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Server Issues


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Kicked four times within minutes of each other on Harbinger trying to finish Coruscant quests. Was turning in/picking up at the time. Gave up for the night. Asked if others were having issues and genchat lit up like Christmas--also noticed the planet pop had dropped in half.


Oh and if the rando Belsavis disconnects could be addressed that would be great, since that planet is terrible enough.

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I had been in a group blasting through one of the tacticals that I need for DvL and this started as we were approaching the final boss. Logged back in to find that I was still in the flashpoint but no longer grouped, although the group finder button says "cannot enter the queue because your group members are offline".
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Server crashed right in the middle of an OP, kicked our whole group out of the OP (lost all of our progress), disbanded the group, then continued to derail the game for the next 30 min until I got fed up and logged off. Combat wasn't working (the enemy would just stand there looking at you and none of my attacks did anything), my guy randomly couldn't move, and the chat box was disabled. Intensely frustrating.


What is going on?? This seems to happen decently frequently on the Harbinger server.

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I just tried to restart my client but after I entered my pw and security key and clicked Play, the client crashed. So, yeah, this is rather frustrating. I hope what I did in the past couple hours isn't lost :/


If you were working on a KOTFE chapter, they have checkpoints. At the first DC, I had finished turning in a quest and thought I had claimed my reward. When I logged back in, it had the reward window up again. You should be okay I think.

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Server crashed right in the middle of an OP, kicked our whole group out of the OP (lost all of our progress), disbanded the group, then continued to derail the game for the next 30 min until I got fed up and logged off. Combat wasn't working (the enemy would just stand there looking at you and none of my attacks did anything), my guy randomly couldn't move, and the chat box was disabled. Intensely frustrating.


What is going on?? This seems to happen decently frequently on the Harbinger server.


Happening across all servers



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