW was very specific with their wording in those terms and conditions-- " ** To qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, the account must continuously be in active Subscription status between January 11 - August 1, 2016." No one who's account was not continuously in active subscription status (f or whatever reason) for the specific 8 months listed in those terms and condition can qualify.


This is an implicit agreement into which BW entered with those who met the criteria they BW set forth. Making those past rewards available again would violate that implicit agreement and BW would renege on that implicit agreement.


It is possible, although no one other than BW can say for certain, that there are legal issues with making those past rewards available again, even if some would rather dismiss that possibility. Note, that does not mean that I am saying that it is a certainty that it is a legal issue, only that it is POSSIBLE that it is.



There is legal precedent that implicit agreements can be just as binging as explicit, written contracts.


In addition, there is another game company that has given rewards to their players who met certain criteria set forth by that game company. That company has had numerous requests for one of those past rewards to be made available again, and has stated that they cannot legally do so.


Does that mean that BW is subject to the same legality issues? No, but we also cannot say they they are not subject to those same legality issues.


In the end, it comes down to whether BW decides to continue to honor the implicit agreements into which they entered with those loyal customers that met the criteria to receive those rewards or to cater to those who did not meet the criteria, many of whom have already shown how little loyalty they have.


I know would prefer that they continue down the path they have so far chosen and continue to honor those implicit agreements.

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how the hell is it reneging if they sell it. You already have it and won't have to buy it. That's what u are not understanding. It's not going to break your game if someone buys it if they do sell it. Yes yes I know they said do this and get this but it doesn't mean they won't decide to sell it at a later time. No where does it say hey we are not going to sell this at a later date. Yeah they gave it to those that were subs at the time but that doesn't mean that they won't SELL it. Look at it this way if they sell it you won't have to spend money to buy it cause the gave it to you for free as a reward for being a sub. Which I think would be a good idea this way people can still have the content even if they don't sub they could buy it and if your a sub you get it for free like with the other content we already have as a reward. And yes I understand the other side of this debate. You like the fact that u have something others don't and it makes you feel all special and stuff but apparently you don't get the other side of it cause a few people on here are having their feelings hurt cause we want to BUY more story that u got for free by being a sub. Some people are new to the game and some are coming back. You pay a sub fee so you feel like they owe you something special which is just a nice gesture from BW to keep u subbed but when others say they are willing to buy it y'all go nuts. Seems to me that people are willing to pay either way for all the content that's been released. So let them. They make a little more money we get story. You ain't paying extra for it cause y'all got it for being a sub. There I took care of the reward system as well. Not a sub pay $15 or $20 for more content and if you are a sub they give it to you as a reward. win win. Now that doesn't mean I think that every reward should be sold but I do think that story content like the hk-55 story should be.

If you read my arguments in any thread like this, you will see that I am standing by Bioware's conditions for the referenced promotions. I never said I wanted to be special or that I want to have something you can't. Those are your words and others' in your (and their) manipulative counter arguments. By making me appear to the reader as a selfish jerk by your misrepresentation of my argument, you hope to gain more sympathy for your agenda. I actually feel bad that you missed something you seem to want. I feel for some of my relatives and friends that also missed some things from their on and off sub / play schedules. Regardless of how I feel, I believe Bioware should not cater to pressure and further damage their business reputation by reneging on their word. They matketed those items as limited-time promotions. As such, a sense of value is given to those items. Furthermore, it shows players that any future promotions of that sort should be taken seriously. I have mentioned before that perhaps this was not the best method to reward subscribers in hindsight. But this is the path they chose and they need to stay true to their word.


All we have to go off is what they said. If someone says, "Hi, everyone. My Name is Jim." That doesn't make the argument, "He didn't say his name wasn't Susan, so he must be Susan," a true argument. We know what Bioware did say about these promotions. We know that they have not made these companions (or related content) available again. We have seen that with the one-time events ... that content has never returned. They actually explained that (decision) years ago ... that they wanted those events to be special and nostalgic. If you missed them, you missed them. I didn't actually miss them, but the way they implemented them required you to wait a day before the next mission would unlock. Because it was open world on a pvp server, there was a lot of pvp and I missed a few missions. There is still plenty of game to enjoy even if you miss a couple things.

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First, enough with the walls of text. Learn to break up your thoughts into chunks.


how the hell is it reneging if they sell it. You already have it and won't have to buy it. That's what u are not understanding. It's not going to break your game if someone buys it if they do sell it. Yes yes I know they said do this and get this but it doesn't mean they won't decide to sell it at a later time. No where does it say hey we are not going to sell this at a later date.


... and nowhere does it say they *will* offer it again yet you and your people continue to badger and spam this request but we're not allowed to disagree with it for some reason.



Look at it this way if they sell it you won't have to spend money to buy it cause the gave it to you for free as a reward for being a sub. Which I think would be a good idea this way people can still have the content even if they don't sub they could buy it and if your a sub you get it for free like with the other content we already have as a reward.


Do I need so subscribe to get it? Yes. Does it cost money to subscribe? Yes. Am I a subscriber? Yes. Do I pay to subscribe? Yes.


Therefore, it's NOT free.



You like the fact that u have something others don't and it makes you feel all special and stuff but apparently you don't get the other side of it cause a few people on here are having their feelings hurt cause we want to BUY more story that u got for free by being a sub.


Of course I like the fact that I have something that others don't and of course it makes me feel special cuz I know what I did to earn it and how I supported the game during these promotions and incentives when they were offered.


Allowing people to just get anything they want at any time completely devalues these items and encourages people to not bother subscribing during promotions since they'll be able to get them anyway later on.


You people love to try and say how much money they'll make to keep the game going by simply allowing this but don't take into consideration how many people won't even bother subscribing during promotions which will hurt their profits and hurt the game.


Also, I didn't get anything for free, see above.



Some people are new to the game and some are coming back.


And? There are endless things I can't get in life cuz I'm new or weren't around or whatever. We all have real lives outside of this game that require decisions on a daily basis on what we do or don't do. That's life.


Not everything is available to everyone all the time and that's 100% ok.



Now that doesn't mean I think that every reward should be sold but I do think that story content like the hk-55 story should be.


So here's the actual truth, you want what you want and don't care about anyone else. You're using your whole soapbox under the guise of allowing new and returning players to get this when the fact is you just want this one thing.


If they make this, and only this, available again what about JennyNoPay who wants something else?



TL;DR - Just nother "gimme gimme gimme" post.

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I am an active subscriber and have been so for most of the time the game has existed, I played the game since Beta Testing (I have 4 lv 70 toons) I have the Chapter and I am still annoyed that there is no way for my brothers (I have 3) to get the Chapter. I am trying to get them into the game (they play a lot of Eso so I think they will like it) but the knowledge that they will never be able to play the whole thing demotivates them from wanting to start.


Allowing new subscribers to play this content would be a real improvement to the game. Selling it at a price in the $5-15 range might help too. Simply saying that only the people who have it now will ever be able to play it is a terrible choice from the perspective of EA since it essentially gimps the game for new players who will have less incentive to join since they know that there is some content that they will never be allowed to see.


Respectfully yours,


A big fan of Bioware and a faithful subscriber to SWOTR. (I also bought every Mass Effect game for both myself and my brothers.)

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I have the Chapter and I am still annoyed that there is no way for my brothers (I have 3) to get the Chapter. I am trying to get them into the game (they play a lot of Eso so I think they will like it) but the knowledge that they will never be able to play the whole thing demotivates them from wanting to start.


So just cuz they can't get this one small part of the game that's a reason to not enjoy the rest of the game? Thousands of hours of things to do but you can't get a small 20-minute thing so that's going to destroy everything else?


What a terrible attitude. People depriving themselves of enjoyment for the most petty reasons. Unreal.


I couldn't afford the Collector's Edition, and there are items and achievements relating to the CE that I'll never get and that's 100% ok cuz there's a million other things to do including not pouting about something I didn't qualify for for <reasons>.



Allowing new subscribers to play this content would be a real improvement to the game.


I don't think "real improvement" means what you think it does. "Real improvements" would be things like long-standing bug fixes, or a new engine, or QoL features that we've been asking for for years.


So the game's entire future rests on recycling old content for a few people? Seriously? I see this argument quite a bit like you and your people seem to think the only reason SWTOR might be dying is cuz of these subscriber incentives. It's really sad how desperate people are they'll say absolutely anything, no matter how ridiculous, to try and get their stuffs they want so badly.

Edited by PetFish
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I am an active subscriber and have been so for most of the time the game has existed, I played the game since Beta Testing (I have 4 lv 70 toons) I have the Chapter and I am still annoyed that there is no way for my brothers (I have 3) to get the Chapter. I am trying to get them into the game (they play a lot of Eso so I think they will like it) but the knowledge that they will never be able to play the whole thing demotivates them from wanting to start.
So they haven't tried this game (more than 6 years after launch) ... the main reason being there's a bonus chapter that has really no story to it (made a little over a year ago) that they can't obtain if they play now? Curious ... but, hey, at least that helps your argument, right?
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If you read my arguments in any thread like this, you will see that I am standing by Bioware's conditions for the referenced promotions. I never said I wanted to be special or that I want to have something you can't. Those are your words and others' in your (and their) manipulative counter arguments. By making me appear to the reader as a selfish jerk by your misrepresentation of my argument, you hope to gain more sympathy for your agenda. I actually feel bad that you missed something you seem to want. I feel for some of my relatives and friends that also missed some things from their on and off sub / play schedules. Regardless of how I feel, I believe Bioware should not cater to pressure and further damage their business reputation by reneging on their word. They matketed those items as limited-time promotions. As such, a sense of value is given to those items. Furthermore, it shows players that any future promotions of that sort should be taken seriously. I have mentioned before that perhaps this was not the best method to reward subscribers in hindsight. But this is the path they chose and they need to stay true to their word.


All we have to go off is what they said. If someone says, "Hi, everyone. My Name is Jim." That doesn't make the argument, "He didn't say his name wasn't Susan, so he must be Susan," a true argument. We know what Bioware did say about these promotions. We know that they have not made these companions (or related content) available again. We have seen that with the one-time events ... that content has never returned. They actually explained that (decision) years ago ... that they wanted those events to be special and nostalgic. If you missed them, you missed them. I didn't actually miss them, but the way they implemented them required you to wait a day before the next mission would unlock. Because it was open world on a pvp server, there was a lot of pvp and I missed a few missions. There is still plenty of game to enjoy even if you miss a couple things.

Then you had better reread the agreement then. it does not specifically state that they will not sell it at a future date. And I'm talking about story content. Yes I want it and yes I'd buy it. Yeah I wouldn't mind having the other stuff as well but I also know that y'all earned it while I couldn't. But I'm specifically talking about the story content I missed. That is the difference. Next time read what I say before getting all high and mighty. And as for your sub you pay anywhere $20 a month to $75 every 6 depending on your sub time u want and get all this content they release while the ones that don't pay for a sub still get the content by paying money for the content on the website. I'm just saying release all the story content this way so people can buy it.

Edited by darthjody
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First, enough with the walls of text. Learn to break up your thoughts into chunks.




... and nowhere does it say they *will* offer it again yet you and your people continue to badger and spam this request but we're not allowed to disagree with it for some reason.





Do I need so subscribe to get it? Yes. Does it cost money to subscribe? Yes. Am I a subscriber? Yes. Do I pay to subscribe? Yes.


Therefore, it's NOT free.





Of course I like the fact that I have something that others don't and of course it makes me feel special cuz I know what I did to earn it and how I supported the game during these promotions and incentives when they were offered.


Allowing people to just get anything they want at any time completely devalues these items and encourages people to not bother subscribing during promotions since they'll be able to get them anyway later on.


You people love to try and say how much money they'll make to keep the game going by simply allowing this but don't take into consideration how many people won't even bother subscribing during promotions which will hurt their profits and hurt the game.


Also, I didn't get anything for free, see above.





And? There are endless things I can't get in life cuz I'm new or weren't around or whatever. We all have real lives outside of this game that require decisions on a daily basis on what we do or don't do. That's life.


Not everything is available to everyone all the time and that's 100% ok.





So here's the actual truth, you want what you want and don't care about anyone else. You're using your whole soapbox under the guise of allowing new and returning players to get this when the fact is you just want this one thing.


If they make this, and only this, available again what about JennyNoPay who wants something else?



TL;DR - Just nother "gimme gimme gimme" post.

Um no it's not just about what I want. It's about BW releasing story content without the means to let others experience it as well. Some are new others are returning and what not. Second you act like your opinion is the only one that matters when someone disagrees with yours. Third I'm well aware that there is some stuff you may have that I don't and I'm fine with that but I'm sure as hell not fine with story content being made available to some and not to others. That's my biggest issue. If they can sell all these stories on there website then they can sure as hell sell the bonus chapters as well. Yes I'm a sub. And no I wasn't a sub at the time unfortunately. But I was with this game since the beginning and had to stop for reasons. But now that I'm back and seen that there was story I missed I'd like to see it and am willing to pay for it. That's the difference. From what I hear it's a good story and u get hk-55 if u do it right. So let the people buy that wants it.

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Um no it's not just about what I want. It's about BW releasing story content without the means to let others experience it as well. Some are new others are returning and what not. Second you act like your opinion is the only one that matters when someone disagrees with yours. Third I'm well aware that there is some stuff you may have that I don't and I'm fine with that but I'm sure as hell not fine with story content being made available to some and not to others. That's my biggest issue. If they can sell all these stories on there website then they can sure as hell sell the bonus chapters as well. Yes I'm a sub. And no I wasn't a sub at the time unfortunately. But I was with this game since the beginning and had to stop for reasons. But now that I'm back and seen that there was story I missed I'd like to see it and am willing to pay for it. That's the difference. From what I hear it's a good story and u get hk-55 if u do it right. So let the people buy that wants it.


But you missed the date by which to obtain it. So no.

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lol now I get to say "oh look, this again".


A thread from 2016, with the usual suspects already hard at work going on about their forum-lawyering nonsense gets necro'd so.. those same suspects can start up again with the same ****.


I submit this, not as an argument for or against rewards (the proper discourse of which has been accomplished much better in the Subscriber Rewards Thread or the HK-55 mistake thread in General) but rather as an argument against "well why don't you just look up old threads instead of making a new one". I posit that looking up (and reviving) an old thread leads to more ridiculousness than just making a new one as in the latter case both sides ("muh exclusives" more than the other) at least maintain the illusion that they haven't been stuck in the same asinine loop for over two years.




But yeah, in case you missed it, BioWare should totally re-release this content and all other shinies at some price that makes sense to them, in the face of noted demand and ease of re-using assets, both of which trump non-existent claims of "promise of exclusivity" which more than likely stem from a misguided sense of specialness;)


Edited by CrutchCricket
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Damn right, it's not a fair price. We paid to keep the company alive when others bragged about not giving money and getting the same content. To give them it at a discount to what we paid would destroy Bioware's last bit of reputation, and actually encourage people to unsubscribe, only to come back to cry on the forums that "it's not fair" and get not just the same content, but at a discounted price.


Like a vintage car, the price should only go up. Maybe it will encourage you to get it when you are supposed to in future, instead of demanding Bioware devote some of it's very limited resources to pander to the fickle players, who will just leave again once they've got what they want.


Beyond the fact that it wasn't my point at all, here are a few elements I want to address:

-You "kept the company alive". Nice, cool. Thanks. So what would be the harm to allow others to do it now? They'd paid too. And the content exists. So for BW, re-releasing it as a paid chapter would be a source of profite and therefore, help keep them alive at no additional cost.

-Who said anything about "giving it at a discount"? I only said that if some of the entitled "I donated my liver to get the chapter" demand that others donate a liver too (Note: That's an hyperbole, no need to get your mind riled up), then I expect to receive exactly what they donated their liver for. Not just the chapter but the bonuses, the companion AND the sub time.

-Vintage cars don't all go up in price. It's actually a minority of them that do. And they need to be properly maintained and... Wait, we're talking about digital content in the video game, where's the correlation with physical, limited goods for collectors? Vintage cars that do go up in price do so because there's a limited number and they require some technical knowledge to keep in working order. This is a bunch of files for a video game. You're comparison isn't just irrelevant, it's downright idiotic.

-Demand that Bioware devote its ressource? Are you serious? Making the item that unlocks the chapter (It already exists, it's been datamined) available would be "devoting ressources"? What I consider "demanding that Bioware devotes its ressources" are the people who refuse to see "Shroud of Memory" sold and want something new to be made and put on sale instead so they can keep their shiny exclusive (There were some, believe me.)

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Then you had better reread the agreement then. it does not specifically state that they will not sell it at a future date. And I'm talking about story content. Yes I want it and yes I'd buy it. Yeah I wouldn't mind having the other stuff as well but I also know that y'all earned it while I couldn't. But I'm specifically talking about the story content I missed. That is the difference. Next time read what I say before getting all high and mighty. And as for your sub you pay anywhere $20 a month to $75 every 6 depending on your sub time u want and get all this content they release while the ones that don't pay for a sub still get the content by paying money for the content on the website. I'm just saying release all the story content this way so people can buy it.


Sigh. It doesn't appear to me that you read past my 1st sentence. Then you claim I'm "high and mighty." Sheesh...


If you're not fine with exclusive story content (using the term "story" loosely) then you should also be complaining about the one-time events that you missed.


There is virtually no story with the mission to get HK-55. There's an alliance alert mission, but calling that "story" is a reach. It's more like interaction with a rebuilt model with the same name.



I addressed your comment about the agreement "not stating yada...yada" in the post you quoted before you finished reading it. Not stating you won't do a certain something isn't a logical argument that that then means you will do that something.

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I am an active subscriber and have been so for most of the time the game has existed, I played the game since Beta Testing (I have 4 lv 70 toons) I have the Chapter and I am still annoyed that there is no way for my brothers (I have 3) to get the Chapter. I am trying to get them into the game (they play a lot of Eso so I think they will like it) but the knowledge that they will never be able to play the whole thing demotivates them from wanting to start.


Allowing new subscribers to play this content would be a real improvement to the game. Selling it at a price in the $5-15 range might help too. Simply saying that only the people who have it now will ever be able to play it is a terrible choice from the perspective of EA since it essentially gimps the game for new players who will have less incentive to join since they know that there is some content that they will never be allowed to see.


Respectfully yours,


A big fan of Bioware and a faithful subscriber to SWOTR. (I also bought every Mass Effect game for both myself and my brothers.)


While I understand some new players that didn't know about HK and the chapter, you can't say your brothers didn't. You were a subscriber at the time and even stated you have the chapter so if your brothers didn't subscribed when it was offered and could have got it but now all of sudden wants to subscribe for it when they could have done it before.


This doesn't sound right.

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-Vintage cars don't all go up in price. It's actually a minority of them that do. And they need to be properly maintained and... Wait, we're talking about digital content in the video game, where's the correlation with physical, limited goods for collectors? Vintage cars that do go up in price do so because there's a limited number and they require some technical knowledge to keep in working order. This is a bunch of files for a video game. You're comparison isn't just irrelevant, it's downright idiotic.


1) Vintage cars do go up in value , largely due to inflation. Obviously condition is a big factor. More importantly, though, A vintage car's value increases much more when A) there is a limited number of units produced, and B) There is a demand.


2) I see that the analogy doesn't impress you, but you are completely writing it off due to cars being real items and game items being virtual. We pay for the entertainment value from this game. The entertainment industry is huge in today's world. The things that entertain us may not be real, but they do have value. When Bioware promoted items as exclusive rewards and limited the timeframe where they could be obtained, it added a sense of value to the items (as evidenced by this and many other threads). These threads also show a clear demand for some of the items, which also increases their "value." Anyway, you may not have liked the analogy, but it's far from idiotic.

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I know it's a years old argument but for the people who claim we should pay 84$ for it, it would only be a fair price if that price contains everything you "paid" for:

-8 months of sub

-All the HK bonus

-The Chapter

-HK-55 back as a companion.


Otherwise, it's not "a fair price" as some of you claim.

The chapter alone is not worth 84$ or whatever.

But if there's a 84$ pack with the above mentionned content put for sale, I might actually buy it.

Otherwise, asking for a more reasonable price for just HK and the Chapter is not "being entitled" because the sub represents a massive part of the 84$ (Or whatever price you set on your own) and pretending that "It didn't matter because I only subbed for the chapter so you should pay full price for just the chapter" is dishonest.


From checking your post history you been here since October 9, 2015 and this you had to be subscribed from January 11 - August 1, 2016 so you had ample opportunity to be sub for this. While I understand new subscribers, you on the other hand had the opportunity but because you didn't want to sub during that period so the reason you don't have it has to do with your decision. You made the decision so you need to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Edited by casirabit
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