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Server Issues


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Gotta love all of the people who post on the thread without bothering to take a look at any of the most recent posts. Because if they did then they likely wouldn't post because their questions would be answered. LOL


They are under a DDoS attack and having issues on all sorts of EA servers. It is because of the DDoS attack that the servers are wonky, kicking people, losing connection, etc. Apparently the culprit is a bunch of lamers calling themselves poodlecorps


Edited by gburnash
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Can confirm that Ebon Hawk is still crashing


This is absolutely ridiculous. Bioware has had more than half a day to figure out how to stop a bunch of nerdy kids with computers while the rest of us sit here and twiddle or thumbs wondering why we subbed for this...

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It's just a bunch of wannabe tough guys giggling and hiding in their mom's basement(s) wishing they had the cojones to play with the big boys. Anonymity and a misspent education makes for very brave children.


I think it's folks who are upset with the current direction of the game, ie lack of any new end game for almost 2 years...yes, myself included in that group

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Gotta love all of the people who post on the thread without bothering to take a look at any of the most recent posts. Because if they did then they likely wouldn't post because their questions would be answered. LOL


They are under a DDoS attack and having issues on all sorts of EA servers. It is because of the DDoS attack that the servers are wonky, kicking people, losing connection, etc. Apparently the culprit is a bunch of lamers calling themselves poodlecorps



Agreement: That's usually the problem with the majority of people in the world that complain about anything. They don't read.


Statement: Since I can't "like or +1" your post, I must do so through a reply.


Approval: +1

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I think it's folks who are upset with the current direction of the game, ie lack of any new end game for almost 2 years...yes, myself included in that group


As soon as I get done posting that I get booted from the game to character select screen, bye-bye swtor for now... try logging in to the Origin game client and it took forever to log in just now too, something fishy is going on with EA servers or their provider for sure...

Edited by MasterCrumB
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The issue is now with NA servers, as well. I've been kicked multiple times from the Harbinger in the past hour. IF I'm lucky enough to get back online without a blank server screen, I'm kicked again within a few minutes.


I'm having the same exact issue.


Had a little trouble last night but not to bad, only got booted once or twice but got right back on and was ok.


Today [supposedly after BW said "all the issues have been addressed"] I'm having more substantial issues, gotten worse in the last hour or so. I've frozen in game or could not move past a certain point., like hitting an invisible wall", or i try to mount and i hear the sound but nothing happens, and this is followed by the disconnect. Earlier I was able to just click the server again [i'm a Shadowlander}, and get back on, last three or four times there were no servers listed at all. I restarted the launcher. I see them, connect, same problem 5 minutes later. Now however, even when I restart the client [launcher] there are no servers listed at all.


S%t happens, I get that. I'm a subscriber but I do not expect there to never be technical issues, that's just unrealistic. Its like getting a new car and expecting to never have any mechanical problems. It just comes with the territory from time to time. Annoying? Yeah, sure. It's also annoying when my GF doesn't want to have sex for the fourth time in a row in the last hour, but, I still keep her around.


My only gripe with the whole matter is only that they release statements saying "Yes we had issues blah blah blah, but everything is cools again", when, in fact, clearly it's not.


I don't expect free days of subscription, I don't expect some extra CC coins tossed my way [although it'd be nice =] ], just don't grease me is all.


Alot of people make statements that they will unsub if this isnt delbt with in x amount of time or if it happens again.....if one person out of 100 who made that threat actually unsubbed I'd be shocked beyond all knowledge.


BW? You really wanna make it up to me? Convince my girl to give up the skins some more. I'm a growing boy.


Long Live the Empire.

Death to all Pubs.

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I think it's folks who are upset with the current direction of the game, ie lack of any new end game for almost 2 years...yes, myself included in that group


That's actually more unlikely than you might think. In most cases it is usually some kind of group either motivated by boredom or an agenda that has more to do with broader concerns or complaints, usually targeted at publishers instead of developers.


Certainly not always the case, of course.

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Was happening to Blizzard last night as well. Played SWTOR until it all started and decided to go do something in WoW. Later people were getting dropped from there as well. Blizzard had posted that it was widespread attacks on ISP's around the country.
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