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Sell Arma Rasa/HK-55 recovery mission for 2- 5$ on web as digital extension of Kotfe.


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And Bioware can change the rules whenever they want. It's their game, and you know it or you wouldn't feel the need to argue so vehemently here.


Instead of wanting others to enjoy every part of this game, the people fighting this want to hold on to something they can lord over those nasty "freeloaders" you seem to hold in such obvious contempt.


Surely, they can change Terms and Conditions whenever they want to.

Wait a second... They can't!

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Surely, they can change Terms and Conditions whenever they want to.

Wait a second... They can't!


Actually they can. Legally they just have to let you know in advance, and give you a checkbox to click saying you agree to the new terms that you will completely ignore and click through if you want to keep playing. Anybody saying otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

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You have an interesting understanding of human psychology. Go shower one of your kids with gifts because they were born five-minutes earlier and see if the other one agrees with your stance.


Laughed, literally. This is exactly it in terms of "exclusive rewards are ALL mine because I subscribed at that point in time" arguements.


All Bioware has managed to do with this is further divide the community. The entitled who think they should be treated like royalty for nothing other than simply finding the game first, and players that get frustrated because no matter how much they work for or pay, they are forever outside of that club.


This is also a valid observation. If anything it will be interesting to see what BioWare do with rewards for KotET. If they decide that locking away a "bonus chapter and companion" behind a continuous subscription model is an acceptable business practice, I'll deliberately unsubscribe to this game for all of KotET.


As for these "exclusive rewards", I would take zero issue with BioWare making any of them available at a later date in a similar pricing model to what they themselves have set precedent on. Nico? Same price as Treek was. Bonus Chapters with HK-55 and Z0-OM? Same price as the Section X unlock is.


BioWare have already set the precedent for these companions to be made available outside of the subscription model, the same as they have for any chapters and story content being made available outside of the subscription model. To think otherwise is naive at the very least.

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This is also a valid observation. If anything it will be interesting to see what BioWare do with rewards for KotET. If they decide that locking away a "bonus chapter and companion" behind a continuous subscription model is an acceptable business practice, I'll deliberately unsubscribe to this game for all of KotET.


As for these "BONUS rewards", I would take zero issue with BioWare making any of them available at a later date in a similar pricing model to what they themselves have set precedent on. Nico? Same price as Treek was. Bonus Chapters with HK-55 and Z0-OM? Same price as the Section X unlock is.


BioWare have already set the precedent for these companions to be made available outside of the subscription model, the same as they have for any chapters and story content being made available outside of the subscription model. To think otherwise is naive at the very least.


Fixed that for you, and agreed.


Id also like to add, as far as precedent, not only is the first chapter free now for f2p and preferred but they give you a free level 60 to do it with.

Edited by Monumenta
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And Bioware can change the rules whenever they want. It's their game, and you know it or you wouldn't feel the need to argue so vehemently here.


To date, BW has never made any subscriber reward available to those that did NOT meet the requirements to receive said award. It's their game, and you know it or you wouldn't feel the need to argue so vehemently here.


Instead of wanting others to enjoy every part of this game, the people fighting this want to hold on to something they can lord over those nasty "freeloaders" you seem to hold in such obvious contempt.



Janey didn't do what was necessary to be eligible to receive the subscriber rewards, while Johnny DID do what was necessary to receive those rewards.


Why do some people think that Janey is, or should be, entitled to receive those rewards and that Johnny is a villainous cad for receiving them and asking BW to hold true to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT terms and conditions?

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Laughed, literally. This is exactly it in terms of "exclusive rewards are ALL mine because I subscribed at that point in time" arguements.




This is also a valid observation. If anything it will be interesting to see what BioWare do with rewards for KotET. If they decide that locking away a "bonus chapter and companion" behind a continuous subscription model is an acceptable business practice, I'll deliberately unsubscribe to this game for all of KotET.


As for these "exclusive rewards", I would take zero issue with BioWare making any of them available at a later date in a similar pricing model to what they themselves have set precedent on. Nico? Same price as Treek was. Bonus Chapters with HK-55 and Z0-OM? Same price as the Section X unlock is.


BioWare have already set the precedent for these companions to be made available outside of the subscription model, the same as they have for any chapters and story content being made available outside of the subscription model. To think otherwise is naive at the very least.


Your are ignoring one VERY important fact.


Neither Treek nor the Section X authorization are subscriber rewards.


To date, the ONLY precedent that BW has set with regards to subscriber rewards is that they have never made them available again to those that did NOT meet the requirements to receive those rewards.

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To date, BW has never made any subscriber reward available to those that did NOT meet the requirements to receive said award.


To date, the ONLY precedent that BW has set with regards to subscriber rewards is that they have never made them available again to those that did NOT meet the requirements to receive those rewards.


Not true, chapter 1 was once, not long ago, an exclusive sub reward.

Edited by Monumenta
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Not true, chapter 1 was once, not long ago, an exclusive a sub reward.


Chapter one was required a subscription, but that is a far cry from being a "subscriber reward". Chapter one was never a "subscriber reward", and was never advertised as such, as it was always available to anyone who subscribed, whenever they chose to subscribe.


One did not have to be subscribed on a particular date to be eligible to play chapter one. All one had to do was to subscribe at any time.

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Chapter one was required a subscription, but that is a far cry from being a "subscriber reward". Chapter one was never a "subscriber reward", and was never advertised as such, as it was always available to anyone who subscribed, whenever they chose to subscribe.


One did not have to be subscribed on a particular date to be eligible to play chapter one. All one had to do was to subscribe at any time.


Move the goal post around on your arguments all you want, the similarities remain.

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Move the goal post around on your arguments all you want, the similarities remain.


What similarities?


Something that was never a "subscriber reward" being made available to F2P players to provide incentive for them to subscribe to see the rest of KotFE is nothing remotely similar to making a "subscriber reward" available to those who did NOT meet the requirements to receive said reward.

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The one thing you can count on is this: EA will do whatever it thinks will generate the most cash return for the least investment, regardless of your precious feelings. Rage all you want, they do everything they do for the Benjamins, not your happiness.


I do not doubt this at all.


The problem for the members of the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am not entitled to have it because I did not meet the requirements to receive that subscriber reward" crowd that did NOT qualify to receive those subscriber rewards is that BW would potentially lose substantially more money due to lost subscriptions than they stand to gain from a few ONE TIME FOR A PITTANCE purchases.


I'm guessing that BW may believe this a likely scenario, since they have NEVER made any subscriber reward available again to those that did NOT qualify to receive said reard, no matter how loudly the people who did NOT meet the requirements to receive the subscriber rewards whined, cried, pleaded and begged on these forums to be able to have those rewards.

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I do not doubt this at all.


The problem for the members of the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am not entitled to have it because I did not meet the requirements to receive that subscriber reward" crowd that did NOT qualify to receive those subscriber rewards


You keep saying this but most of us in this thread received it and want more people to be able to as well, as you were told before but ignore. Its like you have a narrative you have to follow or your case doesn't hold up.


whined, cried, pleaded and begged on these forums


Again, a churlish and unnecessary characterization that lessons any point you think you have. No one here is doing any of these, we are simply making a case you disagree with.

Edited by Monumenta
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I do not doubt this at all.


The problem for the members of the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am not entitled to have it because I did not meet the requirements to receive that subscriber reward" crowd that did NOT qualify to receive those subscriber rewards is that BW would potentially lose substantially more money due to lost subscriptions than they stand to gain from a few ONE TIME FOR A PITTANCE purchases.


I'm guessing that BW may believe this a likely scenario, since they have NEVER made any subscriber reward available again to those that did NOT qualify to receive said reward, no matter how loudly the people who did NOT meet the requirements to receive the subscriber rewards whined, cried, pleaded and begged on these forums to be able to have those rewards.




You keep saying this but most of us in this thread received it, as you were told before but ignore, and want more people to be able to as well. Its like you have a narrative you have to follow or your case doesn't hold up.


Perhaps you could show us all where I included you or anyone who qualified to receive those subscriber rewards (or ANY specific persons) in the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am not entitled to have it because I did not meet the requirements to receive that subscriber reward" crowd.


The fact that there are some who claim to have received the subscriber rewards and only want others to be able to experience them does NOT negate the fact that there are many who have admitted that they do NOT qualify to receive those rewards, but want them anyway, feel entitled to have them and expect to be able to receive them.

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You keep saying this but most of us in this thread received it and want more people to be able to as well, as you were told before but ignore. Its like you have a narrative you have to follow or your case doesn't hold up.




Again, a churlish and unnecessary characterization that lessons any point you think you have. No one here is doing any of these, we are simply making a case you disagree with.


The petulant 5 year old seldom recognizes or wants to admit that he is being petulant, whining, crying or throwing a temper tantrum because he cannot have that shiny he wants.


NOTE: I am not calling any specific persons, or anyone for that matter, a petulant 5 year old. I am simply making an observation.

Edited by Ratajack
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Just LEAVE it.


You will NOT get those items.


Have some courage and FACE THIS FACT.


You may whine. You may cry. You may try to argue.


But it will not change the FACT that you will NOT recieve those items.


How does it affect you either way that you feel entitled to wander into someone else's suggestion thread and tell everyone you don't agree with to shut up?

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How does it affect you either way that you feel entitled to wander into someone else's suggestion thread and tell everyone you don't agree with to shut up?


How long are the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am not entitled to have it because I did not meet the requirements to receive that subscriber reward" crowd going to continue to pester, whine, cry, beg, plead and throw temper tantrums because they can't have that shiny that they soooooo desperately now want, even though they KNOW they do NOT meet the requirements to have that shiny?


At what point do people begin to realize and accept that if they do not meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have those shinies that they will simply have to learn to live without them?

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Just LEAVE it.


You will NOT get those items.


Have some courage and FACE THIS FACT.


You may whine. You may cry. You may try to argue.


But it will not change the FACT that you will NOT recieve those items.


This is BW's decision, not yours. And by the way shouting on the forums doesn't make your points stronger. The only thing thing it may accomplish is getting you on as many ignore lists as possible.


Now back on topic. $2-$5 is unrealistic price. Since the chapter is more or less the same as any other chapter, a more realistic one would be $15 so i suspect that if BW does it it will probably cost something in the range of 2-5k CC. The other option, which i think is more likely to happen, would be putting it in a pack same as the datacubes.


No matter what they choose, there will be a lot of upset people, but that's the consequence of hiding content behind a sub reward. One would think that after the uproar caused by the datacubes they learned their lesson, but it seems that they are destined to make the same mistakes again and again.

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So, one of the words that keeps getting debated is "exclusive". So, if EA says that the bonus chapter IS exclusive, does that mean anything?


EA Subscriber Rewards Page


Quote from that page:


"Bonus Chapter! If you’re subscribed continually from January 11 to August 1, you’ll gain access to an exclusive Chapter where you play as HK-55."


Curses - you've foiled the Armchair Lawyer with your facts and logic once again.

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Absolutely -1


... But if there be such market/store on web site,not expect players would pay more than 2 $ per one item,but that item would be immediately account wide. ...

To get HK-55 you had to be a subscriber on January 11, 2016. An active subscription for 1 Month (Billed every 30 days) is $14.99 (12.99€). Now you want to get HK-55 for a ridiculous payment of 2$? Come on ... :rolleyes:


... Well separated section is Shroud of Memory Mission/HK-55 Bonus Chapter it is subscriber reward of course. I dont know how to deal with that. Solution 1- ... Solution 2 ... Solution 3 ... Solution 4 ... Still its not same as subscribe for half year,i know that. ...

I'm not shure you do. Being a subscriber for the whole period is not only paying $107,93 - 119,92 (92,93 - 103,22€) - depending on payment method - but also staying loyal to a game which had (and has) good times and bad times. To me, 'Shroud of Memory' is a reward for that loyalty, not for my payments. You want to get that bonus chapter for one active subscription for example, no matter how long that subscription is? Shame on you ...


One more thread from someone asking for something which he KNOWS he is NOT entitled to have. They should leave the BONUS chapter as advertised-- a subscriber reward, ONLY available to those that EARNED IT by subscribing from January 11-August 1, 2016 as per the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT terms and conditions. The same goes for HK-55. He is a subscriber reward for anyone subscribed on January 11, 2016. Anyone not subscribed on January 11, 2016 is NOT entitled to Hk-55 as a companion and anyone not subscribed from January 11-August 1,2016 is NOT entitled to have access to the bonus chapter.

Exactly that. The same for Nico Ocarr, Party Jawa, Dr. Oggurob Trainer Holo and so on ...

Edited by Han_Salo
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The simple answer is just have an incentive that if you subscribe for 6 months or more. Mind you i would also make it so that is a subscriber only item, so becomes a dormant entity if you unsub immediately after getting it.


I've been subscribed since day 1 of coming back to the game, never played this game ever unsubbed/F2P and never want to either. I am glad that they look after the subscribers and the HK55 missions were an easy acquirement for someone who just subs each and every month like myself.

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This is BW's decision, not yours. And by the way shouting on the forums doesn't make your points stronger. The only thing thing it may accomplish is getting you on as many ignore lists as possible.


Now back on topic. $2-$5 is unrealistic price. Since the chapter is more or less the same as any other chapter, a more realistic one would be $15 so i suspect that if BW does it it will probably cost something in the range of 2-5k CC. The other option, which i think is more likely to happen, would be putting it in a pack same as the datacubes.


No matter what they choose, there will be a lot of upset people, but that's the consequence of hiding content behind a sub reward. One would think that after the uproar caused by the datacubes they learned their lesson, but it seems that they are destined to make the same mistakes again and again.


You talk as if BW making ANY subscriber rewards available again is a foregone conclusion--that you have already decided that BW WILL make these things available again, as if YOU have the power to decide.



This IS BW's decision, NOT yours.


So far, BW has decided NOT to make ANY subscriber rewards available again, by any means. They have not sold ANY subscriber reward directly on the CM, nor have they put ANY subscriber reward in packs.


I would NOT expect BW to change this stance, but then I am NOT part of the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I did NOT meet the requirements to have that SUBSCRIBER REWARD" crowd.

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The simple answer is just have an incentive that if you subscribe for 6 months or more. Mind you i would also make it so that is a subscriber only item, so becomes a dormant entity if you unsub immediately after getting it.


I've been subscribed since day 1 of coming back to the game, never played this game ever unsubbed/F2P and never want to either. I am glad that they look after the subscribers and the HK55 missions were an easy acquirement for someone who just subs each and every month like myself.




The simple answer is to hold true to the terms and conditions--to just leave it exactly as it is, a SUBSCRIBER REWARD for those that MET the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria contained within the terms and conditions.


Anyone NOT subscribed from January 11- August 1, 2016 does NOT qualify to have access to the BONUS chapter and does NOT receive it and will simply have to learn to live without said access.

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