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Maintenance: 7 September 2016


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Hey everyone!


We will be taking the servers offline on September 7th in order to apply Game Update 4.7.1. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



DATE: Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

TIME: 5:00AM PDT - 9:00AM PDT (13:00 - 17:00 BST)

VERSION: 4.7.1


Patch Notes can be found here.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

Edited by TaitWatson
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Will we be credited for completing Depths Of Manaan for both Champion & Legendary DvL if we have previously completed the relevant versions of the Flashpoint on Wednesday?

A simple Yes/No is all that is required?


At this point fixing the bug for the future is mute, as most have already done it and are just waiting on the right dbase flag to release our earned rewards

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Will we be credited for completing Depths Of Manaan for both Champion & Legendary DvL if we have previously completed the relevant versions of the Flashpoint on Wednesday?

A simple Yes/No is all that is required?


At this point fixing the bug for the future is mute, as most have already done it and are just waiting on the right dbase flag to release our earned rewards


I agree, a simple Yes/No on that would be nice.


Depths of Manaan auto-complete for those that already completed it (some countless times) :D : Yes or No?


Depths of Manaan removed from the achievements altogether :D : Yes or No?


Depths of Manaan "fixed" but everyone must run it again and hope like crazy after yet another run it finally pops

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: : Yes or No?

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Depths of Manaan "fixed" but everyone must run it again and hope like crazy after yet another run it finally pops

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: : Yes or No?


You know, you could queue for just Depths of Manaan. I've been doing that with the other Tac FPs the whole time I've been working on DvL.

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I have your list:


Fix Manaan bugging out for completion for your DvL people.


Stop giving up on the game, and update your In Game Events page. You haven't touched it in two months+.


Preview window. Need I say more? The fix you said was put in last patch not only did nothing what you say it fixed, but made the preview window three times as worse.


Bugged guild window.


Bugged armor and dyes.


The overdone knockback/stun techniques of the mobs in heroics. Who thought this was a great idea? Hello, diminished returns? They literally tie up my toon while my companion has to kill them off while I just lay there on the ground.


It's obvious your current gold spam "techniques" are NOT working. Here is something for you to look at, and perhaps learn from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7aXjDDCnr4

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You know, you could queue for just Depths of Manaan. I've been doing that with the other Tac FPs the whole time I've been working on DvL.


:rak_02: Is your assumption that I don't know how to queue for one flashpoint instead of all of them? Lol, it's the last one I and many others need to complete the event. I'm not queuing for all of them hoping I'll zone into it randomly :rolleyes: The problem is a lot of people believe the "fix" is going to be only the text issue and they're not actually going to fix the problem with the flashpoint not registering as completed. So we'll have to run this flashpoint AGAIN with no guarantee it's even going to be fixed beyond the text issue. This is the easiest thing in the world they could do to answer us, do we have to run it again or will it auto-complete for those that have already done it? Their silence and lack of clarification after their last badly worded "answer" that it was "just a text issue" is annoying, frustrating, and unnecessary

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:rak_02: Is your assumption that I don't know how to queue for one flashpoint instead of all of them? Lol, it's the last one I and many others need to complete the event. I'm not queuing for all of them hoping I'll zone into it randomly :rolleyes: The problem is a lot of people believe the "fix" is going to be only the text issue and they're not actually going to fix the problem with the flashpoint not registering as completed. So we'll have to run this flashpoint AGAIN with no guarantee it's even going to be fixed beyond the text issue. This is the easiest thing in the world they could do to answer us, do we have to run it again or will it auto-complete for those that have already done it? Their silence and lack of clarification after their last badly worded "answer" that it was "just a text issue" is annoying, frustrating, and unnecessary


I read "it finally pops" as a queue pop, not the achievement getting registered.

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:rak_02: Is your assumption that I don't know how to queue for one flashpoint instead of all of them? Lol, it's the last one I and many others need to complete the event. I'm not queuing for all of them hoping I'll zone into it randomly :rolleyes: The problem is a lot of people believe the "fix" is going to be only the text issue and they're not actually going to fix the problem with the flashpoint not registering as completed. So we'll have to run this flashpoint AGAIN with no guarantee it's even going to be fixed beyond the text issue. This is the easiest thing in the world they could do to answer us, do we have to run it again or will it auto-complete for those that have already done it? Their silence and lack of clarification after their last badly worded "answer" that it was "just a text issue" is annoying, frustrating, and unnecessary


lol i dont see a problem in doing a fps over and over again. I would use that since you need to do it 25 times for the achievment anyway and also, you get cc for doing it 25 times, so actually i would be glad be doing it. Please keep it mind that you cannot wipe during the fps or the last boss achievment doesnt count (bug which is in since start).


PS: Achievment counted for me when i did it the first time :p

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Hey everyone!


We will be taking the servers offline on September 7th in order to apply Game Update 4.7.1. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



DATE: Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

TIME: 5:00AM PDT - 9:00AM PDT (13:00 - 17:00 BST)

VERSION: 4.7.1


Patch Notes can be found here.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!



can we get a new title for charcters with zero social points? Perhaps "The Sullen"? :p

Edited by Keta
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Hey everyone!


We will be taking the servers offline on September 7th in order to apply Game Update 4.7.1. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



DATE: Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

TIME: 5:00AM PDT - 9:00AM PDT (13:00 - 17:00 BST)

VERSION: 4.7.1


Patch Notes can be found here.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!


Still no Manaan fix? I did it 2 night ls ago, and no one in the group got credit (and he was not in fire when we killed him). At this point, you really need to just remove it from the achievement list.

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Wow cant say I am shocked most the things fixed are from CS mean while the battler pack that has wrong icons for things ( the crystals) is not listed a as fix, all while in game issue and bug remain broke? I bet 16 man ops have there groups put in different instance is still broke.


yah anyone that think the majority of money this game make is coming from sub are fooling them selves, the 10000 or people that pay 100$ month to get gamble with packs every month is where majority is coming from.



Cartel issues>Gameplay issues

Edited by Kyuuu
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Excited about the new update and HK chapter and Manaan fix (for all those doing LvD)! Hopefully no more bugs with that event.


However: "Significantly reduced the damage done by Grand Moff Kilran in the Solo and Tactical Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint." ...Did anyone ask for that? IDK, maybe some small community thought his damage was too much (they should adjust Colonel Daksh and his Laser Optic as well, if they follow that thought process :rolleyes: ), but I'm pretty sure that most people were more concerned with fixing the BUGS in the fight. I ran this tactical last night with a couple new people in GF, and we didn't have issues with the damage, but we did have to do it about 7 times until the encounter finally progressed correctly lol.


So why are they "fixing" things that aren't broken, and not fixing the main issues?

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Excited about the new update and HK chapter and Manaan fix (for all those doing LvD)! Hopefully no more bugs with that event.


However: "Significantly reduced the damage done by Grand Moff Kilran in the Solo and Tactical Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint." ...Did anyone ask for that? IDK, maybe some small community thought his damage was too much (they should adjust Colonel Daksh and his Laser Optic as well, if they follow that thought process :rolleyes: ), but I'm pretty sure that most people were more concerned with fixing the BUGS in the fight. I ran this tactical last night with a couple new people in GF, and we didn't have issues with the damage, but we did have to do it about 7 times until the encounter finally progressed correctly lol.


So why are they "fixing" things that aren't broken, and not fixing the main issues?


That is weird. The only issue I've ever had with that fight is having to use an actual melee attack to drop his damage immunity and proceed with the encounter. I suppose that's to make sure you don't sit at 35m and snipe him down, but the attack has to come from a player, not a comp, so it messes with solo mode and can mess with Tactical mode as well.

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However: "Significantly reduced the damage done by Grand Moff Kilran in the Solo and Tactical Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint." ...Did anyone ask for that?

He would 1-shot players while bugged, 1st phase of it only...so yes...people have asked for this.

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He would 1-shot players while bugged, 1st phase of it only...so yes...people have asked for this.


I thought that was the mechanic - hide behind a pillar when he draws a bead on you (whatever the actual name of the power he's channeling is) to break LOS, or take possibly-fatal levels of damage. Which is a bit harsh, I'll admit, especially since there's not a "Kilran is about to kill $PLAYERNAME$" message when he starts the channel, so a naive new player may not figure out WHY they're trekking back from teh med droid.

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