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How Would You Tweak the Class Stories?


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I'm a fairly new player, with a pretty sporadic playing schedule, but I just want to say that I have absolutely fallen in love with the class stories BioWare has produced for this game. I think they've done an excellent job creating compelling stories that fit the tone of the Star Wars universe.


But nothing is perfect, and everything can be improved; so, my question to you is how might you change the class stories to make them better stories?


The caveats are that you can't just add new mechanics (or anything else that would massively drive up the theoretical cost of of our hypothetical re-work), and that the changes have to be made to the story.


I'll start the discussion off with an example: How I'd change the Trooper story (if the game producers all got drunk one day and decided to give that power to some random schmo off the street).


-To me, the main weakness of the Trooper story is how disjointed Chapter One is from the rest. To fix this, I'd do two things: One, I would reference General Rakton as being the one who convinced the Havoc Squad traitors to defect, and who is now using the traitors to attack the Republic without violating the Treaty of Coruscant. (Thus making General Rakton an early influence on the Trooper story). And two, I would make the various technologies the Empire is either stealing or developing (the ZR-57 on Ord Mantell, Forex at Nar Shaddaa, Fuse's bombs on Tatooine, Gearbox on Alderaan) a part of the Gauntlet project that the SIS had been hearing rumors about. The Chapter One finale would then be a desperate move by Rakton, forcing the Republic to choose between stopping Tavus and stopping the unfinished Gauntlet (with Tavus being the priority).


-The major weakness in Chapter Two of the Trooper story was, to be perfectly frank, how mind-numbingly boring it was. The whole thing is that you recruit two more soldiers, and then take on a special mission, with little sense as to the strategic significance of this campaign. To fix this, I would make make another two tweaks: One, your stops on Balmorra and Hoth aren't just to recruit soldiers, but to pick up other things you need for the mission, like the Gauntlet's schematics at renowned weapons factory-world Balmorra, and a decryption device at Hoth so the Republic can read those schematics. Two, I would make it clear that the Senate is aware of the Gauntlet and its danger, and is actively discussing surrender in the event the Gauntlet goes online. As such, Rakton either forces the Republic's surrender with the Gauntlet's success, or forces the war he's wanted for the past ten years with the Gauntlet's destruction.


-I actually really liked the Trooper's Chapter Three, but I think it could have been improved by keeping Havoc Squad's strategic objectives more focused. As such, I would turn the mission to free the diplomats into a distraction by Rakton to keep Havoc Squad away from the Bastion, allowing Rakton to take Corellia. Garza would then explain that by taking Corellia, Rakton has a stranglehold on the Republic, and the only way to win the war is to re-take Corellia. And the only way to do that includes a decapitation strike against General Rakton himself; and since Rakton has the Bastion, the core military intelligence hub of the Republic, the Republic can't use any of its units that are already in play. (Hence the need to pick up units from Belsavis and Voss). The interludes in this chapter then make a lot more sense- Rakton isn't using unlimited resources to remove one squad, but to hamstring the Republic's counter-offensive.


-And of course, the problem that is Light Side/Dark Side as it applies to a non- Force sensitive character. The main change I'd make here is to make the light side/dark side choices revolve around a slightly different dichotomy: Light Side choices would establish the Trooper as a servant of the people, while Dark Side choices would establish the Trooper's belief that soldiers should be running things.


-And the final change I would make to the story is the addition of Sith characters. Much of the appeal of the Imperial Agent story is how it explores the Empire's non-Force users relate to (and clean up after) the Sith order. I think the Trooper story would be best if it explores how the Republic might save itself from terrible evil when the Jedi are too busy to step in. So I would write in some Sith, (perhaps Darth Charnus and his apprentice) as General Rakton's Sith overseers, with some interaction in the Chapter One interlude, Quesh, and the Chapter Two finale (where you would defeat the Sith Master, and set up another victory for Rakton), with the Chapter Three finale being a race to defeat the Sith apprentice's clone army (based on Needles' work on Taris) before it can be unleashed on the galaxy.


And that's how I would tweak the Trooper's class story.


So, how would you change the stories?

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Jedi Consular. I would make more meaningful dark side choices. I played through act 1 as dark side and had to reroll because it was just cringeworthy. It was funny, it was fun, but it didn't actually sync with the story in the grand scheme of things. If memory serves a certain NPC I killed off was mentioned as alive and well at the end of act 1, and killing the big bad was supposed to kill everyone he had affected/corrupted as well, but again if I remember correctly the game references all his victims as alive and recovering--even if you kill him.


I would only change one other thing, and that's re-voicing some lines, such as the act 3 finale with The Big Bad, which deserved a bit of emotional punch given the circumstances and what was at stake. I have no clue where Bioware and the VAs got the idea that Jedi are 100% serene, emotionless robots, it's like they haven't seen a single Star Wars movie. The big fight at the end of Act 3 would be like Luke fighting Vader then getting tortured by the emperor all the while speaking in a soothing, mild-mannered monotone. "Father. Help me. I know there's still good in you. Also this lightning really hurts, but I'm so light side that I'm not even mad." Ugh.


Going back to dark side/light side choices, a good example of really bad DS/LS choices from the Trooper story is on Ord Mantell, you encounter a group of wounded, unarmed separatists. You have one light side option and two dark side options. Only one of them actually makes any sense, and it's dark side (because killing is wrong mmkay even when they're enemy combatants that could jeopardize your mission by running off and snitching on you).


1.) Light side-- Let them go. Just let them walk out. No arrest. No grunts waiting to take them into custody. No radioing in "hey, Fort Garnik, I just let some wounded seps make a break for it, do whatever you do with them." You literally let enemy combatants run out the door to potentially tell other ARMED and HEALTHY enemy combatants exactly where in the compound you are, how armed you are, and how oh so very alone you are. Wat?


It's followed up by more options like "be careful guys, be safe lolol!", "well go on, get moving", and "don't make me regret this." Dude, you just let enemy combatants walk right past you, chances are you will regret it. They aren't going to switch sides and not tell anyone where you are just because ONE republic trooper was nice to them when you're probably literally the only one on Ord Mantell who ISN'T a corrupt dbag, hence the entire reason they're separatists to begin with. I mean come on.


2.) Dark side because shut up. "Pay me to live." You still literally let them just walk out, refer to option 1, only you extorted credits or something from them first so now this is dark side.


3.) Kill them. Death to all traitors. Tactically this actually makes sense. It's the ONLY ONE that makes sense, and unfortunately the VAs delivered the line as mustache-twirlingly evil as they possibly could just so we know that it isn't a sensible "sorry, you're still a threat and also traitors, I cannot trust you" and instead becomes a bloodthirsty cry of vengeance.


Wouldn't be so bad if option 1 was somehow worked so the seps could be taken into custody.


I also got sick of planetary story arc missions on my light side consular that had tons of LS/DS choices to the effect of:


1.) LS: Jeopardize the entire mission, because it's kind of time critical what with a hostage situation or some superweapon that needs to be disarmed pronto, with tens or hundreds or even thousands of lives on the line to help ONE PERSON or save a kitten. It sn't that I'm against these choices, it's that I don't think this should be light side. It's literally the definition of dark side as it's a decision ruled purely by spur of the moment feelings and impulse, rather than the long term big picture. Saving that person, as far as the character knows, could cost many more lives. Case in point, save the one scientist on Taris or save the data that could save literlaly MILLIONS OF LIVES.


2.) DS: Continue with your mission, looking at the big picture and how many more lives are at stake and the possible future ramifications of deviating from this course. Wat?

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I'll probably have more as I play the games, but for now:



I'd say have the Sith Inquisitor gain more power of his/her own, rather than relying on the power force ghosts. The story should have probably stayed with the Inquisitor developing a powerbase: gathering followers, collecting artifacts of power. Also I don't like how easily the Inquisitor fell into Thanaton's trap so easily and so soon after Zash betrayed him/her.


For either SI or SW, I'd like their last fight to be in different locations.


Have LS/DS choices for Republic that are accurate on both ends. Smuggler being a renegade or a hero works, because he/she is a rogue character. But Trooper decisions sometimes just don't make any sense as to what is LS and DS. And Jedi DS choices should be believable but right now they are not. They should have decisions, such as getting angry and killing a now-hostage, who slaughtered a village or killed a personal friend or mentor, and is bragging about it. I've heard from multiple people that they sometimes find it difficult to buy into the DS Jedi.


Edit: After reading about different positions of power in the Dark Council, I realize the role is more unique so my objection with them becoming a Dark Council member is withdrawn.



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For all of the class stories, I would add more interaction with the followers. Maybe its just me but I am a Junkie for Companion interaction and right now it feels like your followers only pipe up once per mission objective. and they almost never interact with each other, there is the rare occasion that they will all be standing by the holo communicator with you and each one gives you advice but I would love to see them blend or collide with each other more. A few examples during the Warrior Story:



Quinn approaches you early on and complains about how Vettee is getting on his nerves, you can tell him to man up and discipline her, he thinks this is a good idea and seemingly goes forward with the idea but that is it, you never see any reaction from this nor do you see any change in their personalities.


Quinn and Pierce hate each other and Pierce asks you if he has to listen to Quinn, you can tell him that he doesn't have to...and yet no fall out from this.


If you keep the Shock collar on Vettee, you can let Jaesa shock her and even encourage her to torture her. There is no content to suggest that this changes their relationship.



I think it would greatly improve the collective Class stories if we could see the character getting more from and giving more to his or her followers, it would also make life on the ship more 3D if the crew mates influenced each others' lives. All of these things could be done without changing the main plot.

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For the Trooper story I have a lot of things I'd love to change about it, and I'm somone who enjoys the Trooper story.



Firstly, I'd want Raktona nd Kilran to switch places. Rakton should of been the one-note FP boss, while Kilran (The much more interesting character) is the Trooper's villain. Overall, I think that the Moff would be a much more entertaining and threatening foe.


Next, move the Havoc squad betrayal up to the end of Act 2. Coupled with this, I don't want us to becom Havoc squad until then either. Here's what I'm thinking: Prolouge and Act 1 are spent witht he Trooper rising through the ranks, forming a special ops squad of their own. We meet Havoc Squad sometimes, though for most of the act it's Tavus calling in to congradulate you on your progress as you hear of multiple feats that Havoc Sqaud have performed; building this squad as truly the best in the republic. Hell, try to make Tavus more of a mentor figure.


Then Act 2 kicks in and you're preparing for the assault on the gauntlet, your previous mission earning you a place there along side Havoc Squad. There the chapter is spent gathering the specialists who are posted with you, while also helping various members of Havoc Squad, this makes it so that Act 2 is no longer just filler because they needed a second act. It's an Act dedicated to getting to know Havoc Squad and seeing just how much of an impact they have on the Republic. And then the act ends with these heroes, these people you've been fighting by for months in story, tese becons in the republic; they turn around and shoot you in the back.


Act three then has you gathering the assets for war, watching as Republic moral drips down the drain. Through Taris to Hoth you hear whisers of Havoc Squad's betrayal, of Killran's conquests. Then the Jaxo situation happens, the Sentor incident happens. but before you travel to Corellia Garza reveals that after all that you've een through; she's making you the new Havoc Squad. Your first mission? Take Grand Moff Kilran and the traitors down. You take off to Corellia with the cheers of a renewed moral behind you.


Cut to the final battle in the Bastion, leading troops through the bases and generally screwing **** up. In the final room before Kilran you meet Tavus and the whole squad yet again. Cue epic stare down between the members of the old and new Havoc Squad. After beating the old team, you have a chance to convince Tavus to save his squad and turn himself in as a prisoner. Either way, you move on to kill the Moff and end this thing.


At the end before you go to meet Saresh, if you made Tavus turn himself in you see the old Havoc Sqaud walk past you in chains. Depending on what you've done before, Tavus will either ignore you, or turn around to aknoledge you as Havoc Squad. The Reoublic is in good hands.


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  • 5 months later...

Another thing I'd change is the Consular story. One way is the whole healing ritual thing. You have a choice to kill the corrupted person or save them from corruption. The problem is, none of them are doing these things willingly, so killing them makes no sense for the story. And lore-wise the Consular is suppose to be weakened each heal, but we don't see that, other than them going to their knees and someone saying they look sick. I'd probably tweak it so that the Consular can only use it a limited number of times and not enough for everyone, so they have to be sure they want to use it as not to waste it. Perhaps DS choices would make more sense in stories if there weren't a guaranteed cop-out, whether it's limiting the healing ritual, making the corrupted actions intention by their own free will, or something to that effect.


As for Trooper, it seems most of their primary stories involved finding people, be it traitors, or recruits. Chapter One was good, establishing Havoc Squad and its importance with the Republic. Then, Chapter Two (usually the boring section of most stories) occurs and your just finding new members for one mission. The Guantlet is a credible threat, but the story is dull. Then Chapter Three, finding more people for war. I did like Belsavis story of recruiting Republic pilots who were imprisoned for political reasons. But then the Voss story and the majority of Corellia missions was pretty repetitive. Also that the main villain would have either more of a presence in the story and we see how dangerous he is (as oppose to being told), and he's more involved when the story goes to different planets. So instead of the Trooper having to save Voss from some random Sith, they fight a minion of Rakton. Though I do think Grand Moff Kilran would've been a more interesting antagonist for the Trooper.

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In general, without specifying a class, I would make boss fights more meaningful, most of the bosses are only gold plated and don't do damage at all, with the new companion system the boss fights most of the times are just regular mobs but with more HP.


I would also make companion interactions more important, I liked how on the old system you could lose influence when your companion didn't like your choices.

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For all of the class stories, I would add more interaction with the followers. Maybe its just me but I am a Junkie for Companion interaction and right now it feels like your followers only pipe up once per mission objective. and they almost never interact with each other, there is the rare occasion that they will all be standing by the holo communicator with you and each one gives you advice but I would love to see them blend or collide with each other more.

Observation: this topic is one of the reasons I prefer the Inquisitor's crew, especially during Chapter 3. The whole chapter, they are discussing, planning, and so on, all with the aim of getting you the stuff you need. Like an actual factual crew helping their boss.

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I would love to see the cut companion quests restored. These are the ones where you companion tells you they have to head out for a bit to do something (get revenge, find someone..etc) and come back with it done after a fade to black all resolved. I'd like to have the option to either accompany the companion or play as the companion on the quest. I'd also like to see more companion interactions that take into account what's happened so far like a special quest with you and the love interest or best friend.


As far as the actual class stories go, I'd like a better range of nuance. For example, with the Trooper storyline,

you only have the options to be so patriotic that you practically f**t the Republic anthem with the Republic can do no wrong, or it's be so patriotic that all traitors must die writhing in pools of blood regardless of having second thoughts or been duped. I really would've liked an option to sympathize with the defectors, and possibly try to join them since by the point of the defection, you've already seen enough through the Ord Mantell storychain quests to know the Republic's not as shiny-happy as it likes to present.



In the same vein, with the Smuggler, particularly in Chapter 2,

if you're playing a total heart of gold 'For the Republic!' type, Chapter 2 works great. If you're playing the always on the make 'n' take budding Crime Boss, the privateer thing falls flat. I really wanted my Smuggler to tell the Senator where to stick it and go set up base in Port Nowhere and go around gathering each of the fancy power stuff for myself, then go to butt heads against the Voidwolf to be the biggest baddest of the Criminal Underworld.



For the Inquisitor/Counselor stories, since those two are the more mystic bent of the Force users, I would've liked to've seen more going into that with Force relics and investigating into the nature of the Force as it applies to each order's dichotomy.


For the other class stories, really can't think of what I'd change that wouldn't be small scale and not worth the coding effort.

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As much as I love Gault, his recruitment creates problems for Bounty Hunters who have code where they never fail to complete a contract. Pretending Gault was killed and effectively cheating at the Great Hunt is highly out of character for those Bounty Hunters, but they're forced into it for story reasons.


To remedy that I'd have Gault's recruitment occur after Tatooine, with the Tatooine arc ending with Gault captured. The contract to capture Gault would be issued by a Hutt crimelord who had specified that he would only pay if Gault was captured alive and fully intact, because he had something special planned for him.


Once captured you would get a mission from your holoterminal to deliver the carbon-frozen Gault to Hutta in person. In the Hutt's palace after defrosting Gault however the greedy slug would reveal with a laugh that he sold the BH out to Tarro Blood, who had paid hansomely to ensure his or her death, with the added bonus that the Hutt would now be freed from any obligations to pay the Bounty Hunter for capturing Tyresius Lokai (aka Gault). A trapdoor triggers dumping the BH & Gault into the Hutt's Rancor pitt, while armed thugs above take the companion that accompanied the BH hostage, with the Hutt planning on selling that companion into slavery. Teaming up with Gault to kill the Rancor, the Bounty Hunter would then begin an escape from the Hutt's palace, rescue the captured companion, and potentially execute the Hutt kingpin (or accept a bribe from the terrified slug to spare him, for the lightside choice) before making a final getaway. After the escape Gault would make the offer to join the crew permanently, and reveal the cloned body ruse to trick the rest of his enemies into thinking he was dead, selling the dead clone afterwards to some other kingpin who wanted him gone.


It would give a Bounty Hunter with a code a reason to recruit Gault. After all, the contract was completed and it was the Hutt that didn't honor the terms, not the other way around. Once Gault was delivered to Hutta your job was done, and he had just helped you escape from the Hutt's palace.


The other thing I'd change with companions would be to give the Sith Inquisitor the ability to corrupt Ashara fully to the dark side.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Someone said boss fights, I definitely agree that they need to go back to the level scaling when the game came out. I just replayed the Sith Warrior, and the Karr fight on Hutta was ridiculously easy compared to last time. They scaled that back to the highest level of the planet (12) when in the story line, you were supposed to be finished with Alderaan at 32.


That being said, I think the OP's comment about the trooper story works well. While I liked it as a whole, it was very disjointed and I felt as though it moved slowly at times. I would have also enjoyed more missions where you had the team available fighting objectives, like at the end of chapter two.


Other than that, i really enjoyed most of the stories. Nothing really sticks out aside from some of them being cliche (especially the Jedi Knight and Consular storylines) but they were going to be regardless of how they set them up because of the good/evil fight. Actually, I take that back- the Bounty Hunter went from the Great Hunt to working for the Empire and taking down some high rankings Imperials and Sith- how they jumped that story around made little sense.


A big change I would have done was to create a third faction, call it "Underworld" or something of the like. Break off Smuggler and Bounty Hunter to that group, and added a ninth class called "Gangster." This would allow you to play both sides as a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter, and could have seen you in both Republic and Imperial instances. The third class, Gangster, would see you be a new recruit at Black Sun, working your way up to being on of the nine Vigos of Black Sun (in Legends canon, nine Vigos ruled different sections of the galaxy and reported to Black Sun's head, commonly called Underlord.)

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Right, I'm back. I had to compose myself and I at least tried to think and review the stories and what I would change. Here are some of my criticisms:




-> Introduce more all star(meaning all members of a team) scenarios like The Gauntlet.

-> Allow for companions to comment between themselves, to criticize each other etc(like in Agent story)

-> Make the story more coherent / less of a random series of events


Now for each story by itself:




Now, this story is more or less what KoTOR 3 would be like if it were to get made. I don't have any special criticisms aimed at this story. Maybe, but just maybe Felix Iresso and Fidelton Rusk could swap places. The story's coherent enough, it is very interesting, works as both Dark side pragmatist and as a Light side idealist, companions are interesting. Maybe there shouldn't be such an epic feeling though. Because when you push it too far, you push it too far. Meaning, maybe a planet or so less that focuses on epic weaponz and uber evil Sith, but more on connective tissue like Dr.Godera. Overall, a very nice story.




This story, oh this story! It is most certainly an acquired taste. But, to be honest, it is good enough. Here are some things that are missing. The act 1 feels separate from all other acts, like it's thrown in. This would ideally need to get fixed. Maybe include consequences of saving / killing Jedi Masters throughout the rest of the story? I'd also include an effect that would actually WEAKEN you as you used the Healing Ritual. Use it at every opportunity and up to the end of the story, you'd be 50% effective. Even though the story's meant to be philosophical and indirect, perhaps a bit more groundedness and directness wouldn't hurt.




This story is simply phenomenal and has some of the most gut wrenching decisions I ever saw while playing. It really, but really makes you understand the idiom "between a rock and a hard place". There is one crucial flaw though. Now, when you create a Trooper, you expect to play something to the effect of Commander Cody or Shepard or Rambo, right? Everything will be clear and laid out etc, right? W.R.O.N.G.!!! This story relies so much on your deductive and intuitive faculties of a player, it might as well be a Poirot or Sherlock book / episode. The thing is, the story is laid out in several layers, where the occupants of each layer most likely have next to no idea what's going on in that other layer until something spills over(best example: Harron and his defection). This is not something your average Rambo or Mass Effect fan wants(especially the former). Because, speaking from the Jungian side, that player most assuredly relies on his senses to make sense of things(S people). What Trooper requires otoh, is the Intuitive approach(N people). So, it mixes up damn too much! The expectations are of a (trite) action story, but it ends up as much, much more!

Did you know that it was Arkos Rakton himself who approached Harron Tavus? That he was always back there, in the shadows? That's why the Acts fit together PERFECTLY

. Well, enough about the Trooper. But I guess I could talk about it all day(I simply LOVE it, it's my #1 for sure). Anyhow, that split is why people don't like Trooper's story, in a word, it's too schizo(but when the pieces fall in their places O.o).




Yes, I know, but the character's a Scoundrel in all its honesty, not a Smuggler. I don't believe you even smuggler a thing if you don't count the beginning of the story and the Voss part(but then again, that part doesn't need to happen). To preface this, I Love this story, it's so fun, relaxing and awesome. Are there any hiccups? Well, maybe the introduction to Act II can be a bit streamlined and such, but, no, not really. The story works just perfectly. There isn't a single thing I'd change. Oh, I'd perhaps make woof woof(you know of whom I am speaking ;) ) more scary or more of your personal nemesis(currently, he's just comical, but I guess that fits PERFECTLY into this story). And, in any case, make woof woof more threatening. I remember back when I first played through the Scoundrel story in 2,5(or whatever), he simply waved that bomb for 5s, I interrupted him, stunned him and et voila! ***. Compare that to pre 4,0 Thanaton fight or the Emperor fight...lol, the difference's huge. But story wise? Nothing(except perhaps that part with woof woof).




Yeah, I don't like this story because of two things. First, it procrastinates with the betrayal for FAR too long. I mean, who didn't see Fatso just betraying you? It's not exactly deduction required to make sense of the Trooper story. There is a KEY moment I felt like TOTALLY RUINED the SW story(up to that part it was just awesome). The beginning of Act III. Here's what I'd do. HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT HOVER OVER IF SW STORY NOT FINISHED:

When you arrive to Quesh, it's ok. But then, it quickly falls down the rabbit hole. Instead of you just being a total tool and just getting pulverized by rocks and saved by the Hands, I'd make it that your Rage made you survive, that you SWORE Vengeance upon your former "master". It'd be a very emotional and powerful scene, reminiscent of Knight's one in the end of Act II. Further, I'd allow your Warrior to show his true skill by finding, exploiting and ruining Baras' powerbase. You WOULD NOT get sent there by "whomever". See how POWERFUL change that is? In the end, it'd be you vs Baras, in the fashion of Inquisitor vs Thanaton. And you'd get your revenge.

. If the act III was handled like in the spoilers there, I'd like SW story very much(Act I is simply mesmerizing), this way, it can go and **** itself. A tool and a COMPLETE TOOL all the way. NO THANK YOU.




If you ask me, this story doesn't really need much. The only thing it requires is Tatooine that isn't a simple exposition. I can't tell that much about the Inquisitor, I haven't played him in a while. But, what it is, is a complete Sith story(quite unlike Sith Tool story above). Very nice.




What this story needs is a complete rework lol. It has such a lovely potential and such, but it's so...repetitive(unless you like changes in meaningless details). Also quite boring(Act II ESPECIALLY). What I did with SW up there, I'd do with BH too. Instead of him remaining a Complete Tool, I'd allow him to find a way out of the mess he got into. The entire Act III would most definitely get reworked. Tormen, idk what I'd do with him. This whole story feels like it should've been a surefire hit, but is instead a complete miss. I don't know. All it has are 3 VERY POWERFUL act ends. And that's not enough for me. I don't know, the whole story's meaningless.




Again, this story isn't really Star Wars. It's James Bond type of thing with a glazing of Star Wars. This is the first thing I'd change, but then the whole story would get ruined. I really don't know what to do with this one. On one hand it is so perfectly written, choices and consequences abound etc, on the other hand, since when is Ernst Stavro a good fit for Star Wars? Look, I'm open to new things(I even find Zakuul story good under a clause I spoke of elsewhere), but this...? When the Star Cabal speaks of the Dark and Jedi Council, of Hutts, of Emperor himself being their pawns? :eek::rolleyes: LOL! Nope.avi It doesn't work like that son. Not at all. Maybe just change Act III, what do I know?

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Knight: A little less hunting of weapons in chapter one and a little more of tracking the bad guy down and taking him down. After finding the one guy is a Sith, he gets away and we chase him down.


I would have moved the end of chapter two, to the beginning of chapter two. A chapter where you're playing the brain washed by the Emperor Jedi Knight, doing bad things.


Chapter 3 would then be about hunting down the one who did that to you (the Emperor) and either finding redemption or falling further into the darkness that was forced upon you.


I'd also take away the Master Title for those who stay dark sided.



Consular: Would have really weakened the Consular for choosing to save the Masters. Enough so, that it wouldn't be impossible to take out the enemy, but enough that it would make a difference in difficulty.


I'd expose the Children of the Emperor earlier, so they can combine hunting down CotE and helping the Rift Alliance. I'd throw in a scene or a few scenes with Kira as well, maybe just one to get any possible info about them from her, even if it leads no where. As soon as we know the Consular is hunting down the CotE and Kira is a known one, we should have talked to her.


I'd also have done something with the holocron in Iresso head (unless they plan to do something with it, when the bring him back), like maybe having that be one of the keys to finding out who the First Son was.


I'd also have given the Consular an Imperial accent and given them many more options to be snarky/sarcastic. "Did my ship docking on your station give it away?" was said so well and lines like that were so few. Needed more.



Smuggler: Chapter one imo, was great. It all went down hill after that. Great lines for sure, but the story was a bit lacking. The main bad wasn't used enough. Female needed more flirting options as well.



Trooper: Truthfully, I think a poster above did a great suggestion for how to have improved the story.



Warrior: A bit more dialogue on Quinn's betrayal for sure. That way people could more easily forgive him. A roguish smirk perhaps as he tells you about how he really made them easy for the Warrior to take down, but how he was stuck between both Baras and the Warrior with no hope but to hope for a quick death at the Warrior's hands.


Baras versus Warrior a little sooner. Vette escaping for those who keep her in the collar. LS Jaesa a little more exciting and DS Jaesa a little less crazy. LS would be a LS Sith and DS would be a DS Sith. Not LS is Jedi but working with a Sith.



Inquisitor: I think this story is pretty close to perfect as is. I would have let the Inquisitor however, deliver the killing blow to Thanaton, and I would have liked a little more interaction with Thanaton before and after Zash's betrayal.


I'd like to modify Ashara some how. Not stop her from being the type to keep a sort of hold on her Jedi beliefs, but the way the dialogue comes off, I'd change it. Make her a sort of lighter (but still a bit dark) version of Anakin. Change the Empire within for sure. I'd also have her leave if it becomes obvious the Inquisitor is just a dark sided psycho :p



Agent: First, I'd make it so the Female Agent can flirt with Hunter. I don't care if it ends up with one of the options being "Yuck" after finding out the truth, but not having the ability to flirt is just sad :p


Ability to dismantle Scorpio right away, but given the new story, that's not a good thing, so fix it so you're more likely to want her on the crew. :p Same with the Kaliyo betrayal.


I didn't quite buy the whole "Secret organization of non force users controlling everything" but it wasn't boring though. So that could have likely been fixed a bit. My guess is the idea of a non force using secret organization behind everything was just to fuel the agent being anti force user :p



Hunter: Another poster above gave a good tweak to the Hunter story. I agree I'd change how we get Gault, because I wanted my Hunter to follow the rules, not cheat, at the Great Hunt.


I'd also like to make it so the Hunter feels like a Bounty Hunter and not some big game hunter, which is what some of the missions really feel like.


Tarro was a great chapter one enemy. Chapter two and three need one just as good and memorable.

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I didn't quite buy the whole "Secret organization of non force users controlling everything" but it wasn't boring though. So that could have likely been fixed a bit. My guess is the idea of a non force using secret organization behind everything was just to fuel the agent being anti force user :p



Interesting since that actually sold the storyline to me. Granted there's a fair amount of former EU that I never read/watched, but I found it interesting in that it made perfect sense since we usually see things from the perspective of Force users and it's rare in the franchise to see the perspectives of non-Force users about Force users especially if it might not be positive. Not to mention it made sense to me for at some point non-Force users to get fed up with things getting wrecked because the Force users are bickering again.

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Interesting since that actually sold the storyline to me. Granted there's a fair amount of former EU that I never read/watched, but I found it interesting in that it made perfect sense since we usually see things from the perspective of Force users and it's rare in the franchise to see the perspectives of non-Force users about Force users especially if it might not be positive. Not to mention it made sense to me for at some point non-Force users to get fed up with things getting wrecked because the Force users are bickering again.


I get it. People may want something different than what we're given. Personally, I like the idea of the Jedi and Sith being all that :p I like the Han Solo types in the story, but Force Users are the main attraction to SW for me :) Especially if it's a roguish Jedi!

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I've only played through Inquisitor and Smuggler to completion, but I only have put thought into the inquisitor story.


The story picked up steam for me in Chapter 3 with the Jacen Solo-esque search for hidden knowledge of non-aligned Force-based organizations like the Rakata and the Voss. I wish we had seen more of that, with such groups as the Gree and Revanites being possible candidates.


I enjoyed the development that the Force ghosts conspired to drive the PC insane, but before then, they were uninteresting. When you have the choice of any Old Republic-era Sith Lords to be one of the Force ghosts, why pick no-name ones like Darth Andru, Ergast, and Kalatosh Zavros? I understand picking Kalatosh for his connection to Ashara and Darth Malak, but Andru and Ergast should have been replaced with some better-known Sith. Horak-mul should have been taken advantage of to shed some light on Vitiate since he was his confederate during the Great Hyperspace War era. More dialogue with the Force ghosts/more Force-walking in general would be welcome.


The Kallig plotline should not have been dropped so early; I wanted Aloysius to be a returning character.


I liked the Silencer interlude, it felt epic and there should have been more power-base building moments like it.


I know it doesn't line up with the other class stories' three-act structure, but I would have liked to see more of running the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and the Dark Council. The interactions with Darth Marr as Darth Nox/Imperius/Oculus are some of the best character development the PC has, I would have liked to have seen this extended to Darth Vowrawn/Mortis.


Rewrite the Alderaan class quest entirely. I did not especially care for the Zash fetch quests in Act 1; I would have rather had more "Go there, kill this person" types of quests that would befit a Sith Assassin in the vein of Darth Maul (assassinating crime syndicates' leadership, sabotaging trade deals). The end of the chapter could play out in much the same way with Zash's betrayal.

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I've only played through Inquisitor and Smuggler to completion, but I only have put thought into the inquisitor story.


The story picked up steam for me in Chapter 3 with the Jacen Solo-esque search for hidden knowledge of non-aligned Force-based organizations like the Rakata and the Voss. I wish we had seen more of that, with such groups as the Gree and Revanites being possible candidates.


I enjoyed the development that the Force ghosts conspired to drive the PC insane, but before then, they were uninteresting. When you have the choice of any Old Republic-era Sith Lords to be one of the Force ghosts, why pick no-name ones like Darth Andru, Ergast, and Kalatosh Zavros? I understand picking Kalatosh for his connection to Ashara and Darth Malak, but Andru and Ergast should have been replaced with some better-known Sith. Horak-mul should have been taken advantage of to shed some light on Vitiate since he was his confederate during the Great Hyperspace War era. More dialogue with the Force ghosts/more Force-walking in general would be welcome.


The Kallig plotline should not have been dropped so early; I wanted Aloysius to be a returning character.


I liked the Silencer interlude, it felt epic and there should have been more power-base building moments like it.


I know it doesn't line up with the other class stories' three-act structure, but I would have liked to see more of running the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and the Dark Council. The interactions with Darth Marr as Darth Nox/Imperius/Oculus are some of the best character development the PC has, I would have liked to have seen this extended to Darth Vowrawn/Mortis.


Rewrite the Alderaan class quest entirely. I did not especially care for the Zash fetch quests in Act 1; I would have rather had more "Go there, kill this person" types of quests that would befit a Sith Assassin in the vein of Darth Maul (assassinating crime syndicates' leadership, sabotaging trade deals). The end of the chapter could play out in much the same way with Zash's betrayal.


I like the relic hunting because it's very much a part of where the Inquisitor ends up but I wish more had been made of it. I agree about Aldereraan's being very bland, maybe more could have been done with the intrigue then the relic is given as the reward?


The Thing That Czerka Found is a great relic investigation quest, the Inquisitor works with the Reclamation Service to figure out what is this thing, what does it do and then decides what to do with it. If Thanaton hadn't been so determined to kill the Inquisitor that's what their life as Lord Kallig would have been.


I think it's a shame that we don't learn much about Tulak Hord or ancestor Kallig as part of the storyline because building their arc around the idea of archaeologist with force powers, like the Consular is a diplomatic with force powers, would fill out some of the weakness of Thanaton being the antagonist for two acts.


And we would definitely be the one to kill Thanaton.


The two Jedi stories would benefit a lot from being a little less All Powerful Chosen One and getting rid of some of the You're So Great dialogue would probably be enough to do that. I don't mind being the All Powerful Chosen One but I don't need to be told how wonderful my character is every five minutes.

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What i would change in the class stories:


Bounty Hunter : give us the oportunity to not recruit Gault and Skadge.


Sith Warrior: modify Jaesa's story. her parents planned to marry her to an Organa noble - but now lets be honest, who would marry a servant girl? . No one, since on Alderaan all marriages are carefully planned. If Jaesa's parents would have been lybrarians or museum curators, maybe the marriage to a noble story would have made sense.


Jedi Consular : make Zenith a romance option, from my point of view he is way more attractive than Felix Iresso.

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Hmm... I would make Zenith a romance companion for the Jedi Consular and make Lt. Iresso's face less disgusting. Otherwise, this class is PERFECT. It's what I always wanted out of a Jedi game. I also kind of want a clarification on how old the JC is supposed to be, given that if you play a male you get a teenager as a Padawan AND as your potential wife. I always found it creepy but cute at the same time, depending on my head canon for the JC's age at the moment. Either way, I always played female JC, so w/e. Iresso just gets denied hard every time he tries to hit on me 'cause he's ugly AF.


I'd delete Chapter 1 for the Jedi Knight. That was just... Something. I'd actually just rewrite the Jedi Knight class story, it was so bad. I think killing the Voice at the end was good for the JK, but I think the class story has always needed to go deeper into the mythos of who the Emperor is with little morsels from the get-go growing up until Chapter 3, where the fight is being taken to Vitiate. The JK story felt awfully disjointed for how important it is. Like, THAT story should not have been so all over the place for what it was supposed to be. Gathering the Jedi strike team was good too, but I would've liked Lord Scourge hounding each of those Jedi on every planet you visited as your nemesis before he joined you, for example. Learn more about the Wrath. I mean, it'd make sense for the Emperor to know that Tol Braga is assembling a strike team, given that Syo Bakarn is the First Son and he's on the Jedi Council spying. Then in Chapter 1 the antagonist should've been Kira possessed by Vitiate, instead of some random baby rage Sith that no one cares about. That way you actually care because Kira's so cool on Tython. Have her join you at the end of Ch. 1. Also, delete Rusk, replace him with that Kit Fisto Jedi girl or the dude you save on Tatooine so your JK can have someone else to relate to when speaking about secret romances with other Jedi. Rusk is just like- there. Lol. This story was just a mess. Also, change the male voice actor for the love of the Force.


Sith Inquisitor was a nice nothing to riches story, but I have a giant problem with it: the story seems to give zero ***** about the Emperor when all 3 of the other Force using classes are dealing with Vitiate in some way. Given that the SI is supposed to be inspired by Palpatine, who became the Emperor, you'd think she'd want to know how Vitiate amassed so much power. But no. It was just very disappointing. Very enjoyable, they got the douche Sith story right, but disappointing in that it didn't tie in to what the other Forceful classes tied in to. The SI could've become a Hand of the Emperor, just as the SW became the Wrath. As a Hand you could've been ordered to "prepare the Empire" in chapter three WHILE Thanaton is trying to wreck your ***. The Hands of the Emperor are mysterious, there was no way Thanaton would believe you were in cahoots with Vitiate, given that you were a slave and potentially alien AND Zash's former apprentice. It would've been interesting to have met the Emperor personally as the SI, to actually meet his true Sith Pureblood body. It would've tied up all the Force users quite nicely and prepared them ALL, not just three of them, for KOTFE and KOTET. If Vitiate wanted you to be on the Dark Council, you could've gotten up there with his machinations so that it looked like you truly were just another powerful Sith instead of THE Sith. Missed opportunities. Also, make Xalek a romance companion for that creepy Sith power couple that really shouldn't be happening. Make Ashara corruptible and NOT treat you as if you really wanted the Empire to change the entire time she's with you. That was so annoying.


Sith Warrior so good. Best story.


Imperial Agent so good. I wish that Vector wasn't the only romance companion for females, but he's really good. I really like Kaliyo as well, she's such a douche. I also wish that Ardun Kothe actually gave you a good reason for you to defect to the Republic, he just tells you that you don't know if you can trust him but that you should. LOL. I was planning to defect this time around, but nah, I just kept the Codex like last time. I loved Hunter's confession at the end, especially if you're a female. She tells you that she was jealous that you got to keep your identity when you went under cover and it just kind of pulled my heart strings and made me feel bad for her. I think that moment was one of the most relatable, strongest emotional moments in the game. My IA wanted to kill Hunter so much, but at the end was made to understand why she did what she did and felt sorry for her. She resolved to make sure people could remain true to who they were from then on, it was just super good.


Trooper story should allow you to have Fuse instead of Vik if you saved him on Tatooine. Ava Jaxo could've been a companion. I'd say replace her with 4X for that double romance action the smuggler, Sith Warrior, and Agent have going on. Overall, this was a pretty great story. I loved it. I do wish the Trooper and Jedi Knight didn't both have to deal with Super Weapons, though, those things are quickly becoming very cliché and cringe in Star Wars.


The smuggler was always very good. I'd make Akavi body type 2, though, and give her hair. Or at least give her hair, she just looks weird to me as is. That didn't stop me from romancing her AND Risha at once, though. I'd also make Bowdaar a bigger part of the story somehow. By the way, Risha romance was so, so good.


The Bounty Hunter was great as well. I feel as if Darth Tormen could've been replaced with Darth Marr for Chapter 3, but I understand why that would've short circuited the entire game, so it's ok. Also, I think we needed Tormen to do some REAL damage to your crew in order to get you working for him if you tell him to screw off at first. I liked how he choked Mako, but in my opinion he could've done way more to her to make you really hate the guy. Also, now that you can kill companions in KOTFE and KOTET, don't make us HAVE to take Skadge.

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Hmm... I would make Zenith a romance companion for the Jedi Consular and make Lt. Iresso's face less disgusting. Otherwise, this class is PERFECT. It's what I always wanted out of a Jedi game. I also kind of want a clarification on how old the JC is supposed to be, given that if you play a male you get a teenager as a Padawan AND as your potential wife. I always found it creepy but cute at the same time, depending on my head canon for the JC's age at the moment. Either way, I always played female JC, so w/e. Iresso just gets denied hard every time he tries to hit on me 'cause he's ugly AF.


Juon (sp?) hints at the age. You're late teen - early 20. So, really, Nadia could be older, as she's 22.


I really can't see how Zenith is considered hot and think Iresso is ugly though :p Maybe that's just my "Ewwww...Twi'lek" thinking :p


Agreed on the Inquisitor needing some sort of connection to the Emperor. Playing it again for the 5th time (still never a Sorcerer) it's what I was feeling.

Edited by SithKoriandr
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Juon (sp?) hints at the age. You're late teen - early 20. So, really, Nadia could be older, as she's 22.


I really can't see how Zenith is considered hot and think Iresso is ugly though :p Maybe that's just my "Ewwww...Twi'lek" thinking :p


Agreed on the Inquisitor needing some sort of connection to the Emperor. Playing it again for the 5th time (still never a Sorcerer) it's what I was feeling.


Oh cool, I didn't know Yuon hints at the JC's age. Well, I guess that's fine, then! And I probably wouldn't date/marry a twi'lek in real life either xD but Iresso is Mr. Uglyness!

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Sith Inquisitor was a nice nothing to riches story, but I have a giant problem with it: the story seems to give zero ***** about the Emperor when all 3 of the other Force using classes are dealing with Vitiate in some way. Given that the SI is supposed to be inspired by Palpatine, who became the Emperor, you'd think she'd want to know how Vitiate amassed so much power. But no. It was just very disappointing. Very enjoyable, they got the douche Sith story right, but disappointing in that it didn't tie in to what the other Forceful classes tied in to.

I think that instead of Force ghosts, the Inquisitor could've used the theme of searching for ancient Sith Knowledge and dig into the past and find out how the Emperor became so powerful and use a lessen version of the method to become more powerful to defeat Thanaton (it would seem like a stretch, story-wise, to make them as powerful as the Emperor). So perhaps whatever ritual the Emperor did used up too much power that can't be used again, but the Inquisitor can still perform it on a lesser scale. And they could use their power base to help, whether it involves sacrificing members or ordering them to find alternate means of locating things for building power.


This way, it doesn't seem like the Inquisitor is borrowing someone else's power but gains their own strength through means inspired from the most powerful being in the Empire, through their own right.


I also wish Xelak to appear sooner than after Voss. I don't know why but I like the gaining a Korriban apprentice and I do like Xelak and would've liked more time with the character to get his imput on other story missions during cutscenes on planets.

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