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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Count me in among the male players with a fem IA. I was sorely disappointed that BioWare didn't include same-sex romances like they usually do, since my DS-aligned agent meshes so well with Kaliyo's psycho anarchist attitude. Unfortunately, Kaliyo is Jack from Mass Effect 2, basically: all that angst waiting to be broken through, yet dead-set on men. Hell, they're both bald, too. I may have a Tank Girl fetish...


It would've been beautiful, Kal... Sex and 'splosions, all the time. I would've have shown you that being on the Empire's payroll had some perks, you heavily-pierced rebel you.


Pretty much this^

Except I'm a female player. Why write my own post when someone else said it so well.

Edited by tekniicolor
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kinda creepy how.... well maintained lokin's body is



Someone else pointed out how at one point in the story, Lokin and Kaliyo walk out of the ship in their underwear. I was sure this had to be a bug, but since I wasn't the only one who saw that.... O.O


i should put kaleiyo in slave gear now.... exept she WOULD kill me.


I wouldn't dare, but I figured Temple could easily be convinced that it was for undercover work.

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For some reason this makes me picture Vector wearing footie pajamas that have a hood with plush Killik antennae. Come on, that would be adorable, wouldn't it? XD


I think I need to go hide from the people who would put me in a padded room right about now. :o


Oh. My. God. DO WANT THIS! I might even have to find someone to make me some Killik pajamas for my own sleep times as well.


I have to jump in on the Vector love. He's interesting. Sure he's odd, but he's sweet and kind of charming in his own quirky way.

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Someone else pointed out how at one point in the story, Lokin and Kaliyo walk out of the ship in their underwear. I was sure this had to be a bug, but since I wasn't the only one who saw that.... O.O




LMAO i broke out laughing when i saw that

had to be a bug..but nope... if you all saw it too....

the fanfics...oh goodness the fanfics

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Pretty much this^

Except I'm a female player. Why write my own post when someone else said it so well.


I honestly never got how Kaliyo isn't an either sex romance. It seemed pretty obvious to me that she'd hooked up with two of her female partners in the past (the twi'lek and the BH). And she really, really hates men.


Go figure.

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LMAO i broke out laughing when i saw that

had to be a bug..but nope... if you all saw it too....

the fanfics...oh goodness the fanfics



For me this occured when the young Cortess comes to get his revenge on you, I had a parade of companions without clothes come in and give a line or two to be replaced by more companions without clothes.


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i had vector out ( dur <3 ) and those 2 came out

i laughed, but shrugged it aside.


as for same sex romance, my guils says aint gonna happen * sigh* my agent has a BH brother who won't start his adventure till hes allowed to come out of the closet and be a REAL manhunter




on another point for the " vector is awesome " list, since hes able to acess memories of female joiners:


yes, yes he DOES understand what its like when ( insert woman woes here, PMS, cramps, childbirth, men being stupid and not getting it, ect )

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i got told lucasarts forbids it, cause there was outcry.. who knows


i make fun of my bf for leaving quinn hanging cause he excaped out of the proposal scene, and hasent talked to him since, cause hes waiting for jaesa rofl.


and i found one reason vector might not be the best- he'd be impossible to win an argument against, unless it was very obvious he was wrong in the first place. I've got a best-in-this-side-of-the-country salesman, and a psychologist for family, and well it sucks trying to argue with them.

then again, his pheromone spidey-senses could tell him when to stay the heck away from you while your PMSed lol.

" Her aura has shifted to the song of the *****, we approach with utmost caution. "

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Strangely enough, Vector is the only companion I have considered marrying. I have a 50 Operative, Assassin, and Juggernaut.


-Quinn is an awful romance interest, for more reasons beyond him being boring (plot related).

-Andronikus is an accident waiting to happen romance. I had zero interest in him.

-Vector retains most of his humanity, as his sub-plot eludes to, and he even tries to do things to make you feel more comfortable.

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Who told you that? As far as I am aware, Lucas Arts has said nothing of the sort.


lol my guild... theyre oppinionated, so who knows.

ether way, i can see female toon populations skyrocketing if they ever make it happen.


and yeah, i was all over quinn till i saw what happens in the plot

i was watching my bf, and was all " ffffuuuuuu- get vette to bring you her old slave collar, someone is going to be your new beeytch". and smiled smugly while watching the dark side choice to handle him. hell hath no fury like a woman sith scorn.

i seriously hope you get to rub it in his face every chance you talk to him after that point.if even vector did that to me.... i'd bring the raid out along with a rakkata flyswatter, and give him a beating so fierce, the whole hive would cringe simultaneously.



im hoping they add new companion quests and content. i did all the marrying stuff/got letters/ect before voss

and since all thats finished, its buisness as it always has been, im not even sure if mechanically im still married to him or not rofl. i was so stunned at the fact he had no affection loss at teasing him before the wedding/taking up the offer for spending the night, that i forgot to escape out and do things his way..lol at least hes laid back and understands an agent's gotta do what an agent's gotta do


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I actually had negative rep with the bug boy when he joined me. I am a male playing a female cyborg. I really like Kaliyo but the rest of my companions are a bit meh. Kaliyo has 9/10k affection the rest are about 1/10k and I'm not sure if they will ever get much higher. Most of them still have the gear when they first came to me.


Vector is just a creepy bug boy, wish I could push him out of an air lock.

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I actually had negative rep with the bug boy when he joined me. I am a male playing a female cyborg. I really like Kaliyo but the rest of my companions are a bit meh. Kaliyo has 9/10k affection the rest are about 1/10k and I'm not sure if they will ever get much higher. Most of them still have the gear when they first came to me.


Vector is just a creepy bug boy, wish I could push him out of an air lock.


Same here... I told Keeper I flat didn't want him, didn't trust him, keep him off my ship.



giant betrayal at house cortess

is why, and no weaseling on bugboy's part gets him out of that.


And then they just had to drop a headpiece for him

that looks like the one Darth Jadus used to wear!



It's like they're trying to give my toon PTSD, as if Chapter Two isn't painful enough for the agent!


Lokin, on the other hand, has been pleasant, dependable, and nice, if a bit weird. I'd pick him over bug-eyes any day of the week.

Edited by Eutoxis
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I'm hankering for a lesbian romp with Ensign Temple... see, I don't get what I want either :mad:


temple so would... she keeps calling me sir... we are like marcy and peppermint patty.

exept after what she did to her dad... i wouldnt trust her in case i did something she didn't aprove of


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Got Vector the other day.


Such a pleasant change from Kaliyo, and finally a companion that doesn't hate every choice I make..


Going to romance route. His character is charming in a mysterious, otherworldly way. Was a bit worried, since I'd been reading this thread from the start. But I think they did a really good job with his story.

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Got Vector the other day.


Such a pleasant change from Kaliyo, and finally a companion that doesn't hate every choice I make..


Going to romance route. His character is charming in a mysterious, otherworldly way. Was a bit worried, since I'd been reading this thread from the start. But I think they did a really good job with his story.



What is not like about kaliyo she is fun, easy going and like to kill. Just like my Sniper. Yes my sniper is a little dark I hope dark V soon and I giggle when they call me the "Hand of Jadus" makes me feel all warm inside.


I'm a male playing a female Sniper.

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Got Vector the other day.


Such a pleasant change from Kaliyo, and finally a companion that doesn't hate every choice I make..


Going to romance route. His character is charming in a mysterious, otherworldly way. Was a bit worried, since I'd been reading this thread from the start. But I think they did a really good job with his story.


Agreed. I really thought he was interesting. Especially since he's a fantastic change from the overly sappy, overly emotional romance options that are open to female characters on other classes. It takes time to romance Vector. He's intelligent, analytical, and cautious. In the end, it's all worth it, but I won't spoil it for you. He's easily my favorite romance, favorite character, that I've encountered in the game. They did a great job with him.

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What is not like about kaliyo she is fun, easy going and like to kill. Just like my Sniper. Yes my sniper is a little dark I hope dark V soon and I giggle when they call me the "Hand of Jadus" makes me feel all warm inside.


I'm a male playing a female Sniper.


im light V and im in a love/hate relationship with kaliyo, she helps bring out the fun part of me.

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