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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Girl gamer, picked an agent as my alt (my main is a female bounty hunter). For my 17th birthday (was on the 21st), my mother took me to go see Phantom of the Opera in Vegas. I was in love with it already :D I wanted to make myself a Phantom character, but I wanted to do a female character. So I made Daaé, a brunette female agent. The reason I chose an agent is because Vector looks like he could be a Phantom, and his personality fit it really well (was gonan use Quinn, but the whole traitor issue is stupid). He'll probably wind up being my second favorite romance companion, second only to Torian :D Edited by Kikilicious
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I feel you there... At the end I told him I didn't want to get married and I still got an option later to respond to him "But you're my husband" - it's like he ignored me when I said no. I want to romance scorpio, damnit
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I'm hankering for a lesbian romp with Ensign Temple... see, I don't get what I want either :mad:


IDK, I'm not sure that I *haven't* gotten that on my female character. She keeps asking me to "show her how I seduce people", then it fades to black (and nets approval). I mean, sounds pretty suspicious there...

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What is not like about kaliyo she is fun, easy going and like to kill. Just like my Sniper. Yes my sniper is a little dark I hope dark V soon and I giggle when they call me the "Hand of Jadus" makes me feel all warm inside.


I'm a male playing a female Sniper.


Just personal preference. I am a female playing a female, and in the real world I tend to dislike women who think being a bee-atch makes them strong and is something to aspire to. Subtlety is far more appealing to me, and that is something Kaliyo is definitely not :p So her personality rubs me the wrong way. Plus, my Op is light side, so my lack of affection gain from her was mutual.



It takes time to romance Vector. He's intelligent, analytical, and cautious. In the end, it's all worth it, but I won't spoil it for you. He's easily my favorite romance, favorite character, that I've encountered in the game. They did a great job with him.


Glad to hear it :) Have 7k affection with him and we're still in the getting to know each other stage. I hope they continue to add to his (and all the companions') story in the future.

Edited by Lunazen
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Just personal preference. I am a female playing a female, and in the real world I tend to dislike women who think being a bee-atch makes them strong and is something to aspire to. Subtlety is far more appealing to me, and that is something Kaliyo is definitely not :p So her personality rubs me the wrong way. Plus, my Op is light side, so my lack of affection gain from her was mutual.





Glad to hear it :) Have 7k affection with him and we're still in the getting to know each other stage. I hope they continue to add to his (and all the companions') story in the future.



call me old, but im glad i grew out of that " power girl" phase. i'm a healer. i care for people. i accept it. it does not make me weak spirited tho. My agent changes her attitude when each companion is out to best suit them, as long as her main morals are met. Vector actually didn't get flirted with as much as he could have, my agent leaves that shallow B-in heat attitude for marks and political hook-ups.

i'd love to see more companion on companion interaction. lokin's arc was cute.



i still feel guilty

about voss

what makes it worse, is i had gotten married and had the letters and all that before that planet, so now i don't even know if we even are still married since he just treats me the same as before rofl.


still don't regret letting the kid get the wedding night. i mean the poor guy's dad died cause of me, i HAD to give him a pitty lovin


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i still feel guilty

about voss

what makes it worse, is i had gotten married and had the letters and all that before that planet, so now i don't even know if we even are still married since he just treats me the same as before rofl.


still don't regret letting the kid get the wedding night. i mean the poor guy's dad died cause of me, i HAD to give him a pitty lovin



My husband teased me so much after my agent hit 50 and the first thing I decided to do was make another one so I could marry Vector AFTER I finished the class story. >.>

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My husband teased me so much after my agent hit 50 and the first thing I decided to do was make another one so I could marry Vector AFTER I finished the class story. >.>


with a guy that nice... had to marry him twice eh ? lol

who knows...i might make a sniper >.>;

i had him at like 7k before i hit act 3, so when i hit a certain stage i saw he wanted to talk, i turned to my bf irl " no peeking over shoulder, dis gonn' be gud. awwww yeee giggity"

things moved exceptionally fast :cool:


still not sure about my BH, second time ive heard that lucas forbids BW from letting them have same gender romance... i want to make a man hunter, dangit >:(

and then make a male agent just to let vector have the best of both worlds :D


i hope they add more companion stuff. it would be nice to, you know, have proper husband-wife talk, rather than the normal " yes we aknowledge you poking me" kinda stuff.


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still not sure about my BH, second time ive heard that lucas forbids BW from letting them have same gender romance... i want to make a man hunter, dangit >:(

and then make a male agent just to let vector have the best of both worlds :D


i hope they add more companion stuff. it would be nice to, you know, have proper husband-wife talk, rather than the normal " yes we aknowledge you poking me" kinda stuff.



I've got a male BH, sniper, and jedi saving their names, waiting around for if Bioware actually does add same gender romances. >.<


And yeah, I hope they add at least basic acknowledgement of emotes. If I /kiss my husband, or /flirt, he should at least not just stand there ignoring me. :o

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call me old, but im glad i grew out of that " power girl" phase. [...] Vector actually didn't get flirted with as much as he could have, my agent leaves that shallow B-in heat attitude for marks and political hook-ups.



lol same here. :)


And the flirting, yeah her flirting methods are horrible lol. Definitely better suited to her operative role than any personal after hours one. So I'm curious: what happens if you don't flirt with Vector, or any of the romancable companions for that matter... Still get the marriage option?


*edit* Just read further into the thread, minus the spoilers, and think I answered my question :p

Edited by Lunazen
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lol same here. :)


And the flirting, yeah her flirting methods are horrible lol. Definitely better suited to her operative role than any personal after hours one. So I'm curious: what happens if you don't flirt with Vector, or any of the romancable companions for that matter... Still get the marriage option?


*edit* Just read further into the thread, minus the spoilers, and think I answered my question :p


i didnt scroll up, but i did flirt here and there just to make sure he knew the shop was open, but i didn't throw myself at him ether. If i had the option to show that i care more on an emotional bond level, instead of just pure recreational fun, i;d go with that option instead. it made for some rather heart warming dialogue <3

and yes, i let him stay joined <3

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Just remember that when you make love to him, you're making love to the entire colony.


Oh don't worry, I know. :p


(I think I've weirded out my guild enough times by talking about how I'm p*rn for the entire killik colonies. >.>)

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Oh don't worry, I know. :p


(I think I've weirded out my guild enough times by talking about how I'm p*rn for the entire killik colonies. >.>)


*brofist* i like to say i keep alderaan at peace, cause the killiks can't do anything but stumble around in an awestruck, week kneed daze after i rock the entire hive. :cool:

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*brofist* i like to say i keep alderaan at peace, cause the killiks can't do anything but stumble around in an awestruck, week kneed daze after i rock the entire hive. :cool:


Hey every hive needs it's Queen do that thang ..... LOL

Edited by MadRev
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I've been reading this thread for a while but finally decided to chime in.

I finally got the romance scene with Vector. Thanks to you all, I knew which way to choose. And I love how it turned out. :D

(I'd say more but don't know how to do the spoiler tags)


I have completed the romance with Doc and Vector. Doc's self-centeredness drove me nuts (even if he comes around in the end). And Vector with his subtle sense of humor and caring, gentle nature was the perfect antidote.

It's very likely that he is going to be my favorite LI of the game.


Someone had stated that they only wished that he would (at some point) declare to the IA why he was drawn to her. I had thought about this. I think it's because the Agent is the only woman he's encountered in his life that accepts him for who he is now. Dyzanna (however that is spelled) refused to acknowledge his human name/side in that first meeting. The woman from his past rejects his Killik nature. The Agent (at least mine) accepts Vector as he is--a man with a foot in both worlds and helps as he tries to find the balance within himself.

IMO, Vector chooses her because she accepts him as his is.

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Someone had stated that they only wished that he would (at some point) declare to the IA why he was drawn to her. I had thought about this. I think it's because the Agent is the only woman he's encountered in his life that accepts him for who he is now.


I hope there's more to it than that. It may very well be true that the agent is the only person who would love him as he is, but that's not a reason anyone wants to be solely loved for.



And the flirting, yeah her flirting methods are horrible lol. Definitely better suited to her operative role than any personal after hours one.


This, good grief. I wish dialogue options were clearly marked as to which progress and which end relationships. Not every flirt has to be taken, yet it's too dangerous to avoid them all, no matter how cheesy. :t_rolleyes:


i didnt scroll up, but i did flirt here and there just to make sure he knew the shop was open, but i didn't throw myself at him ether. If i had the option to show that i care more on an emotional bond level, instead of just pure recreational fun, i;d go with that option instead. it made for some rather heart warming dialogue <3

and yes, i let him stay joined <3


I try to do this (working on my second agent), and usually end up replaying a talk several times to try out different options and have also noticed that the non-flirt options tend to play out in a much sweeter, more affectionate way. As I said above, I wish the options were marked more clearly so that they could be safely chosen without fear of accidentally ending the relationship.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who let him stay joined. <3 I think most of the people who made videos on youtube took the human option. I hate what the agent says if you choose the option to make him stay human. Ugh. :jawa_frown:

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This, good grief. I wish dialogue options were clearly marked as to which progress and which end relationships. Not every flirt has to be taken, yet it's too dangerous to avoid them all, no matter how cheesy. :t_rolleyes:




Speaking of which dialogue ends relationships....now I'm wondering if I might have ended the romance arc early on accidentally.


Very early, like talk #2 or 3:


He asked if I was married. The flirt option was horrible of course lol. So, I backed out and said that yes I was married but I still had fun.. something along those lines. Can't remember exactly.



After I said that, I got affection points. And later on he talked about


how he wasn't neglecting me just busy doing his diplomatic work for the hive, etc., etc..



But, since then, I've gained about 10 levels, am finished (I think) with the class quest on Hoth, and have him at about 8600 affection. Have not had a quest from him since talk #9.


I wonder if my early response put a halt to things?

Edited by Lunazen
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Speaking of which dialogue ends relationships....now I'm wondering if I might have ended the romance arc early on accidentally.


Very early, like talk #2 or 3:


He asked if I was married. The flirt option was horrible of course lol. So, I backed out and said that yes I was married but I still had fun.. something along those lines. Can't remember exactly.



After I said that, I got affection points. And later on he talked about


how he wasn't neglecting me just busy doing his diplomatic work for the hive, etc., etc..



But, since then, I've gained about 10 levels, am finished (I think) with the class quest on Hoth, and have him at about 8600 affection. Have not had a quest from him since talk #9.


I wonder if my early response put a halt to things?



id LOVE to know if i ended things by

going all the way in my voss marriage..i was so shocked that i had no affection down when i clicked it, i forgot to escape out LOL... that and the poor guy's " dad" died because of me,... so my chiss agent gave him a pity smurfin


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id LOVE to know if i ended things by

going all the way in my voss marriage..i was so shocked that i had no affection down when i clicked it, i forgot to escape out LOL... that and the poor guy's " dad" died because of me,... so my chiss agent gave him a pity smurfin


LOL I love the way you word things. Too funny. :p


I think you may be safe. As for me, my earlier answer to him didn't stop the romance.


Spoiler about marriage:


It seems for most people so far, the marriage happens after the "fake" marriage on Voss?

I'm not to Voss yet... Just arrived on Belsavis and immediately had the final 10 talks in a row with Vector. Not sure why they were all bunched together. I thought about spacing them out, but I was too curious to see what happens next lol. So, I went from being a maybe to the ball n chain in about 20 minutes lol


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Playing a male agent, I had Temple with me the whole time during the Voss marriage and she gave me + affection throughout the whole thing....then literally as soon as I got on my ship after that, she basically seduced me....guess she was like, "wow, this dude's easy to get marriage vow from, score!"

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lol i got married right before belsavis.

freakiest honeymoon ever.


as for voss.... i totally regret singing the song of infidelity :(


i hope he punishes me for being a baaaad agent :cool:



well i hope it works out...one option when you marry him, is to say " okay, but don't expect me to wear a ring in front of the boys" and re replies you 2 will negotiate terms ( lol what a professional )... >:3

please let those terms include punishment pleasepleasepleaseplease


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Something mildly annoying today and I think I might send in some feedback on it, concerning communication after the marriage and timing:



I got mail from Vector today talking about SCORPIO, in the engine room, blah blah... except I don't have SCORPIO yet lol. I'm guessing this happens if you complete the romance earlier than expected in the story. Still, there would be some marker that doesn't allow this mail to be sent until you actually have the last companion.



Which is another good reason for having companions be more interactive with us and with each other. If they were on each other's radar, would be more immersive, and it might get the devs thinking about avoiding the type of immersion-breaking error mentioned in the spoiler.



Wondering if Vector has sent out these cryptic mails about this unknown SCORPIO to anyone else?


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yep, i married him right before belsavis, and he sent me that



also someone sent me a whipser " hey arent you that girl who spams the vector threads? you crack me up" XD

i was totally just chilling with him out beside me, and was all " quick, pull someone else out or theyl laugh at me >.>"

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