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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Issues


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Well not sure what is going on with this game, the last few days have been a nightmare trying to play and being knocked off every few minutes. I went to 3 different servers and the same issue. And for the Devs not to mention this is very disheartening. its like oh well.........For us who are subs and those who play day to day you would think they would say what the issue is and fix it ASAP. They are not showing very good intentions for those new people coming to this game.
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Well, it is 415pm eastern standard time here. I have now been having issues with The Ebon Hawk server for the past 30 minutes. I log in, stay connected for 3 to 5 minutes and then I crash to server screens everytime. I wish we could get a freaking update on whats going on.


You are doing well if you get a full 3 to 5 mins

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Time to UNSUB all these freaking crashes (in the USA for me) make it impossible to get anything done. Anything.



Every time these errors occur they could give loyal subscribers like a free day of sub but NEVER do they do that, or anything......


Sorry to hear these rare occurrences are such a huge hindrance to the many months of server trouble free gaming you experience. There's no reason for them to do that, especially when it's not their fault and when it's not a regular occurrence. Such is the way things go in life.



:d_evil: Informative: The Ebon Hawk server is having connection issues. I'm constantly being logged out.


:d_evil: Encouragement: Keep working at it. You'll get them. I hope the culprits are found and dealt with.


:d_evil: Request: If the master approves, I'd like to be the one to "negotiate their surrender" and terminate and other potential hostiles. I will gather additional blaster packs and explosives needed. Or if it would make you feel better, I can employ knives and blunt force instruments. The choice is yours of course.

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Hey folks,


I can confirm that there was an EA Service issue last night which impacted SWTOR. At this time all of these issues have been resolved and you should be able to properly connect to all servers.


I do apologize that this was not communicated sooner. Again, all issues should now be resolved.


Thanks everyone.




Hate to break it to you Eric, but it's STILL HAPPENING! Lag spikes from hell on Harbinger, that I can confirm.

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If these poodle kiddies really wanted to get a message accross.. how about they dDoS the gold spammer sites isntead.. they'd be getting a ton of praises then.


To be honest, not even then. Script kiddies are no better than the credit sellers, both annoy legit players and companies alike.

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Well not sure what is going on with this game, the last few days have been a nightmare trying to play and being knocked off every few minutes. I went to 3 different servers and the same issue. And for the Devs not to mention this is very disheartening. its like oh well.........For us who are subs and those who play day to day you would think they would say what the issue is and fix it ASAP. They are not showing very good intentions for those new people coming to this game.


Informative: It's a DDOSing hacker wannabe. They're attacking all E.A. servers for all games. This happened to ARC's servers last year for a week straight. Several times. All of their games were offline. BioWare has actually been less vague with their communication than ARC was.

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Hey all!


The team has made the change and traffic to the European data center is now stable. We're going to continue to work on other efforts to improve the situation, and if any of those efforts have the potential to impact your connections, we will let you know!






Um is this solution to fix the N/A servers from crashing too? Because at least the whole east coast is having issues i know ive been kicked from game 7 times in the past 45 min.....

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they are attacking the log-in service servers, they load it with to many log-in every one get booted out


not limited to game servers you play on its across the broad log-in servers go down every one basic is log-out and no servers can be found.


they are seem DDose attack on the log-in servers service, it goes down all get booted out as if they exited from the game!:mad:

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Hey folks,


I can confirm that there was an EA Service issue last night which impacted SWTOR. At this time all of these issues have been resolved and you should be able to properly connect to all servers.


I do apologize that this was not communicated sooner. Again, all issues should now be resolved.


Thanks everyone.



At this time all of these issues persist and no one can properly connect to most servers.

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To be honest, not even then. Script kiddies are no better than the credit sellers, both annoy legit players and companies alike.


Agreement: Indeed. They're actually worse because they're smug self-righteous meatbags. They have no understanding of self control and no regard for the feelings of others. Their goal is to make others miserable and they thrive on it. Some will hold the servers hostage unless people say nice things to them about them. They feel powerful.

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I’m so bummed; it’s my last day off before I go back to work tomorrow.


I got my RL best friend to join last night (we played ESO together) and her first experience wasn’t great because of the issues. :mad: I hope it hasn’t ruined it for her this soon!

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The issue is now with NA servers, as well. I've been kicked multiple times from the Harbinger in the past hour. IF I'm lucky enough to get back online without a blank server screen, I'm kicked again within a few minutes.
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I wonder if this has anything to do with the launch of Legion... Hmmmm.. Hmmmmmm................


Who knows why idiot hackers have to do these things? I can't comprehend why people have to be so malicious-it doesn't prove anything. I'm just hopeful it can be stopped soon, we log on for like 2 min and then we get the red X of Death ... *sighs*

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