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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Issues


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There are 12 threads scattered on General and bug subforums on this issue over the last several hours. I'd say yes others have having the same issue.


Yeah, saw the other posts, however none of them mentioned (at least that I saw) having trouble with the launcher as well. Figured I would ask as, to me at least, it would appear the problem is getting worse.

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Nope, still getting disconnect so it's still going on...


From our guild raids - it's not happening to all the people. Some people are DC every 10/20 minutes, some are laughing about it. Then the sides can change :) So he may be on the safe side now :D

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This has been happening for a good 4hrs now, apparently WoW is fixed. Someone whisper in the right ear that the Cartel Market is bugging and giving away free stuff..........Maybe then we'll see some action.


Honestly how do they expect anyone to buy from the cartel market if they can't even get on? That should be reason enough...

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Is anyone else having bad lag and disconnects? Game keeps booting me every couple minutes and lag spikes up to 75k ms. Was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Begeren Colony is where this is happening.


Check the other thread before make the new one..

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I gave up after 3 hours of going back and forth with getting kicked and trying to finish Blood HUnt in solo... It's a pity but I guess this is the universe telling me I need to get off my *** and go do something constructive, at 5 am, when nothing is open...
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I gave up after 3 hours of going back and forth with getting kicked and trying to finish Blood HUnt in solo... It's a pity but I guess this is the universe telling me I need to get off my *** and go do something constructive, at 5 am, when nothing is open...


It's tempting to play on an EU server, until this crap clears up on the America side...

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Nope, still getting disconnect so it's still going on...


Well, I had no issues for 3 hours. Only random lag spikes that last 1-2 seconds. Did chapter 15 and one tactical without issues. Went to Ilum to do event dailies because nothing else to do... Got disconnected and now big lag spikes are back too. Must try not to play until the issues are gone since it's pure randomness.

Edited by Halinalle
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