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Why don't you just move on?


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This is an honest question. I understand that a lot of people is disappointed with some aspects of the game and they put their criticism here, and that is how it's supposed to be. Where else to discuss it, than on the forums. I posted in several threads about the things I don't like myself.




I noticed there are some people who do nothing else for months, than spending their negativity on the forums. They make 10+ posts a day and those are all hate speech against BW staff.

Why? It's clear that not just they don't like some aspects of the game, they hate everything!

So why sub? If you already unsubbed why stay here? Why don't you just move on?

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For me - I hate classic fantasy settings(I think it's called Tolkien's setting, not sure though) and I love Star Wars setting. I have no other choice except this game. So I am giving the feedback wherever I can. Though I don't think I will continue with subscription once it runs out, so don't worry, from January I won't be spreading anything except the flu as usual :)
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This is an honest question. I understand that a lot of people is disappointed with some aspects of the game and they put their criticism here, and that is how it's supposed to be. Where else to discuss it, than on the forums. I posted in several threads about the things I don't like myself.




I noticed there are some people who do nothing else for months, than spending their negativity on the forums. They make 10+ posts a day and those are all hate speech against BW staff.

Why? It's clear that not just they don't like some aspects of the game, they hate everything!

So why sub? If you already unsubbed why stay here? Why don't you just move on?


Because this game didn't always suck, and most other things out there do. We don't want bioware to turn this into the same boring, easymode, no content crap that WoW and other generic MMOs have become. They still have the chance to fix the game and make it what it was.


Lets face it, SWTOR was never the hardest most challenging MMO with tons of content. But it was at least somewhat fun, my companions could die, and there was enough content to keep me interested. We just want to see that again. Not CM packs and solo stories only.

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No. Feedback is important, I wrote that there is nothing wrong with discussing things you don't like.


"KOTET will su*k" for example is no feedback.


It is a form of feedback. A good developer would ask why and there could be reasons. But right now it seems BW doesn't care about our opinions so why put some reasons where no one official cares?

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It is a form of feedback. A good developer would ask why and there could be reasons. But right now it seems BW doesn't care about our opinions so why put some reasons where no one official cares?


How do you know they don't care? We have only datamined info on Kotet, no one knows what the story will be, no one knows what group content will like be, yet people assume it will be bad.

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Internet is a place where everyone goes to express their negativity at everything, this place is no different.


We should be grateful for players who sub just so they can complain, they are keeping the game alive :)


Even the people like me. I only sub once every 6 months - a year, and stay about 2 months to do new stuff / pvp.


But in those 2 months I buy what a year in sub fees woulda cost on the CM >.>

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This is an honest question. I understand that a lot of people is disappointed with some aspects of the game and they put their criticism here, and that is how it's supposed to be. Where else to discuss it, than on the forums. I posted in several threads about the things I don't like myself.




I noticed there are some people who do nothing else for months, than spending their negativity on the forums. They make 10+ posts a day and those are all hate speech against BW staff.

Why? It's clear that not just they don't like some aspects of the game, they hate everything!

So why sub? If you already unsubbed why stay here? Why don't you just move on?


Oh look another one of these "don't like it, don't play it" posts.


Does this "negativity" upset you? Sorry, but you should take your own advice. Why don't you just move on? No ones forcing you to read them. It's entirely on you that you're upset with it. This is the internet, this is what happens.

Edited by DarthWoad
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Oh look another one of these "don't like it, don't play it" posts.


Does this "negativity" upset you? Sorry, but you should take your own advice. Why don't you just move on? No ones forcing you to read them. It's entirely on you that you're upset with it. This is the internet, this is what happens.


Please point me to a forum where I can talk about the game without these people clawing into threads spreading their hate speech so I can stop coming here.

I'd like to read the forums of the game I love, **** me right?

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Please point me to a forum where I can talk about the game without these people clawing into threads spreading their hate speech so I can stop coming here.

I'd like to read the forums of the game I love, **** me right?


OP, you're absolutely right with your thread. It's funny how the hate speech people whine when someone says "hey, don't be so negative," and tells them to go somewhere else. So I guess according to them and the post above this one I quoted, hate speech is ok, positive criticism is not :p:p


But to answer your request, IMO the Reddit thread for swtor is much less toxic (although it does appear), so that's often where I go for more meaningful discussion.

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Please point me to a forum where I can talk about the game without these people clawing into threads spreading their hate speech so I can stop coming here.

I'd like to read the forums of the game I love, **** me right?


Well off the top of my head I can't think of any forums. But you can block people so you don't have to read their posts :) Internet gaming forums aren't really "safe spaces"

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OP, you're absolutely right with your thread. It's funny how the hate speech people whine when someone says "hey, don't be so negative," and tells them to go somewhere else. So I guess according to them and the post above this one I quoted, hate speech is ok, positive criticism is not :p:p


But to answer your request, IMO the Reddit thread for swtor is much less toxic (although it does appear), so that's often where I go for more meaningful discussion.


Thanks I'll check out reddit too.

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Thanks I'll check out reddit too.


/r/swtor is a pretty good sub, it's certainly better than the "official" forums, at least you can discuss all aspects of the game without worrying about if BioWare like you discussing topics. Posts that don't contribute to the discussion in any meaningful manner soon get voted into insignificance.


If you're really looking for somewhere, that's probably the best place to be. Official game forums generally in my experience tend to be places where players vent at developers who don't adhere to a specific players opinions.


Not sure why BioWare closed their other game forums and not this one, it's not as though they interact on a regular basis with the community here. Unless it's solely where we can do account management.

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Because I enjoy pvp. I post my opinion. It used to be a lot more positive and optimistic. Don't worry, jll be taking another break soon, but until then, I'd recommend ignoring me. I don't have many good things to say about the game unfortunately.


I'd also keep in mind that its a good thing people care enough about the game to complain. You should worry once the complaining has died down, because that either means they made the game something everyone enjoys all aspects of (highly unlikely), or people gave up and moved on. Careful what you wish for.

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We don't move on, because we actually like the game, besides all it's flaws and mismanagement.

And that's why there's such harsh criticism from those players. They tried to give feedback over and over and, most of the time, simply got ignored. That's why there so bitter, but still around.


Well this and the fact that alot of us have found a lot of friends here they don't want to leave.

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Personally I like more about the game than I dislike. It'd be nice to not have things made so easy, and it'd be especially nice if abilities and variation in playstyle and build weren't continually being planed down to a lowest common denominator in order to keep the PvP "Balance" whiners happy - honestly, how long before some dev actually suggests hardwire-automating entire ability rotations to one player action - a forced macro - in order to prevent us trying something a little different, successfully or unsuccessfully ? - but, in general, I like the game, enjoy the stories and voice acting, and love the theme and concept.
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Dear OP welcome to the internet and discussion boards ;)


The trouble with an MMO is that it is built to appeal to as many different players as possible to keep the potential recruitment as high as possible. Given the need for the internet to connect to the game this means even a low population MMO will have quite a high noise ratio in forums.


Say 100,000 subs (personally I think if they were that low the game would have shut a long time ago, but it keeps the maths easy ;) )

Of those 10% have operations as their primary gameplay, so that's 10,000.

Let's say 10% of those style themselves as hardcore NiM progression so we have 1,000.

And finally 1% feel the need to vent and voice their frustration at receiving no content for their playstyle... 10 players can make a lot of noise on a forum ;)


Personally I'm surprised at how reasonably well behaved the SWTOR forums are, but I suspect a large part of that is the subscribers only policy.

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How do you know they don't care? We have only datamined info on Kotet, no one knows what the story will be, no one knows what group content will like be, yet people assume it will be bad.


We know because some people raised concerns with certain class changes, yet rather the say to us we are doing x,y and z because reasons they say we are not ready to talk about it, delete any thread that questions stuff found in datamining and bury their heads in the sand, until they do release details but by that time they are set in stone and there is no time to adjust for any misgivings that we customers raise.


Bioware can make the game they want, but at the end of the day its the customers who play the game.

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