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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You've created an antisocial community


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I assumed by 'flagship' they meant the 'most noticed' or 'most talked about' content. Right now that would be the solo story of Fallen Empire.

Yeah, I was referring to KOTFE. You got the right idea about flagship... I'm essentially using it as analogous to a literal flagship in a battalion of ships; it's the one that is considered the most important by the developers and is given most, if not all, of the advertising budget.


I don't remember where I picked up the term. Probably some kind of jargon in business that made its way into media speak and then I read/heard it somewhere.

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The solo "casual" player is likely representative of the largest group of potential players for MMOs like this one at the moment. That could change in the future, but it seems most hardcore players have moved on to MOBAs and FPSs. Both dominate the market at the moment.


This kind of game, unfortunate or not (depending on your viewpoint), is a victim of "progress" in the market.


That said, I don't think it helps when Bioware creates an entire expansion that tends to DISCOURAGE group play.

Edited by LordArtemis
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they sure didn't help not create the atmosphere now did they?


Double negatives could have been eradicated for clarity. /grammar mode because the English Language isn't overly friendly to double/triple/quadruple/etc negatives in a sentence and I struggled to put this sentence together.


I am sorry if I misunderstand your post, because I've understood it as NakodaTheJedi: "[bW] sure didn't help to improve the atmosphere now did they?"

As in: BioWare is making things specifically solo-mode and removing the group options.


SoR and KotFE stories being pure-solo so that people who would group up have to rerun the same instances over and over for each member is indeed a negative. People were complaining about it back in SoR, mere months before KotFE was announced.


I agree, that the decision to take out group options in the story was not a great design considering how the base game (other than class stories) allowed for people to group up for the whole thing without going over the same conversation 2-4 times.


There are somethings about guild management that could be more user-friendly.



I am a solo-player. I do not guild (had been thinking about it for SM Ops and learning Ops, but thinking is not the same thing as doing, and when I've got over 60 characters on five servers... yeah), I group up in GF for Tacticals (might for HMs, but like Ops, maybe not), I queue for PvP and GSF, and then I go off to run Heroics on my own, quest on my own. I like being able to do stuff without having to wait for a group to form. Do I want to replay the story of the Taral V and Maelstrom Prison? I can do that in Solo without people typing SPACEBARRRRR!!!


I like chatting the chat with people about the lore, and coming up with crazy theories for why things are something. i joined Shadowlands' GSF chat, and that's about as close to guilding as I feel comfortable with because I do not have a stable schedule enough to say "Yeah, so, from 4-8 (7-11 East Coast time), I'm free on Wednesdays" or "I have work 7:30-3:00 (10-6 East Coast Time) on weekdays".


Until my work schedule can be more consistent, my interest in doing the longer group activities is pretty much nonexistent, and not even the eXP boost is enough to interest me when this game hands out EXP like candy, and there are EXP boosts everywhere.

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Sorry folks, a little late to this argument, and didn't bother reading most of the comments after the first few, but felt a need to comment on this from the OP -


You are completely wrong. It is not the Guild leaders fault. You cannot make someone talk over the internet and type or download and use voice chat. You cannot force anyone to do anything over the internet. It is only the Guild leaders fault IF that guild leader allows said person to stay. Often its those people who are antisocial who are the ones in the guild who don't even do diddly to contribute and need to be kicked any ways because why? They're just there for the xp bonus so you need to kick them anyways to make your guild better.


So......guilds are "anti-social" because of the "anti-social" players in the guild, but it's not the guild leaders fault unless the "anti-social" people are being "anti-social" in a guild?

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Sorry folks, a little late to this argument, and didn't bother reading most of the comments after the first few, but felt a need to comment on this from the OP -




So......guilds are "anti-social" because of the "anti-social" players in the guild, but it's not the guild leaders fault unless the "anti-social" people are being "anti-social" in a guild?


You make no sense. You even quoted something I said and still make no sense.

Edited by NakodaTheJedi
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and I know I am late in responding to whoever said something about it but yes I know xp bonuses have been around for a while now but it's always bothered me they added those in guilds I have said something about it from day one just finally decided to make a forums thread about it I honestly didn't think this thread would go this far.
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and I know I am late in responding to whoever said something about it but yes I know xp bonuses have been around for a while now but it's always bothered me they added those in guilds I have said something about it from day one just finally decided to make a forums thread about it I honestly didn't think this thread would go this far.


Well sorry Xp boosts in guilds are NOT what is making the guilds anti-social. Far from it really. The guilds that mass recruit with that in their recruitment are not the least antisocial. You may have some in there, all guilds do, but it's THAT person. Not because there is an XP boost.


Now is BW killing guilds with how they're doing things now? Undoubtedly. But your argument is weak at best.

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and I know I am late in responding to whoever said something about it but yes I know xp bonuses have been around for a while now but it's always bothered me they added those in guilds I have said something about it from day one just finally decided to make a forums thread about it I honestly didn't think this thread would go this far.


Sorry, completely disagree on this. XP bonus for guilds is fairly common in todays MMMOs. It's NOT evil. And it does not remove the responsibility from guild leadership to show proper discretion with who they invite to a guild, why, and management of said membership.


MMOs ARE anti-social magnets for sure. But within the framework of a guild within an MMO ... the guild leadership is in complete control here. Which is why the studio will generally not step into the middle of any issues between parties inside a guild.

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By adding xp bonuses to guilds and making heroics and flashpoints soloable you have created an antisocial community. Why even join a guild which is meant to be social and to make friends to play with people? (The xp bonus in my opinion is stupid its already easy to lvl up without it)


Should I point out the two most obvious contradictions in here or can you figure them out by yourself?

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It does sound contradicting but its not. People who don't like to chat and want to just level fast just join a guild for the xp and nothing more thats why xp bonus in guilds is bad.


In my opinion, if a guild takes offense from guildies that are in the guild for XP purposes only then its the Guild leader that should take action.


What you ask for is punishment for all for the 'mistakes' of a few or even a single person. (if you can even call it a mistake after clicking 'yes' on a blind guild invite)


I usually get bombarded with invites in MMO's on new alts without even a hint of a talk. I think THAT is anti-social behavior, not going for the player but for the number on the memberlist. Expect to be exploited for that.

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I usually get bombarded with invites in MMO's on new alts without even a hint of a talk. I think THAT is anti-social behavior, not going for the player but for the number on the memberlist. Expect to be exploited for that.


I've turned on auto-ignore guild invites so that's never been a problem.

Edited by Tsetso
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Well, that's their problem. Blind invites are unintended and the proof is we get this options to ignore them. What i find really tiring though is declining duel invites.


You mean the ones where you decline, get invited again by the same person 2 sec. later, which you also decline.. only to be re-invited... etc.. grrrr.. :mad:

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To be honest I agree that is has become rather anti-social, when they added in solo FP is when it started going down hill. It's become more of a single player game with other people sometimes around. They need to bring back to old FP which forced people together and add some new raids.
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To be honest I agree that is has become rather anti-social, when they added in solo FP is when it started going down hill. It's become more of a single player game with other people sometimes around. They need to bring back to old FP which forced people together and add some new raids.


There is nothing social about forcing people together. That only means that people that are unable to play in groups for whatever reason are left out in the lurch... how social is that?


There is probably a good reason for games to lean towards solo play these days.

Edited by Baldrix
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There is nothing social about forcing people together. That only means that people that are unable to play in groups for whatever reason are left out in the lurch... how social is that?


No, that's not the point. As long as there is enough solo content, noone is forced to group. People who don't want to group just won't play the group content. But requiring that all content in a MMO should be solo is antisocial.

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No, that's not the point. As long as there is enough solo content, noone is forced to group. People who don't want to group just won't play the group content. But requiring that all content in a MMO should be solo is antisocial.


Yes, okay. Totally agree.


The magic word here is 'choice' i think. Group content for those that want to play in groups and solo content for those that want to solo.


I haven't played this game for very long but isn't that choice there allready?

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Well, that's their problem. Blind invites are unintended and the proof is we get this options to ignore them. What i find really tiring though is declining duel invites.


^^ Yep.


I too keep blind invites of all kinds blocked on my unguilded characters. And, IMO, blind guild invites are the worst of the worst. I also make note of the guild and make sure to avoid them in every way possible, because you get what you harvest in terms of guild membership.

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Yes, okay. Totally agree.


The magic word here is 'choice' i think. Group content for those that want to play in groups and solo content for those that want to solo.


I haven't played this game for very long but isn't that choice there allready?


One of the things I really like about this particular MMO is that it is both solo and group friendly. The player has a lot of choices.. and that's a good thing for an MMO that is cast in the casual friendly theme park format. People who want forced grouping have other MMOs at their disposal.


Now, people who want to PuG their way through group content (on their schedule of course) think my perspective is anathema. And, I could care less what they think as they do not play the game for me, nor pay my sub.

Edited by Andryah
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Yes, okay. Totally agree.


The magic word here is 'choice' i think. Group content for those that want to play in groups and solo content for those that want to solo.


I haven't played this game for very long but isn't that choice there allready?


Well not really. There hasn't been any new group content for more than 2 years - maybe close to 3

Edited by Tsetso
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Well not really. New group content hasn't been any new group content for more than 2 years - maybe close to 3


There have been no new OPs in 3 years. There has however been both new group content and new solo content in that last year. And they repurposed much of the older group content to make it actually relevant again, yet not mandatory. Not enough of the group format in terms of brand new never before seen group encounters? yeah... for people who prefer group content over solo content, I would agree.


There also has been a lot of "repurposing" of older group content that was largely abandoned after expacs started rolling out. Heroics, actually relevant now, and can be soloed, or in a group. That is giving players more choice, which is a good thing IMO. Smart players realize a heroic is more fun, more credits, and faster if they do it in a group. FPs were in fact repurposed such that they all are HM, standard, or solo and operate within the level sync umbrella. Again.. more choices for players, which is a good thing. Even OPs got repurposed, and do require organized grouping in larger numbers.

Edited by Andryah
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